German Patriot Defence Lawyer Sylvia Stolz was sentenced to 3 and-a-half
years in prison and disbarred for 5 years.
Sylvia's comments to the court.
She says the Court is perverting and repressing the truth with the cudgel of
"Holocaust," making a mockery of justice. Her trial has made clear the
criminal absurdity of prosecuting "Holocaust Denial." How can one deny
something that never existed? She says these entire proceedings began as a
show trial in a kangaroo court and never progressed beyond that point. The
main proceedings were projected with smoke and mirrors and the official
fairy tale of "Holocaust" was enforced by undisguised force. She observes
that the political intent of the Court is the ultimate eradication of the
German Nation and its replacement by a mongrelized and deculturated
population of mindless consumers.
Sylvia says she is
confident that she has succeeded in exposing this Court
to the whole world as an agent that is hostile to the German
Nation. By
openly and flagrantly violating the law, this Court flees before
the truth.
Incessantly, like turning a prayer wheel, it has rejected her
evidentiary motion with the cynical pretext of "abuse of
court procedure." ..... She has hope and faith that the German Nation
will someday
bring this treacherous Court to justice
Read rest of Article At The
French Connection Website