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Sunday 4 February 2024

Framing the Great Replacement as a political replacement

Framing the Great Replacement as a political replacement

By Daniel Concannon 

America is - and long has been - a one-party state. The Uniparty facade of Red vs Blue two-party politics was the original “divide & conquer.” It was pro wrestling before pro wrestling was pro wrestling. Only unlike pro wrestling, it has never acknowledged its own fraudulence.

Framing the Great Replacement as a political replacement rather than a racial replacement is as subversive, and as stupid, as anything I've ever seen.

Does replacing White people have political consequences?

Of course it does. Whites are literally the only demographic with majority support for any of the founding principles of the American nation including free speech, gun rights, and limited government.

To replace White people is to shift the political paradigm leftward - but that political shift is merely a secondary consequence of achieving the prime directive of White replacement.

Politics are downstream from race. When a people comprise their own government, the political landscape is a reflection of that people. This is what makes it so obvious that We The People do not comprise our own government any longer, because our government's prime directive is replacing us.

Subversives like Musk understand all of this. They also understand that there is no “Biden strategy.” Not once in the political career of Joe Biden has Joe Biden decided anything for Joe Biden. Joe Biden, like every other marionette in DC, is an empty vessel. He's the greatest example in history of the irrelevance of the presidency, yet, like pro wrestling fans who still want to believe it's all real, millions of Americans convince themselves that Joe Biden is an autonomous, agenda-driven man - not an opportunistic whore-for-hire who long ago sold his soul to the worst people in the world.

There is, of course, a strategy - it's just not a Biden strategy. It's a Mayorkas strategy. It's a HIAS strategy. It's an ADL strategy. It's an Anti-White strategy shared by Anti-White individuals, institutions, and NGOs the world over.

The agenda is White Replacement, and legal vs illegal makes no difference.

This is another way the Fake Right frames the debate so that the White masses remain unaware of the true motive. Musk, like so many others, feigns offense at mass illegal immigration while at the same time calling for mass legal immigration that results in the same outcome: White replacement (and its downstream political effects). They feign fear of the potential voting patterns of illegal immigrants while inviting legal immigrants proven to have those exact feared voting patterns.

Because this isn't actually about voting. This is about race.

If White people were pouring over the southern border the way that non-White people are pouring over the southern border, the southern border would be sealed. There would be a shoot-to-kill order issued for trespassers, and the United States would have the most secure border on the face of the earth.

Musk's tweet is an attempt to mask the racial replacement of White people as a mere Team Blue strategy to defeat Team Red - as if the Uniparty has not long been united in the War On White People.

These deceptive takes are foie gras for the Colorblind Conservative soul. Like ducks force-fed grain until they're hopelessly fattened, Colorblind Conservatives are force-fed self-destructive talking points until they're hopelessly retarded.

A simple, yet effective tactic to keep White people clueless.

Others from the Fake Right then pile on, with the likes of Sebastian Gorka, Vivek Ramenpastrami, and the Hodge Twins all rushing in to tell Musk how correct his demonstrably incorrect statement is.

As heartening as it is to see so many people call Musk out for his shit-tier take, it's eternally frustrating to know that this kind of drivel still holds sway over so many.

Anyone who views what we're dealing with as a political game of Red vs Blue is a victim of subversion. Any “influencer” who encourages you to view the world this way is a subversive.

We're in a struggle for our very existence as White people - and anyone who can't state that in those exact words has nothing of substance to say.