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Sunday 28 July 2013

Sinking Sands: How resort for Londoners turned into worst place to live ...

Immigrants get better education, jobs than native Brits - report States

Reuters / Stephen Hird
Reuters / Stephen Hird

Reuters / Paul Hackett
Reuters / Paul Hackett

Immigrants get better education, jobs than native Brits - report

Reuters / Toby Melville
Reuters / Toby Melville

A new report on UK immigration has dispelled old beliefs that newcomers are mostly low-educated workers. A greater number of foreigners get higher degrees and better jobs than native Britons, figures released by the Office for National Statistics show.
Unlike widespread stereotypes, nearly 90 percent of foreign nationals living in the UK speak English very well, the data revealed. 3.6 million foreign nationals aged three and over reported that they "could speak English well, very well or as their main language."

Only 1.7 percent (70,000) of foreign nationals reported that they could not speak English at all.

Twenty-one percent of foreign nationals were employed in banking, finance and insurance, compared with 17 percent of UK nationals. Thirty-eight percent of foreign nationals gained qualifications at degree standard or higher, compared with 29 percent of natives, according to the Office for National Statistics.

“UK nationals were more concentrated in the public administration, education and health sector [29 percent], compared with foreign nationals [23 percent],”
the ONS report showed; the census was taken in March 2011.

Many were found to be in the UK to study, with the proportion among foreign nationals “more than double that of UK nationals: 17 percent compared with 8.1 percent.” The difference, the report said, “is partly related to the younger age structure of the foreign national population.”

Meanwhile, a recent analysis by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) confirmed that immigrants actually give more than they take.

According to recent opinion polls, cited in OECD latest report, about 50 percent of citizens in European countries and in Canada believe that immigrants contribute less in taxes than they receive in health and welfare services and that "they are a big burden on the public purse," supported by higher taxes paid by native-born citizens.

"Migration represents neither a significant gain nor drain for the public purse. Immigrants are pretty much like the rest of the population," the report concluded.

The ONS report also showed that the majority of both UK and foreign nationals aged 16 and over were "economically active [64 percent and 65 percent respectively] and in employment [61 and 60 percent]".

For those in employment, foreign nationals were most concentrated in professional (20 percent) and elementary occupations (19 percent) while UK nationals were most concentrated in professional (18 percent) and associate professional and technical occupations (13 percent), the ONS findings revealed.

Earlier this week anti-immigration campaigners from independent think-tank Migrationwatch UK said that the number of immigrants arriving in the UK from the European Union was undercounted by half a million over a 10-year period, "a difference the size of Manchester."

The mistake was discovered by the ONS when they compared the results of the recent census with the population that they had expected to find on the basis of births, deaths and the official immigration figures.
This discovery means that net foreign immigration between mid-1997 and mid-2010 now totals very nearly 4 million, according to Migrationwatch UK. Allowing for the 1 million British citizens who emigrated in that period, net immigration comes to 3 million. The revised numbers would show that net immigration reached a peak of 325,000 in 2005 – six times the level of 1997. By 2010 it had fallen to 260,000.
“Four million immigrants in 13 years is an astonishing figure – the highest in our history, including the Norman Conquest in 1066. This new information underlines the scale of the task faced by the present government in getting the numbers down,” chairman of Migrationwatch UK, Sir Andrew Green, said.

Migrationwatch has called on the Statistics Authority to insist that the official figures be revised.

“There is no point in burying bad news in obscure documents. That simply destroys trust. It is hard to think of set of statistics that is more important to the public,” Green added.

Monday 22 July 2013

Britain's Left Wing Education Shame

The Difference Between Putin and Obama. - You Got to See This!!

Why I Left Judaism (playlist)


Birth of a Racist

By Sally Zelikovsky
When I awoke this morning and looked at myself in the mirror, I realized that I had undergone a fundamental transformation -- a  Kafkaesque metamorphosis.  I was no longer myself.  I had become...a racist.
I didn't do it to myself.  I've always been sensitive to race.  I don't support racism or racists.  I've never considered myself racist and don't think others would consider me a racist.  How could I be one now? 

I never enslaved anyone, prevented them from working or voting or living in my neighborhood or joining my clubs.  I don't think there was any proof that George Zimmerman did either. 

But now I know if I ever cross or injure a black person -- no matter how justified my actions might be -- there is a presumption that I am a racist.  

I don't like it at all.  It isn't true.  But here I am, non-racist me trapped inside this new racist body I've been assigned.  My actions and beliefs are irrelevant.  Society has decreed this is who I am.   

Like alien pods taking control over our slumbering bodies, unstoppable forces have gradually been redirecting our programming as a society so that any time a minority is harmed or disliked by a white person, the precipitating cause of the harm or dislike is ipso facto racism.

After the Zimmerman verdict, many white people woke up just like me, realizing that we will be deemed haters whenever we interact with non-whites and something goes wrong -- no matter what our motivation or innermost thoughts are.

Most of us didn't grow up this way.  Quite the opposite.  I was taught never to hate and only to judge people by their actions and not by their color, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.  Didn't Martin Luther King say we should judge a man by "the content of his character, not by his color of his skin"?

Use of racism to implement an agenda or get one's way, has been building over years.  This isn't news to any of you.   Anytime you fire someone who is a minority, you must have documentation backing up your non-racist justifications.   Even if you have pages and testimony to bolster your decision, you still could be confronted with an unpleasant lawsuit identifying you as a "discriminator." 

Even though we are supposed to be a color-blind, post-racial society, groups and individuals force us to think about race all the time.  We have become a hyper-racial society.  Furthermore, since very few of us want to be labeled with anything as odious as "racist," we will do anything -- including keeping incompetents in our employ -- to avoid the moniker.

Nevertheless, as careful as many whites are to avoid doing anything that would saddle us with such epithets, time and time again it is thrust upon us with the goal of serving someone else's purpose -- regardless how we actually conduct ourselves.

  • If you don't like your black neighbor because you have a personality clash, you are a racist.
  • If you complain about a black clerk in a store because she wasn't helpful, you are a racist.
  • If you oppose affirmative action, you are a racist.
  • If you disagree with a black President's ideology and disapprove of his policies, you most definitely are a racist.
  • If you are a juror in the Trayvon Martin case and find George Zimmerman not guilty, you must be a racist. Heck, the entire system that acquitted Zimmerman is racist. Those shots were fired not out of self-defense but because of racism. And we know that, because Trayvon was black and Zimmerman white.

Whether or not he did or did not provoke the confrontation with Trayvon, it's hard to believe the wimpy George Zimmerman's last thoughts were "I'm going to kill a black man because I don't like blacks" as opposed to "This guy is bashing my head in and I better do something before I lose consciousness."

In trials like this -- where you have one-on-one action with little else to go on -- and you want to prove racism, you are either forced to (1) look at surrounding evidence, statements and circumstances and try to re-construct what you think the state of mind or intent of the accused was, or (2) intuit what the accused was thinking, in other words, jump into his mind and make the leap from assumption to assumption.   

While there was a credible eye witness who saw Trayvon beating up Zimmerman,  if hate is to be the crime on trial, then we are compelled to examine the thoughts of the perpetrator and the victim, even though we have no way of ever knowing what they really were.  Until we can read someone's thoughts as if they were files on a computer, we are treading into dangerous territory.

These are the kind of cases that try men's souls.  For lawyers, judges and jurors, they are the hardest to prove, preside over and cast a verdict on.   Because we are a system that errs on the side of innocence, requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt and lays that burden on the accuser, these cases usually don't result in warm comfort for anyone -- especially the family of either the accused or the victim.  No one really wins; everyone feels like they lost; the victim's family doesn't get closure; the accused can never live in peace in a hyper-racial society; and the public is unsettled because any one of us, at any time, of any color, could be either Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman.    

On top of all this, some in the public -- MSNBC, loonies on the left, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the minions they have summoned to protest -- want us to further restrict the self-defense laws that protect all of us in these situations. 

This means it would be even harder for you to shoot an intruder or rapist or pedophile when protecting yourself or your family.  This means people will hesitate before coming to the aid of a neighbor or being a Good Samaritan.  This means when someone robs your store at gunpoint, you have to succumb to injury or death.  This means when your daughter or son is raped, they must yield and never fight back because self-defense will no longer be available to them. 

This would be a return to the lawlessness of the Wild West where anything goes and your only justice is revenge.  Call it feudal, barbaric, mob rule or lawlessness: either way, it is the unraveling of the criminal justice system in America and a giant step back for mankind.  

Do we really want to throw the self-defense baby out with the racism bathwater?

Most of these cases are admittedly hard to prove -- that's why our system errs on the side of innocence.  It's better to let a guilty man go free than incarcerate an innocent one.  If you were the accused, believe me, this would be your mantra.

I wonder if the race industry has any idea what they are clamoring for by restricting the claim of self-defense.  Black-on-black crime is the overwhelming source of crime against blacks in America.  If the Zimmerman protesters have their way and a black intruder breaks into the home of a black family and is shot dead by the homeowner, the homeowner will more likely be the criminal on trial than the perp, as we have seen in the Ron Dixon case in Brooklyn, where a Jamaican family man killed an intruder (whose race isn't clear in the reports) and was shockingly sentenced to jail for illegally possessing a gun. 

We will be cutting off our self-defense noses to spite our racial anger faces.  This all stems from intense vitriol for past sins most of us had nothing to do with and would never condone.  The sins of America's past are being visited upon America's present and future regardless of the sensibility of doing so.  My heart breaks that slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, the KKK, lynching, and discrimination ever existed.  Every reasonable human being feels this way.  But this continued pay back has to stop. 

This is not exclusive to race.  Gay activists have hijacked the black plight for their own purposes.  Gay students are given special consideration in the college application process to right the wrongs visited upon previous generations of homosexuals.  If you dislike a person who happens to be gay, you are homophobic.  If you disapprove of redefining marriage, you are homophobic.  If the thought of same-sex sexual conduct makes you feel uncomfortable, you are homophobic.  If you think AIDS is a gay disease brought on by lifestyle, you are homophobic.  If you fire anyone who is gay, you are homophobic. 

If a gay man tries to rape a straight man and the straight man accidentally kills the gay man while trying to ward off the rape, he must be homophobic.  There is no room for self-defense if the perp-turned-victim is gay and the accused is not.  (See the case of Steven Nary.)

And, as we have seen in the media's reaction to the Zimmerman case, for many, there is no room for self-defense if the puncher-turned-victim is black and the accused is white. 

Now that I am a racist, I see things more clearly and realize all of this can trickle into every aspect of our lives.  White people will be increasingly afraid to speak their minds and will be concerned that their interactions with other races might come back to haunt them one day because, anything we do that negatively impacts a minority must be rooted in hate.  Thus:  

  • If a Hispanic man cuts me off on the highway and I flip him the bird, I flipped him off because he is Hispanic, not because he was a jerk and cut me off -- making me a racist.
  • If an Asian waitress has a lousy attitude, provides rotten service and I decide not to tip her, I withheld her tip because she's Asian, not a lousy waitress who didn't earn her tip -- making me a racist.
  • If a black doctor amputates the wrong limb on my body and I sue him for malpractice, I targeted him because he is black, not because he is an incompetent doctor who harmed me -- making me a racist.
  • If a Native American breaks into my house and puts my family in fear for our lives and I whack him on the head with a vase and he dies, I killed him because he is a Native American, not because he put our lives in jeopardy and I acted in self-defense -- making me a racist.

Is this the future we have to look forward to?  Where every move we make has to be weighed against the ethnicity, race, religion or sexual orientation of the other guy? 

To add more fuel to the fire, pundits like MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell reported that one of the six Zimmerman jurors seems to be pulling back on her decision now that she's been out of sequestration and has been exposed to the uproar over this case.  If she hadn't been sequestered, she might have rendered a very different verdict.   

But this is precisely why we sequester juries.  The public often acts emotionally, irrationally and like a mob -- motivated and reacting to concerns and agendas that go beyond justice and fairness.  We intentionally sequester juries so they are not influenced by the mob but, rather, render a verdict based on the facts and evidence presented at trial, following a system of laws that are equally applied to us all, creating reliability and consistency in outcomes.

As we are forced to introduce race into the verdict calculation, I wonder if the black men who said "This is for Trayvon" and beat up a white jogger, will be charged and prosecuted for a hate crime and be tarred as racists in the press and court of public opinion? How will the Sharpton minions insist on treating the black man who pounded a white woman in the face when, confronted with a mob of protesters, she rolled down her window to ask them to let her car pass as they needed to get her granddaughter to the hospital?

I understand that I am a racist.  But, aren't we all racists now?

Saturday 20 July 2013

How Culture is Contrived


How Kulture is Contrived

july, 2013
(left, Clay Felker in 1967. Founder of New York and Editor of Esquire and many other popular magazines, Felker was one of some 600 US journalists secretly working for the CIA. They were "cheaper than a good call girl" according to CIA handler, Washington Post publisher Phillip Graham.) 

A pervasive, highly organized system
 diverts us from the truth and places us
in a cultural limbo where very little is real.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

"We have already contrived to possess the minds of the goy communities...[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses." (Protocols of Zion, 12)

"No one is more a slave than he who thinks he is free without being free." (Goethe)

W. Eugene Groves was an idealistic young American who wanted to serve his country.

After winning a Rhodes Scholarship, he was a shoo-in for the Presidency of the National Student's Association in 1966.
But, confided the outgoing President Philip Sherburne, he needed to know something.

The NSA was secretly funded by the CIA. Until this point, Groves had been an "unwitting" member, a dupe. But as President, of course he would have to know the truth. He would need to become a "witting" participant.

During the Cold War, the CIA secretly funded and controlled scores of US student, labor, religious, political and artistic organizations, according to the book "The Mighty Wurlitzer" (2008) by Hugh Wilford.

They were modeled after Soviet propagandist Willi Munzenberg's "Popular Front" organizations which had recruited earnest Westerners (Socialists and Liberals) in an array of  "anti Fascist" causes. These seemingly spontaneous groups were secretly funded and run by Moscow (through the CPUSA) and subtly promoted Communism. Munzenberg called them his "innocents' clubs."

It's not unusual that the CIA would imitate Comintern's tactics. Behind the veil, both serve the Cabalist Jewish central bankers and their Masonic network which has now subverted all significant private and public institutions in the West.

So while Hugh Walford suggests that the CIA was fostering an "anti-Communist" Left, in fact it was controlling the post-war dialogue, fostering the illusion that the Cold War was real, and promoting a collectivist mentality.

The Russians told a familiar joke: "Under Capitalism, man exploits man while under Communism, it's the other way round." 
mighty.jpg(2008 Book "The Mighty Wurlitzer" describes how Illuminati bankers "played" America)

As we are discovering, there isn't much difference between monopoly capitalism and Communism. Under Communism, the State owns the corporations and the Illuminati bankers own the State.

Under monopoly capitalism, the corporations own the State, and the bankers own the corporations. Both are devoted to giving the satanist bankers a total political, cultural, economic and spiritual monopoly, i.e. the New World Order.  

The only difference is, in the West, there is an illusion of freedom and democracy. "Witting" servants of the Illuminati bankers are chosen to lead governments and organizations, while unwitting dupes perpetuate the illusion of a free society. The masses are also unwitting dupes kept in a coma by the education system and mass media.

Eugene Groves' dilemma was resolved when Ramparts Magazine and the New York Times exposed the CIA program. Now you ask, why would the controlled expose the controllers? Well sometimes the dupes throw a monkey wrench into the works. Ultimately, anything that discredited the CIA and the USA was also grist for the Illuminati mill.

Groves oversaw the NSA's transition to independence and then quit. "The world has lost its innocence," he said." I want to get out." (Wolford, 5)

How do we know what we know? We are taught by the mass media and the education system. But what if they were subverted by a satanic secret society, i.e. the Illuminati? (i.e. Cabalist Judaism and Freemasonry.)  
Pigs gone Wild.jpeg"Modernism" and its spawn mirror a gradual perversion of reality and morality by the Illuminati bankers. What we regard as "progress" is really the advance of their satanist agenda. It is the change in "changing the world." 

The mass media and education system promote this suspension of reality. Truth is suppressed. Lies are promulgated. Negative or self-destructive behavior is portrayed in a positive light.

Modernism is a solipsism where the bankers' perversity becomes the norm. For example, the CIA actively promoted modern abstract art, an art disconnected from human identity and aspirations, an art any child or monkey could produce.

They financed the cultural magazines, (Encounter, Partisan Review) critics (Clement Greenberg) and art museums through a network of foundations and Illuminati millionaires like Nelson Rockefeller and John Hay Whitney. 

"Many of the artists in the movement had radical backgrounds (Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Franz Kline for example...) Their painting, with its gestural expression of the artist's consciousness and total rejection of representation, constituted a massive rebuke to...Soviet art.." (p.106)

Not really. While pretending to reject socialist realism, the CIA advanced the Communist agenda which is to make art discordant, irrelevant and ugly.

The same story can be applied to modern literature where the "anti-hero,"  i.e. the alienated outsider and misfit, (i.e. the Illuminati Jew) becomes the hero. The "hero" is not the community-builder but the Luciferian rebel, the destroyer of the Cabala.  

Similarly, modern literary criticism is a linguistic voodoo divorced from the author's social reality, biography or intention. This criticism was orthodoxy when I went to university. I wondered why this placebo was presented as "truth." Now I know. 

The same story can be repeated for music, TV and movies. These have  convinced everyone that the fertile young female is a Goddess, while romantic love and sex are panaceas and the purpose of life. (How would a pagan sex cult differ?)

With folks thus distracted, p
erverts and traitors are inserted into all positions of leadership. Just look at the logos with swooshes (sunrises), dots, pyramids (triangles) or combinations of the three. They are everywhere. Guess what? While we were sleeping, a satanic cult took over.

steinem666.jpg(left, CIA social engineer, Gloria Steinem)


Second-wave feminism was another Illuminati sponsored "popular front" masquerading as grass roots expression. Gloria Steinem, a Jewish misfit from a broken home was chosen to lead it. Clay Felker, who in the 1950's worked with Steinem at the CIA's "Independent Research Bureau," (another student front,) orchestrated the media campaign. Apparently Felker was not Jewish.

In 1968, Felker hired Steinem at New York magazine. He published the 40-page inaugural issue of MS Magazine as a supplement in New York.

In 1975, Redstockings, a radical feminist magazine, exposed Steinem's CIA connections. They revealed that MS Magazine was funded by Warner Communications and Katherine Graham, both CIA conduits.

In 1979, when Redstockings tried to put this account into a book, the publisher Random House was pressured to delete it by these conduits and feminism funders, the Ford Foundation. Thus kulture is contrived.  (Kerry Bolton, Revolution from Above, p.168)

The Cabalist bankers have subverted our political and social institutions and are using government to enslave us according to the blueprint of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The people of the world and even their governments will be "as children under-age," say The Protocols. (15)
There has always been two kinds of Jews: those who follow the Lawgiver Moses on the one hand; and the Baal Worshipers on the other.  Unfortunately, the latter have prevailed while retaining the prestige of the former. And they have been joined by traitors from every background, willing to betray their fellow man for personal profit. 

Throughout history, these Luciferians have waged a war against God, the inherent spiritual and natural design. They have sought to dethrone God and enslave humanity, and are very close to succeeding. This is the true esoteric meaning of "revolution."

A large part of this involves destroying the four sources of our human identity and meaning: race, religion (God), nation and family (gender.) They do this by creating one race, one religion, one gender and one world government. At the same time, our kulture is increasingly rootless, depraved and meaningless.

While the CIA supposedly opposed Communism, they both served the same master, and created kulture to enslave humanity.
bolton.jpgNote: I highly recommend Kerry Bolton's new book, Revolution from Above, available from
Related - Our Illuminati Reality Bubble

and "The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture"


Another website agrees: Illuminati Bankers fund modern art to destroy Western culture

The CIA and Modern Art -

Left wing marxist Politics And the "Useful Idiots" of the Rich

ComradeObama1.jpgThe Left, including the communists have generally served as the useful idiots of international capital ... The Left, whether in its Fabian, communist or New Left  varieties has been appropriated by the system it is supposedly exposing.

by Kerry Bolton

A self-appointed elite that Huxley called the 'World Controllers' and Caroll Quiqley described as 'an international network' has for generations been intent on establishing a 'World State' (Huxley) or what David Rockefeller calls a 'World Order' and and what President George W. Bush and others the 'New World Order.'

In more common parlance it is called 'globalization' but it is seldom understood in its wider ramifications, as set forth here, especially by the Left, whose activists support  aspects of the same globalization process: multiculturalism, feminism, marijuana liberalization, abortion rights, open borders, and feel-good causes in the name of democracy and 'human rights,'  the results of which are further control by the global plutocracy.

The Left, including the communists have generally served as the useful idiots of international capital ... The Left, whether in its Fabian, communist or New Left  varieties has been appropriated by the system it is supposedly exposing. A post- New Left has emerged since the dissolution of the Soviet Bloc, and takes the form of the so-called 'color revolutions' under the patronage of the Soros network, and others.

The strategy  used by the international oligarchy is the same as that more generally recognized as being a major element in Marxist doctrine; namely dialectics, the conflict of opposing forces that generates a synthesis. This dialecto method is something that Sutton realized when he was trying to understand why the oligarchy so often seems to be backing opposing ideologies, governments, and policies.

The Marxist dialecticians stated that history is engaged in a process towards world communism that would arise out of the conflict of capitalism and socialism. The oligarchs, on the other hand, apparently operate on the dialectical premise that what will result from their "controlled conflict" will be a socialist-capitalist synthesis which we might call the "World Collectivist State;"  a world order that will be Communistic in organization but run by oligarchs rather than commissars. Aaron Russo, after talking with Nick Rockefeller, alluded to this as "selling socialism as capitalism."

Over the past few generations, the "crises scenarios" used by the oligarchs to sell or impose their plan of a World Collectivist State have included the problems of war, famine, overpopulation, disparity between the wealth of the so-called "North" and "South" , and in our present time "the war on terrorism" (perpetual conflict) and the threat of "global warming."

In general, it can be stated that many of these problems are the direct result of the debt-finance, trade and economic system that is operated by the oligarchs. Now the oligarchs present themselves as the solvers of the problems of their own making. A global "pincer movement" of agitation from "below" (the "Left")  and manipulation from "above" (the "oligarchs") dialectically operates to shift the center of mass political gravity towards an acceptance of, if not support for, a World State to end the crises that have been created by our self-appointed "world saviors."

 This is the conclusion of "Revolution From Above" by Kerry Bolton published by Arktos.

Putin talks NSA, Syria, Iran, drones in exclusive RT interview (