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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Former Detective Sergeant Ray Savage: Speaks Out On the Hampstead Paedophiles all and every Paedophiles within Royals, Governments

~ * Hampstead Paedos christ church London former Sergeant Spe...
Former Detective Sergeant Ray Savage: Speaks Out On the Hampstead Paedophiles all and every Paedophiles within Royals, Governments, a

And the list goes on, and police need to do their job and protect member of the public and all their properties.We need more men like him. Will the brave professionals stand up and get these children saved and the criminals and these people are complete OUTLAWS, and we all need justice and the common law courts to be brought back into every villages, towns, cities. across this country. People please wake up and stand up.
Posted by Radcon Jimmy Conrad on Tuesday, 31 March 2015
~ * Hampstead Paedos christ church London former Sergeant Spe...A Former Detective Sergeant Ray Savage:  Speaks Out On the Hampstead Paedophiles all and every Paedophiles within Royals, Governments, and the list goes on, and police need to do their job and protect member of the public and all their properties.We need more men like him. Will the brave professionals stand up and get these children saved and the criminals and these people are complete OUTLAWS, and we all need justice and the common law courts to be brought back into every villages, towns, cities. across this country. People please wake up and stand up.
Posted by Radcon Jimmy Conrad on Tuesday, 31 March 2015