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Thursday 30 May 2024

Putin should have known the inevitable destination of the West

from Asifsholapee

 Putin should have known the inevitable destination of the West from the very outset, that the ruling cabal has been ever so focused into conquering the world ever since the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991.

NATO did not dissolve, but the Warsaw Pact did. NATO grew and expanded, and became the cudgel of the West to fight all those engineered wars in the Middle-East far from the North Atlantic. NATO in Afghanistan!? NATO in Kosovo!?

That is the Rules Based International Order, or the Talmudic Order. Putin has his work cut out for himself. Annihilate or be annihilated. The Talmudic gang is hellbent on ruling the world of Amalek with an iron fist with plenty of burnt offerings.

RUSSIA / UKRAINE: If the Russians break the Ukrainian lines in the east, we will send our troops to Ukraine! Poland and the Baltic states made it known at the Tallinn conference! The Lithuanian parliament promised to send troops for training and to protect the northern border of Ukraine! Antony Blinken faced pressure in Congress to explain why the White House does not want to allow Ukraine to fire US missiles at Russia! And the Hungarian foreign minister revealed that a European-wide conscription is being planned in Brussels!

Slowly, it is high time to prepare for emigration from Europe. The effort of the elites of the collective West to start a war is increasing day by day and while 2 years ago it was claimed in the media that the Russian army no longer has missiles, ammunition, food and the Ukrainian army is marching to victory, now the situation is in a state where the politicians of the Western world they are thinking about how to provide western troops to Ukraine, since Kiev's own have already run out. It is no longer about arms and ammunition, even if those are missing, because now it is only a matter of how much territory Ukraine will lose before it realizes that if Ukraine is to save itself and keep its borders, it must capitulate and make peace with Moscow.

And that on the basis of the new definition of the ethnographic borders of Ukraine. After 2014, Ukraine proved to be the biggest destabilizing factor in Europe after World War II. St. cylinders. And since Ukraine is a tool of the collective West and by extension the Pax Americana system against Russia, the complete destruction of Ukraine is likely to happen. The Lithuanian parliament has declared that it is ready to send its soldiers to Ukraine. This was confirmed by Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis in response to a question from Ukrainian MP Oleksei Goncharenko during the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to the Lithuanian Parliament.

Two weeks ago, an important conference was held in Tallinn, Estonia, where incredible things were heard, at least for the ears of ordinary citizens in Europe, who are enjoying the hockey game, but at the same time they should be slowly preparing the mobilization bagel and slowly saying goodbye to their families . Czechs, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and others, they will all soon go to Ukraine, this is already being discussed in Brussels, viz. information at the end of this article, only the public will be told last.

Poland and the Baltic states at a conference in Tallinn said that if the Russians break through the positions of Ukraine, they will send their troops to help the country
The German Spiegel presented behind-the-scenes information from Tallinn, where the Nazis and war hawks kicked off beautifully and their screams leaked into the German section. On the sidelines of the Lennart Meri conference on foreign and security policy held in the Estonian capital Tallinn two weeks ago, Baltic MPs warned government officials from Berlin about the consequences of German policy. Their argument is as follows: if the Russians achieve a strategic breakthrough in eastern Ukraine, because the West is only half helping Kiev, the situation could escalate dramatically.
Blinken was vague in Congress about why the White House does not want to allow Ukraine to fire American missiles at Russia
In essence, this was the answer in Tallinn to what Landsbergis told Gončarenko that Lithuania would send its troops when someone else was in command. And that would be Poland, which, together with the Baltic countries, declared at the conference in Tallinn that if the Russians advance and occupy more than just villages, but also some large city in the east (Kupjansk, Slavjansk, Kramatorsk), it will trigger an invasion by NATO countries ..Source 24 news