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Monday 2 October 2023

There is nothing new under the sun.

by Wilhelm Strasse

There's an old saying in the Bible which reads: "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes chapter 1 and verse 9

That saying can definitely be applied to the scamdemic and those who created it. The reason I'm mentioning this again is because the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media are already whipping up their usual hysteria for what we would refer to as 'Scamdemic 2':

However, if we check the history of this cabal of central banker thugs we soon discover that this will actually be 'Scamdemic 5'. This short video takes us on a journey through history where we learn that there truly is "nothing new under the sun", especially when it comes to the evil mindset and criminality of this self-proclaimed 'elite': (video link)

Don't be fooled again, see their scam for what it actually is.

Many thanks to @Peoni for the video.