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Monday 13 May 2024

Mass deportations" has become the new slogan constantly repeated by the collective 'far-right' The Reality

In a recent Tweet former MEP Nick Griffin offered a glimmer of reality to some of the right wing promises from some populist parties over mass deportations.. In his tweet Mr Griffin stated below. 

 "Mass deportations" has become the new slogan constantly repeated by the collective 'far-right'.

It is, of course, only possible if they acquire & hold state power. And if the general population was willing & able to fight & win a civil war, and then to withstand coloured revolution efforts & a NATO bombing campaign like against Serbia. It is, in a word, IMPOSSIBLE. "Mass deportations" is a slogan, used either as a comfort blanket or as a way of pretending to be based & edgy, while appealing for donations to "help my work". Sorry folks, but it's not 'work', it's a fantasy for fools. You all need to grow up, drop this tooth-fairy 'political' fakery, and start building a movement that can fight for the rights and proper status of our people when we are the largest minority in a land of minorities. We will need to negotiate with the 'Others', and at times to face down various enemies - including at times our own elites. We need positions of strength from which to do so, and they do not come from wish-list sloganeering. Programmes for putting things right in an unattainable world are worse than useless. We need men, not policy papers. The future is already baked in, face it like men, don't hide under the blanket like frightened children.