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Friday 11 October 2024

Society ‘put to the torch by PROGRESSIVES’ as Labour nudge UK towards digital SLAVERY | Neil Oliver

‘All the generations held dear, is put to the torch by self-proclaimed progressives!’ Neil oliver discusses the assault on freedom of speech by the Labour Party and Tony Blair's possible involvement behind the scenes.

Saturday 21 September 2024

'Days of democracy are GONE' seethes Neil Oliver as 'JAIL' awaits Brits DARING to speak up

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Wednesday 11 September 2024

Neil Oliver: It’s us or them!!!

…the establishment are abusing the very nature of democracy…’ To help support this channel & get exclusive videos every week sign up to Neil Oliver on   / neiloliver   Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter:   / neiloliverloveletter   Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers

Monday 9 September 2024

First days of Starmer, last days of the UK

BySimon Dolan 

CAST your minds back to Rishi Sunak calling a surprise general election and the enduring memory of the then Prime Minister standing outside No 10 in the rain while protesters blared New Labour’s anthem ‘Things can only get better’.

Fast forward a few months and we have a new PM in the form of Sir Keir Starmer, who last week delivered a speech where he conceded that ‘things will get worse before they get better’.

The turnaround is predictable: a left-wing party riding high following over a decade of relatively chaotic Conservative rule promised the earth to the electorate and has fallen at the first hurdle.

Forget the first 100 days of the new government, the first weeks of Starmer inside Downing Street have been catastrophic and provided an insight into what we can expect from a party not equipped to govern.

As MPs return to Westminster following the summer recess, it feels as if the public mood towards the Labour Party is really going to get worse before it gets better. Throughout the general election campaign, both Rachel Reeves and Sir Keir Starmer were at pains to declare that they would not raise taxes if they formed a new government.

Despite this, businesses and the public wait with bated breath ahead of the Autumn Budget as the Prime Minister has hinted at tax rises. During a cost-of-living crisis and following years of economic despair and uncertainty, the last thing the public want to hear from a new Prime Minister is that an announcement on taxes is going to be ‘painful’.

It was inevitable that we would witness broken promises from the Labour Party but perhaps not quite so quickly or in such an egregious nature. It is almost sadistic that the public and businesses operating in the UK are now left in limbo wondering which taxes will rise: will it be income tax, will it be capital gains tax, will it be inheritance tax?

The Labour Party’s tax betrayal is just one way in which Sir Keir Starmer is doing his utmost to break what remains of the UK economy and society.

Whether it be the politics of envy in the form of imposing VAT on private school fees, or the overt courting of European leaders in a bid to handcuff us back to the European Union, the short-sightedness and failure to grasp the mood of the nation is shocking.

The fact is that the people of the United Kingdom cannot afford things to ‘get worse before they get better’. The nation is hopelessly fighting against a set of economic circumstances that were deepened by the disastrous handling of the pandemic, and Starmer looks set to put the recovery back by another ten years.

Those who can afford to will quit the UK for more financially prosperous shores; they are already beginning to leave in their droves. Despite this and the endless plight of the common man and woman on the street, the new government would rather lock up people for social media crimes than address the needs of the nation.

Sir Keir Starmer is slowly chipping away at what is left of the UK. The economy and society were in a challenging position when he swooped in and took the keys to power. Now it looks as if they may have degraded beyond repair. 

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Martin Lewis Explains How to Claim Pension Credit and the Winter Fuel Payment for Pensioners

Here is advice for British Pensioners on how to claim for winter fuel payments. 

Saturday 7 September 2024

The Soul of Europe is Awakening

After years of liberalism decaying the heart of Europe, we can see many folks entering a stage of confusion, questioning who they are and what they want for Europe, this is a chance to reacquaint ourselves with the vitality of our ancient tradition.

Friday 6 September 2024

It's important to make something extremely clear right now. Russia is the bastion of tradition and sanity

It's important to make something extremely clear right now. Russia is

the last bastion of tradition and sanity left. We in western countries need to be honest in order to recognize my statement is true. We all see the trend, we see the path we are headed. We all saw the Paris Olympics opening, the degenercy, we all see the Satanic celebrities of America, the pride parades in any western town. We know the ideals that are pushed and taught to our children in schools and in media and entertainment. It's important to understand that Russia rejects these things, they protect their people and children. They are a religious people, a people of tradition, family and morals. Think of it, think deeply and truly, be honest with yourself and you will know this is the truth. Think of America, think of all our American allies, think of Canada, think or Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Sweden and so on and so on. Look at me with a straight face and tell me we do not all share the values of degeneracy, of lgbtq, of gender and sex change, of Satanic ideology and globalism. Of course we do, and we are told to hate and make war with the people that share the values we WISH to have? That we USED to have? Do you understand, that if Russia falls, IF Russia is defeated then the entire world becomes as the west, adopts their ways and ideals. It means there will be NOWHERE left to run, nowhere left to go. This can never be allowed, Russia and allies hold the hordes of the Satanic and degeneracy western globalists at bay and its time we recognize that Russia does not just fight for themselves but also sanity, tradition, family and innocence the world over. So many people in America and the west are taught to hate Russia while never knowing or realizing that Russians hold the ideals you hold dear. And what would our government replace Russia with? The very degeneracy and insanity you claim to hate and stand against...

The White Ethnic Cleansing of Britain and European Nations Around the Globe: What Can Be Done?

 When the white civilisations of the ancient world were overrun, there were always new territories and new lands to be opened.

When Mesopotamia fell, Egypt arose. When Egypt fell, classical Greece arose. When classical Greece fell, Rome arose. When Rome fell, the European states arose.

Then the New World was opened, and North America, Australia, and New Zealand were added as white heartlands.

Now, however, these are all threatened by mass Third World immigration. There are no more new territories or lands to be opened. It is the final call for white Western civilisation.

Can the West survive? The simple answer is yes, provided some basic steps are taken.

1. First and foremost, white people must have more children.

All other political activity is meaningless without this fundamental building block.

History, politics, and human affairs are the product of demography. A failure to breed is punished by Nature with extinction.

2. Political activity must be directed at awakening as many white European people as possible to the reality of race and its underpinning of world events.

3. This political activity must always be done in the idiom of the time. All attempts at political necrophilia (which seek to recreate certain past time periods, such as the Ku Klux Klan/Confederacy or National Socialist Germany) are doomed to failure.

The era of “white supremacy” is gone, and all attempts to recreate it are foolish. The white race will live or die in the twenty-first century, and not in the centuries gone by.

4. This political activity must always be directed in reasonable, moderate, and socially acceptable language, terms, and presentation. There is, after all, nothing wrong with demanding the same rights which are accorded to all Third World nations (freedom from colonization and the right to self-determination) for First World nations. It is, in fact, entirely reasonable and normal.

5. This political activity must not be restricted to “only” publishing the odd book, website, or journal.

It is a non sequitur to argue that there “are no politicians who support the interests of white people” when the people who make that complaint are not involved in practical politics. Of course there will be no pro-white politicians if all the politically-aware people who are pro-white, do not campaign and stand for office.

6. Political realism must be the watchword for all activists. Too many enter politics with false expectations of instant victory, and burn out when the expected glory does not materialize.

Activists must be aware that the racial worldview goes against nearly a century of leftist indoctrination.

The mass media is, for the greatest part, completely hostile and in the hands of those who applaud the racial destruction of the West.

It is no easy ride, and victories on a pro-white political platform are, simply put, the hardest-to-achieve objectives which any activist will experience.

7. Fortunately, it is not necessary to win outright. All that is needed is for a significant minority of Western people to be awakened to the racial realities.

The biggest threat to the future existence of the white race does not come from other racial groups, but rather from the sway which white liberals hold over society.

All other races and groups do what they do because the ruling white liberal elite allows it.

And therein lies the rub; the nature of modern liberalism is suicidal.

Liberals will, given enough time, destroy themselves. They will stop having children; they will miscegenate, and they will then cease to exist.

As long as pro-white political activists have had sufficient children and engaged in sensible, reasonable political activity, their political views will be unopposed among the surviving white community.

Those who might argue that the racially-conscious surviving numbers will be too small to matter, should be aware that the founding European population in Upper Paleolithic times was no more than a few hundred thousand at most.

There are already more people than that—millions, in fact—who have voted for pro-white or anti-immigration parties in Europe.

There is no cause for pessimism about numbers.

8. Finally, the surviving white communities will have to be realistic about their geographic circumstances.

It is no good to be a racially-conscious minority in a sea of hostile nonwhites, as the Afrikaners in South Africa discovered to their cost.

As such, serious consideration will have to be given to white geographic consolidation once the time comes.

In this regard, Eastern Europe and “white Russia” are likely to play a decisive role in providing a homeland in which white people from around the world will be able to reform, regroup, and survive—and hopefully learn from the lessons of history.

Is any of this possible? You, dear reader, and your actions, will help decide the answer to that question.

*This article was taken from the final section of the new version of March of the Titans, The Complete History of the White Race by Arthur Kemp, available here.

A Dangerous Precedent for Free Speech

 The recent situation involving Starlink and the Brazilian government highlights a complex and concerning intersection of technology, law, and free speech. Elon Musk’s satellite internet company, Starlink, initially resisted a Brazilian Supreme Court order to block access to the social media platform X, also owned by Musk. This resistance was due to the Brazilian authorities freezing Starlink’s financial assets as leverage to enforce compliance with the order. Eventually, Starlink decided to comply with the order to maintain its operational license in Brazil, despite the asset freeze being contested as unlawful by the company.

This incident sets a worrisome precedent for free speech and the operations of foreign companies in sovereign nations. By freezing Starlink’s assets to enforce compliance, the Brazilian government has demonstrated a powerful tool that other countries might emulate to control digital platforms and content. Such actions could encourage governments worldwide to leverage financial and operational pressures to enforce censorship, potentially stifling free speech and innovation.

Elon Musk’s situation illustrates the complexities faced by global tech companies operating in diverse regulatory environments. Despite owning both Starlink and X, Musk found himself in a position where his internet service provider was compelled to censor his social media platform. This highlights the challenges of maintaining operational integrity while adhering to local laws, which may conflict with the company’s or owner’s principles on free speech.

The Brazilian case could serve as a blueprint for other nations seeking to exert control over digital platforms. If governments see that financial leverage can effectively enforce compliance, they might adopt similar tactics, potentially leading to a fragmented internet where content accessibility varies significantly by region. This could undermine the global nature of the internet and lead to increased censorship and control by authoritarian regimes.

The Starlink situation in Brazil underscores the delicate balance between adhering to local laws and upholding principles of free speech. As global tech companies navigate these challenges, the international community must consider the implications of such precedents on the freedom of information and the potential for increased governmental control over digital platforms. The outcome of Starlink’s legal challenges in Brazil will be closely watched, as it may influence future interactions between tech companies and governments worldwide.

Musk has his own internet service provider in Brazil and is being forced to comply with their ban of his own social network on it because they seized his company’s assets. A lot of people are afraid to say this out loud, but I’m not: we’re going to need to build our own parallel government-in-waiting by building parallel infrastructure and institutions now.

History has shown us that this strategy works.

During the era of Soviet domination in Czechoslovakia, dissidents and anti-communist activists secretly established a parallel government-in-waiting. This shadow government operated clandestinely, preparing for the eventual collapse of the oppressive communist regime. When the Velvet Revolution of 1989 led to the fall of the communist government, this parallel government, led by figures like Václav Havel, was well-positioned to step in and assume power.

The recent actions of Gab in resisting censorship demands from foreign governments highlight the critical importance of protecting free speech in the digital age. Unlike other tech companies, Gab has taken a principled stand against government overreach and attempts to silence dissenting voices.

By refusing to comply with censorship orders from Brazilian authorities, Gab has demonstrated its commitment to upholding the fundamental right to freedom of speech. Gab has no offices in Brazil, or any foreign nation for that matter, and so it is much easier for us to stand up to foreign governments and tell them no as they have zero leverage over us. This stance is particularly significant given the growing trend of governments around the world attempting to control and restrict online discourse.

Gab’s resistance serves as an example of how tech platforms can push back against unwarranted censorship demands. By challenging these orders, Gab is helping to safeguard the open exchange of ideas that is vital to a healthy society.

The importance of building alternative platforms and infrastructure to circumvent government censorship cannot be overstated. As traditional social media giants increasingly bow to pressure from authorities, the need for censorship-resistant technologies becomes ever more apparent.

Platforms like Gab play a crucial role in providing spaces where unpopular or controversial speech can still be expressed without fear of censorship. This is essential for preserving the marketplace of ideas and preventing the consolidation of narrative control in the hands of governments or large corporations. Moving forward, it is imperative that we continue to develop and support technologies that are resistant to censorship and government control.

The fight for free speech is ongoing, and the actions of companies like Gab in standing up to censorship demands are a vital part of that struggle. By refusing to capitulate to government pressure, these platforms help preserve the internet as a space for open dialogue and the free exchange of ideas.

Andrew Torba
Christ is King

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Don't Plead Guilty If You Are Innocent!

Do not be bullied into pleading guilty if you haven't broken the law. Two-Tier Keir is locking up innocent people to prove a political point - stand up for yourself! - Nick Tenconi, UKIP Leader.

Neil Oliver: ‘…we’re under attack!’

…they’re using fear tactics to shut us up…’ To help support this channel & get exclusive videos every week sign up to Neil Oliver on   / neiloliver   Rumble site – Neil Oliver Official Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter:   / neiloliverloveletter   Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers

Monday 2 September 2024

BREAKING: School teacher arrested after not endorsing transgenderism

BREAKING: Teacher Enoch Burke arrested at Wilson’s Hospital School, Ireland after refusing to endorse and affirm transgender ideology. Judge Barry O’Donnell, who made almost €400,000 from 2016-2018 representing TUSLA as a barrister, ordered his arrest. TUSLA is the Irish State ‘Child Protection’ agency, an organisation saturated with LGBT ideology, urging staff recently to learn about cross-dressers and drag performers, and making acceptance of LGBT and transgender ideology a condition for fostering children. What a mockery to expect Enoch Burke, a Christian teacher, to sit before this man and expect justice.

Sunday 1 September 2024

The Fall of England: the Destruction of the First Nation State by David Starkey

Please join the David Starkey Members' Club via Patreon   / davidstarkeytalks   or Subscribestar

What Are We Importing!?

There have been some bizarre goings-on lately in Britain that lead one to wonder what is going on in modern Britain and what are we importing, meanwhile the hypocrisy from the liberal establishment and Labour Party is astounding.

We are in the fight of our lives for free speech and the free internet on a global scale

 We are in the fight of our lives for free speech and the free internet on a global scale.

If we lose it, we will never get it back. This is the hill to die on. It’s time to wake up and get to work.

Today Brazil has banned the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, after it failed to meet a deadline set by Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Moraes to appoint a new legal representative in the country.

First I want to say that will welcome our friends in Brazil to speak freely on our platform. We have received numerous requests from the Brazilian government in the past to censor and remove users and we have refused to comply. Gab only adheres to American laws.

The judge in Brazil has ordered the “immediate and complete suspension” of X until it complies with all court orders for censorship and pays existing fines. The dispute began in April when the judge ordered the suspension of dozens of X accounts for allegedly spreading disinformation.

The head of Brazil’s telecommunications agency, which has been tasked with suspending the platform, said he is “proceeding with the compliance” to do so. The platform is expected to be unavailable in Brazil within the next 24 hours. Justice Moraes has given companies such as Apple and Google a five-day deadline to remove X from its application stores and block its use on iOS and Android systems. He added that individuals or businesses using VPNs to access the platform could be fined R$50,000.

The ban will remain in effect until X appoints a new legal representative in the country and pays fines for violating Brazilian law. In a previous post, X had stated that it would not comply with the demands, arguing that Judge de Moraes’ orders would require them to break Brazil’s own laws.

This move by Brazil highlights the growing global battle between governments and American tech companies over free speech. With France arresting Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, Germany harassing and fining Gab for refusing to censor and hand over data of users “insulting” politicians, and now Brazil banning X, it is clear that the fight for free speech on the internet is more critical than ever.

The outcome of this battle will have far-reaching consequences for various issues, including abortion, gun rights, and foreign wars. It is imperative that we hold our ground and fight for the preservation of free speech and a free internet.

We urge you to join us here at Gab in this fight. A fight that we have been waging for eight years now. We will do whatever it takes to defend free speech from tyrannical governments, radical activist groups, media pressure, and other bad actors who hate free speech.

If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

Christians all around the world are being censored and silenced for their beliefs. Don’t think for one second that once these governments take our free speech they won’t use it to make our faith prohibited by law. It’s happened many times throughout history and it will happen again if we stand by and say nothing while we still can.

We must stand up and fight back against this tyranny, daring to say “no” to the most powerful governments and institutions in the world in the name of free speech. Our children are counting on us to leave them a world that is better than the one we grew up in. Free speech is the only thing that is going to make that possible. We cannot let them down.

The best way you can support our efforts is by getting on and telling your friends about us.

If you want to support us monetarily you can donate here or click here to upgrade your account to GabPRO.

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

We will win.

Andrew Torba
Christ is King