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Friday 27 August 2021

Templar Report News - August 26 2021


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If a sudden financial collapse happens today… Here is an excellent proposition or is it just another preposterous theory.

 Here is an excellent proposition or is it just another preposterous theory.

CM baska

If a sudden financial collapse happens today…

There is currently a lot of ‘chatter’ on the internet by political commentators and mainstream economists that another downturn in the global economy can be expected as debt levels rise into uncharted territory. However, some of the more controversial ‘outside the box’ financial experts believe that a collapse far worse than 2008 is now imminent as the central banking ‘globalists’ contrive to ‘re-set’ the global economy to their immediate advantage - a sovereign nation drowning in ‘debt’ is far more likely to be compliant to the will of global financial and corporate governance than a sovereign nation that is free from debt and therefore free from the tentacles of the very little known Bank for International Settlements with its central banking system that includes the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve.
The so-called ‘debt’ that the world is currently drowning in (apparently, the Derivatives Debt Bubble hanging over the world is now well over one quadrillion dollars) has been very largely arrived at by sovereign nations’ governments borrowing ‘money’ from the usury practicing private financial and banking sector – ‘money’ that has been created completely out of thin air as debt and which is not backed by gold or assets of any description. This is called ‘fraud’ by most normal people and the entire ‘debt problem’ is only perceived as such by people who are very ignorant of how money is actually created and by whom. And it is also the case of the British people not knowing their own history
In August 1914, at the outbreak of the First World War, to avoid the imminent collapse of the private banks and the Bank of England itself, Parliament passed a Bill through Parliament in two days which authorised HM Treasury – not the Bank of England – to create, issue and control money that was debt-free and interest-free because it was based entirely on the wealth and potential of the British nation. The high-street banks reopened and people who had planned to withdraw their savings in gold were more than happy to accept these new Treasury notes created by HM Government and there were no problems at all concerning inflation.
The private banking system was saved from collapse but unfortunately the politicians (who were, and still are, subservient to the wishes of the City of London) went back to borrowing debt-laden ‘money out of thin air’ from the private financial sector which resulted in the bankers being able to make a killing out of the killing on the Western Front. And it also meant that the National Debt went up unlawfully from £650 million in 1914 to £7,500 million in 1919.
The simple truth is this: any sovereign nation, through its treasury, can create, issue and control debt-free and interest-free money that is based entirely on that nation’s wealth and creativity (labour potential). This way, all of a nation’s essential needs can be met without the requirement for a complex and invasive taxation system; and without being dependent on the vagaries of the international money markets. And damaging and soul-destroying poverty and austerity need never happen again.
A nation’s security, prosperity and indeed happiness can be secured forever by the use of this very simple, effective and proven measure of money creation (HM Treasury call it ‘M0’ whilst money reformers call it ‘Sovereign National Credit’). And our elected servants in Parliament need never again go to the City of London and the private financial institutions to borrow money; nor ever again need their decision-making be affected by the machinations of the privately controlled Bank for International Settlements with its global central banking system of increasing debt strangulation.
So, the bottom line is this: if a sudden economic downturn or collapse happens, then the entire part of our nation’s lawful economy – that is pensions, infrastructure, industry, share-holders and the value of our money – can be immediately under-pinned and protected by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He does this by declaring that HM Treasury will now immediately resort to 100% M0. He does this by simply restoring the 1914 Bradbury Pound both as physical cash and as electronic money. The British economy will therefore become completely impervious to the international and privately controlled central banking system and the criminal mind-set behind it.
And all of the British people will enjoy the rest of their lives living in a tax-free country that enjoys continuous prosperity rather than experiencing the cutbacks and food banks of austerity. Just look at what can be done - the NHS will have all the money it needs to provide a first-class service; the vulnerable and the elderly in our society will have all the social care they need; and the Armed Services will have all the personnel, equipment and resources that they require to effectively defend our nation’s shores and sovereignty. And all student debts will be written off without delay whilst all future education will be free at source. Not a bad list to show what can be done by simply harnessing common sense and an historical precedent that worked brilliantly!
But the only way all this will be allowed to happen is if people send this article to everyone they know – it’s only our collective ignorance that allows the present criminal, usury-based and debt-creating money system to prevail. The bankers and financiers are scared stiff that this simple and proven solution will soon become common knowledge. So, it’s up to you – please help to make this go viral!
Justin Walker – Campaign Co-ordinator for the British Constitution Group and The New Chartist Movement (being launched in late October).

Templar Report News- August 26 2021


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The Gospel and Vaccine Passports, Incels, Afghanistan - Reverends in Con...

Vicars Tom Pelham and Jamie Franklin sit down to discuss the latest news from a theological and scriptural perspective. Our opening Scriptures are Zechariah 3 and Romans 5:1-12: the message of the righteousness of Christ given to unworthy sinners. We talked about the notion of vaccine passports in church and society, and we review some theological arguments that have been made against "vaccine sceptics". Other topics include the recent mass shootings in Plymouth and the "incel" community. In addition, we revisit the situation in Afghanistan and talk about the situation for women, young girls and Christian churches and pastors. Please do sign and share our open letter to the PM on vaccine passports (https://vaccinepassportletter.wordpre...) and check out our recent discussion with some of the main signatories ( Whoever you are, please sign and share the Together Declaration against vaccine passports in society: Notices: Thanks to our Patreons! Support us from £1.50 plus VAT per month: Irreverend Weekly Sermon Audio: https://irreverendsermonaudio.buzzspr... Twitter: Telegram: Email: YouTube: Odysee: Audio Podcast: Links: Joshua R. Farris, The Theology Missing from the Vaccine Debates - Melanie McDonagh, Why Incels aren't Terrorists - Naama Kates, What the media gets wrong about incels -

Watch This Before You Consider Another Lockdown


This Is SO IMPORTANT. You Need To Check Out What Charlie Kirk Is Saying About The Tyrannical Lockdown Orders! #BigGovSucks

How The Antichrist Will Deceive The World (Everyone Should Know)

How will The Antichrist gain so many followers? What does the Bible Say is the primary
deception of this End-Time figure? In this episode we explore Bible Prophecy
to uncover one of the most important
revelations regarding the Antichrist / Man of Lawlessness. Don't miss this.
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Thursday 26 August 2021

Twenty-year genetic trail behind Covid’s creation

 THE topic of the year so far has been Covid-19 and the rollout of experimental vaccines to ever-younger age groups. TCW Defending Freedom has been at the forefront of critiquing Government policy, notably by our writers Neville Hodgkinson and Sally Beck. From today until Bank Holiday Monday, we are re-running our top ten most-read articles from the end of 2020 in reverse order. Today is No 8 by Neville Hodgkinson, which was first published on July 13, 2021.

A 20-YEAR trail of patent applications concerning the virus responsible for Covid-19 proves it is neither new nor the result of a jump from animals to humans, an inquiry has been told.

Instead, the patents show that a natural virus, harmless to humans, was subjected to numerous laboratory modifications which ‘weaponised’ it, such that it could become the basis of a marketing campaign for tests and vaccines which are of questionable value to the public health, but which have proved to be a financial bonanza for drug companies.

A dossier of evidence supporting these claims has been presented to the international Corona Investigative Committee headed by Reiner Fuellmich, a senior German lawyer specialising in exposing corporate swindles. The committee has been taking testimony from scientists and other experts since July last year. 

The dossier was submitted last week by Dr David Martin, who heads M-CAM International, a US company which monitors innovations relevant to financial interests.  

First made public more than a year ago, Martin’s allegations were widely dismissed as ‘conspiracy’ by so-called fact-checkers, who at the time were promoting the view fostered by the scientific establishment that the virus had a natural origin.       

That view has become seen as in itself based on a conspiracy to mislead involving British scientist Dr Peter Daszak, head of the EcoHealth Alliance, which has received tens of millions of US dollars for investigating coronaviruses, but who was appointed by the Lancet medical journal to head an inquiry into the virus’s origins.  

Last month Daszak ‘recused himself’ without explanation from the inquiry. He played a leading role in a similar investigation by the World Health Organisation, widely dismissed as a whitewash when published on March 30.  

On Friday last week Martin gave a two-hour, live-streamed interview to Fuellmich and his team in which he spelled out the patent data that led to his explosive conclusions; you can watch it here.)

He said that ‘somebody knew something in 2015 and 2016 which gave rise to my favourite quote of this entire pandemic’. This was a statement made by Peter Daszak in 2015, and reported in the National Academies Press on February 12, 2016, in which he declared: ‘We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical counter-measures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage, to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.’   

Of his own company, Martin said: ‘We have since 1998 been the world’s largest underwriter of intangible assets used in finance in 168 countries. Our underwriting systems include the entire corpus of all patents, patent applications, federal grants, procurement records, e-government records, etc. We have the ability to track not only what is happening, and who is involved in what’s happening, but we monitor a series of thematic interests for a variety of organisations and individuals as well as for our own commercial use.

‘We have reviewed over 4,000 patents issued around SARS-coronavirus and done a very comprehensive review of the financing of all the manipulation of coronavirus which gave rise to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).  

‘We took the actual genetic sequences that were reportedly novel, and reviewed those against the patent records available as of the spring of 2020. What we found, as you’ll see in this report, are over 120 patented pieces of evidence to suggest that the declaration of a novel coronavirus was entirely a fallacy. There was no novel coronavirus. There are countless, very subtle modifications of coronavirus sequences that have been uploaded. But there was no single identifiable novel coronavirus at all.

‘As a matter of fact, we found patent records of sequences attributed to novelty going to patents sought as early as 1999. So not only was this not a novel anything, it’s actually not been novel for over two decades.’

Martin took the inquiry team on what he called a ‘short journey through the patent landscape, to make sure people understand what happened’.

Until 1999, he said, patenting activity around coronavirus applied only within veterinary science. As early as January 2000, the Pfizer drug company filed for a patent on a genetic sequence giving rise to a coronavirus spike protein, ‘the exact same thing we have allegedly rushed into invention’, to be used in a vaccine against a canine disease.  

So, based on patent filings more than two decades old, neither the coronavirus concept of a vaccine, nor the principle of the coronavirus itself as a pathogen of interest with regard to the spike protein’s behaviour, were ‘anything novel at all’.


BRITISH FREEDOM PARTY (Guest Presenter) 23rd August 2021


Templar News Report - August 25 2021


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