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Saturday, 13 August 2022
Dear Archbishop... - Irreverend Episode 88
Neil Oliver – ‘…big pharma, corporations, the state they’re fostering a ...
Monday, 8 August 2022
Sunday, 7 August 2022
Manly Sea Eagles teach country lesson on 'poisonous' woke culture: Bolt
Saturday, 6 August 2022
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Totalitarian Leisure Activities - Irreverend Episode 87
The Christian Quest By: Thomas Achord
The Christian Quest
By: Thomas Achord
From the heights of the New York Times, a watchman named Tim Gruber has espied out upon the fringes of the liberal-democratic wastes a rowdy band of “Far Right Christians” in a “Quest For Power”. Grubbs intends it as a warning, but this sounds like the beginning of a really rad story. Tim is afraid that the Global American Empire (GAE) is under attack by radical right-wing “christo-fascist” extremists. He’s probably upset that they’re having fun, too.
I was going to write an article about the contradictions in Grubbers’ piece, but I instead thought it more enjoyable to lean into his fears and mock his alarmism, for the fact that the great Tower of The New York Times even notices our mannerbund of ruddy warriors betrays their weakness. Tim calls us conspiracy theorists – a worn phrase that induces yawns. Such has always been the complaint of critics and skeptics.
Yet, Christ’s resurrection was the first Christian “conspiracy theory”, in the eyes of the antiChrist Jews and pagan Romans. It was a lie that Jesus was the Christ. It was domestic terrorism that this God-Man was King. And it was an insidious conspiracy that this King had risen from the dead. But it was all true, and Jesus also ascended into heaven and sat down at his Father’s right hand until all enemies will be made as a footstool under his feet. Enemies, like, say Grubbs here. Jesus now bids all men, and especially rulers and kings to bow and kiss the Son, lest he be angry with them and them perish in the way.
So, do not fear, brothers and sisters, when the world slanders you; for it first did so to your Lord and Savior and his immediate followers long ago. They mean it for evil, but God will use it for good. Very often the thing which brings judgment upon the wicked brings salvation for the righteous. The flood of Noah was salvation to God’s covenant people but judgment on the wicked and their entire world order. The fall of Rome and the rise of Christianity happened simultaneously. Tim Grubbler and the New York Times are just scrawling scribes in a dying empire soon to be replaced by the eternal City Of God. They fear the inevitable collapse of what they call “our American democracy” at the hands of the “Christo-fascists” and “far-right” wackos. The Romans, too, accused the Christians of famine, military defeats, orgies, atheism, and for the fall of their political power. But Augustine of old wrote in his City of God that it was the Romans’ own cosmic wickedness that caused their empire to collapse.
Sure, all unbelievers incur the wrath of God. But, said Augustine, there is a special evil that rejects even natural order, natural law, moral norms known and honored among all mankind which, when forsaken, bring about cosmic curses. The Canaanites filled up the measure of their sins and the land literally “spewed them out”. Nature itself expelled them. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah likewise were destroyed with fire for their unnatural desires. Spengler wrote about the moral decline preceding the fall of civilizations: decadence, unnatural desires, and finally a gluttonous lust that devours itself. Yes, there are some sins which Nature itself rectifies. Horace said that if you drive out Nature with a pitchfork, she comes right back in – good and hard. St. Paul said that when people reject God they themselves become rejected by the natural order of things.
Don’t worry, friends. The meek shall inherit the earth. The wicked will perish from the land. And what shall we do with it once we come into our inheritance? What, indeed, would we do now if the gospel actually won in our land and in our time, and our nation bowed its knee to Christ? Such thoughts scare liberal journalists, not because we would do anything nasty to them, but because they and their world are small and cannot comprehend the greatness of Christian civilization, much less heavenly life. In C.S. Lewis’ “The Great Divorce”, the people in hell couldn’t withstand even the laughter of the people in heaven. Heavenly joy is too heavy and oppressive for devils. The mere political success or domestic flourishing of Christians looks to the pagans like tyranny, fascism, conspiracism. This is why they want to stamp out families raising children. There’s truth to the meme that a man and wife with children in a home minding their business is, to the left, “right wing extremism.” Our laughter is their nightmare. The mere existence of the godly is “terrorism” to the wicked.
So, the Grubman is more right than he knows or fears: Christianity itself is a grand conspiracy, as C.S. Lewis said, “Christianity is the story of how the rightful King has landed, you might say in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in His great campaign of sabotage.” The enemies of Christ call it “fascism” or whatever but we know it as a holy campaign of sabotage. Christianity is indeed engaged in a quest for power – holy, eternal, and joyful power of the righteous sings over the entire earth. It’s the greatest, most enthralling effort imaginable. Liberals are worried that Christians are plotting to take over the United States. They should be more concerned that Jesus is plotting to take over the United States.
The correct response to the liberal establishment’s wailing and weeping is that we Christians are going to convert their future kids & teach them to overthrow their own parents’ idols and worship the true God in holiness and righteousness and sing songs of the glory and victory of Christ.
About the Author
Thomas Achord is the headmaster of a Christian Classical academy, the co-host of Ars Politica Podcast, and the co-author of “Who Is My Neighbor”
God’s Judgment Against the West 'It's Going to Get Even Uglier'
Friday, 5 August 2022
The Insanity of Bolton College and What Passes for Education and Culture
Tuesday, 2 August 2022
How True is "Get Woke Go Broke"? Why Are Bad Guys Always British? The Wo...
Monday, 1 August 2022
Godless Media Now Calling Christianity a "Toxic Religion"
Over the past week the entire mainstream media complex has launched an immense attack on my character, Gab, and Christianity itself--calling it a "toxic religion." Echoing this hateful sentiment Jonathan Greenblatt--head of the Jewish Nationalist organization the ADL--called me "one of the most toxic people in public life right now" on national television. It's interesting that his organization explicitly endorses, promotes, and defends Zionism, or Jewish Nationalism, while attacking me and others for esposing Christian Nationalism. Do as I say, not as I do. Unfortunately for Jonathan, Christians don't answer to Jewish Nationalist organizations like the ADL and Godless media outlets. We answer to Jesus Christ.
Naturally I responded to this media onslaught and defended the Gospel of Jesus Christ and as well as my personal character. I said we are forming a Christian Nationalist movement and in order to be in any position of influence or leadership in the movement you must be a Christian. I said we are no longer going to answer to people who do not share our values and represent a diametrically different worldview that only 2% of the country holds. We are the 70%+ super majority in this country and we are going to do everything we can to take dominion and disciple this nation for the glory of Jesus Christ our King.
In typical fashion the media machine has taken short clips from my 30-45 minute long show and twisted them into something that they are not to fit their narrative. What are they so afraid of? Certainly not me. The answer is Jesus Christ and the awakening of hundreds of millions of Christians across this country and around the world.
As I have said in my previous articles and videos they have pushed us too far by locking down our churches, masking our children, and forcing us to inject a foreign substance in our bodies in order to keep our jobs. We are no longer being silent. The silent majority is getting loud and speaking the Truth of God's Word and the Biblical worldview boldly. The Jonathan Greenblatts of the world are not going to tell us how to live our lives, run our businesses, or practive our faith ever again.
What I hope to show to the millions of you who will read this is that if you double down and do not bend the knee when the mainstream media and our enemies call you a silly name, you win. That's it. That's the secret to surviving and thriving against their attacks. The weapons forged against you will not prevail if you stand strong in Truth. These people have great power, but we serve an all powerful God. We need to remember that and start acting like it.
We need your help to fight back against this attack. For almost six years now Gab has been fully funded and kept online from support by people like you. We can't do this without you. We ask for your prayers. We ask that you let your friends and family know about Gab to help us grow our community which has grown exclusively through word-of-mouth advertising since 2016.
Finally we ask that you prayerfully consider supporting us by upgrading to GabPRO, purchasing some merchandise from our shop, or running ads on Gab for your business to reach an audience of people who share your values. We don't have big corporate investors or special interests funding this platform. It's the grassroots support from people like you that keeps Gab online and we need your support now more than ever.
To God Be The Glory,
Andrew Torba
Jesus Christ is King of Kings
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Friday, 29 July 2022
The hidden message behind The Wizard of Oz and what it is really means. . . .
This appears to be a message to expose the banking cartel in America, their deceit and evil lies that have kept us in slavery for generations by creating the US corporation. It lets the people know that they have the power to 'liquidate' the banking cartel, the corporation and get back to Kansas - the real land and our Republic.
The "Wizard of Oz", written by L. Frank Baum, is not a mere child's story.
What can we do . . . . .
We claim our Birthright and take back our Republic
David is a former Intelligence Officer, Former County Sheriff Deputy, Former Presidential
Task Force Agent, and has also been helping people succeed in court for over 30 years.
He is educating us on the fraud that was perpetrated on us, “We the People” when we were born
. He is teaching us about the differences between a US citizen and state national of your birth state
located at 8 USC 1101(a)(21). He is teaching us how to correct our status and take back our birthright.
Learn to become an American State National
Bobby Lawrence is working with David Straight
Bobby Lawrence Group
Christian Nationalism and The Machete of Disobfuscation
Christian Nationalism and The Machete of Disobfuscation
One of the things that everybody needs to be braced for is a spate of articles, books, think pieces, documentaries, and the like on the rising threat of Christian nationalism. That being the case, you are likely to hear a lot about it from me as well. I intend, over the coming months, to sharpen my Machete of Disobfuscation, and, together in fellowship with you, to clear out some of these thickets.
Let us begin with a definition, just so we keep things perfectly clear. A Christian nationalist is anyone to the right of Susan Collins.
Just Kidding, Mostly . . .
A recent article at Mere Orthodoxy recognized this problem, at any rate. The author, Miles Smith, was not objecting to the uselessness of Christian nationalism, but rather to the uselessness of the term “Christian nationalism.” In his article, Smith makes a number of shrewd observations, with which I am in hearty agreement. And I like his intellectual honesty when it comes to historical theology—he does recognize that the magisterial reformers had an attitude toward the civil magistrate that was not, um, secular. So there is some good stuff here, and I agree with him that a term of abuse that is currently being used to marginalize any and all conservative believers is not necessarily the term we would have picked to describe our position, had we gone out shopping for a term. Which we didn’t.
At the same time, three cheers for Christian nationalism! And I hardly ever use exclamation marks!
The reason I say this is because, also at the same time, I think Smith is overlooking a couple of important points. What are they? you ask. I’m glad you brought it up, I reply.
The Populism Issue
In order to get a grasp of the biblical background on this particular issue, I would refer you all back to an important piece I wrote back in January of 2021. What are we to make of all the Jesus mobs in the New Testament? And why does it matter?
Mobs are mobs, and angry mobs are angry mobs. Smith is exactly right about Luther’s dim view of the peasants’ revolt. At the same time, do we not sometimes wonder if the peasants, humanly speaking, might not have been severely provoked? Is it possible that they had been goaded right up to the point of human endurance? Yes, this is possible. This is because mobs are not only mobs, elites are elites, and corrupt elites are corrupt elites.
Because human governance is inescapably hierarchical, it is therefore really important that the rulers conduct themselves in the light of God’s revealed will. Because if they don’t, and they get into a mindset where they answer only to themselves, if they appoint themselves to occupy the role of secular lords, this means that they will start to do all manner of unconscionable things. They begin to beat the male and female servants, and they eat and they drink and they get drunk (Luke 12:45).
“The prince that wanteth understanding is also a great oppressor: But he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days.”
Proverbs 28:16 (KJV)
I am quite prepared to believe that the rioting mobs in Sri Lanka are capable of any number of dirty deeds. Angry mobs do what angry mobs do. I do not view them as a surging flood of righteousness. When the dam gives way, the water flows where it is going to flow.
At the same time, we should be willing in principle to have a few words with those Bringers of Uplift who decided in their great wisdom to blow up the dam. In the name of preventing climate change, a number of restrictive laws were introduced in Sri Lanka which rendered the people incapable of feeding themselves. When this kind of thing happens, the people frequently develop opinions on the matter.
The ruling elites running the current secular order are so mendacious, so corrupt, so incompetent, so duplicitous, so leprous, so diseased, so full of themselves, so hypocritical, so lecherous, and so godless, the end result of all their schemes for ushering in their endless sunshine and high speed rail is that they have determined to blow up any number of dams. They have done it in the UK, in the Netherlands, in Spain, in the United States, in Sri Lanka, and so on.
What this means is that I don’t have to defend the mobs because I am not the one who caused them to form. Somebody else did that. What we are dealing with is grotesque mismanagement by the elites, and at levels such that a form of grandeur creeps into it.
Me: You don’t want to blow up that dam.
Them: But this would allow the salmon to swim upstream freely.
Me: I dare say, but you still don’t want to do it.
Them: The engineer who designed this dam went to a party in blackface once, in 1977.
Me: Still, it would be enormously destructive to blow it up.
Them: We’re gonna, because antifa rocks. Kablooie!
[Sound of a towering wall of rushing water]
Them: Aiieeee!
Me: This is what happens . . .
Them: Why are you defending the J6 incursion?
Me: I am not defending anything. I am explaining. And the explanation includes the fact that you are the ones fomenting all of this.
The, Ahem, Moscow Issue
I am going to keep this conclusion relatively short because whenever I am forced to talk about the influence of the Moscow project, I am acutely aware of the fact that I am trapped between the Scylla of Proverbs 27:2 and the Charybdis of 2 Cor. 12:11. This embarrasses me no end and so I am forced, while writing about this kind of thing, to dig a chastened divot in the carpet of boasting with my toe of humiliation.
What are we going to do about the ickiness of this populist revolt?!
If only there were a band of Burkean conservatives out there, who were engaged with culture, and who believed in training future makers of culture, and who were devoted to K-12 Christian education, and higher education and learning and the life of the mind, and who were operating in the tradition of the magisterial reformers, and who understood that hierarchy was inescapable, and who had a publishing house, and who have not given the time of day to the woke nonsense, and who were building a genuine Christian community, and who were advocates of a mere Christendom, and who were dedicated to liturgical and doctrinal reformation, and who were robust advocates of Protestant resistance theory, and who were committed to a Kuyperian version of ressourcement in historic Reformed practice! If only there were something like that!
Here is the trick. If the official policy of evangelical establishmentarians is to ghost all those who fit in that category, ignoring their existence entirely, it is then child’s play for them then to treat the remainder of God’s good folks as the great unwashed, as the booboise, as the clodhoppers of culture. If we discount the theological leadership of this movement, then this brings us to the inevitable criticism that they have no theological leadership.
This blog article originally published at on Wednesday, July 20, 2022.
Doug Wilson is a Christian minister, husband of Nancy, grandfather of minions, and resident of Idaho. For further information see his blog here.
Published in Bold Christian Writing and Christian Nationalism