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Thursday 22 July 2021

Open Notice to Boris Johnson over Vaccine Passports

 Dear Boris Johnson

I am writing to you as I have been informed by yourself that I must now receive the Covid-19 vaccine, or entry to nightlife venues will no longer be permitted from the end of September.
Please allow me to make it very clear to yourself, I am declining all forms of the Covid-19 vaccine under ethical reasons.
There are no statutory provisions that can force individuals to become vaccinated.
The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 specifically states that members of the public should not be compelled to undergo any mandatory medical treatment, including vaccinations.
Banning people from being able to enter a night life venue and enjoy an evening out unless they are vaccinated is in direct violation of the above mentioned law.
Furthermore, with regards to banning artists from performing at a venue unless they play ball……… Forcing, coercing or manipulating an employee to receive a vaccine is in breach of article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which protects people from being interfered with physically or psychologically and includes mandatory vaccinations.
Forced vaccinations in the workplace, is not only a human rights concern, but also has criminal implications. Performance artists may be self employed but to be not considered for a gig unless vaccinated is discrimination.
Forcing anyone to receive a vaccine under duress, under UK law, constitutes an unlawful injury. A vaccination requires an individual’s informed and voluntary consent, which you do not have of mine.
I want to make it very clear, that I am NOT placing any persons at risk by declining this vaccine, but I am protecting my health and my wellbeing. Declining this vaccine does NOT mean that I can not perform my job effectively.
In accordance of the Employment Rights Act 1996 and Section 6 of the 2010 Equality act, I am safeguarded against unlawful discrimination by any employer. When i started in this line of work I did not agree for any testing, vaccine or medical interventions to be forced upon me and i still do not.
In the care home sector where you have recently passed new law and are currently attempting to force people to get the vaccine or lose their means of earning a living (and provide for themselves and their loved ones), you have stated that certain persons will be exempt from the requirement to have two jabs, namely:
• Exemption on specific medical grounds
• Residents of care homes
• Relatives or friends of residents who are visiting only
• Under 18s
• Those required to enter the premises to assist with an emergency or carry out urgent maintenance work
Going into a night life venue or similar setting to perform and earn a living as an artist is no different from at least 2 of the above mentioned exemptions in terms of time duration or interaction with others.
Attempting to stop artists and performers from being able to earn a living in their chosen setting would be in breach of the aforementioned laws and is therefore illegal.
Kind regards
The Free thinker

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