NEWS: Nick Griffin MEP, accompanied by BNP National Treasurer Clive
Jefferson and BNP Head of Publicity Charlie Wythe, have dramatically cut
short a conference in Brussels to embark on an emergency BNPeace
mission to war-torn #Syria.
Warmongers William Hague and David Cameron have refused to reach a
solution by diplomatic means and are rushing headlong into war. The #BNP considers it a criminal offence to interfere by way of military strikes on nations which do not threaten our own.
Once again Nick Griffin is putting his life on the line to stop the
Cameron regime from committing war crimes in the name of the British
people, and, if we cannot prevent it, the least we can do is make sure
that the British people know that the only member of parliament with any
balls is campaigning for peace while Cameron’s regime is committing
more crimes in the name of the British people.

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