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Thursday 29 August 2013

The Next Potential False Flag to World War 3 In Syria

With the corrupt governments of the USA and UK struggling to get backing for there war of conquest on behalf of the evil Zionist bankers and there Fiat Banking system, that is on the verge of collapse. And that can only survive with another world war has as happened with WW1 and WW2.

And with the people of the west not believing the propaganda these corrupt charlatan politicians. After the lies of Saddam weapons of mass destruction the destruction of Libya and the perpetual wars death and destruction imposed on the people of the world. The destruction of morality and nations and there homogeneous populations.

I strongly believe that a false flag event of epic proportions is in the pipeline. With the USA stationing warships of the coast of Syria. I strongly suspect that the Zionist state of Israel will sink one of the ships in order to blame either Syria Iran or even the Russians.
 Sounds strange but this has happened before. On the 8th of June 1967 during the 6 day war Israel attacked the USS Liberty . In order to blame Egypt. It also reported that mossad agents were present on 9/11 when the trade towers went down.
The Zionist agenda is to destroy the west and the Russian state leaving Israel as a middle east super power and Greater Israel that occupies Jordan Syria parts of Iran and the Sinai . Please do not mistake these Zionist for the true followers of Judaism. Many of whom oppose the heresy of  Zionism which has Hijacked there faith just as much as it has with the Christian Zionist movement . 
I strongly suggest you share on all your social networks and make this theory of mine public. WHY! to prevent it happening. If it is put out and made viral then this is one avenue that they cannot follow to take us all into WW3 and the death of humanity. 


Wednesday 28 August 2013

The root of egalitarianism is manipulation

The root of egalitarianism is manipulation

In the future, earth will not have a varied terrain. It will be perfectly flat. The mountains leveled, and the canyons raised, the earth will be finally equal.
All human beings will stand on ground with identical composition. In it will be mixed the soils of the seven continents in exactly equal proportions. Each person will be standing at exactly the same starting point, corrected for gravity.
It will have taken decades of science to perfect this, and centuries of warfare and construction, but humankind will finally have evaded what most people agree is its nemesis: inequality.
People will instead begin life exactly the same way. They will be born in identical hospital rooms, have the same clothes, and get the same amount of time from their parents.
Except it won’t be their parents; it will be state-trained caregivers who are selected for their ability to give no child more attention than any other. All must be equal.
Their schools will be identical too, with identical resources. Computers will select teachers and ship them around the country so that each person receives exactly the same ratio of mediocrity to excellence.
Since homes are unstable, they will live in dormitories. These will be patrolled by genetically-engineered benevolent gorillas who will ensure that no child gets more food than another, or more time at any activity.
No more sneaking downstairs late at night to practice piano, or spending all of your Saturday on the playing fields. That’s not justice. Justice is that every one gets the same chance no matter their background.
When they go to college, they will go to identical campuses. When they go to work, they will work in identical, uniform-height skyscrapers. These will be strategically placed so that none has a longer commute than the others.
Equality will bring peace, happiness, justice, freedom and an end to oppression everywhere. Even gender and sexual preference will be banished, and race will be destroyed as we merge everyone into a uniform tan.
But have we thought about this goal, equality? Science has, increasingly, as social trends have become more skeptical of it. A recent study on altruism, the root of egalitarianism, finds that it originates in salesmanship, theft, propaganda and other forms of manipulation:
In the study published this week in the journal American Naturalist, the researchers developed a mathematical model for the evolution of manipulated behavior and applied it to maternal manipulation in eusocial organisms, such as ants, wasps, and bees, which form colonies with reproductive queens and sterile workers. In the model, mothers produce two broods, and they manipulate the first-brood offspring to stay in the maternal site and help raise the second brood. Mothers can do this by disrupting the offspring’s development in some way, for example through poor feeding or aggressive behavior. Manipulated offspring of the first-brood stay and help to raise the second brood. Alternatively, first-brood offspring can resist manipulation and leave.
The researchers show that an offspring’s resistance to manipulation may often fail to evolve, if the costs of resistance are high. In a sense, then, helping or altruistic behavior is coerced through manipulation.
In other words, animals develop manipulation in order to benefit themselves at the expense of others. To make this process invisible, they sheathe it in altruism, or good feelings toward others. That way, it is beyond criticism by anyone else; who wants to attack good?
The future will bring many surprises. The first of them is this:
As soon as the ground is level and all is equal, the new ruling elite will step forward. We will know them because they each will have one hand behind their backs.
At the instant all is equal, and these new elites step forward, they will bring forth that hand. In it will be a step-stool. They will put it down, climb upon it, and rise above the rest, more equal than others.

BREAKING NEWS:The voice of reason Nick Griffin MEP on peace mission to Syria

BREAKING NEWS: Nick Griffin MEP, accompanied by BNP National Treasurer Clive Jefferson and BNP Head of Publicity Charlie Wythe, have dramatically cut short a conference in Brussels to embark on an emergency BNPeace mission to war-torn #Syria.

Warmongers William Hague and David Cameron have refused to reach a solution by diplomatic means and are rushing headlong into war. The #BNP considers it a criminal offence to interfere by way of military strikes on nations which do not threaten our own.

Once again Nick Griffin is putting his life on the line to stop the Cameron regime from committing war crimes in the name of the British people, and, if we cannot prevent it, the least we can do is make sure that the British people know that the only member of parliament with any balls is campaigning for peace while Cameron’s regime is committing more crimes in the name of the British people.