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Sunday 24 October 2021

Next few months will determine what society Britain really is


Neil Oliver: Next few months will determine what society Britain really is

Remaining TimeƂ5:44

'[Vaccine passports] will not exclude me from anywhere 

I want to be... anywhere demanding such an abomination 

from any citizen is nowhere I would enjoy being'

People are talking to me about the months ahead and the winter to come.

 Many fear a winter of discontent.

They dread the dark and what the dark might hold. The troubles of

 recent weeks have been hard enough, they say, while the sun has 

shone and it has been easy to be outside.

How will it be when the days are short and the nights are long?

 I say the autumn and the winter ahead will be what we choose to make them.

 It will be a test of who we are as people.

I say that in the most important ways, the winter should be the making of us. 

We are divided now. It is no longer just about physical divisions. 

Opinions have hardened to the extent that we cannot talk to each other.

These divisions run through families, between friends and neighbours. 

Such are the differences of opinion it has become easier to avoid people altogether. 

I say this has been no accident. 

Our leaders have done their utmost to drive wedges between us.

Apart from a few weeks at the beginning of it all,

 I say keeping us apart had nothing to do with health and everything to do with keeping us demoralised, fearful and helpless.

 When pressed they will say it was for our own good.

 I say it was a bad thing to do, that has had only bad results. 

I don’t believe the pubs and restaurants and the rest of the places folk meet to talk were ever a threat to health.

People who come together, might stay together. A stick on its own is easily broken, 

but a bundle of sticks is unbreakable. When we are physically together we communicate 

in ways that are impossible through a computer screen. 

We were stopped from gathering and so the glue holding communities together has flaked away.

Too many have been made strangers to each other, even enemies. 

Our leaders and their advisors are, I say, devoid of empathy – 

that ability to feel what others feel. Either that or they do not care what hurt they have caused, which is even worse. It’s time for faith leaders – 

more of them, at least, to speak up for the lonely and excluded.

Places of worship have a sacred obligation to open their arms. 

What is a church without a congregation after all – just an empty building. 

I say it is up to us now to come together – in every way we can – 

and remind ourselves and each other that there is no need to feel powerless, 

helpless. Each of us must find at least one other of like mind.

To begin with that one other might be enough. T

he important thing is to meet and to share, face to face. 

I will not abide by any more lockdown. I am not talking about militant action.

 My resistance will be peaceful and quiet.

Of all that has happened since last March, lockdown has hurt us most of all. 

Most people are in a worse place now than before –

 either in terms of their physical health, mental health, financial situation, 

relationships with family and friends, or a combination of all. Of all the ways, 

the enforced separation – the bar on being together with our fellow human beings

 has done most harm.

Too many people have been isolated. At home I have a basket filled with letters, more every day, from people who have had no one to talk to, to share thoughts with.

 I am glad they have written to me but it breaks my heart to know so many have found it best to send a letter to a face on the telly.

Having said that, I feel that every sender of every one of those letters is a friend of mine 

now, a kindred spirit. But that so much misery and anxiety has been heaped 

upon so many people, and for so long, is shameful.

The loneliness drips from the pages. I honestly can’t believe it has happened – 

that anyone, anywhere can look at our situation and think it’s been for the best. 

When it comes to vaccine passports I am way ahead of them.

By that I mean the introduction of vaccine passports, in my homeland of Scotland, 

will not exclude me from anywhere I want to be. I say that anywhere demanding 

such an abomination from any citizen is nowhere I would enjoy being anyway. 

If it comes to it, I would rather be outside in the open air. Let the wind blow and the rain fall,

 I don’t care. I would rather be out in the world, with others of like mind, than in any place demanding “Papers, please!”

Jayda Fransen from the BFP on Covid Commons vote: 'Democracy is DEAD'


A Nation Of Imposters

A Nation Of Imposters

 Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

That's how we've become a nation of imposters: our imposter stock market hits a new high and the imposters cheer because it proves the scam is still working.

You've read the warnings about the proliferating imposter scams: scammers posing as "officials", representatives of utilities or "a close friend of a family member" all exploit the fast-draining reservoir of trust in America to extract financial information out of the unwary marks.

I'm not sure what's more remarkable: the depths of scammer perversity or the fact that some people can still be conned by claims of authority or friendship. Most are seniors, of course, as the elderly still retain an easy-to-scam trust in institutions and officialdom as a holdover from an era before trust was unraveled by wholesale self-serving deception.

The deeper problem is that America is now a nation of imposters. Everything that is presented as august and trustworthy is an imposter organization designed to enrich the few at the expense of the many via deception and the cloaking of self-serving skims and scams.

A useful tool to uncloaking imposters is to ask: cui bono, to whose benefit? Take the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve. It claims to be serving the public and the common good, but who actually benefits from its policies?

1. Insiders frontrunning the Fed's public pronouncements to enrich themselves. Here's looking at you, Chairperson Powell and the rest of your self-serving imposter cronies.

2. The top 0.1% who own the majority of productive assets goosed ever higher by Fed policies.

3. Billionaires.

4. The top 10% who own 89% of all stocks: The wealthiest 10% of Americans own a record 89% of all U.S. stocks

If we strip away the PR, the Fed is an imposter, a self-enrichment scheme for the already-wealthy and the super-wealthy. Its claims to serve the public are just the imposter's deceptive mumbo-jumbo to exploit the naive trust of the marks.

Next up: our imposter judicial system: white-collar financial criminals get wrist-slap fines, if that, while hundreds of thousands of people rot away in America's Drug War Gulag, the fruit of a judiciary obsessed with locking people up even as the War on Drugs enriches drug cartels and has completely failed to reduce drug use.

Rich people can plunder without any fear of our imposter judiciary. Bernie Madoff's fatal mistake was ripping off other rich people, and that made him the perfect stooge for a Soviet-style show-trial in which one fall-guy is convicted as a PR stunt to mask the systemic rot of an imposter judiciary.

Then there's our imposter media, virtually all of which is owned by a handful of quasi-monopoly corporations. This imposter media/social media exemplifies the appeal to authority via "objectivity" and "expertise", while the real action is in what's off limits to serious journalistic digging, what's buried and what's touted as the dominant narrative to explain away what is risibly questionable. ("Let's go Brandon," etc.)

Unfortunately, even the scientific media is riddled with imposters: Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Companies (

Once again, the imposters exploit one of the last remaining pockets of trust, in this case, the trust that "research" that makes it into an academic journal is trustworthy, i.e. the results can be replicated by other researchers, the data hasn't been massaged to reach highly profitable results, dosages haven't been adjusted to skew the results in favor of special interests, and so on.

Lastly, consider our "democracy," which is now little more than an invitation-only auction of favors: $10 million in "auction bids" (campaign contributions, Super-PAC funds, etc.) and some grease in the lobbying machinery can easily garner $100 million in private gains via tax subsidies, no-bid contracts, Medicare limitations on monopoly pricing, etc.

Sorry, but this is an imposter form of democracy, a PR facade fabricated to mask the invitation-only auction of favors. If you don't have the money, your vote doesn't count. If you doubt this, please read:

Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens (

Monopoly Versus Democracy: How to End a Gilded Age (

No one wants to admit we're a nation of imposters because that's a confession of just how deep the rot has penetrated. The systemic rot of imposters exploiting the last reserves of trust starts at the top and then filters down into every nook and cranny as everyone looks at how the rich get richer and learns from the top-level imposters.

That's how we've become a nation of imposters: our imposter stock market hits a new high and the imposters cheer because it proves the scam is still working.

*  *  *

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My recent books:

A Hacker's Teleology: Sharing the Wealth of Our Shrinking Planet (Kindle $8.95, print $20, audiobook $17.46) Read the first section for free (PDF).

Will You Be Richer or Poorer?: Profit, Power, and AI in a Traumatized World (Kindle $5, print $10, audiobook) Read the first section for free (PDF).

Pathfinding our Destiny: Preventing the Final Fall of Our Democratic Republic ($5 (Kindle), $10 (print), ( audiobook): Read the first section for free (PDF).

The Adventures of the Consulting Philosopher: The Disappearance of Drake $1.29 (Kindle), $8.95 (print); read the first chapters for free (PDF)

Money and Work Unchained $6.95 (Kindle), $15 (print) Read the first section for free (PDF).

Trump Vax Mistake, Vax Doesn’t Work, Fragile Economy Warning from USA


Home » Weekly News Wrap-Ups » Trump Vax Mistake, Vax Doesn’t Work, Fragile Economy Warning Trump Vax Mistake, Vax Doesn’t Work, Fragile Economy Warning By Greg Hunter On October 22, 2021 In Weekly News Wrap-Ups 397 Comments By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 500 10.22.21) President Trump is still pushing the horrible injections he calls vaccines from his “Operation Warp Speed.” I don’t know who is telling him these are working well when death and injuries on VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) outnumber all vax deaths and injuries for the past 30 years. By every metric, the vaccines Trump is still pushing are a growing disaster, just ask former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Oh wait, Powell was fully vaccinated, and he just died of complications from Covid 19. Stop the shots, Mr. President, and admit you are wrong. The nation will forgive you, but not the people who lied. There is a new study done by Harvard (posted on National Institutes of Health website), and it basically says the vax injections do not work. The highest counties in America have the highest Covid transmission rates, and the lowest vaccinated counties have the lowest Covid transmission rates. It was the same overseas in high vaxed countries such as Israel. Dr. Chris Martenson simply says “We’ve been had.” I say it was a deadly money making scam for Big Pharma and government co-conspirators. They all should be prosecuted under the Nuremberg code of 1947. They hung Nazi doctors for experimenting on people against their will and without informed consent. Sound familiar? There is no stopping the rising inflation trend we find ourselves in. There are supply chain disruptions and dramatically rising prices for just about everything. Inflation is going to force the Fed to raise interest rates. Trends researcher Gerald Celente summed it all up perfectly this past week on and said, “When they raise interest rates, this thing goes down — end of story.” Join Greg Hunter as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up 10/22/21. (To Donate to Click Here)

Saturday 23 October 2021

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly."


"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous, rather than cowardly."

INTRO MUSIC: Sagittarius V - Lucidator:

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Anything Goes:

Weekly Roundup from the British Freedom Party


Jayda Fransen

Your Weekly Roundup 

RIP Dennis Hutchings

Former Regt Corporal Major, Dennis Hutchings has passed away... More Details

BFP Leader Jayda Fransen standing in Southend West by-election

BFP Leader, Jayda Fransen will contest Southend west by-eletion after MP was murdered by Jihadist... Read More

SIGN THE PETITION: No Covid 'Vaccine' for our Children

The UK Government should NOT be allowed to vaccinate our children without our consent.



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VIDEO: Jayda Fransen on Covid Commons vote: 'RIP Democracy'

Party Leader, Jayda Fransen expresses her disgust over this week's Covid restrictions vote. 


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