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Saturday 8 March 2014

The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun

The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun

The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun
ukrainian woman

 This supporter of the Ukraine joining the EU has received her reward: a 50% cut in her pension.

According to a report in Kommersant-Ukraine, the finance ministry of Washington’s stooges in Kiev who are pretending to be a government has prepared an economic austerity plan that will cut Ukrainian pensions from $160 to $80 so that Western bankers who lent money to Ukraine can be repaid at the expense of Ukraine’s poor. It is Greece all over again.
Before anything approaching stability and legitimacy has been obtained for the puppet government put in power by the Washington orchestrated coup against the legitimate, elected Ukraine government, the Western looters are already at work. Naive protesters who believed the propaganda that EU membership offered a better life are due to lose half of their pension by April. But this is only the beginning.
The corrupt Western media describes loans as “aid.” However, the 11 billion euros that the EU is offering Kiev is not aid. It is a loan. Moreover, it comes with many strings, including Kiev’s acceptance of an IMF austerity plan.
Remember now, gullible Ukrainians participated in the protests that were used to overthrow their elected government, because they believed the lies told to them by Washington-financed NGOs that once they joined the EU they would have streets paved with gold. Instead they are getting cuts in their pensions and an IMF austerity plan.
The austerity plan will cut social services, funds for education, layoff government workers, devalue the currency, thus raising the prices of imports which include Russian gas, thus electricity, and open Ukrainian assets to takeover by Western corporations.
Ukraine’s agriculture lands will pass into the hands of American agribusiness.
One part of the Washington/EU plan for Ukraine, or that part of Ukraine that doesn’t defect to Russia, has succeeded. What remains of the country will be thoroughly looted by the West.
The other part hasn’t worked as well. Washington’s Ukrainian stooges lost control of the protests to organized and armed ultra-nationalists. These groups, whose roots go back to those who fought for Hitler during World War 2, engaged in words and deeds that sent southern and eastern Ukraine clamoring to be returned to Russia where they resided prior to the 1950s when the Soviet communist party stuck them into Ukraine.
At this time of writing it looks like Crimea has seceded from Ukraine. Washington and its NATO puppets can do nothing but bluster and threaten sanctions. The White House Fool has demonstrated the impotence of the “US sole superpower” by issuing sanctions against unknown persons, whoever they are, responsible for returning Crimea to Russia, where it existed for about 200 years before, according to Solzhenitsyn, a drunk Khrushchev of Ukrainian ethnicity moved southern and eastern Russian provinces into Ukraine. Having observed the events in western Ukraine, those Russian provinces want to go back home where they belong, just as South Ossetia wanted nothing to do with Georgia.
Washington’s stooges in Kiev can do nothing about Crimea except bluster. Under the Russian-Ukraine agreement, Russia is permitted 25,000 troops in Crimea. The US/EU media’s deploring of a “Russian invasion of 16,000 troops” is either total ignorance or complicity in Washington’s lies. Obviously, the US/EU media is corrupt. Only a fool would rely on their reports. Any media that would believe anything Washington says after George W. Bush and Dick Cheney sent Secretary of State Colin Powell to the UN to peddle the regime’s lies about “Iraqi weapons of mass destruction,” which the weapons inspectors had told the White House did not exist, is clearly a collection of bought-and-paid for whores.
In the former Russian provinces of eastern Ukraine, Putin’s low-key approach to the strategic threat that Washington has brought to Russia has given Washington a chance to hold on to a major industrial complex that serves the Russian economy and military. The people themselves in eastern Ukraine are in the streets demanding separation from the unelected government that Washington’s coup has imposed in Kiev. Washington, realizing that its incompetence has lost Crimea, had its Kiev stooges appoint Ukrainian oligarchs, against whom the Maiden protests were partly directed, to governing positions in eastern Ukraine cities. These oligarchs have their own private militias in addition to the police and any Ukrainian military units that are still functioning. The leaders of the protesting Russians are being arrested and disappeared. Washington and its EU puppets, who proclaim their support for self-determination, are only for self-determination when it can be orchestrated in their favor. Therefore, Washington is busy at work suppressing self-determination in eastern Ukraine.
This is a dilemma for Putin. His low-key approach has allowed Washington to seize the initiative in eastern Ukraine. The oligarchs Taruta and Kolomoyskiy have been put in power in Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk, and are carrying out arrests of Russians and committing unspeakable crimes, but you will never hear of it from the US presstitutes. Washington’s strategy is to arrest and deep-six the leaders of the secessionists so that there no authorities to request Putin’s intervention.
If Putin has drones, he has the option of taking out Taruta and Kolomoyskiy. If Putin lets Washington retain the Russian provinces of eastern Ukraine, he will have demonstrated a weakness that Washington will exploit. Washington will exploit the weakness to the point that Washington forces Putin to war.
The war will be nuclear.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Living in a Prison Planet

Living in a Prison Planet

Living in a Prison Planet New Databases Threaten Our Liberty By Jimmy Mengel 2014-03-03

 And set a watcher upon her, great and strong Argos, who with four eyes looks every way. And the goddess stirred in him unwearying strength: sleep never fell upon his eyes; but he kept sure watch always. —Hesiod, The Aegimius The Greeks were the first to document the frightening idea of "mass surveillance" that plagues us today. For the Greeks, "the watcher" was represented by Argus Panoptes — a giant monster with one hundred eyes. His name meant "all-seeing," and he was employed by Zeus' wife Hera with the task of guarding Io — one of Zeus' many lovers. Read More 
 Living In a prison Planet

Sunday 2 March 2014

'Brave German Woman' Rebukes Islam's Lie World CBN News Christian ...

Germany one Christian woman has decided to stand up and declare Christ alone as Lord over her country.

Saturday 22 February 2014

The Truth About Ukraine - A US Coup?

The Hitler We Loved and Why --Gerhard Schumann (translated from the German by Luther Williams)

A lot as been wrote about Hitler and with the unfolding of many hidden facts about  WW2 ,its causes and reasons for happening. And also the way the western world has been destroyed by corrupt Zionist Banking. perhaps it is time to take another look at Hitler. 
But on that you must decide for your selves.

The Hitler We Loved and Why  --Gerhard Schumann (translated from the German by Luther Williams)
In a single will is bound the might
Of millions living, millions dead.
In a single Faith is joined the force
Of countless million anxious souls.
In a single hand the warm salute
From joyful throngs of outstretched hands;
In a single fist the bold demand
Of endless ranks of hardened fists;
In a single heart the storm and light
Of all a people's fearless hearts.
With the thund'ring might of pealing bells
His voice resounds throughout the world.
The world will listen...
Gerhard Schumann (translated from the German by Luther Williams)
At no time in recorded history has a leader, a wielder of power in human terms, not as popular figurehead or celebrity, had such a closeness to his followers, his entire people, as did Adolf Hitler. It can only be called a love relationship.
 What, other than love, can explain the German people's glad welcome of this humble, but thoroughly dedicated savior from the Eastern Marches? What, other than love, can explain how the people of greater Germany remained with him in bad times and in good, for better or for worse? What, other than love, can explain the fact that those who remember him love him still?
We loved him because he stood for the best that was in us, and as our Leader, demanded of us our best. It was never Hitler's Germany. It shall always be: Germany's Hitler, the man loved by his people.
This is why we loved him...
We loved him because he loved us and our children.
We loved him so much that we, the young and not so young, made pilgrimages to his home in the Alps - not to ask him for favors, but merely to catch a glimpse of him and to be near him.
We loved him because he was a good listener and lived simply.
We loved him because he spoke the unspoken thoughts of our souls in such a way that all could understand. He did not "over-simplify" our problems. He clarified them. He did not beguile us with cheap solutions and easy panaceas, for there were none. He did not "guarantee" us a better world. He asked us to FIGHT for one. Fight we did, for we who heard him knew he was right.
We loved him because he was honest. He did not expound the supposed virtues of democracy and then corrupt the process with purchased votes.
We loved him, not because he was a "great dictator", but because he was a great teacher, a living example of the order he preached. Without order, nothing can exist. How well we who had suffered knew this lesson! But when there is no basis for instruction, no racial pattern, no heredity, the lesson of order cannot be learned, no matter how brilliant the instructor. He taught us this all-important truth of Race. Hitler's inspiration kindled our racial potential for construction and creativity. His order was not imposed upon us. It came from within.
We loved Hitler because he was a White Man. He practiced our White virtues of forthright honesty and his actions matched his words. If something was filth, he disposed of it as filth with sanitary thoroughness. He did not enshrine the excrescence of sick minds. He was not ashamed to burn shameful enemy propaganda which was aimed at the destruction of our souls.
He was not like our racial enemy and his democratic stooges who preached freedom of the press and practiced suppression.
We loved him because he replaced the wasteful idleness of our penal system with productive labor and punishment with redemption. Even habitual criminals fulfilled useful roles in our society, roles which even they could look upon with pride. Not only did he save us from them, he saved them for us.
We loved him because he protected us from religious charlatans -- preachers for profit who posed as prophets of God in order to batten like vampires on the trust of simple believers.
We loved him because he defended us against the racial enemy's campaign to spread perversion among us. He knew that sexual perversion was poison and that enough of it could kill any race.
We thanked him for removing from circulation the many Jew smut publications which championed all manner of sexual deviation, including abortion, in the name of "freedom of the press."
We loved him because he removed our alien dominators and place them back among their own kind.
We loved him because he freed us from those corrupted by gold and replaced them with able and incorruptible men.
We loved him because he did not surround himself with persons who sought idle privilege, but who sought instead the privilege of serving us. No means of helping our people was too humble for our "high and mighty" leaders. We contributed freely, for we loved our leaders almost as much as we did our Leader.
We loved him because he made our police force work for us, not against us. Our young learned that our police were not against us, but a necessary help in the establishment of a healthy society. Certainly, all available help was necessary to protect the honest citizens from the machinations of traitors, secret societies and minority pressure groups. We supported our police because they were German police, working for German government. Thus, we required far fewer police to "maintain public order" under Hitler than we do today, under alien domination.
We loved him because he did not persecute our enemies, but prosecuted them. without fear or favor, according to law -- our law.
We loved him because he saved us from the alien invaders who promoted the extinction of our Race, the White Race.
We loved him because he kept our entertainment media free of the perversion of race-mixing and race suicide.
We loved him because he used the entertainment media to educate us about life and true values. The themes were uplifting in ways which were never dull. Best of all, they were OUR plays and films, by OUR people.
We loved him because he taught us the truth about Race and proved, even to skeptics, that the White Race is the founder of all great cultures and civilizations and that race-mixing is the great destroyer.
We loved him because he hid nothing from us. He was confident in our strength to face the worst atrocities our enemies had to offer -- and surmount them with courage and determination.
We loved him because he taught our Fellow White men, the Poles, the truth about their Jewish Soviet "liberators." He showed the world the ghastly face of communism by revealing the Katyn Forest Massacre of the Polish officer corps and by proving forever the guilt of the Soviet system.
We loved him because he had bold plans which benefited man and harmonized with nature.
We loved him because he gave us the best roads in the world, envied and emulated by other peoples ever since. Not only did he give us roads, but a cheap, practical car to run on them, the Volkswagen: the People's Car.
We loved him for giving us honest money and thereby saving our jobs, our homes and our industry. He made our lives not only bearable, but fruitful.
We loved him because he did the Work of the Lord, by driving the money-changers out of our country. He taught us that true wealth is not based on gold nor upon credit. but upon the productivity of our land and people. Honest money is only possible with honest men. No system of law or gold can protect us from criminals in government. There is no substitute for honest men.
We loved him because he wrested the creation of our money away from the Jews, like his American predecessor, Abraham Lincoln. He restored our economy to peacetime prosperity. It was not preparation for war that ended our depression. Where the Jews retained their money power, the depression worsened. Unemployment rose drastically in America and Britain at this time. As the British military strategist, Liddell Hart, maintained: The last thing Hitler wanted was war. But war came at last. and none too soon for the Jewish bankers! War was declared by Britain in 1939, but little fighting occurred. Britain announced Jewish terms for ending the war: Kill Hitler and return to the international gold standard. For Germany, the choice was certain death by starvation or possible death in battle.
The Jewish bankers had created massive unemployment in our country, just as they had done in England, France, America and throughout the world. They did this by decreasing the supply of money, which our racial renegade governments had allowed them to control entirely.
Before Hitler came to power, 7 million Germans were unemployed and over 6 million only partially employed. In the four bleak years from 1929 to 1933, despair and hopelessness caused the death by suicide of some 250,000 of our people.
We loved him because he freed us from dire dependency on the whims and vagaries of foreign suppliers of domestic necessities. He taught us that political independence was possible only with economic independence.
In 4 years, from 1933 to 1937, he made us virtually self-sufficient in the production of steel, aluminum, chemicals, petroleum and general industrial production.
We loved him because he had a deep reverence for our past. A people whose roots are strong cannot be toppled by gusts of fad, fashion and foolish innovation.
We loved him because he was a deeply spiritual man who did not allow the Jews to confuse Christian teachings. The Christian churches loved him. Over 40% of the SS were Catholics.
We loved him because he built churches for us. Christian churches. In the name of Christianity, our enemies destroyed these churches, later bragging about the "precision" of their bombing raids. Today, Rabbis lecture in "Christian" schools. The Talmud of the Jews, their "holy book." describes non-Jews as "beasts of the field" and "cattle." The Jews have not changed. Why have the Christians changed?
We loved him because he reaffirmed the goodness and the wisdom of wholesome work and wholesome food.
We loved him because he trusted his people. He did not find it necessary to restrict firearms ownership. No true Leader need fear the armed members of his Race.
We loved him because he taught us to appreciate beauty by creating it with our own hands. Perfection and excellence were our goals. As we worked to master our medium, we learned to observe Nature and to apply Her Laws. Thus did we become artists and also National Socialists, for National Socialism is simply the application of Nature's Laws to politics.
We loved him because he encouraged the sexes to realize their full potentials, as complementary rather than competitive beings. Men were made for women and women for men. Each was trained for that which he or she could do best. This did not mean that men could not be artistic or creative, nor did it mean that women could not be great aviatrixes, photographers, film-directors, athletes. etc. It simply meant that, whatever we did, our men were manly and our women feminine. Enemy inculcation of sexual role confusion with the aim of crippling the sexes' role in child-rearing was thus overthrown and scattered to the winds.
We loved him because he devoted much effort and care to provide the unborn and parents to-be with a healthy and pleasant environment. Beginning with healthy young parents, Hitler encouraged good prenatal care by stressing healthy diet, exercise and freedom from intoxicants. The unhealthy and the mentally-defective were discouraged from inflicting more of themselves upon our hard-pressed population; sterilization was recommended for carriers of genetic defects. The German people could decide who should have children -- not the Jewish bankers.
We loved him because he protected the rights of the unborn and because he treated the young with the love and respect they deserve as our successors and he made them worthy of that love and respect by training them for responsible adulthood.
We loved him because he brought us Europeans together. With him, we knew our strength and felt the awesome importance of our Racial Mission as never before. He brought all of us together, even Americans, Russians and Britons. White men from all the countries of Europe joined his ranks to defend the Holy Swastika Banner of our Race. Because we fought to the end, the destruction of White Civilization was avoided. Our sacrifice was not in vain!
We loved him because he brought out the best in our fighting men. He bestowed upon us a new generation of heroes. He was loyal to our allies and backed his words with action.
We loved him for his greatness in overlooking the mean propaganda pricks of enemy gadflies.
We loved him for his chivalry, his conduct of war so as to lose as few White lives as possible -- friend or foe.
We loved him because he honored our heroes. A Race without heroes is a dead or dying Race. Our White heroes are brave, forthright, strong and kind. The "heroes" of our racial enemy are cowardly, devious, weak and cruel. A Race is known by its heroes, because heroes are examples to cherish and to emulate. Thus do we differ from our racial enemy, the Jew.
We loved him because his spiritual presence prevented our sufferings and sorrows from overwhelming us.
He was adored like no other mortal, before or since.
Today, his spirit soars beyond the shores of the White Man's home in Europe. Wherever we are, he is with us.

Gerald Celente - RTTV - February 20, 2014

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Hard Facts of The Holocaust

Insight - A New Documentary Series From The UK Column (+playlist)

Keiser Report: Farce of Scottish Independence (E561)

Usury: Weapon of Control and Enslavement – Part 1 of 2

Usury: Weapon of Control and Enslavement – Part 1 of 2

Paul Adams, J.D.Activist Post

The world economy is based on the sand foundation of usury, which was considered a sin and tool of covert warfare for thousands of years.
The rich rules over the poor, 
And the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 
Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes its laws -- Attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild
The world financial system seems complex but it is actually very simple: a cabal of bankers has conquered the world by lending people and governments money that does not exist and charging interest on it. No lasting economic recovery or increased standard of living is possible for the majority unless usury and the political power of bankers are abolished.


Usury is the lending of money with interest.

Historically, many cultures regarded the charging of interest for loans as sinful. Some of the earliest known condemnations of usury come from the Vedic texts of India. Similar condemnations are found in the religious texts from Buddhism, JudaismChristianity, and Islam. At times, many nations from ancient China to ancient Greece to ancient Rome have outlawed loans with any interest. Though the Roman Empire eventually allowed loans with carefully restricted interest rates, the Christian church in medieval Europe banned the charging of interest at any rate.

Usury has been denounced by a number of religious leaders and philosophers in the ancient world, including Moses, Plato, Aristotle, Cato, Cicero, Seneca, Jesus, Aquinas, Martin Luther, Muhammad, Gautama Buddha.

The ancient Israelites called usury "a bite." It is like the slow poison of a serpent: "Usury does not all at once destroy a man or nation with, as it were, a bloody gulp. Rather, it slowly, sometimes nearly imperceptibly, subverts the victim's constitution until he cannot prevent the fatal consequences even though he knows what is coming."

The Old Testament "also classes the usurer with the shedder of blood, the defiler of his neighbor's wife, the oppressor of the poor, the spoiler by violence, the violator of the pledge, the idolater.”

Indeed, the only time the Prince of Peace became violent is when he cleansed the temple of the money changers.
… Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables.
Modern churches and synagogues remain silent in the face of this great evil. And today, the money changers (high-level bankers) have conquered the world with usury as their discreet weaponry. It is the fraudulent foundation of nearly all economies through debt-based currencies issued by privately owned central banks, fractional reserve lending, mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, business loans, and IMF loans.

The most powerful money changers have established think-tanks with their ill-gotten gains, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group, which control all major political parties (The Establishment).

To free the world of debt slavery and a totalitarian world government run by money changers, it is necessary to understand these frauds.

Fractional Reserve Usury Banking
Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it all back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits. -- Sir Josiah Stamp (President of the Bank of England in the 1920s).
Local and large banks profit tremendously from the fraud known as fractional reserve lending. While bankers wear suits and appear respectable, they actually prowl around like roaring lions seeking someone to devour. It works like this:
I set up a Rothbard Bank, and invest $1,000 of cash. Then I 'lend out' $10,000 to someone, either for consumer spending or to invest in his business. How can I 'lend out' far more than I have? Ahh, that's the magic of the 'fraction' in the fractional reserve. I simply open up a checking account of $10,000 which I am happy to lend to Mr. Jones. Why does Jones borrow from me? Well, for one thing, I can charge a lower rate of interest than savers would. I don't have to save up the money myself, but simply can counterfeit it out of thin air. Since demand deposits at the Rothbard Bank function as equivalent to cash, the nation's money supply has just, by magic, increased by $10,000. The inflationary, counterfeiting process is under way.
To simplify, the inequity of the world’s banking system is the fact that the money borrowed from a bank is created out of nothing. On the other hand, the borrower must actually produce real goods and services to earn money to pay back the loan plus interest.

When bankers create money faster than the economy grows, the purchasing power of the dollar declines which is known as inflation. The majority of the population is competing like wild animals during a famine to earn enough money to pay their debts and feed their families.

Home Mortgage Usury

A thirty-year-debt-slave is someone that has a home mortgage. First, the debtor is borrowing money that was created out of nothing through fractional reserve lending.

Second, after years of making payments, the debtor may become injured or unemployed. The bank will then foreclose and sell the house. The bank will keep the proceeds of the sale and all the principal and interest that the borrower paid prior to going into default. Therefore, the borrower, who normally puts down only 20 percent (or much less) of the purchase price, bears almost 100% percent of the risk despite the fact that the bank decided to loan the other 80% (or more).

Third, the cost of a home loan is approximately double the amount borrowed when thirty years of interest payments are included. For example, if a borrower with good credit buys a $300,000 house and puts down 20 percent ($60,000), the borrower will borrow $240,000 from the bankers. The interest on a $240,000 loan at 5% (a historically low interest rate) over thirty years is $223,813.88. Therefore, the total cost of the $300,000 home is actually $463,813.88 (not including property taxes and insurance). Run the numbers yourself.

Credit Card Usury

Those who do not pay off their credit cards each month are slaves to usury. The average Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for a credit card in the United States is 14.95%. Credit cards with APRs above 20% are common.

In California, the Attorney General admits that limits on usury applicable to individuals making loans “do not apply to most lending institutions such as banks, credit unions, finance companies, pawn brokers, etc.”

Student Loan Usury

Approximately 40 million Americans have borrowed money to attend college. The average balance is close to $25,000. Nearly 50 percent of recent college graduates are unemployed or working in jobs that don’t require a college degree and pay accordingly. Students should know that in most cases student loans are not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

The Federal Reserve

In the United States, usury originates through the private Federal Reserve banking system. The Creature from Jekyll Island documents the following individuals drafted the Federal Reserve legislation in secret at Jekyll Island in 1910 (page 5 of the fourth edition):
  • Paul Warburg, a partner of international investing giant Kuhn, Loeb & Company, a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in Europe, brother to Max Warburg who was head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany.
  • Senator Nelson Aldrich: business associate of J.P. Morgan and father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
  • Frank Vanderlip: president of National City Bank of New York, one of the most powerful banks at the time, representing William Rockefeller and Kuhn, Loeb & Company.
  • Henry Davidson: senior partner of J.P. Morgan.
  • Charles Norton: president of J.P. Morgan’s First National Bank of New York.
  • Abraham Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.
  • Benjamin Strong, head of J.P. Morgan’s Bankers Trust Company.
Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law on December 23, 1913. On that day, the U.S. government officially transferred its power to create money and regulate the value thereof to the world’s wealthiest private bankers. Furthermore, the U.S. government would now borrow money from private banks, enslaving its citizens with the national debt, rather than creating its own money interest free.

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan publicly brags that the private banking cartel isabove the law and creates unlimited money out of nothing to loan its insolvent borrower, the U.S. government.

David Lang, a Federal Reserve employee, admits that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation that pays dividends to its undisclosed shareholders. The head of security at the San Antonio Federal Reserve also admits the institution is private.

So who receives dividends from owning shares of the private Federal Reserve? Charts created by the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 reveal the following people and companies own shares in the Federal Reserve: Rothschilds, J.P. Morgan, the Warburgs banks, Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, Jacob Schiff, William Rockefeller, David Rockefeller/Chase Bank, and many others.

more recent study found that Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and HSBC now have the power of the Federal Reserve at their fingertips.

The IRS and Federal Reserve

Like the Federal Reserve, the IRS was created in 1913. The purpose of the IRS is to enslave citizens by stealing the value of their labor through collecting income taxes; by force if necessary.

Tax Freedom Day 2013 arrived on April 18 this year, meaning that Americans will work 108 days into the year, from January 1 to April 18, to earn enough money to pay this year’s combined 29.2% federal, state, and local tax bill.

In other words, on average, the IRS and other tax collectors steal over 3.5 months of each Americans’ labor time each year.

The private Federal Reserve is one of largest holders of U.S. government debt, owning approximately $1.794 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities. Much of the collected federal income taxes go towards paying interest on the national debt to the Fed for money that it created out of nothing and loaned to the government at interest. This unfortunate reality has been verified by G. Edward GriffinJoe PlummerIRS whistleblower, Joe Banister, and many others.

In part 2 of this article, we will examine crimes associated with usury and practical solutions.

Paul Adams is your humble servant and a follower of Jesus Christ.