Grooming gang Muslims
face wrath of English locals
Following the disturbances last night in the Lancashire town of Heywood, in which some 300 local anti-grooming protesters fought running battles with police and Muslim taxi-drivers, Nick Griffin MEP has issued the following statement and appeal:
“There is no point the police and media blaming ‘mindless yobs’ for these disturbances. Such ignorant and insulting snobbery will only make things worse.
"The police, press, politicians and middle class social services and education authority bosses have
ignored or belittled the legitimate grievances of the English community in towns such as Heywood for years. It is time they came down from their ivory towers and listened to the well-founded concerns of real people on real streets.
“Take-aways and Muslim taxi firms are the rotten core of three intertwined social evils: the paedophile grooming and gang-rape of young girls, violent race-hate attacks on young lads, and the heroin trade. Popular outrage over these problems is not ‘mindless hooliganism’ or ‘racism’; it is the direct result of more than a decade of police failure. Under such circumstances, English community self-defence is no offence – the only surprise is that it has taken so long.
“I spoke out about the unaddressed evil of Muslim grooming gangs preying on young girls from other communities back in 2004. The police reaction was to turn a blind eye to those sickening crimes. Instead they arrested me and twice put me on trial under a perverse law that says that telling the truth is no defence. The media reaction was to censor the election broadcast the British National Party made to draw attention to the plight of thousands of vulnerable victims and their families.
“If the police and courts had done their duty and taken effective action years ago, the towns of northern England would not now be a powder keg of communal tensions. If the police act now against the paedophile groomers, the anti-English ethnic cleansers and the narco-jihad heroin pushers, then they can still defuse the time-bomb ticking away in Heywood and in dozens of other towns.
“The recent arrests and the current trials of grooming suspects show that the police are able to act, but they are still pussyfooting around. 47 Muslim paedophile suspects facing trial is a start, but everyone knows that this is only the tip of the iceberg. If the police are serious about heading off trouble, they need to arrest hundreds of these criminals and to close down the shops and taxi firms that they use as the bases for their crimes against our community.
“If, instead of enforcing the law and protecting the hitherto patient majority, the police turn on the protesters and the media demonise them, then the righteous anger over grooming, anti-English violence and the heroin jihad will explode on a far bigger scale. The authorities must understand that the protests in Heywood last night may be the last warning they get, the last chance to put justice before political correctness, and the last opportunity to convince working class communities that they don’t have to take the law into their own hands.
“Muslim leaders must also do the right thing. They need to act, right now, to distance their community from the criminal minority bringing shame on them all. Rather than joining in the ritual condemnations of ‘Islamophobia’, I appeal to them to call on their people to put their own house in order and hand the groomers, the thugs and the pushers over to the police.
“Clear and decisive action to show that not all Muslims sympathise with the paedophile grooming and beating of Unbelievers, would do more than anything else to defuse the situation and to protect the many Asian-owned businesses which are not involved in these crimes.
“As the only high-ranking elected voice of the long-ignored English majority, I also appeal directly to the protesters: Do not blame innocent Asians. Blame the people who most deserve the blame – the politicians, police bosses and media editors who first created and then ignored these threats to our community.
“Don’t rise to provocations or give the Powers That Be the chance to arrest and demonise you. The anger against the groomers is understandable and justified, but the solution is not to burn shops run by paedophile groomers, but to BOYCOTT them. The only way to deal with these people is not to deal with them.
“And the only way to get politicians on our side is to vote out the ones who aren’t – that means entire families, whole workplaces, entire pubs and whole communities taking a solemn vow never to vote Labour, LibDem or Tory ever again. Those parties have spent years pandering to the Muslim block vote by putting the handcuffs of political correctness on the police. They’re all the same, they’re all to blame!”
Mr Griffin also added that the news from Heywood, and of similar concerns in both Rochdale and Oldham, makes it even more important that as many people as possible attend the demonstration in Hyde tomorrow at 11am.
Make sure you do your bit to protect English children. Join me and many others on our demo to demand justice for English victims of race-hate attacks and force the police to take action against the criminals in the Muslim community who commit these vile actions. We need you tomorrow... make plans today!
Thank you,
Nick Griffin MEP
Chairman, British National Party