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Friday 9 July 2021

COVID-propaganda detox plan


The 3-step, COVID-propaganda detox plan

For 16 months, the British people have been pounded with a multi-faceted Government communication campaign to imprint on our minds the dominant COVID-19 narrative and gain our compliance with the associated restrictions. The operation has been hugely successful. The majority of the general population believe that an extremely dangerous virus has been unleashed upon the world and that total carnage has only been averted by lockdowns and other unprecedented infringements of our basic human rights. Despite the current danger posed by the SARS-COV-2 virus being low, all the high-risk groups having been offered vaccination, and the accumulating evidence that lockdowns and masks do more harm than good, many continue to lead restricted, fear-laden lives. How can we enable more people to break free from their emotional shackles and return to normality? My hope is that the 3-step COVID-propaganda detox plan described in this blogpost may be of help to some people.

It will not be an easy task. Following the expert guidance of behavioural scientists and psychologists on the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B), a subgroup of SAGE, the Government’s communications strategy has deployed fear inflation, shaming and scapegoating to win minds and maximise compliance. Ably assisted by all the mainstream media outlets, since the start of 2020 the Government’s communication campaign has been relentless. Every day the TV, radio, social media and newspapers – with their news reports, advertisements and public information announcements – deliver scary statistics and images. Meanwhile, experts offering alternative, more balanced narratives, are largely excluded. Unsurprisingly, this relentless Government propaganda has resulted in many people grossly overestimating the risk to life posed by the SARS-COV-2 virus. Even now, as we approach Step 4 of the ‘roadmap’ to re-open the country, the majority of the population remain anxious about ending the requirements for social distancing rules and mandatory masks.

As things stand, we all continue to lead restricted lives, imprisoned by a joy-killing combination of fear, shame, and the threat of disapproval from peers. Clearly, there are some who appear intent, or resigned, to live this ‘new normal’, dutifully following the state’s diktats regarding what you can or can’t do. However, many of us will – to various degrees – feel unhappy, or ambivalent, about these ongoing impositions and will wish to regain human connection and the quality of life they experienced prior to the pandemic. It is this latter group who may wish to consider the following plan.

Thursday 8 July 2021



(1) Illegal migrant vessels will at last be turned back.
(2) Visitor visas will be blocked to countries who fail to take back failed and therefore bogus asylum claimants.
Folks: it's the initiatives that Britain's all too often too silent a majority has been crying out for. They have been incredibly patient - thank you for your patience. Now your Government is delivering what you have been yearning for and tackling the menace of illegals with a stern new measures.
We're going to turn back the vessels packed full of illegals.
We're going to block visas for visitors from countries the Home Secretary identifies as refusing to cooperate in taking back failed and therefore bogus asylum claimants.
We must remember that illegals (those that are guilty of illegal entry in the UK) are a huge insult both to decent, law-abiding migrants - who do the right thing, obey British laws and apply legally to enter the UK - and to the UK's decent law-abiding citizens. This insult is a grotesque injustice and this new initiative tackles it head-on! We must also remember that false and therefore bogus asylum claimants insult decent, law-abiding real asylum seekers who do the right thing and play by our rules: making their legitimate asylum claims legally!
Britain's patriotic Conservative and Unionist Home Secretary, is clear that illegals - who abuse and ignore our immigration laws - are not welcome in the UK and nor should they be!

But how many times have we been lied to in the past. when I see it I will believe it.

Templar News Report Live - July 8 2021


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Midazolam, Morphine & Mass Murder By Government Policy

Midazolam, Morphine & Mass Murder By Government Policy This short video is a devastating microcosm of emerging evidence that over 65's in the UK were targeted for 'a good death' by lethal injections of Midazolam and Morphine, thereby creating the illusion that Britain was in the grip of a viral pandemic. Footage from the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee's COVID-19 Inquiry is published under Fair Use and Fair Dealing doctrines, for the purposes of providing commentary and educating the public. Original Source: Subscribe to The Bernician's blog: All Rights Reserved under the Treaty of Universal Community Trust. #WeNeedToTalkAboutMidazolam #Genocide

A thought provoking passage

 A thought provoking passage

written by an Englishman about the current situation in HIS COUNTRY - this is thought provoking and is equally relevant in any other (once) White Country.

I have been wondering about why whites are racists, and no other race is?
There are British Africans, British Chinese, British Asian, British Turks, etc, etc, etc.
Then there are just the indigenous British. You know what I mean, plain English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh, people that were born here. You can include the people who live off our shores of Great Britain too.
You say that Whites commit a lot of violence against you. So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
You have the Muslim Council of Great Britain.
You have Black History Month in Great Britain.
You have swimming pools for Asian women.
You have Islamic banks for Muslims only.
You have year of the dragon day for Chinese people in Great Britain.
If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month, you would call us racists.
If we had any organization for only Whites to 'advance' OUR lives, you would call us racists.
A White woman could not be in the Miss Black Britain or Miss Asia, but any colour can be in the Miss UK.
If we had a college fund that only gave White students scholarships, you would call us racists.
There are over 200 openly proclaimed Muslim only schools in England. Yet if there were 'English only schools', that too would be racist!
In the Bradford riots and Toxteth riots, you believed that you were standing-up for your race and rights. If we stood-up for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it, but when we announce OUR White Pride, you call us racists.
We fly our flag, we are racists. We celebrate St George's day, we are racists.
You can fly your flag and it’s called diversity. You celebrate your cultures and it’s called multiculturalism.
You rob us, carjack us, and rape our daughters, but when a White Police Officer arrests a Black gang member, or beats up an Asian drug dealer, running from the law, and posing a threat to society, you call the Police Officer a racist.
I am Proud and Patriotic, but you call me a racist.
Why is it that only Whites can be racists?
There is nothing improper about this post. Let us see which of you are proud enough to send it on.
I sadly don't think many will. That's why we have LOST most of OUR RIGHTS in this OUR Country. We DO NOT stand up for ourselves, but it is high time we did!
Being proud to be White and English! It is not a crime, YET... but it is getting very close!
It has been estimated that only 5% of those reaching this point, in this message, will actually pass it on!
I am asking what will it take for you to do so?

Special Guest Nick Griffin - Templar News Report Live - July 7 2021


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