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Sunday 23 July 2023

City of Santuary UK - The Nationwide Network For Illegal Immigrants

 City of Santuary UK - The Nationwide Network For Illegal Immigrants

By William Strasse

Most illegal immigrants choose the route via Greece, they know that it's the easiest and cheapest route and that they'll also have 'IsraAid' waiting there for them to supply them with food, clothing, cash and directions on how to reach Britain.

As shown in this video:

These illegal immigrants travel all the way through Europe, desperate to reach Britain, ever wondered why that's the case? The reason is 'City of Santuary UK'. This organisation registered as a charity in 2005 and was created in the city of Sheffield in Yorkshire by Craig Barnett and his organisation is now enormous.

How big? This big:

The illegal immigrants know that thanks to this nationwide organisation operating in Britain each and everyone of them is guaranteed the best free housing, free gas and electricity, free food, free travel, free amenities, (everything from sporting facilities, gardening allotments, maternity facilities), as soon as they step off the boat. They literally have their own nationwide network in Britain.

Things such as this:

And this:

And this:

Now you know why they come to Britain across the channel at a rate of 1,000 per day, (and that's only the ones we know about). Everything is literally handed to them on a plate. They also know that they have 24 hour-a-day political and police protection from any reprisals from our indigenous population.

We're being replaced, Mr. and Mrs. White, the people who are hellbent on replacing us are the central bankers, they refer to this as their 'Kalergi Plan':