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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Former Detective Sergeant Ray Savage: Speaks Out On the Hampstead Paedophiles all and every Paedophiles within Royals, Governments

~ * Hampstead Paedos christ church London former Sergeant Spe...
Former Detective Sergeant Ray Savage: Speaks Out On the Hampstead Paedophiles all and every Paedophiles within Royals, Governments, a

And the list goes on, and police need to do their job and protect member of the public and all their properties.We need more men like him. Will the brave professionals stand up and get these children saved and the criminals and these people are complete OUTLAWS, and we all need justice and the common law courts to be brought back into every villages, towns, cities. across this country. People please wake up and stand up.
Posted by Radcon Jimmy Conrad on Tuesday, 31 March 2015
~ * Hampstead Paedos christ church London former Sergeant Spe...A Former Detective Sergeant Ray Savage:  Speaks Out On the Hampstead Paedophiles all and every Paedophiles within Royals, Governments, and the list goes on, and police need to do their job and protect member of the public and all their properties.We need more men like him. Will the brave professionals stand up and get these children saved and the criminals and these people are complete OUTLAWS, and we all need justice and the common law courts to be brought back into every villages, towns, cities. across this country. People please wake up and stand up.
Posted by Radcon Jimmy Conrad on Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Wednesday 25 March 2015

German Patriot Defence Lawyer Sylvia Stolz's Last Words in Court

German Patriot Defence Lawyer Sylvia Stolz was sentenced to 3 and-a-half years in prison and disbarred for 5 years.

Below Sylvia's comments to the court.
She says the Court is perverting and repressing the truth with the cudgel of "Holocaust," making a mockery of justice. Her trial has made clear the criminal absurdity of prosecuting "Holocaust Denial." How can one deny something that never existed? She says these entire proceedings began as a show trial in a kangaroo court and never progressed beyond that point. The main proceedings were projected with smoke and mirrors and the official fairy tale of "Holocaust" was enforced by undisguised force. She observes that the political intent of the Court is the ultimate eradication of the German Nation and its replacement by a mongrelized and deculturated population of mindless consumers.

Sylvia says she is confident that she has succeeded in exposing this Court to the whole world as an agent that is hostile to the German Nation. By openly and flagrantly violating the law, this Court flees before the truth. Incessantly, like turning a prayer wheel, it has rejected her every evidentiary motion with the cynical pretext of "abuse of court procedure." ..... She has hope and faith that the German Nation will someday bring this treacherous Court to justice
Read rest of Article At The French Connection Website 

Saturday 7 March 2015

Southampton Buskers go viral Hypocrisy song

 These Buskers were filmed in Southampton UK today the song they were sing was superb and should go viral . It shows the hypocrisy of the sheeple . Who are unaware what they are supporting . I just hope these talented folks have not been corrupted by socialism.  And that they realise that Libertarian Nationalism is  the best way forward in order to stop the NWO and corporatism. 

Sunday 1 March 2015

86 Year Old German Woman lays charges against the Central Council of the Jews in Germany

Here is a story you won’t hear in the “mainstream media” nor the alternative, unless it is first put through the wash and spin cycle. Thus,  I will do my best to simply translate and present this important and very newsworthy story to the world for consideration as provided by the original author, whom I shall introduce, as well as provide some context for her perspective, as well as my own.
Frau Ursula Haverbeck, born in 1928,  is an 86 year old survivor of the genocidal Allied terror bombing, the Russian onslaught of rape and pillage on Germany’s Eastern frontier, the anti-German pogroms and expulsions, and the post-war Morgenthau Plan of mass starvation perpetrated against Germany, the enslavement and mass murder of surrendered German soldiers as well as, of the post-war cultural genocide of the German nation by the criminal victors of WW2.

Read rest of article here
86 Year Old German Woman lays charges against the Central Council of the Jews in Germany

Friday 13 February 2015


Today the Daily Mail a major propaganda sheet for the NWO  Zionists American War agenda have made a major gaffe. when they Published this story 

The granny who stood up to ISIS:

The trouble is they never noticed what she said in the translation dubbed underneath please what this recording of the video I made before they realise there mistake.  about 1 min into it she highlights who Isis are really working for .