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Wednesday 11 November 2015

An idea whose time has come Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215

By John Banks
There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and is an idea whose time has come
Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215
Everyday, more and more people are waking up and realising that they are being unlawfully controlled and herded by the political, economic and legal systems that have been created in defiance of the Common Law, aided and abetted by corrupt officials of all kinds. Any open and honest mind can see what is happening and how all the dots are connected. As a result, the British political establishment is about to be hit by the biggest rebellion since the signing of Magna Carta in 1215. The genie is now well and truly out of the bottle – the hard truth is there for all good and decent people to see.
With the truth coming towards them like a tsunami, the British establishment now has a very simple choice. They can try to perpetuate a regime that feeds on debt, greed, corruption, deceit and the ultimate pursuit of unlawful global governance or they can yield to the inevitable exposure of truth that will give the British people real freedom, security and happiness. It’s really that simple! The political parties have failed us, they have all been compromised and are all ultimately controlled by the same secretive power base and mindset that makes up the New World Order.
What is coming to replace conventional politics is a movement – a movement to restore the Common Law, based on the principles of, wisdom, decency, humility and truth: a movement to restore happiness, love and real freedom and brings an end to oppression. Once the process of dismantling the systems of control, fear and suppressed truth is completed (with the precedence of Common Law in situ to protect the people from any possible resulting violent unrest and criminality), the British people will come together in a lawful Constitutional Convention, based on the procedures that produced the Magna Carta of 1215 and the Declarations of Rights of 1688, in order to secure their common law rights as an inheritance for generations yet unborn.
This is the future and it’s coming fast. There is absolutely no grey area for politicians to prevaricate and in which to hide – no fence or wall to sit on. The choice is simply this. Side with the British people, or face the wrath of the British people as they apply age-old and supreme Common Law against those who have betrayed them. The politicians of all parties have been warned – it’s now their call! Will they do the decent thing … or will they experience trial by Common Law and suffer the consequences?
The Statement:
We, The British People, KNOW what is being done unlawfully in our name and are now taking back our country from the highly-placed traitors and criminals by using the precedence of Common Law over Parliamentary Statutes and by carrying out effective and peaceful actions; exerting our ancient right to Lawful Rebellion under Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Magna Carta 1215, Article 61 Lawful Rebellion

Magna Carta 1215, Article 61
Lawful Rebellion 

Magna Carta 1215, Article 61

Lawful Rebellion
Rebellion in itself has a number of different meanings and is in fact quite close to another word that seems to be on everyone’s lips; Revolution. Defined meaning of Rebellion; Refusal to accept some authority or code or convention. An act or show of defiance toward an authority or established government. Defined meaning of Lawful; Being within the law; allowed by law: lawful methods of dissent. (The lawful refusal to conform to the authority that is unjust)
Under article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 (the founding document of our Constitution) we have a right to enter into lawful rebellion if we feel we are being governed unjustly. Contrary to common belief our Sovereign and her government are only there to govern us and not to rule us and this must be done within the constraint of our Common Law and the freedoms asserted to us by such Law, nothing can become law in this country if it falls outside of this simple constraint.
Article 61 shows quite clearly who really holds the power in this country, that being quite simply us the people; we have Sovereignty not any Parliament and nor can this be taken from us by any Parliament who claim to have taken the people’s Sovereignty. As defined above any act passed by a Parliament to remove the power the people possess, or to remove the power from the point of constraint we invested the power in, is invalid as it falls outside of the constraint laid down by Common/Constitutional Law.
This is a simple safeguard put in place to protect our freedoms under said law and to never allow such freedoms to be removed or diminished. So in reality any Act, Statute and subsequent law or legislation formed by these actions, that effects our freedoms asserted to us, is quite evidently unjust, invalid and most certainly illegal.
By invoking article 61 we are quite clearly stating that we feel we are being governed unjustly and after giving the head of state (Her Majesty) 40 day’s to correct this, if this is not corrected, then we can simply enter into lawful rebellion and we do this under the full protection of our Constitutional Law.
Lawful rebellion allows quite simply for the following recourse; Full refusal to pay any forms of Tax, Fines and any other forms of monies to support and/or benefit said unlawful governance of this country. Full refusal to abide by any Law, Legislation or Statutory Instrument invalidly put in place by said unlawful governance that is in breech of the Constitutional safeguard.
To hinder in any way possible all actions of the treasonous government of this land, who have breeched the Constitutional safeguard; defined with no form of violence in anyway, just lawful hindrance under freedom asserted by Constitutional Law and Article 61. Above are listed the three main ways we can as a people rely upon article 61 and what this allows for. The British people were given over 700 years ago a Law to use as there recourse when faced with either a Parliamentary dictatorship, or a Sovereign trying to rule by Divine Right, which amounts to the same thing. We have a right, and a birth right at that, to be governed properly under our birth right law and no other and certainly not by laws introduced on the pretence of being British Law, when in fact all laws passed since 1973 have been European laws in the guise of British law.
We have a right to freedom within our true law and no Parliament can remove this for they were not present in its implementation nor did it need any Parliament, or any Parliament involvement, this was quite simply a deal struck between the people and a Sovereign, a deal which can never be broken.
The traitors that reside in the Parliament of this country only fear one thing and that quite simply is us the people and they know that they can never defend themselves, or defend their treasonous actions, lies and deceit against the power of the people, asserted by and given by, the founding document of our Constitution Magna Carta 1215.
They realize, as many others do, that once the British public grasps the power of Magna Carta in both hands and start to use it in their defence; their game is quite simply up. What does Magna Carta stand for? In stands for freedom, that the people have Sovereignty that cannot be removed by anyone and it stands for the only real true rule of law; that no one, without exception, is above the law.

The Bill of Rights was an Act of re-enforcement and re-statement of the Common Law of this land. The Bill of Rights was enacted by Parliament in recognition of the conditions contained within the Declaration of Rights its preamble document.
Parliament itself has provided evidence of its own responsibility to uphold Common Law.
FACT! So for an example of their blatant disregard for the Common Law of this land; the clause that says… That all Grants and Promises of Fines and Forfeitures of particular persons before Conviction are illegal and void…
Quite clearly states that all fines given without first being tried in a court of law are void and subsequently so are all forfeitures. So why are many people paying fixed penalty fines and allowing forfeitures of their property before conviction? The simple answer is you do not know your own laws and the MP’s passing these Statutes/Acts to make you submit to this are illegally using these Statutes and Acts to fool you.
This relates to any fixed penalty fine given to you and any attempt to remove your property before you have been convicted in a court of law, by a jury of your peers (equals in status). This pertains to another clause found in Magna Carta 1215, article… [39] No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights and possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land. So any court of law that denies your right to a jury, is acting outside of its lawful duty to uphold the Common Law of this land and this should be maintained by all those swearing the Judicial Oath of Allegiance. Please note a jury is the most powerful element in any court of law for they have the power to null a case and even to go against the law if they feel the law is unjust, hence why juries are being denied in the courts; even more evidence of the power of the people!!
Let’s take for another example the MP’s Oath of Allegiance and their blatant disregard for the Oaths they swore and Parliaments conduct over the past 100 years. All Statutory and Parliamentary Acts of law must adhere to one simple rule…all Statutes/Acts of Parliament must only be for the strengthening and preserving of the Common Law of this land…
Any Statute/Act of Parliament to the contrary is not valid as proven by…. That all and singular the Rights and Liberties asserted and claimed in the said Declaration are the true ancient and indubitable Rights and Liberties of the People of this Kingdome and so shall be esteemed allowed adjudged deemed and taken to be and that all and every the particulars aforesaid shall be firmly and strictly Holden and observed as they are expressed in the said Declaration And all Officers and Ministers whatsoever shall serve their Majesties and their Successors according to the same in all times to come.
So all Ministers who have swore allegiance to Her Majesty are required by Common Law and by the evidence of their sworn oath, to maintain the format of Government in accordance with the terms of the Coronation Oath, an Oath taken by the Queen to regulate the Government in accordance to the laws and customs of the people entrenched in the Common Law of this land. Any minister who breaks this oath has removed his legitimacy to his position within Parliament by his own actions and the evidence of his none legitimacy is in the above.
As Major and Straw have both said on past occasions…Parliament is without the authority to require the Queen to break the terms of her coronation oath….this, quite simply, say’s it all.

Treason? The trial of the Magna Carta barons: Westminster Hall, 31 July ...

Thursday 1 October 2015

Marine Le Pen leaves the EU Islamic appeasers stunned in silence | National News | British National Party

Marine Le Pen leaves the EU Islamic appeasers stunned in silence | National News | British National Party

done to Marine Le Pen who just days ago spoke in the European
Parliament, which only votes on issues the European Commission allows it

This brave
lady and Patriot spoke of the horrors that are starting to be enforced
upon Christian Europe by EU puppet Leaders, such as Angela Merkel.

She spoke
just days before she is due to appear in court for linking the Islamic
flood into France on to of its growing radicalised Islamic population
with the invading Third Reich in WW2 on French society.

Her date in
court is eagerly waited. For the press in France will report its
proceedings. If they fine or jail her, she will win, as the French
public support grows for her each day.

If she is found not guilty, she will win and more French people will flow to her cause.

In many
ways, Britain's future also rests upon Marine Le Pen. A strong French
government would remove the growing thousands of Afro-Islamics that now
infest the North French coastline hell bent on getting into Britain,
unlike the weak Socialist government based in Paris.

At the
moment Le Pen is sitting 4% in front of Nicholas Sarkozy on 29% for the
next French PM. The weak Francois Hollande of the Socialists trials them
both sitting on a dismally on 19%

Quite amazing when you consider just a few year back, she was bubbling around the 14%.

Enjoy this video, it lasts just 2.25 minutes but makes wonderful quality time

Monday 21 September 2015

Seriously pissed off Germans – what you won’t see on TV

Chancellor Angela Merkel tried to give a speech to Germans, but all
the way through, ordinary German folk were booing her and calling her

Despite this protest and the protests in Eastern Europe, the German government said it plans to force Eastern Europe to open its borders to the tsunamigration.

Over the space of a few months, the country has turned into a neo-Communist dictatorship, where common people are being ignored, and having their voices silenced.

Merkel and her friends want illegal non-White, non-European immigrants to “occupy and change” Europe, making it minority White.

If this White genocide agenda was directed at any group other than White people, anti-Whites like her would be going straight to jail.

But as you can see in this video, the Germans have arisen from their
slumber, and are now defending themselves from anti-White dictators and

Sunday 6 September 2015

Putin says EU refugee crisis “expected” — “planned” more like it!

     Putin says EU refugee crisis “expected” — “planned” more like it!

Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery – Russian President Putin has said in a speach that the current human tsunami of refugees into Europe was “absolutely expected” and that he himself has publicly predicted such an outcome from “the West’s” misguided meddling in the Middle East and North Africa. Putin’s statements are correct as far as they go, but they don’t go far enough. 
It’s not just that a refugee crisis could be expected, but as Dr. Duke and I have frequently pointed out on the David Duke Radio Show, a refugee crisis was part of the plan. Of course the Zio-fanatics in Israel and Washington wanted to weaken a Syrian state that they see as an enemy, and of course they want to pre-occupy Iran’s ally Bashar Assad in order to clear the way for a war against Iran. 
But massive immigration into European countries is also a top priority for Zio-fanatics, and the war in Syria has created millions of new pawns that can be sacrificed in order to further undermine Europe’s demographic future. Likewise, the overthrow and gangland execution of Libyan leader Gaddafi with the support of U.S. air power has created a lawless superhighway from sub-Saharan Africa to Europe’s Mediterranean shores. If hundreds of Africans at a time die along the journey, what difference does it make? After all, they are just goyim! And enough will get through to fuel the Zio push for a multi-cultural Europe. 
While Putin has a pretty tough reputation, notice that even he holds back on identifying the Zionist fingerprints all over this crisis. We know that Jews extremists run America’s foreign policy. The top three officials at the State Department are all Jews, and they are just the tip of the iceberg. Moreover, the Middle Eastern governments responsible for financing ISIS and allowing foreign fighters to infiltrate Syria and Iraq are all 100% kosher client states with a long history of cooperating with Zionist interests: Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, and Turkey. 
The essence of Jewish power is the ability to prevent the discussion of Jewish power. The corollary is that the way to overcome Jewish power is to talk about it. Vladimir Putin would be a good person to step up to the plate. 
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