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Sunday 3 January 2016

Lawful Rebelion and a Second Successful process used against the HMRC Taxman

This is the second time we have successfully rebutted fines from HMRC.

Thank you to Sandi Wicks for having the courage and trust in the movement to achieve this remedy.

This time the response included a promise to repay fines that had already been paid under duress (not that she stated that she was under duress when paying, but as she is in lawful rebellion it goes without saying).

Sandi had received another demand from HMRC to pay fines for not submitting an income tax form on time, she had already paid an earlier demand when she was threatened with enforcement against her if she did not pay. She is a home owner and has some assets so naturally she was concerned about the threats, she like others assumed that those that had already had success against the regime by using article 61 (in various other matters) were those who have very little to lose, and that, although that is true, this is why they gave up on those successful pioneers. With the greatest of respect to Sandi (and others that have made such an assumption) I trust now that this success is proof enough that this is not the case.

Sandi is part of the lawful rebellion group in Glastonbury. After she witnessed the earlier success against HMRC pioneered by another group member Edward Alder (deadly Eddily) she decided to pluck up the courage to have a go. She always knew that she could simply pay up under duress of circumstances if things got too heavy, this is a safety net that is completely lawful to do if you are in lawful rebellion. By doing so you are not admitting liability and will have obtained evidence of theft. This evidence can and will be used against those agents of the corrupt regime once the rebellion has been ultimately successful, and it will be.

I offered to handle the process for her as she is a very busy lady, I also had the intent to use the previous success Eddy had as a precedent within the process, but it didn't even get that far. Sandi agreed to provide me with power of attorney over the matter, here is the contract that we agreed....

Sandra Wicks.
xxxxxxx xxxxx,
xx xxxx xxxx ,

I Sandra Wicks do hereby authorize David Paul Robinson to act with power of attorney on my behalf, with regard to any enforcement agency attempting to remove goods or monies with regard to council tax or any other mater involving the law. Unless or until I have withdrawn my authority in writing.
Sandra Wicks.



David Robinson.
C/o The King Arthur,
31-33 Benedict Street,
BA6 9NB.

I, David Robinson of sound mind and good intent, do solemnly swear to act in accordance with the rule of law at all times, with power of attorney in any affairs with regard to the law and, for no personal financial gain whatsoever for Sandra Wicks.Whilst upholding the laws of the land without deviation.



Witnessed by:




The demand that she received to begin this process is as follows:


She rebutted the demand by using the Notice of Conditional Acceptance (as we do).

To: Mrs C Graham (doing business as an officer of revenue and customs for HMRC).
DMB 380

From: Sandra Wicks
xxxxxxx xxxxx,
xx xxxx xxxx ,

Tax ref: xxxxx xxxxx

Date Notice served: 24th October 2015

Sent by recorded post.

                          NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE.
                             Notice to Agent is Notice to Principle.

Dear Mrs C Graham,

I am writing to you after I received a demand for a payment of £1,200.00 for 'Overdue Tax, Tax Return & Penalties' dated 8th October 2015.

Please be aware that this is a Notice, a lawful instrument that requires your urgent attention. This 'Notice of Conditional Acceptance' may be used as evidence in my defence.

Whereas I, Sandra Wicks, stand entirely under the tenets of constitutional law in lawful rebellion as to my duty under the law and, that it is to my understanding entirely unlawful to pay any monies to HMRC at this time and since the 23rd March 2001 and, that I have withdrawn ANY/ALL presumed allegiance to the office of Sovereign (including HMRC) due to my individual duties under the law (see exhibit 'D', Oath of allegiance to the Committee of the Barons), those duties being stated within Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 (see exhibit 'C', Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 text), invoked by royal command according to the correct protocols of constitutional law on the 23rdday of March 2001 (See exhibit 'B', Letters between the barons' committee and the office of sovereign), therefore the law forbids me to comply with your demands for monies.

Whereas it cannot be denied that the invocation of this most important constitutional tenet did occur on the aforesaid date and, that it stands as the CURRENT LAW of the realm, please provide me evidence in substance to counter this claim within 7 (Seven) days from your receipt of this 'Notice of Conditional Acceptance' and I shall comply with your demand for payment. I do not wish to break the law Mrs Graham, if I am coerced/forced under threat into breaking the law by you, then you shall be solely liable for the consequences.

Maxim in law:“Any act done by me against my will is not my act”.

The Daily Telegraph reported on the invocation of Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 on the 24th March 2001. An article by Caroline Davis (see exhibit 'A') which can also be viewed online under the title 'Peers petition Queen on Europe'.

Magna Carta Society wrote: The House of Lords Records Office confirmed in writing as recently as last September (2009) that Magna Carta, sealed by King John in June 1215, stands to this day. Home Secretary Jack Straw said as much on 1 October 2000, when the Human Rights Act came into force. Halsbury’s Laws of England says: “ Magna Carta is as binding upon the Crown today as it was the day it was sealed at Runnymede.”

Therefore I, Sandi Wicks does conditionally accept that HMRC has the lawful authority to make demands on me for tax or fines, on proof that Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 is no longer in effect today and, that the ratification of the treaty of Nice has been revoked and, that the crown does indeed, according to British Constitution law, have the legal/lawful authority to make and enforce such demands.

Whilst the law provides me with 'lawful excuse' to distress the crown and its institutions at this time, it is to my understanding that I CANNOT BY LAW consent to the fine demanded by you as an officer for HMRC. British constitutional law forbids me to aid and abet the crown until Article 61 has been revoked by the barons' committee. It also forbids me to aid and abet any other man or woman who is not also standing in open rebellion in compliance with the law under Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215. I must also compel you Mrs C Graham to abide by the constitutional law yourself, and to stand with us in lawful rebellion as the law demands.

Failure to respond to this 'Notice of conditional acceptance' within the time frame allotted, or without providing evidence in substance that clearly defines that article 61 is no longer in effect, shall be taken to mean by all interested parties (including third party interlopers) that HMRC has NO lawful claim against I, Sandi Wicks and, that any further attempt to extract monies or goods over this matter would be harassment which may invoke a counter claim for damages against HMRC and you personally Mrs C Graham.

Any reply must be made on your full commercial liability and on penalty of perjury. We are ALL responsible and culpable for our own actions or omissions under British Constitutional law. Please check the facts for yourself before replying. Ignorance is no defence in law.

Sincerely, without any admission of liability whatsoever and, with no attempt to deceive or to appear vexatious and, with all my inalienable Constitutional rights reserved.

Signed: Sandi Wicks.

Witnessed by:

Signature. Printed name:

1.–----------------------------------------- - –-----------------------------------
2.------------------------------------------- - –------------------------------------
3.------------------------------------------ - –------------------------------------

Enclosed evidence.

Exhibit 'A' (Daily Telegraph reported on the invocation of Article 61 of MC 1215 on the 24th March 2001).

Exhibit 'B' (communications between the Committee of the Baron and Sir Robin Janvrin, Queens private secretary)

Exhibit 'C' (Article 61 of MC 1215 text)

Exhibit 'D' (Oath of allegiance to the Committee of the Barons).


Peers Petition Queen on Europe. Daily Telegraph.

By Caroline Davies
12:00 AM GMT 24 Mar 2001

FOUR peers invoked ancient rights under the Magna Carta yesterday to petition the Queen to block closer integration with Europe.

The Duke of Rutland, Viscount Masserene and Ferrard, Lord Hamilton of Dalzell and Lord Ashbourne were imbued with the spirit of the ancient Charter, thrust on King John in 1215. In accordance with the Charter's Clause 61, the famous enforcement clause, the four presented a vellum parchment at Buckingham Palace, declaring that the ancient rights and freedoms of the British people had to be defended.

The clause, one of the most important in the Charter, which was pressed on King John at Runnymede, allows subjects of the realm to present a quorum of 25 barons with a petition, which four of their number then have to take to the Monarch, who must accept it. It was last used in 1688 at the start of the Glorious Revolution.
The four peers, who were all thrown out of Parliament in November 1999, proved they had that quorum by presenting Sir Robin Janvrin, the Queen's private secretary, with the petition signed by 28 hereditaries and letters of support from another 60. In addition, they claim the support of thousands of members of the public.

They say that several articles in the Treaty of Nice agreed by Tony Blair in December will destroy fundamental British liberties. The Queen has 40 days to respond. Under the Magna Carta's provisions, if the Sovereign does not observe the Charter the people may rise up and wage war on her, seizing castles, lands and possessions until they have redress.


The petition of the barons and letters from both parties in full.

The Petition.

A Petition to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II presented under clause 61of Magna Carta 1215
February 2001. To Defend British Rights and Freedoms.

Ma’am, as our humble duty, we draw to Your Majesty’s attention:

1.the loss of our national independence and the erosion of our ancient rights, freedoms and customs since the United Kingdom became a member of the European Economic Community (now the European Union) in 1973;

2.the terms of the Treaty of Nice, 2000, which, if ratified, will cause significant new losses of national independence, and further imperil the rights and freedoms of the British people, by surrendering powers to the European Union:

a) to enter into international treaties binding on the United Kingdom, without the consent of your Government;
b )to ban political parties, deny free association and restrict the free expression of political opinion;
c) which can be used to introduce an alien system of criminal justice, abolish the ancient British rights of habeas corpus and trial by jury, and allow onto British soil men-at-arms from other countries with powers of enforcement;
d) to create a military force which will place British service personnel under the command of the European Union without reference to British interests, and contrary to:
i) the oath of personal loyalty to the Crown sworn by British forces,
ii) the Queen’s Commission, and
iii) the United Kingdom’s obligations to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation;
e)which remove the United Kingdom’s right to veto decisions not in British interests;

3.the creation by the European Union of a Charter of Fundamental Rights, which purports to give it the power to abolish such “rights”at will;

4.the unlawful use of the Royal Prerogative to
a) suspend or offend against statutes in ways which are prejudicial and detrimental to your sovereignty, contrary to the Coronation Oath Act,1688;
b )subvert the rights and liberties of your loyal subjects, contrary to the ruling in Nichols v Nichols, 1576;

5.Your Majesty’s power to withhold the Royal Assent, and the precedent set by Queen Anne under a similar threat to the security of the Realm in 1707;

WHEREFORE it is our humble duty TO PETITION Your Majesty to withhold the Royal Assent from any Parliamentary Bill which attempts to ratify the Treaty of Nice unless and until the people of the United Kingdom have given clear and specific approval to uphold and preserve the rights, freedoms and customs of your loyal subjects as set out in Magna Carta and the Declaration of Rights, which you, our Sovereign, swore before the nation to uphold and preserve in your Coronation Oath of June 1953.

We have the honour to be Your Majesty’s loyal and obedient subjects.

The House of Lords Records Office confirmed in writing as recently as last September that Magna Carta, signed by King John in June 1215, stands to this day. Home Secretary Jack Straws aid as much on 1 October 2000, when the Human Rights Act came into force. Halsbury’s Laws of England says: “Magna Carta is as binding upon the Crown today as it was the day it was sealed at Runnymede.”
The Treaty of Nice signed by the British Government in December 2000 includes:
Article24 –transforms the EU into an independent state with powers to enter into treaties with other states which would then be binding on all member states, subject to agreement determined by Qualified Majority Voting.
Article 23 allows the EU to appoint its own representatives in other countries, effectively with ambassadorial status.

Article 191 –assumes for the EU the right to “lay down regulations governing political parties at European level [ie: in the EU]” and withdraw or prevent the funding of political parties which do not “contribute to forming a European awareness.” This is a clear restriction of free speech and free political association. It also introduces two particularly abhorrent propositions – taxation without representation and the use of sanctions to suppress public opinion.

Articles 29 and31 – establish common policing and judicial cooperation (Eurojust).
Article 67 allows matters of justice and home affairs to be agreed by QMV. These articles open the door to the imposition of Corpus Juris on the UK (article 31 specifically calls for cross-border policing and prosecution, and the removal of conflicts of jurisdiction), and the deployment of armed Europol law enforcement officers on the streets of Britain. These matters were originally dealt with under article 280, which mysteriously disappeared from the draft of the Nice Treaty at the very last minute, in part at least following heavy pressure from British euro-realists.

Article 17 –establishes a common foreign and defence policy for the EU, with its own military force. The House of Commons was told on 11 December 2000, that: “The entire chain of command must remain under the political control and strategic direction of the EU. NATO will be kept informed.” Her Majesty The Queen is Commander in Chief of all her armed forces and Colonel in Chief of 46 of Her Regiments of the British army, every other regiment owing its loyalty directly via another member of The Royal Family as its Colonel in Chief to Her Majesty.

The oss of the UK veto applies to 39 new areas of EU “competence”, including indirect taxation, the environment, immigration, trade, employment, industrial policy, and regional funding. The EU also has plans for QMV to be expended to other areas not agreed at Nice, and without further treaty negotiations.
Charter of Fundamental Rights – signed at Biarritz, autumn 2000.

Article 52 purports to give the EU the power to abolish them at will, effectively making them meaningless. The whole proposition that the state has the right to grant and abolish fundamental human rights [ie: those we inherit at birth and hold in trust for future generations] is not only absurd but also contrary to Magna Carta 1215, the Declaration of Rights,1688, and the Bill of Rights 1689.

Clause 61 of Magna Carta was last invoked when the Bishop of Salisbury (Gilbert Burnet) acted on behalf of the barons and bishops of England to invite William of Orange and Mary to come to London in 1688, after King James II had failed to re-establish Roman Catholicism in England, and lost the confidence of the people. His act of abdication was to throw the Great Seal into the Thames and flee the country.

The ruling in Nichols v Nichols 1576 included the words: “ Prerogative is created for the benefit of the people and cannot be exercised to their prejudice.” (The Royal Prerogative is the power delegated by the sovereign to ministers to sign treaties on behalf of the nation.)

In 1707, Queen Anne withheld the Royal Assent from the Scottish Militia Bill when it became apparent that James Francis Stuart (pretender Prince of Wales, and the Queen’s half-brother) was planning with Louis XIV of France to invade Scotland from Calais in an attempt to establish a Jacobite sovereign. Were such an invasion to be successful, the Queen feared a Scottish militia might be turned against the monarchy. Thus, parliament’s will was denied in the interests of the sovereignty of the nation and the security of the realm.

Addressing both Houses of Parliament on 20 July 1988, at an historic meeting of both houses to mark the 300th anniversary of the Declaration of Rights, Her Majesty said that it was “still part of statute law…on which the whole foundation and edifice of our parliamentary democracy rests.” The Declaration of Rights spelt out the details: “…the said Lords…and Commons, being the two Houses of Parliament, should continue to sit and…make effectual provision for the settlement of the …laws and liberties of this kingdom, so that the same for the future might not be in danger again of being subverted. …the particulars aforesaid shall be firmly and strictly holden and observed…and all officers and ministers whatsoever shall serve their Majesties and their successors according to the same, in all time to come.”

Both Magna Carta and the Declaration of Rights are contracts between the sovereign and the people. Because they are not statute law they cannot be repealed. Both proclaimed what were taken to be self-evident freedoms which exist by right. Equally, both were based on a concept of permanence.

List Of Signatories Peers signing the petition:
Lord Ashbourne, The Duke of Rutland, Viscount Massereene & Ferrard (asLord Oriel)Lord Hamilton of Dalzell signed and presented the petition at Buckingham Palace.

The petition was also signed by:
Lord Sudeley, Viscount Cowdray, Viscount Norwich,Lord Napier & Ettrick, Earl of Romney,
Earl Kitchener,Lord Napier of Magdala, Lord Ailsa, Lord Sandys, Earl Cathcart, Lord Oaksey, Lord Milne, Lord Newall, Lord Barber of Tewkesbury, Lord Dormer, Viscount Exmouth, Lord Wise, Earl of Devon,Earl of Cromer,Earl of Shannon (as Lord Carleton), Lord Sandford,Marquis of Aberdeen (as Earl Aberdeen), Lord Strathcarron, Lord Craigmyle. The Countess of Dysart also signed, but the Dysart titleis Scottish and pre-dates the Union of 1707.

Letter To The Queens Private Secretary
Sir Robin Janvrin, KCVO, CB
Principal Private Secretary to Her Majesty The Queen
Buckingham Palace

23 March 2001

You were kind enough to invite a letter of amplification to accompany our petition to Her Majesty. Thank you.
The Treaty of Nice raises issues of major constitutional importance. It directly threatens our rights and freedoms, and undermines oaths of loyalty to the Crown. Such fundamental matters cannot be considered merely the stuff of day-to-day politics. They directly concern the Crown, the constitution and every British subject, including generations yet unborn.

We find ourselves living in exceptional times, which call for exceptional measures. Hence our petition to Her Majesty, which exercises rights unused for over 300 years – clause61 of Magna Carta, which were reinforced by article 5 of the Bill of Rights.

As you know, the wording of clause 61 says: …and, laying the transgression before us, petition to have that transgression redressed without delay…And we shall procure nothing from anyone,directly or indirectly, whereby any part of these concessions and liberties might be revoked or diminished; and if any such things has been procured, let it be void and null.

We have petitioned Her Majesty to withhold the Royal Assent from any Bill seeking to ratify the Treaty of Nice because there is clear evidence (which we shall address in a moment)that it is in direct conflict with the Constitution of the United Kingdom. It conflicts with Magna Carta, with the Declaration and Bill of Rights and, above all, with Her Majesty's Coronation Oath and the Oaths of Office of Her Majesty's ministers. Every one of these protections stand to this day, which is why they are now being invoked by our petition.

Ultimately,our supreme protection is Her Majesty's obligations under the Coronation Oath. The Queen has solemnly promised to govern the peoples of the United Kingdom according to the Statutes in Parliament agreed on and according to their laws and customs. Her Majesty also swore to preserve all rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to any of them.

From the spiritual point of view, it is unimaginable that Her Majesty would seek, in effect, a divorce from her duty. From a secular point of view, the Coronation Oath is a signed contract.

Recent statements by ministers, and by the previous prime minister, confirm that they would not advise any measure which might tend to breach the Coronation Oath nor betray Her Majesty's promise to her loyal subjects. Her Majesty accepts the advice of her ministers. Conversely, it is their duty to advise in accordance with the Coronation Oath. They cannot lawfully advise a breach. Nor can they gain or remain in power without swearing allegiance to the Crown. Yet the Treaty of Nice represents precisely such a breach, and it has now been signed by the foreign secretary using the Royal Prerogative.

Blackstones Commentaries (volume 1, page 239) says of the Royal Prerogative: The splendour, rights, and powers of the Crown were attached to it for the benefit of the people. They form part of, and are, generally speaking, as ancient as the law itself. De prerogativa regis is merely declaratory of the common law…
The duties arising from the relation of sovereign and subject are reciprocal. Protection, that is, the security and governance of his dominions according to law, is the duty of the sovereign; and allegiance and subjection, with reference to the same criterion, the constitution and laws of the country, form, in return, the duty of the governed We have already observed that the prerogatives are vested in him for the benefit of his subjects, and that his Majesty is under, and not above, the laws.

For such words to have meaning, the act of signing the Treaty of Nice by the foreign secretary demonstrates that ministers have de facto renounced their oaths of allegiance. Indeed,faced in due course with a Bill seek in gratification of the Treaty of Nice, the only options appear to be for Her Majesty to dissolve Parliament, or for the government to resign and fight an election on the issue. The ex-government would then be faced with seeking
elective power to introduce new oaths of loyalty under a new constitution as part of their new manifesto. This would distil the issues as perhaps nothing else might, since it would allow the people of the United Kingdom to decide whether or not they wished the constitution to be breached in this way, their rights and freedoms to be curtailed, and the position, powers and responsibilities of their sovereign to be diminished.

Of course, for the many thousands of subjects who have supported our petition, no such option exists. As the Act of Supremacy and the Bill of Rights put it: all usurped and foreign power and authority may forever be clearly extinguished, and never used or obeyed in this realm. no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate shall at any time after the last day of this session of Parliament, use, enjoy or exercise any manner of power, jurisdiction, superiority, authority, pre-eminence or privilege within this realm, but that henceforth the same shall be clearly abolished out of this realm, forever.

So it is clear that no-one – neither sovereign, nor parliament, nor government, nor people – may tamper with, dismantle, destroy or surrender our constitution. We are all tenants of it, and trustees.We inherited these rights, and we have a supreme responsibility to pass them in good order to future generations. They are not ours to discard or diminish. Which is why oaths of allegiance place an essential limitation on parliament’s power, and the Queens Coronation Oath is crucial. The Coronation Oath is a moral obligation, a religious obligation, a sworn obligation, a contractual obligation, a statutory obligation, a common law obligation, a customary obligation, an obligation on all who swear allegiance, it is the duty of government, and it is sworn for the nation, the commonwealth and all dominions.

The Coronation Oath is the peak of a pyramid, and all subordinate oaths are bound by its limitations. The armed services swear allegiance to the sovereign, not to the government of the day. This helps clarify the principle that allegiance is necessary, and not optional – an essential part of the checks and balances of our constitution.Without these oaths, and their lawful enforcement, we have little to protect us from government by tyranny.

We return now to our reasons for stating that the Treaty of Nice is unconstitutional. Our petition highlights several such clauses. We draw particular attention to article 191, which seeks to restrict the political freedom of Her Majesty's subject.

The EU seeks to assume the right to lay down regulations governing political parties at European level [ie: in the EU] and withdraw or prevent the funding of political parties which do not contribute to forming a European awareness. This is a clear restriction of free speech and free political association. It also introduces two particularly abhorrent propositions – taxation without representation and the use of state sanctions to suppress public opinion.

Our political freedom is absolute. The Bill of Rights says so. It cannot be limited in any way. Her Majesty is rightfully inscribed on our coins of the realm as Fid. Def. and Lib.Def. – Libertatis Defensor, Defender of the Freedom of the People.

It has been suggested to us that a referendum or plebiscite might be an acceptable response to the question of ratification of the Treaty of Nice, but we do not hold that view. A referendum or plebiscite which purported to make lawful the infringement of our common law rights would itself be unlawful.

We come back to the oath of allegiance. Magna Carta says: We will appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs, or other officials, only men that know the law of the realm and are minded to keep it well…. How can such officers of the Crown organize such a referendum or plebiscite? These procedures would also infringe articles 1, 2 and 4 of the Bill of Rights:

1.That the pretended power of Suspending of Lawes or the Execution of Lawes by Regall Authority without Consent of Parlyament is illegall. (This must include the Coronation Oath Act.)
2.That the pretended Power of Dispensing with Lawes or the Execution of Lawes by Regal Authoritie as it hath beene assumed and exercised of late is illegall.
4.That levying Money for or to the Use of the Crowne by pretence of Prerogative without Grant of Parlyament for longer time or in other manner than the same is or shall be granted is Illegall. (This is further protection of our common law rights.)

In the event that the Treaty of Nice is considered for Royal Assent we respectfully request that Her Majesty grant us an opportunity to examine the opinion of those who seek to alter our constitution by contrary advice. Accordingly, under those same terms of Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights quoted earlier, we the undersigned, and others– have formed a Barons Constitutional Committee to be available for consultation and to monitor the present situation as it develops..until redress has been obtained. We are and remain Her Majesty's most loyal and obedient subjects.

Ashbourne, Rutland, Massereene & Ferrard, Hamilton of Dalzell

The Reply

“I am commanded by The Queen to reply to your letter of 23rd March and the accompanying petition to Her Majesty about the Treaty of Nice.

“The Queen continues to give this issue her closest attention. She is well aware of the strength of feeling which European Treaties, such as the Treaty of Nice, cause. As a constitutional sovereign, Her Majesty is advised by her Government who support this Treaty. As I am sure you know, the Treaty of Nice cannot enter force until it has been ratified by all Member States and in the United Kingdom this entails the necessary legislation being passed by Parliament.”


Article 61 the whole text;

"61.Since, move-over, for God and the amendment of our kingdom and for the better allaying of the quarrel that has arisen between us and our barons, we have granted all these concessions, desirous that they should enjoy them in complete and firm endurance forever, we give and grant to them the underwritten security, namely, that the barons choose five and twenty barons of the kingdom, whomsoever they will, who shall be bound with all their might, to observe and hold, and cause to be observed, the peace and liberties we have granted and confirmed to them by this our present Charter, so that if we, or our justiciar, or our bailiffs or any one of our officers, shall in anything be at fault towards anyone, or shall have broken any one of the articles of this peace or of this security, and the offense be notified to four barons of the foresaid five and twenty, the said four barons shall repair to us (or our justiciar, if we are out of the realm) and, laying the transgression before us, petition to have that transgression redressed without delay. And if we shall not have corrected the transgression (or, in the event of our being out of the realm, if our justiciar shall not have corrected it) within forty days, reckoning from the time it has been intimated to us (or to our justiciar, if we should be out of the realm), the four barons aforesaid shall refer that matter to the rest of the five and twenty barons, and those five and twenty barons shall, together with the community of the whole realm, distrain and distress us in all possible ways, namely, by seizing our castles, lands, possessions, and in any other way they can, until redress has been obtained as they deem fit, saving harmless our own person, and the persons of our queen and children; and when redress has been obtained, they shall resume their old relations towards us. And let whoever in the country desires it, swear to obey the orders of the said five and twenty barons for the execution of all the aforesaid matters, and along with them, to molest us to the utmost of his power; and we publicly and freely grant leave to everyone who wishes to swear, and we shall never forbid anyone to swear. All those, moveover, in the land who of themselves and of their own accord are unwilling to swear to the twenty five to help them in constraining and molesting us, we shall by our command compel the same to swear to the effect foresaid. And if any one of the five and twenty barons shall have died or departed from the land, or be incapacitated in any other manner which would prevent the foresaid provisions being carried out, those of the said twenty five barons who are left shall choose another in his place according to their own judgment, and he shall be sworn in the same way as the others. Further, in all matters, the execution of which is entrusted, to these twenty five barons, if perchance these twenty five are present and disagree about anything, or if some of them, after being summoned, are unwilling or unable to be present, that which the majority of those present ordain or command shall be held as fixed and established, exactly as if the whole twenty five had concurred in this; and the said twenty five shall swear that they will faithfully observe all that is aforesaid, and cause it to be observed with all their might. And we shall procure nothing from anyone, directly or indirectly, whereby any part of these concessions and liberties might be revoked or diminished; and if any such things has been procured, let it be void and null, and we shall never use it personally or by another."


She received no reply from Mrs C Graham (doing business as an officer of revenue and customs for HMRC). Instead they chose to attempt to scare her into submission by using another agent (M. Mansha). Here was his reply:

HM Revenue
& Customs.

Debt Management Enforcement & Insolvency Service.
Centenary Way
1 St Blaise Way
West Yorkshire

Date 6 November 2015

Dear Mrs Wicks

I have attached a statement of liability which shows your outstanding balance on our records. Please note the amount is still remains outstanding are if you wish to dispute this you will need to contact the self assessment helpline.              [Edit; They don't even use agents that are competent with English grammar]

SA Helpline 0300 200 3310 (help to complete tax return).

Your liability to tax is not dependant on HM Revenue & Customs meeting the conditions you seek to impose.

The amounts outstanding are due under legislation and your liability for these amounts is not dependant upon HM Revenue & Customs providing answers to the irrelevant questions you have posed.

I recommend that you arrange to pay your outstanding liability immediately. Failure to do so may result in HM Revenue & Customs taking enforcement action against you. Such as the use of a debt collection agency, removal and sales of your assets. County Court proceedings or bankruptcy proceedings.

I have nothing further to add to this and I consider the matter to be closed. Any further correspondence from you on this topic will not be responded to.

Yours sincerely


M. Mansha

(attached document);

HM Revenue & Customs.
                                       STATEMENT OF LIABILITIES        date 6 November 2015


Reference xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx

Period ended               Description                              unpaid amount.

05-04-2013                 Interest on Late Filing Penalty                   4.43
05-04-2013                 Interest on Daily Penalty                         26.55
05-04-2013                 Interest on 6 month Late Filing Penalty      8.85
05-04-2013                 Interest on 12 month Late Filing Penalty    4.16
05-04-2013                 SA Daily Penalty
                                 Tax                                                     900.00
                                 Interest To 06-11-2015                             3.47
05-04-2014                SA 6 month Late Filing Penalty
                                Tax                                                      300.00

Total unpaid amount                                                          £ 1247.46

Interest accruing per day, until payment £ 0.09

Well......that told her!! she'd better just pay up then right?

We then served the second Notice on Mrs Graham. We also drafted a special Notice for M Mansha...

To: Mrs C Graham (doing business as an officer of revenue and customs for HMRC).    
DMB 380

Sandra Wicks.
xxxxxxx xxxxx,
xx xxxx xxxx ,

Date Notice served: 11/11/2015

   Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

Dear Mrs C Graham

I, Sandra wicks do declare the following to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

This is a lawful notice. Please read it carefully. It informs you. It means what it says. I do
not stand under the Law Society’s ‘legalese’ and there are no hidden meanings or
interpretations beyond the simple English statements herein. If you fail to comply with
this Notice then you will be deemed to be in absolute agreement with the points raised. Do
not ignore it.

A reply to this notice is REQUIRED and is to be made stating the respondent’s clearly legible full
name and on his or her full commercial liability and penalty of perjury. Your response is required
within TEN (10) days from the recorded delivery date of this notice; failure to comply will represent
your tacit acquiescence with the FACTS of this Notice or that you are unable to provide lawful proof-

You are hereby put on Notice of my standing and the lawful facts. Do not ignore this Notice unless
you agree to acquiesce to the facts, thereby agreeing in full with the lawful points that I made in the
previous Notice served on you dated: 24-10-2015 and delivered by Royal Mail Recorded Delivery on

If you fail to respond in ‘substance’ or within the reasonable time limit afforded to you herein, and rebut the points raised within previous Notice(s) served, it shall be taken to mean by all parties that all points and concerns raised herein/therein are true and indisputable lawful fact and, that you agree to them entirely and without exception. It will also be taken to mean that any further action taken against myself as a living
or legal fiction would be deemed by all interested parties to be unlawful harassment or coercion to commit crimes
under common law. I, Sandra Wicks over the age of twenty one years,competent to witness and with first hand knowledge do say the following, that:

STATEMENT OF FACTS: I have asked you previously to provide the evidence to confirm or deny whether Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 is still in effect at this time. I am concerned that by complying to the demands of HMRC that I shall be in breach of the laws of this land since said Article came into effect. I do not wish to break the law, so please advise me with the truth in law so that I may do the correct thing according to law

Being the second Notice to be served, I use this Notice as a reminder of the first, preceding Notice
served and the fact that it was either ignored or not answered according to the points raised within it
– in SUBSTANCE. Allowing for a reasonable time limit for you to respond to this ‘Notice of Default and Opportunity to Cure’ I provide a further TEN (10) days from your receipt of this document by recorded mail for you to reply in substance. I hereby offer you this further opportunity to rebut or confirm my
understanding of the common law as referred to in my previous Notice(s) for you to remain in honour
and, thus by doing so, enabling an opportunity to remedy this matter amicably or to provide
clarification of the lawful facts as to my standing under Article 61.

I hereby attest and affirm that all of the above is the truth and is my lawful understanding.
Without malice, vexation, frivolity or ill will and on my full commercial liability and penalty of perjury
and, with no admission of liability whatsoever and with my natural, indefeasible and unalienable
rights reserved and all benefits waived.

Sworn and subscribed on the date of:
Witnessed by (autograph):

1:_________________________ 2:_________________________ 3: _________________________
Print Name:

Name: _____________________ Name:______________________ Name:______________________


And the Notice to Stop for M. Mansha;

To: M Mansha (Doing business as A Debt Enforcement Agent for HM Revenue &Customs).
Debt Management Enforcement & Insolvency Service.

Centenary Way,
1 St Blaise Way,
West Yorkshire.

From: Sandra Wicks
xxxxxx xxxxx,
xx xxxx xxxx,

Your reference xxxx xxxxxxxx

Sent by recorded post.

Date: 16/11/2015

                                        NOTICE TO STOP.
        Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal, Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent.

Dear M Mansha,

Whereas I Sandra Wicks stand fully under British Constitutional law in defence of the Sovereignty of our nation at this time, which is to my understanding the lawful truth and duty of ALL British and Commonwealth subjects to do, and evidently so since Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 came into effect on the 23rd March 2001 (see exhibits A & B) and, that I have complied with the law with 'lawful excuse' with regard to this matter (see exhibit C), that being in a peaceful and honourable manner, by putting you M Mansha on notice of the evidential facts in an attempt to remedy this matter lawfully, and to inform you of your own duty under British Constitutional law.

By pledging an Oath of allegiance to one of the Committee of the barons whom invoked said article, it makes it my sworn duty to distress the present regime and this I do by 'Royal Command'. To my understanding it is entirely unlawful to aid and abet the crown or ANY of its agents at this time. I therefore demand that you do due diligence on this matter and STOP any further proceedings against me unless and until it has been evidenced that my understanding of the law is incorrect.

I Sandra Wicks has 'lawful excuse' to “distress and distrain” the present regime until present constitutional wrongs have been remedied. Proceeding against me may make you personally liable for any torts or criminal acts committed against me, which may result in a counter claim for extortion and demanding monies with menaces if you do not immediately stop further enforcement actions against me, whilst ignoring the evidence herein provided.

Whereas you state within the letter I received from you dated 6 November 2015 “ Your liability to tax is not dependant on HM Revenue & Customs meeting the conditions you seek to impose”. Let me remind you that it is THE LAW that imposes these conditions on us ALL. You are personally responsible for your acts and omissions under the law just like everybody else!

You further wrote “ The amounts outstanding are due under legislation and your liability for these amounts is not dependent upon HM Revenue & Customs providing answers to the irrelevant questions you have posed”. Sir, the question that I pose is entirely relevant to the fact that it is UNLAWFUL to aid and abet TREASON AT COMMON LAW and thus to adhere to the demands of HM Revenue & Customs at this time. Ignore the evidence presented at your own Peril. Your statements are evidently seditious.

To conclude your letter you wrote that “ I have nothing further to add to this and I consider the matter to be closed. Any further correspondence from you on this topic will not be responded to”. If you fail to respond to the RELEVANT points of constitutional law herein, then by your acquiescence it shall be deemed to mean, by all interested parties involved in this matter, that you agree wholeheartedly with the facts I have stated and evidence that I have included. And that any further actions taken against me shall be considered harassment and criminal acts.

Any reply MUST be made on your full commercial liability and on penalty of perjury.

Without any admission of liability whatsoever and, with all my inalienable common law rights reserved. With prejudice and written under duress and protest. On my full commercial liability and on penalty of perjury.

Maxim: “Actusme invito factus, non est meus actus.“ – An act done by me against my will, is not my act.

Sandra Wicks.


Witness 1.

Witness 2.

Witness 3.

Evidence included:

Exhibit A (Daily Telegraph report on the invocation of Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215).

Exhibit B (Letters between the committee of the barons and Sir Robin Janvrin)

Exhibit C (Article 61 text).


Peers Petition Queen on Europe. Daily Telegraph.

By Caroline Davies
12:00AMGMT 24 Mar 2001

FOUR peers invoked ancient rights under the Magna Carta yesterday to petition the Queen to block closer integration with Europe.
The Duke of Rutland, Viscount Masserene and Ferrard, Lord Hamilton of Dalzell and Lord Ashbourne were imbued with the spirit of the ancient Charter, thrust on King John in 1215. In accordance with the Charter's Clause 61, the famous enforcement clause, the four presented a vellum parchment at Buckingham Palace, declaring that the ancient rights and freedoms of the British people had to be defended.

The clause, one of the most important in the Charter, which was pressed on King John at Runnymede, allows subjects of the realm to present a quorum of 25 barons with a petition, which four of their number then have to take to the Monarch, who must accept it. It was last used in 1688 at the start of the Glorious Revolution.
The four peers, who were all thrown out of Parliament in November 1999, proved they had that quorum by presenting Sir Robin Janvrin, the Queen's private secretary, with the petition signed by 28 hereditaries and letters of support from another 60. In addition, they claim the support of thousands of members of the public.
They say that several articles in the Treaty of Nice agreed by Tony Blair in December will destroy fundamental British liberties. The Queen has 40 days to respond. Under the Magna Carta's provisions, if the Sovereign does not observe the Charter the people may rise up and wage war on her, seizing castles, lands and possessions until they have redress.


The petition of the barons and letters from both parties in full.

The Petition.

A Petition to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II presented under clause 61of Magna Carta 1215
February 2001. To Defend British Rights and Freedoms.

Ma’am, as our humble duty, we draw to Your Majesty’s attention:

1. the loss of our national independence and the erosion of our ancient rights, freedoms and customs since the United Kingdom became a member of the European Economic Community (now the European Union) in 1973;
2. the terms of the Treaty of Nice, 2000, which, if ratified, will cause significant new losses of national independence, and further imperil the rights and freedoms of the British people, by surrendering powers to the European Union:

a) to enter into international treaties binding on the United Kingdom, without the consent of your Government;
b) to ban political parties, deny free association and restrict the free expression of political opinion;
c) which can be used to introduce an alien system of criminal justice, abolish the ancient British rights of habeas corpus and trial by jury, and allow onto British soil men-at-arms from other countries with powers of enforcement;
d) to create a military force which will place British service personnel under the command of the European Union without reference to British interests, and contrary to:
i) the oath of personal loyalty to the Crown sworn by British forces,
ii) the Queen’s Commission, and
iii) the United Kingdom’s obligations to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation;
e) which remove the United Kingdom’s right to veto decisions not in British interests;

3.the creation by the European Union of a Charter of Fundamental Rights, which purports to give it the power to abolish such “rights” at will;

4.the unlawful use of the Royal Prerogative to
a) suspend or offend against statutes in ways which are prejudicial and detrimental to your sovereignty, contrary to the Coronation Oath Act, 1688;
b) subvert the rights and liberties of your loyal subjects, contrary to the ruling in Nichols v Nichols, 1576;
5.Your Majesty’s power to withhold the Royal Assent, and the precedent set by Queen Anne under a similar threat to the security of the Realm in 1707;

WHEREFORE it is our humble duty TO PETITION Your Majesty to withhold the Royal Assent from any Parliamentary Bill which attempts to ratify the Treaty of Nice unless and until the people of the United Kingdom have given clear and specific approval to uphold and preserve the rights, freedoms and customs of your loyal subjects as set out in Magna Carta and the Declaration of Rights, which you, our Sovereign, swore before the nation to uphold and preserve in your Coronation Oath of June 1953.
We have the honour to be Your Majesty’s loyal and obedient subjects.

The House of Lords Records Office confirmed in writing as recently as last September that Magna Carta, signed by King John in June 1215, stands to this day. Home Secretary Jack Straws aid as much on 1 October 2000, when the Human Rights Act came into force. Halsbury’s Laws of England says: “Magna Carta is as binding upon the Crown today as it was the day it was sealed at Runnymede.”
The Treaty of Nice signed by the British Government in December 2000 includes:
Article 24 –transforms the EU into an independent state with powers to enter into treaties with other states which would then be binding on all member states, subject to agreement determined by Qualified Majority Voting.
Article 23 allows the EU to appoint its own representatives in other countries, effectively with ambassadorial status.

Article 191 –assumes for the EU the right to “lay down regulations governing political parties at European level [ie: in the EU]” and withdraw or prevent the funding of political parties which do not“ contribute to forming a European awareness.”This is a clear restriction of free speech and free political association. It also introduces two particularly abhorrent propositions – taxation without representation and the use of sanctions to suppress public opinion.

Articles 29 and 31 – establish common policing and judicial cooperation (Eurojust).
Article 67 allows matters of justice and home affairs to be agreed by QMV. These articles open the door to the imposition of Corpus Juris on the UK (article 31 specifically calls for cross-border policing and prosecution, and the removal of conflicts of jurisdiction), and the deployment of armed Europol law enforcement officers on the streets of Britain. These matters were originally dealt with under article 280, which mysteriously disappeared from the draft of the Nice Treaty at the very last minute, in part at least following heavy pressure from British euro-realists.

Article 17 –establishes a common foreign and defence policy for the EU, with its own military force. The House of Commons was told on 11 December 2000, that: “The entire chain of command must remain under the political control and strategic direction of the EU. NATO will be kept informed.” Her Majesty The Queen is Commander in Chief of all her armed forces and Colonel in Chief of 46 of Her Regiments of the British army, every other regiment owing its loyalty directly via another member of The Royal Family as its Colonel in Chief to Her Majesty.

The loss of the UK veto applies to 39 new areas of EU “competence”, including indirect taxation, the environment, immigration, trade, employment, industrial policy, and regional funding. The EU also has plans for QMV to be expended to other areas not agreed at Nice, and without further treaty negotiations.
Charter of Fundamental Rights – signed at Biarritz, autumn 2000.

Article 52 purports to give the EU the power to abolish them at will, effectively making them meaningless. The whole proposition that the state has the right to grant and abolish fundamental human rights [ie: those we inherit at birth and hold in trust for future generations] is not only absurd but also contrary to Magna Carta, 1215, the Declaration of Rights, 1688, and the Bill of Rights 1689.

Clause 61 of Magna Carta was last invoked when the Bishop of Salisbury (Gilbert Burnet) acted on behalf of the barons and bishops of England to invite William of Orange and Mary to come to London in 1688, after King James II had failed to re-establish Roman Catholicism in England, and lost the confidence of the people. His act of abdication was to throw the Great Seal into the Thames and flee the country.

The ruling in Nichols v Nichols 1576 included the words: “ Prerogative is created for the benefit of the people and cannot be exercised to their prejudice.” (The Royal Prerogative is the power delegated by the sovereign to ministers to sign treaties on behalf of the nation.)

In 1707, Queen Anne withheld the Royal Assent from the Scottish Militia Bill when it became apparent that James Francis Stuart (pretender Prince of Wales, and the Queen’s half-brother) was planning with Louis XIV of France to invade Scotland from Calais in an attempt to establish a Jacobite sovereign. Were such an invasion to be successful, the Queen feared a Scottish militia might be turned against the monarchy. Thus, parliament’s will was denied in the interests of the sovereignty of the nation and the security of the realm.

Addressing both Houses of Parliament on 20 July 1988, at an historic meeting of both houses to mark the 300th anniversary of the Declaration of Rights, Her Majesty said that it was “still part of statute law…on which the whole foundation and edifice of our parliamentary democracy rests.”
The Declaration of Rights spelt out the details:
“…the said Lords…and Commons, being the two Houses of Parliament, should continue to sit and…make effectual provision for the settlement of the …laws and liberties of this kingdom, so that the same for the future might not be in danger again of being subverted. …the particulars aforesaid shall be firmly and strictly holden and observed…and all officers and ministers whatsoever shall serve their Majesties and their successors according to the same, in all time to come.”

Both Magna Carta and the Declaration of Rights are contracts between the sovereign and the people. Because they are not statute law they cannot be repealed. Both proclaimed what were taken to be self-evident freedoms which exist by right. Equally, both were based on a concept of permanence.

List Of Signatories Peers signing the petition:
Lord Ashbourne, The Duke of Rutland, Viscount Massereene & Ferrard (as Lord Oriel) Lord Hamilton of Dalzell signed and presented the petition at Buckingham Palace.

The petition was also signed by:
Lord Sudeley, Viscount Cowdray, Viscount Norwich,Lord Napier & Ettrick, Earl of Romney,
Earl Kitchener, Lord Napier of Magdala, Lord Ailsa, Lord Sandys, Earl Cathcart, Lord Oaksey, Lord Milne, Lord Newall, Lord Barber of Tewkesbury, Lord Dormer, Viscount Exmouth, Lord Wise, Earl of Devon,Earl of Cromer, Earl of Shannon (as Lord Carleton), Lord Sandford, Marquis of Aberdeen (as Earl Aberdeen), Lord Strathcarron, Lord Craigmyle. The Countess of Dysart also signed, but the Dysart title is Scottish and pre-dates the Union of 1707.

Letter To The Queens Private Secretary
Sir Robin Janvrin, KCVO, CB
Principal Private Secretary to Her Majesty The Queen
Buckingham Palace
23 March 2001

You were kind enough to invite a letter of amplification to accompany our petition to Her Majesty. Thank you.
The Treaty of Nice raises issues of major constitutional importance. It directly threatens our rights and freedoms, and undermines oaths of loyalty to the Crown. Such fundamental matters cannot be considered merely the stuff of day-to-day politics. They directly concern the Crown, the constitution and every British subject, including generations yet unborn.

We find ourselves living in exceptional times, which call for exceptional measures. Hence our petition to Her Majesty, which exercises rights unused for over 300 years – clause 61 of Magna Carta, which were reinforced by article 5 of the Bill of Rights.

As you know, the wording of clause 61 says: …and, laying the transgression before us, petition to have that transgression redressed without delay…And we shall procure nothing from anyone, directly or indirectly, whereby any part of these concessions and liberties might be revoked or diminished; and if any such things has been procured, let it be void and null.

We have petitioned Her Majesty to withhold the Royal Assent from any Bill seeking to ratify the Treaty of Nice because there is clear evidence (which we shall address in a moment) that it is in direct conflict with the Constitution of the United Kingdom. It conflicts with Magna Carta, with the Declaration and Bill of Rights and, above all, with Her Majesty's Coronation Oath and the Oaths of Office of Her Majesty's ministers. Every one of these protections stand to this day, which is why they are now being invoked by our petition.
Ultimately, our supreme protection is Her Majesty's obligations under the Coronation Oath. The Queen has solemnly promised to govern the peoples of the United Kingdom according to the Statutes in Parliament agreed on and according to their laws and customs. Her Majesty also swore to preserve all rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to any of them.

From the spiritual point of view, it is unimaginable that Her Majesty would seek, in effect, a divorce from her duty. From a secular point of view, the Coronation Oath is a signed contract.
Recent statements by ministers, and by the previous prime minister, confirm that they would not advise any measure which might tend to breach the Coronation Oath nor betray Her Majesty's promise to her loyal subjects. Her Majesty accepts the advice of her ministers. Conversely, it is their duty to advise in accordance with the Coronation Oath. They cannot lawfully advise a breach. Nor can they gain or remain in power without swearing allegiance to the Crown. Yet the Treaty of Nice represents precisely such a breach, and it has now been signed by the foreign secretary using the Royal Prerogative.

Blackstones Commentaries (volume 1, page 239) says of the Royal Prerogative: The splendour, rights, and powers of the Crown were attached to it for the benefit of the people. They form part of, and are, generally speaking, as ancient as the law itself .De prerogativa regis is merely declaratory of the common law…
The duties arising from the relation of sovereign and subject are reciprocal. Protection, that is, the security and governance of his dominions according to law, is the duty of the sovereign; and allegiance and subjection, with reference to the same criterion, the constitution and laws of the country, form, in return, the duty of the governed We have already observed that the prerogatives are vested in him for the benefit of his subjects, and that his Majesty is under, and not above, the laws.

For such words to have meaning, the act of signing the Treaty of Nice by the foreign secretary demonstrates that ministers have de facto renounced their oaths of allegiance. Indeed, faced in due course with a Bill seek in gratification of the Treaty of Nice, the only options appear to be for Her Majesty to dissolve Parliament, or for the government to resign and fight an election on the issue. The ex-government would then be faced with seeking
elective power to introduce new oaths of loyalty under a new constitution as part of their new manifesto. This would distil the issues as perhaps nothing else might, since it would allow the people of the United Kingdom to decide whether or not they wished the constitution to be breached in this way, their rights and freedoms to be curtailed, and the position, powers and responsibilities of their sovereign to be diminished.

Of course, for the many thousands of subjects who have supported our petition, no such option exists. As the Act of Supremacy and the Bill of Rights put it: all usurped and foreign power and authority may forever be clearly extinguished, and never used or obeyed in this realm. no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate shall at any time after the last day of this session of Parliament, use, enjoy or exercise any manner of power, jurisdiction, superiority, authority, pre-eminence or privilege within this realm, but that henceforth the same shall be clearly abolished out of this realm, forever.

So it is clear that no-one – neither sovereign, nor parliament, nor government, nor people – may tamper with, dismantle, destroy or surrender our constitution. We are all tenants of it, and trustees. We inherited these rights, and we have a supreme responsibility to pass them in good order to future generations. They are not ours to discard or diminish.

Which is why oaths of allegiance place an essential limitation on parliament’s power, and the Queens Coronation Oath is crucial. The Coronation Oath is a moral obligation, a religious obligation, a sworn obligation, a contractual obligation, a statutory obligation, a common law obligation, a customary obligation, an obligation on all who swear allegiance, it is the duty of government, and it is sworn for the nation, the commonwealth and all dominions.

The Coronation Oath is the peak of a pyramid, and all subordinate oaths are bound by its limitations. The armed services swear allegiance to the sovereign, not to the government of the day. This helps clarify the principle that allegiance is necessary, and not optional – an essential part of the checks and balances of our constitution. Without these oaths, and their lawful enforcement, we have little to protect us from government by tyranny.
We return now to our reasons for stating that the Treaty of Nice is unconstitutional. Our petition highlights several such clauses. We draw particular attention to article 191, which seeks to restrict the political freedom of Her Majesty's subject.

The EU seeks to assume the right to lay down regulations governing political parties at European level [ie: in the EU] and withdraw or prevent the funding of political parties which do not contribute to forming a European awareness. This is a clear restriction of free speech and free political association. It also introduces two particularly abhorrent propositions – taxation without representation and the use of state sanctions to suppress public opinion.

Our political freedom is absolute. The Bill of Rights says so. It cannot be limited in any way. Her Majesty is rightfully inscribed on our coins of the realm as Fid. Def. and Lib.Def. – Libertatis Defensor, Defender of the Freedom of the People.

It has been suggested to us that a referendum or plebiscite might be an acceptable response to the question of ratification of the Treaty of Nice, but we do not hold that view. A referendum or plebiscite which purported to make lawful the infringement of our common law rights would itself be unlawful.
We come back to the oath of allegiance. Magna Carta says: We will appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs, or other officials, only men that know the law of the realm and are minded to keep it well…. How can such officers of the Crown organize such a referendum or plebiscite?

These procedures would also infringe articles 1, 2and 4 of the Bill of Rights:
1.That the pretended power of Suspending of Lawes or the Execution of Lawes by Regall Authority without Consent of Parlyament is illegall. (This must include the Coronation Oath Act.)
2.That the pretended Power of Dispensing with Lawes or the Execution of Lawes by Regal Authoritie as it hath beene assumed and exercised of late is illegall.
4.That levying Money for or to the Use of the Crowne by pretence of Prerogative without Grant of Parlyament for longer time or in other manner than the same is or shall be granted is Illegall. (This is further protection of our common law rights.)

In the event that the Treaty of Nice is considered for Royal Assent we respectfully request that Her Majesty grant us an opportunity to examine the opinion of those who seek to alter our constitution by contrary advice. Accordingly, under those same terms of Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights quoted earlier, we the undersigned, and others– have formed a Barons Constitutional Committee to be available for consultation and to monitor the present situation as it develops..until redress has been obtained.
We are and remain Her Majesty's most loyal and obedient subjects.
Ashbourne Rutland Massereene & Ferrard Hamilton of Dalzell

The Reply
“I am commanded by The Queen to reply to your letter of 23rd March and the accompanying petition to Her Majesty about the Treaty of Nice.

“The Queen continues to give this issue her closest attention. She is well aware of the strength of feeling which European Treaties, such as the Treaty of Nice, cause. As a constitutional sovereign, Her Majesty is advised by her Government who support this Treaty. As I am sure you know, the Treaty of Nice cannot enter force until it has been ratified by all Member States and in the United Kingdom this entails the necessary legislation being passed by Parliament.”


Article 61 the whole text;

"61.Since, move-over, for God and the amendment of our kingdom and for the better allaying of the quarrel that has arisen between us and our barons, we have granted all these concessions, desirous that they should enjoy them in complete and firm endurance forever, we give and grant to them the underwritten security, namely, that the barons choose five and twenty barons of the kingdom, whomsoever they will, who shall be bound with all their might, to observe and hold, and cause to be observed, the peace and liberties we have granted and confirmed to them by this our present Charter, so that if we, or our justiciar, or our bailiffs or any one of our officers, shall in anything be at fault towards anyone, or shall have broken any one of the articles of this peace or of this security, and the offense be notified to four barons of the foresaid five and twenty, the said four barons shall repair to us (or our justiciar, if we are out of the realm) and, laying the transgression before us, petition to have that transgression redressed without delay. And if we shall not have corrected the transgression (or, in the event of our being out of the realm, if our justiciar shall not have corrected it) within forty days, reckoning from the time it has been intimated to us (or to our justiciar, if we should be out of the realm), the four barons aforesaid shall refer that matter to the rest of the five and twenty barons, and those five and twenty barons shall, together with the community of the whole realm, distrain and distress us in all possible ways, namely, by seizing our castles, lands, possessions, and in any other way they can, until redress has been obtained as they deem fit, saving harmless our own person, and the persons of our queen and children; and when redress has been obtained, they shall resume their old relations towards us. And let whoever in the country desires it, swear to obey the orders of the said five and twenty barons for the execution of all the aforesaid matters, and along with them, to molest us to the utmost of his power; and we publicly and freely grant leave to everyone who wishes to swear, and we shall never forbid anyone to swear. All those, moveover, in the land who of themselves and of their own accord are unwilling to swear to the twenty five to help them in constraining and molesting us, we shall by our command compel the same to swear to the effect foresaid. And if any one of the five and twenty barons shall have died or departed from the land, or be incapacitated in any other manner which would prevent the foresaid provisions being carried out, those of the said twenty five barons who are left shall choose another in his place according to their own judgment, and he shall be sworn in the same way as the others. Further, in all matters, the execution of which is entrusted, to these twenty five barons, if perchance these twenty five are present and disagree about anything, or if some of them, after being summoned, are unwilling or unable to be present, that which the majority of those present ordain or command shall be held as fixed and established, exactly as if the whole twenty five had concurred in this; and the said twenty five shall swear that they will faithfully observe all that is aforesaid, and cause it to be observed with all their might. And we shall procure nothing from anyone, directly or indirectly, whereby any part of these concessions and liberties might be revoked or diminished; and if any such things has been procured, let it be void and null, and we shall never use it personally or by another."


We received no further communication from either agent and, after the time frame for a reply had elapsed we served the final Notice of default on Mrs Graham;

To: Mrs C Graham (doing business as an officer of revenue and customs for HMRC).

DMB 380

From: Sandra Wicks
xxxxxx xxxxxxx,
xx xxxx xxxxx,

Tax ref: xxxxx xxxxx

Date Notice served: 30th Nov 2015

Sent by recorded post.

                                      NOTICE OF DEFAULT
                           Notice to Agent is Notice to Principle.

Dear Mrs C Graham,

You have failed to respond to the two (2) previous Notices that I served on you, which is now taken to mean that you and all interested parties agree entirely with the points of law that I previously stated and, that HMRC has no claim against I, Sandra Wicks since you have provided your tacit consent to said Notices.

I provide you with a further seven (7) days from receiving this 'Notice of Default' to respond to the Notice of Conditional acceptance in substance and in full.

You are in dishonour at this time as you have a duty to respond to the very serious constitutional points that I refer to within said Notices. Any further action taken by HMRC against I, Sandra Wicks, whilst my lawful points remain un-rebutted without substance, shall be agreed to be harassment by all interested parties and a counter claim may ensue against you personally Mrs C Graham. Any reply must be made on your full commercial liability and on penalty of perjury.

Sincerely, without any admission of liability whatsoever and, with no attempt to deceive or to be vexatious and, with all my inalienable Constitutional rights reserved. On my full commercial liability and penalty of perjury.

Signed: Sandra Wicks.

Witnessed by:

Signature. Printed name:

1.–----------------------------------------- - –-----------------------------------
2.------------------------------------------- - –------------------------------------
3.------------------------------------------ - –------------------------------------

We later received two conflicting correspondences from HMRC. The first dated the 17th December 2015;

HM Revenue
& Customs.

Debt Management
C Graham
Northgate House
Agard street

Date 17 December 2015
NI Number xxxxxxxxx

Dear Mrs Wicks

Thank you for your letter dated 30 November 2015 regarding your outstanding Self Assessment debt £1252.65

I have checked your self assessment record and we have not received your 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 income tax returns. Therefore because we have not received them you have occurred penalties.

Your 2014/2015 Self Assessment Tax Return and payment are due by the 31 January 2016. To avoid penalties occurring please ensure HMRC receive them on time.

If you have stopped being Self Employed could you please tell us the date you ceased?

If you have any problems with filing on line your outstanding Self assessment Tax Returns please telephone the Online Service helpline on 0300 200 3600 and for any other Self Assessment problems contact our Self Assessment Helpline on 0300 200 3310.

If you are Self Employed with no other source of income, no employees and are not registered for VAT you can choose to receive messages through your on line account. To do this, go to, and login to your account then select the option to go paperless. If you do not have an online account for Self Assessment already, go to www. set one up.

Please remember that the deadline for your 2015 Self Assessment Tax Return online is 31 January 2016, If you haven't yet registered for online filing, please allow at least seven working days to complete the registration process.

Yours sincerely



The second letter was dated 22 December is as follows;

HM Revenue
& Customs.

HM Revenue and Customs PAYE & Self Assessment Complaints
BX9 1AS 

Tel 03000 581483

Mrs Sandra Wicks
xxxxx xxxxxx
xx xxxx xxxxx

22 December 2015

Complaints id; xxxxxx
NI Number; xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you for your letter of 16 November.

I am sorry for any concern we have caused but, frankly, I do not believe that the powers you seek to invoke override the specific statute under which we have sought the penalties we raised. Even so, on the basis that your circumstances have not changed since you submitted your last tax return, for 2011/2012, I will cancel the penalties and repay the funds you recently used to settle some of them.

If you feel I have not dealt with your complaint fully or correctly, you may ask for a further review by a different complaint handler by writing to;

HM Revenue & Customs.
PAYE & Self Assessment Complaints

Please make both your letter and envelope 'For the attention of the Operational manager (Customer Complaints) PAYE & SA - Complaint further review'. If you require more information about making a complaint, you will find it on our website at;


If you do not have access to the internet but would like a copy of our factsheet, please contact me on the number shown at the top of this letter.

Your sincerely


Steve Jones
Complaints Officer.


So there you have it. An admission that they were wrong to fine her but no admission to the evidenced facts provided.

As Sandi rightly states "how do they know my circumstances haven't changed?" She hasn't dealt with them for a number of years except to pay up under duress and protest.

They may wriggle and squirm around the truth but the result is clear. They will not admit that they are compounding treason obviously, but they are unwilling to commit high treason to attempt to enforce their thefts upon us either. They don't really care about money its all fictional anyway, they wish to maintain the illusion as a control mechanism for fear and servility, yet it is they that are in fear of us NOT the other way around.

I hope this latest victory will inspire YOU to act according to our constitutional law and to rebel in a peaceful but powerful manner. Sandi is now NOt supporting paedophilia, terrorism, war crimes etc etc etc... she may not still be happy with the world but at least she is no longer assisting in her own demise and that of her loved ones. Well done Sandi!!!


Thursday 31 December 2015

A New Year Message for England Lawful Rebellion

People of England...Watch This!
It is time... to make a stand. It is time to unite.
Posted by Shaun Cassidy on Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Monday 21 December 2015

The British Prime Minister Who Was Loved

The British Prime Minister Who Was Loved

There is growing awareness that events relating to World War Two are based on a demonic distortion of real history. There is no end of examples; the Dunkirk retreat, the fiasco when England’s invasion of neutral Norway was prevented by a German defence small enough to fit into a town’s football arena.
Chamberlain reaching common ground with Hitler
The Munich Agreement (September 30, 1938) received due attention from the victors’ spin-doctors. As a consequence most people take the view that chance to forestall stop the omnipotent Reich was lost by a spineless Prime Minister. The truth is much different. The only frustrated community was England’s war profiteering political elite, the omnipotent Jewish lobby and banking fraternity. The premier’s visit to Germany had for everyone else been a triumph.
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had obtained Hitler’s personal assurance. The Reich had no designs other than to recover German territory in accordance with the terms of Versailles Treaty. This had been achieved by the peoples of the Sudetenland expressing their wish to return to Germany. Otherwise, the Reich ceded all German territories including former colonies denied to her under the terms of the notorious Versailles treaty. Peace in Europe was guaranteed.
The British people are far distant from this malevolent incestuous fraternity. How did they respond to the ‘Peace in our Time’ agreement that meant no war with Germany? One of Britain’s most erudite political activists explains what really happened when their Prime Minister returned from his triumphant visit to Munich. Irish-American William Joyce takes up the story:
continue reading 

Sunday 20 December 2015

2016 is the defining year for this lawful rebellion

 2016 is the Defining year for this Lawful Rebellion 

By Dave Robinson  @ Pratical Lawful Dissent
 So, as we draw near to the end of 2015 let us not forget that we are under occupation by the European Union, and that we have been for well over a year now.
Next year the rebellion will flourish as more people are seeing the need for this remedy and jumping aboard the freedom express. As more use the process and free themselves up from the criminal regime, which we simply collectively allow to continue at this time, the noose will tighten around the neck of the quisling government and those doing its bidding.
Getting groups together is essential so PLEASE take responsibility and organize small groups locally, act locally to inform all those in public service that they too have a lawful duty to openly rebel against the crown and its institutions. By doing this you are laying foundations for the rebellion to grow. We need ALL public servants (police, councillors local MP's etc) on Notice of article 61 and treason.
We are the power in this land, the peoples will is far greater than those who presume (so arrogantly) to have power over us. United we are omnipotent and what better but to unite under the common law that protects the people not the ruling (so called) elite?
The British Constitution protects the sovereignty of the nation. Without this nation being sovereign, and thus YOU remaining in your sovereign capacity as a constitutional subject there can ONLY be literal slavery, never mind the fact that we are slaves now, it will get a lot worse if we don't stop it trust me!
2016 is the defining year for this lawful rebellion to either erupt and flourish en masse, or to die a slow death and with it, the deaths of countless people across Britain and the entire globe. We have the power to put an end to this covert genocide as soon as you want it to end.
Please educate as many people as you can, to the fact that we all have lawful excuse not to support any institution that pretends to gain its authority from the crown. To support the crown is to support our own demise. It should be a moral choice not to support these disgusting war criminals, terrorists and child abusers anyway. We are commanded by law not to aid and abet this fascist government or ANY foreign body assuming authority over the people of this nation (US, EU or UN etc).
If we 'allow' this to continue without rejecting it entirely then we will deserve all that we get. The children however will be the victims of our gross negligence and we MUST NOT and WILL NOT let that happen!
The line has well and truly been drawn, if you are not standing under the common law in lawful rebellion then I can provide you with no aid and comfort until you do. That is the bottom line and I will use that to compel my associates and friends in the new year. That may lose me some so called friends but that's fine. If they are willing to comply to the regime despite knowing that the regime will kill my children or enslave them in a tightly nit control grid, despite all the evidence of this (agenda 21 & 20- 30 etc) then they are no friends of mine anyway. The time has come to stand up and be counted or fall into an abyss of unimaginable tyranny. I would rather die personally.
Having stated that (lol) have a great season of good will etc.....but please think about taking positive action in the coming year, no matter how small your contribution maybe it all adds up to a large collective peaceful rebellion. Peace.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Political Correctness is first and foremost an attack on free speech

By Cathy Duffy

This is a speech I gave many years a go on Political Correctness! I challenge anyone to say that this is/has not happened and call me a liar today!
So….What is Political Correctness? How did it start? More importantly, how did it become so successful?
To begin with, what you need to know is that Political Correctness is first and foremost an attack on free speech, clear thinking and discussion. Political Correctness is perpetrated by the Left in politics as a cover for their flawed ideology – a sort of Cultural Marxism.
By cloaking their strong ideas under the cover of not wishing to offend anyone (which naturally appeals to people’s better nature), they try to bypass debate and give a ‘received wisdom’ which must not be questioned. Anyone who disagrees with this ‘received wisdom’ must be a really nasty person and deserves to be ostracised by their peers. This peer pressure is instrumental in enforcing and expanding political correctness.
The old Soviet Union had Gulag’s which were a system of networks of forced labour camps, that at it’s peak, consisted of over 400 official prisons and held millions of prisoners. In the Stalin era, the prison population became increasing enemies who did not subscribe to his political, religious or economic teachings. The Russian Gulag system of forced labour camps became a symbol of tyranny and oppression.
The European Union also has a Gulag, an intellectual Gulag known as Political Correctness. This is the beginning of the Gulag, the beginning of your loss of freedom.
In the old Soviet Union they were told that they needed a federal state to avoid war. In the EU they are telling us the same thing. In short, the same ideology. The EU is the same old Soviet model presented in Western guise. But like the Soviet Union, the EU has within itself the sins of its own demise.
Political correctness as it is better known, knows no restraints and the new thought police remain busy as ever inventing new terms to ridicule its opponents and relentlessly attacking those who merely question their ever obtrusive and frankly Marxist inspired propaganda. And it is Marxist ideology at work here.
Economic Marxism failed spectacularly of course and in 1989 the oppressed people of Eastern Europe collectively and understandably threw off the yoke of their communist overlords, while the ‘left’ in the west looked on in anguish as their philosophy was ripped to shreds by events. However, cultural Marxism has remained not only rampant but is succeeding in changing societies throughout the west. Their desire to change and defeat western culture and civilization is as strong as ever, and their weapons have been and remain political correctness combined with the progressive erosion of values long held.
Unfortunately when it collapses here in the West, and it will, it will leave mass destruction behind and we will be left with huge economic and ethnic problems. The old Soviet Union system was incapable of reform and so is the EU – but there is an alternative to being ruled by those 2 dozen or so self appointed officials in Brussels – it is called Independence! You don’t have to accept what they have planned for you.
And so, for the first time in OUR history, we are not free to say what we think. If we say something deemed offensive or insensitive, we may be in serious trouble or maybe even punished. Everyone is so terrified of being labelled ‘inappropriate’ or ‘politically incorrect’ that they are afraid to open their mouths or express an opinion.
Political Correctness is a cancer that has spread throughout all facets of life from politics to the office, and yes, even to the churches. Political Correctness is the devil’s modern day scud missile, it is the mainstay of liberalism and it seems that a deteriorating society is exactly what it strives for. Political Correctness is nothing less than a Marxist ideology translated into economic and cultural terms going back to the time of WW1.
There are several definitions used for Political Correctness, some of which include;
1) Doing the reverse of what common sense would suggest.
2) Inconveniencing the innocent while making life easier for the wrong-doer.
3) Not telling the truth in case it offends.
4) Changing the language where you perceive it may offend.
5) Doing exactly the opposite of what you preach.
6) What you do has the effect of making the problem you were trying to cure, worse.
7) Doing ridiculous things just for a political reason.
8) Favouring a minority just for political reason.
Political Correctness as we know it today started as a ‘Think Tank’ called the Frankfurt School in Germany. The Frankfurt School is not a place as such, but a school of thought for Research in philosophy and the social sciences from a Marxist perspective.
It was going to be called The Institute of Marxism but in order to hide its Marxist roots, it became known as The Institute of Social Research. To begin with the school and the institute were indistinguishable and in 1923 the institute was officially established.
Here was a group of thinkers who pulled together to find a solution to the biggest problem facing the implementers of Communism in Russia.
The problem? Why wasn’t Communism spreading?
Their answer? Because Western Civilisation was in the way!
In 1935, after Hitler came to power, the Frankfurt School moved to New York City, where they continued their work by translating Marxism from economic to cultural terms using Sigmund Freud’s psychological conditioning mechanisms to get Americans to buy into Political Correctness. In 1941 they moved to California to spread their wings.
Very basically, the Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke a socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was to as swiftly as possible; undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy.
To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘Oppressive order’. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus.
Now at the root of Communism was the theory that all the valid ideas came from the effect of the social group of the masses and that the individual was nothing! And further, they believed that the only way for Communism to advance was to HELP Western Civilisation to destroy itself by undermining its foundations by chipping away at the rights of those annoying individuals.
They also decided that one way to do this would be to change everyone’s speech and thought patterns by spreading the idea that vocalising your beliefs is disrespectful to others and must be avoided to make up for past iniquities and injustices. This could then be used to stifle any discussion which might show up the lack of common sense in their ideology.
Political Correctness is not funny. It is here now and growing still, and it will eventually destroy, as it seeks to destroy, everything that we have ever defined as out freedom, and our culture.
I would just like to read a few of their other recommendations and they are;
1) The creation of racism offences.
2) Continual change to create confusion.
3) The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4) The undermining of schools and teachers authority.
5) Huge immigration to destroy national identity.
6) The promotion of excessive drinking.
7) Emptying of Churches
8) An unreliable legal system with bias against the victim of crime.
9) Dependency on the State or State benefits.
10) Control and dumbing down of the media.
11) Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
Does any of this sound familiar to you??????
This ladies and gentlemen, is Great Britain 1997 onwards and all due to our wicked, evil and traitorous Marxist Government!
Even our education system is betraying our children and a politically correct syllabus is seeing them leave school in such an ignorant state that they are hopelessly ill equipped to cope in an adult world.
One in four pupils leaves school functionally illiterate.
Primary School teachers will no longer be required to cover the past history of the Romans, Vikings, Tudors, Queen Victoria, the Second World War, or even the horrors of Nazism. Further, universities have to offer remedial teaching in basic subjects. Even some pupils who got four A’s at A-Level can’t manage mental arithmetic. Ask them to multiply two single digits together and they will reach for a calculator. Ask them questions about the last thousand years of British History and watch the blank faces.
By the dumbing down of education, the creation of huge state sector employment, and large scale immigration, New Labour has effectively created a captive audience to vote for them or Blue Labour should the Conservatives actually get back into power.
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women and to further their aims, they would;
1) Attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
2) Abolish differences in the education of boys and girls.
3) Abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the Armed Forces.
4) Declare woman to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’.
Willi Münzenberg who was a leading propagandist for the KPD (Communist Party of Germany), and who was later murdered by the NKVD (which was better known for the activities of the Gulags, and later went onto be known as the KGB), summed up the Franfurt School’s long-term operation thus:
“We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks”
The school believed that there were two types of revolution, a) Political & b) Cultural.
Cultural revolution demolishes from within. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture.
Now “Critical Theory” or the “Critical Theory of Society” is a label used by the Frankfurt School, their intellectual and social network, and those influenced by them intellectually to describe their own work.
The School is orientated towards ‘Radical Social Change’.
The Frankfurt School theory has influenced some segments of the left wing or leftist thought – particularly the ‘New Left’ or ‘New Labour’.
Political Correctness has made our old friend, common sense, a thing of the past now, so please….Do not let anyone fool you into thinking that PC is about being nice to people, tolerant and treating them with proper respect. That’s called plain old “Good Manners”.
It is one thing to be educated, considerate, polite and have good manners, and another to be forced to self-censor and say things that are totally incorrect in order to comply with the arbitrary dictum of a deceiving and fanatical far-left agenda. It is the nature of Western Civilisation to be civilised, respectful of others, and concerned with correcting injustices.
We don’t NEED PC to make us think we are not civilised on our own and must have out thoughts and words restricted.
Political Correctness has been deliberately designed to subvert free speech, debate, and common sense. Far from being tolerant, PC people are not the most tolerant people of all, and actually have some of the worse manners preferring to just shout abuse at you.
The PC Brigade will tell you that you are offending ‘victims’ or encouraging ‘hate’. Don’t fall for this – their real reason is to control you and to stop you identifying common sense that may expose the weakness in their dogma. Free speech is the only way we have of judging people’s opinions and ideas.
I’m sure all of you would agree that free speech does not give us the right to insult others or attempt to stir up hatred and violence. Free speech means listening to other people’s views and if they differ from ours, arguing against them. It doesn’t mean attempting to smear anyone you disagree with in order to silence them!
Prior to 1832 the ordinary citizens of this country had no voice in parliament. If the main political parties continue to be controlled by the Liberal Elite, history will repeat itself.
We must protect our right of free speech in the United Kingdom. Politicians and the public must be free to discuss all issues in a rational and civilised manner, without the limitations imposed on them by one small section of society. Free Political thinking and discussion is the cornerstone of democracy.
The need for free thought and free speech in a society is very important and cannot be over emphasised.
You should by now realise that Political Correctness is not only a self defeating tyranny and a sort of ‘social dementia’, it is an insidious attack on free thinking, truth, and free speech by a self appointed extreme left vociferous minority.
The whole charade is costing the country an absolute fortune and tying us all up in knots, while the only people that gain out of it are the wrong-doers.
We need a government strong enough to repeal or drastically modify the legislation on which most of this PC nonsense has its ultimate power base – The Human Rights Act, some parts of the Employment and Health & Safety Law and the Police & Criminal Evidence Act, and we of course, need to withdraw from the EU where much of this nonsense does comes from.
Political Correctness remains just what it was intended to be: a sophisticated and dangerous form of censorship and oppression, imposed upon us with the ultimate goal of manipulating, brainwashing, and destroying our society.
If we allow the subversion of our values and interests to continue, we will (in future generations) lose all that our ancestors suffered and died for.
So what is the inevitable result of Political Correctness?
Well, a reading of history – it is in all mainstream historical accounts – tells us that we are about to lose the most precious thing we have – our individual freedoms.
By using the excuse of not upsetting anyone, the PC Brigade are demanding that people behave like the fool who would please everyone; that everyone must become such a fool! And, that all must accept the notions of Political Correctness as truth, or else!
This is the same mentality that inspired the Inquisition and forced Galileo to recant; the same mentality that inspired the Nazis and brought about the Holocaust. Once expression gets
placed in a straight-jacket of social truth, then the madness that occurs in all totalitarian states is obtained.
Life, in private and public, becomes a meaningless charade where delusion thrives and terror rules.
Political Correctness IS A Social Dementia and unless plain speaking is allowed, clear thinking is denied. There can be no good reason for denying freedom of expression, there is no case to rebut, only the empty slogans of people inspired by selfishness and unrestrained by morality.
The proponents of this nonsense neither understand the implications of what they say, nor why they are saying it: They are simply insane!
Make no doubt about this, we are in trouble as a nation and people have to stop being afraid! Remember, we have been betrayed by the liberal elite and they must not be allowed to carry on with their wanton destruction of everything our fore-fathers fought and died for – namely our freedom.
We need change – People need to get out there and vote for the British National Party. There is only one option for this country now – for the United Kingdom - and that is ‘patriotism’. Only the British National Party can/is giving people hope. As I have already mentioned, we are in trouble and our people must stop moaning, and more importantly, stop being afraid.
All of you here know that we need change. People need to vote – it’s the only thing we have. The British National Party are the only party that threatens the establishment and people need to get out and vote for their land – the very land that our ancestors fought and died for. We owe to them, to their courage, and to their memories.
The West has never been under such attack as it is now. There is one big problem that needs to be removed from our society before we can move on and that is modern liberalism.
The emotional roots of PC must be challenged. PC is founded on Western guilt and self-loathing which can be countered by more objective teaching of history and Western values. Foundations can be set up to preserve and promote Western heritage and values.
People in Britain should remember that they have more to be proud of than guilty. These little rain-swept isles of the West coast of the European peninsula have given an utterly disproportionate amount to the world, including parliamentary democracy, industrialisation, and yes, even football!
If we allow it to continue to control our very lives, we can wave ‘Good Bye’ to the birthplace of Western democracy, to liberty and to freedom.
We don’t need Political Correctness. All citizens who cherish liberty must reject it. Freedom of speech must be preserved in Great Britain if we are to continue to be free.
We are forewarned!

Monday 30 November 2015

CONSENT - The Most Important Word In The English Language

CONSENT - The Most Important Word In The English Language

by | Monday, 15th November 2010
- And Possibly The Least Understood We are all familiar with the concept of being "governed by consent", but how many of us truly know what this means?
The answer, I’m afraid, is very few of us indeed.
There is a widely held view that voting at elections is the way by which we give our consent to being governed by a particular group of politicians – this is an entirely false assumption as can be deduced logically from the fact that not everyone votes for the political party that eventually secures office. There may be a temptation to think that consent is somehow a collective notion, but this flies in the face of common sense. If somebody makes a decision on your behalf contrary to your wishes, then it is patently obvious that you have not consented - you have been coerced i.e. forced to accept the imposition of others, and this cannot be construed as consent under any circumstance.
When we vote at elections we are simply deciding which political party will run the executive. Consent is an entirely different matter. Consent is categorically an individual action. You are governed by the government of the day entirely because you and you alone consent. The trick is of course that ‘they’ have secured your consent without you realising how and when.
You give your consent every time you engage with the government or with one of its many institutions, such as the Inland Revenue. The next time you fill in your tax return, remember that at the moment you sign it, you are consenting to paying tax. The same applies when you complete your car registration, you are consenting to paying road tax.
The list goes on - whenever you sign your name, you are consenting.
No matter how difficult it may be to understand... TAX IS VOLUNTARY.
Now, those of you who feel compelled to shout ‘rubbish’ at the page – calm down and read on. Turn down your internal switch marked ‘conditioning’ and turn up the switch marked ‘logic’ and you will start to make more sense of it all – it won’t come easily but it will slowly start to dawn on you that all governance, including taxation - must be consensual. If not, then we are mere slaves, compelled to do as we are told.
How many times do we tell ourselves that government is there to serve us and not the other way around? The formula is perfectly simple. We need governance for our convenience to run vital services and our collective defence and for this ‘benefit’ we are prepared to make a voluntary contribution by way of taxation to the running of the system. If we do not contribute, then we do not partake of the benefits. This is a logical and sensible arrangement which most of us would agree is a good system. The problem is that the voluntary element has been replaced with the assumption of compulsion and with it we have lost control. The system has moved slowly towards a ‘pay-up-or-else’ format which of course suits the modern day political order who no longer consider themselves as holders of ‘office’ but holders of ‘power.’ The mind set has changed. Not only do they think that we must do as they command, but worryingly – so do we. We have been systematically hoodwinked into relinquishing our authority under the clever cloak of assumption.
When you combine the assumption (by you) of their absolute authority and the assumption (by them) of your automatic consent (subservience) - you have the very essence of how it is that ‘they’ control ‘us’ – the ultimate smoke and mirrors.
It is time we started to re-evaluate how government is supposed to work and reassert our authority by first understanding that we do not have to consent to their governance – elected or not - if they are not governing us according to our wishes.
If we accept the principle that we are governed by consent, then we must also accept that we have a right to withhold our consent - a mere extension of logic.  If we have no right to withhold our consent, then it isn’t consent – plain and simple – it is a dictatorship. And the beauty of consent and withholding it is that we can do so at any time we chose. Elections are of no consequence to the withholding of our consent.
We are policed by consent. When a policeman asks us our name, and we give it, this is ‘tacit consent’
Many of us have heard the expression ‘acquiesce’ - another interesting word which means that your consent is assumed because you do not protest. To ‘acquiesce’ is to consent tacitly i.e. to consent without stating it directly. If somebody assumes authority over you and you do not protest then you will be deemed to have consented by acquiescence.
If somebody walks into a room of 100 strangers and declares ‘I am in charge here’, guess who will end up in charge, and his right hand man will be the guy who stands up and says ‘who says so.’ We are easily convinced of the authority of those who have the brass to declare it.
Consent is given in many ways. If you look up the meaning of consent, you will see amongst its several definitions the word ‘yield’ which means to ‘give way to’ – this should give you a clue as to how you might sometimes be giving your consent without fully realising it. If somebody tells you to do something and you meekly obey... you are consenting. When you get a parking notice... it is an invitation to pay.. If you pay, you are consenting. The police operate very effectively on the assumption of your consent – i.e. when they tell you to jump... you will jump, because if you tell them NO... there is a high degree of probability that they will arrest you and march you down to the police station to impose their will upon you. But in order to do so lawfully, they must get your consent first. How do they do this? Well upon your arrest they will simply ask you for it and almost certainly – you will give it, albeit unwittingly. An essential part of the arrest procedure is to read you your rights and then ask you ‘do you understand’ – the word ‘understand’ is synonymous with ‘stand-under’ – they are asking you whether you are prepared to ‘stand-under’ their authority... and when you answer yes – you are giving your consent.
Before we discuss ‘withholding consent’ let’s be clear about one thing... the political establishment have become so used to us doing their bidding without objection, that when we start to flex our muscles and remind them that it is they who serve us, they are not going to shift from their control mentality easily – they are going to put up a fight.. They will bring all their assumed authority down to bear on us, with a poorly informed police force ready in the wings to do their dirty work for them, albeit unwittingly. The powers-that-be will not be dragged down from their pedestals without a fight. They are going to take the assumption of their absolute authority to the Nth degree and challenge us to prove our point – and they will fight dirty.
Withholding consent requires a working knowledge of the legal fiction (see previous article in UK Column). By ‘working’, I mean an ability to walk into court and defend yourself against anything and everything they throw at you. One of their most potent weapons is fear, and they use it at the drop of a hat. They will threaten to fine you, imprison you and bankrupt you... if you do not succumb to their authority.
Some of us are up to the challenge and we are telling them to ‘bring it on’ – across the country individuals are going to court and using their ‘legal fiction’ defence to defy the authority of the government. We are refusing to pay speeding and parking fines... and we are refusing to pay our council tax. We will not pay until the government starts governing according to our wishes.
Lawful Rebellion is now moving apace. We are getting more nimble in the courts and have witnessed one judge after another stand up and walk out when confronted with our ‘we do not consent’ attitude.

Please use link to go to the UK Column Website for real truthful News 

Sunday 29 November 2015

Britain 2015: A Fully-Fledged Fascist Police State

                             Britain 2015:

A Fully-Fledged Fascist/Communist Police State

In the immortal words of the ancient Oriental sage, Lao Tzu:
“Do not conquer the world with force, for force only causes resistance. Thorns spring up when an army passes. Years of misery follow a great victory. Do only what needs to be done without using violence.”
As the events of the past two centuries on these islands have clearly demonstrated, the statist armies of the crown house of Rothschild are covertly attempting to conquer the world via the monopolisation of power, money and information, which, as history shows, ultimately leads to the exponential growth of resistance to tyranny, whether it comes in the form of a communist or a fascist jackboot, once the people affected become aware of the crimes being perpetrated against them. This is why no imperial empire has ever lasted longer than two centuries.
However, when it becomes obvious that increasing numbers of genuine front-line opponents of the totalitarian state, perfectly understand that such regimes invariably imprison innocent people, dispossess them of their property and brutally slaughter or enslave all who oppose the state’s aims and objectives; an inevitable question must then arise:
Read the rest of the Article at THE BERNICIAN