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Monday 18 January 2021



It takes of study to learn microbiology and other related subjects. The average person knows little to nothing about viruses, the immune system or how vaccines are actually made. That's also true for most doctors and other health care professionals. No matter how confident or convincing general practitioners may sound, they simply don't know and that's a fact.
Therefore, it's impossible to make an informed decision because it takes years to become truly informed. Even after years of study, scientists are still learning and are uncertain about many things
So why would anyone would take an experimental vaccine developed at warp speed, with no long term studies, concerns about fertility, doubts about efficacy, to protect against a disease that has a better than 95% survival rate, even for the over 70's?And a 99.9% for those under that age.

Answer: Irrational fear of the disease promulgated through the media, seeing friends and neighbours roll up their sleeves, which amounts to sheep like behaviour and perhaps the worst reason of all - trust in big pharma.
So before you roll up your sleeve, check out the criminal history of big pharma and the massive fines imposed for all sorts of dodgy practices. Then come back and tell me I am the stupid one for refusing this vaccine when there are far better ways to protect against this disease and many others.

But due to the media and the constant fear porn pumped out by a corrupt and wicked media we see in Our times that never have so many been willing to be killed by so few.