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Sunday 31 October 2021

Templar Sunday Service - October 24 2021


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The Covid Strategy Doesn't Work and IreverendNobody Cares - with Christine Padgham


In this week's episode, reverends Tom Pelham and Jamie Franklin sit down with Christine Padgham. Christine is host of the Coronastories podcast ( and blogs at on Covid statistics. She is also a member of the Health Advisory and Recovery Team ( which provides medical and scientific commentary of the Covid crisis. As well as other things, we talk about why it seems that the whole world seems not to care that none of the interventions appear to be working and, in many cases, are making things worse. What is the moral and spiritual significance of this situation?
Our Scripture this week is taken from Luke -56.
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Irreverend Weekly Sermon Audio:
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Does the Church of England want you? - Daniel French (
A reason to be vaccinated: freedom - John Piper ( )

The Fifth Great Awakening

The Fifth Great Awakening

from Gab News

 I have a testimony to share with you.

Typically Christians don’t share testimonies like this because they are “afraid of what people will think.” I posit that Christians should instead start caring about what God thinks. We should also never be afraid to discuss the many ways that God works in our lives or makes His presence known to us.

So I’m going to share this testimony and I’d love to hear from you if you have ever experienced anything similar. I’d also encourage you to openly share your testimonies on social media, at work, or with a friend in the hope and prayer of lifting up our Brothers and Sisters and bringing someone new to the Lord.

This past week I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit overwhelm me to the point of tears, fear, and trembling. It was absolutely surreal and incredible. I can’t even find the words to describe it.

I instantly became distinctly aware of God’s presence, love, grace, and glory. More importantly I became aware of how utterly unworthy I am of it. I remember praying “Lord have mercy on me a sinner” over and over again.This was followed by a flood of peace and joy.

The interesting thing is that this has been happening all week shortly after I spend time in the presence of other Christians. For example on Sunday night after church or after grabbing dinner with Christian friends, etc.

God is working in our lives each and everyday. He is right there with us walking through the fire of the many trials we face as Christians in today’s world. We need to be together. In fellowship. Without masks. In person, not through a livestream.

We are citizens first and foremost of Christ’s Kingdom above all earthy realms. It’s time to start acting like it. We are also exiles in a hostile and foreign world that is in a state of distress. We need to remember that in spite of this Christ our King remains on the throne.

We need to keep the faith my friends. We need to speak openly, boldly, and often about the ways in which God is working in our lives. We must encourage and lift one another up. We must introduce Christ to those around us.

We can’t do any of these things by being silent.

Do not conform to the bogus limitations and cultural taboos that have been fabricated by God’s enemies. Enemies of God don’t get to dictate what Christians can or cannot talk about in public, on the internet, or in casual conversations.

We can, will, and must openly talk about God and share our testimonies to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth, to all nations, and to all people forever and ever amen.

The Real Great Awakening Has Nothing To Do With Politics And Everything To Do With Jesus Christ

I firmly believe that we are witnessing the start of a Fifth Great Awakening, not only in America, but across all of Christendom. A Spiritual awakening of God’s people on a massive and historical scale.

I have been blessed with the great honor of being able to see the work God is doing on a daily basis in the form of the Gab community.

Everyday I see Christians from across the faith, be it Catholics, Protestants, or Orthodox believers, sharing their testimonies, discussing God’s Word, buying things from one another, supporting one another, praying for one another, and leading people to Christ. I see the early foundation and fruits of a parallel Christian economy.

Jesus > Every Political “Solution”

Over the past few decades Christians have learned the hard way that we must not put our faith in men, most especially in politicians, or even our own churches and established “Christian” organizations and worldly power structures.

Jesus Christ is the only way out of this mess. Period. It all starts by speaking freely and sharing your faith and testimony as often as you can. It starts in your own heart, then in your family and home, and finally out to the rest of the world.

We must start building from the ground up and meme this Fifth Great Awakening into reality. Presidents and elections won’t and can’t solve the problems in Christendom or in the world writ large. Only Jesus Christ can do that. Christian warriors are rising up to the call and getting to work. We’re building a parallel Christian society and kickstarting the Fifth Great Awakening.

Are you in?

Jesus is King and He invites you into His Kingdom

I don’t know who is reading this, but I want you to know that God loves you and He sent His only son Jesus to die for your sins–and for mine.

He saved us from a life of slavery to sin.

Jesus is the one and only path to the Creator.

Jesus loves you.

I pray that you will follow Him and believe in Him so that you may have everlasting life and experience the true freedom that comes from being redeemed.

To God be the Glory,

Andrew Torba
Jesus is King

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War on God & God’s Going to Win – Catherine Austin Fitts at Greg Hunter USA Watchdog


Rumble — Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with the publisher of The Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts. To Donate to Click Here:

Saturday 30 October 2021

Neil Oliver: We haven’t even got past Halloween but it’s already panto s...

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The killing of Gaddafi & death of the nation


“The killing of Gaddafi 10 years ago has resulted in the death of the nation of Libya and the destruction of its people”

“The killing of Gaddafi 10 years ago has resulted in the death of the nation of Libya and the destruction of its people”

Paul Craig Roberts

Americans are the most propagandized people on earth. In place of a news media they have a propaganda ministry that is a lie machine. Americans live in a spun narrative of lies.

Few understand the evil intentions of their rulers and the way government is used to enrich the elite. British journalist Richard Medhurst explains how ten years ago US and French elites destroyed an entire country.

The crudely evil Obama and the white bitch Hillary, together with French President Sarkozy, currently a jailbird, destroyed a highly successful country and murdered its leader for their own profit.

The destruction of Libya is one of the many crimes of Western colonialism that has undermined the confidence of Western intellectuals in Western civilization. It is crimes such as the murder of Libya that have resulted in the destruction or removal of statues and monuments and the teaching now institutionalized in schools that white people are racist.

When you think of the destruction of Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, and Palestine, and the attempted destruction of Syria and Iran, just to mention some of the atrocities of our current era, it is possible to comprehend why the West has lost its moral gloss and is increasingly despised by growing numbers of its own citizens in addition to Arabs, Africans, Latin Americans, Russians, and Asians.

Corrupt and evil Western “leaders” have succeeded in marginalizing the West. Every western country now consists of refugees from countries that the West has destroyed and citizens who have lost confidence in their leaders and culture. We ourselves are experiencing the fall of Rome.

Neil Oliver-Live | Saturday 30th October

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Halloween A Celebration of Evil !!!!! avoid anything to do with it

 Modern celebrations of Halloween may appear on the surface to be quite harmless, but the spiritual implications of dabbling with the spirit world are extremely serious.

What must an unfamiliar observer think of Halloween? Parents dress their children as monsters, vampires, devils, witches and ghosts and encourage them to approach total strangers to ask them for candy and other treats. Homeowners decorate their houses with images of black cats, ghosts, goblins and carved pumpkins and sometimes transform their yards into make-believe graveyards. Adults dress in similar strange and outlandish costumes and go to parties in rooms decorated like dungeons or crypts.

Why are such bizarre practices so popular? Why would anyone celebrate a holiday emphasizing the morbid and macabre? Where did such strange customs originate?

As with Christmas and Easter, we can trace the roots of Halloween far back into the pagan past. The Encyclopedia of Religion says, "Halloween, or Allhallows Eve, is a festival celebrated on 31 October, the evening prior to the Christian Feast of All Saints (All Saints' Day). Halloween is the name for the eve of Samhain [pronounced sow-en], a celebration marking the beginning of winter as well as the first day of the New Year within the ancient Celtic culture of the British Isles. The time of Samhain consisted of the eve of the feast and the day itself (31 October and 1 November)" (1987, p. 176, "Halloween").

Besides Halloween, the Celts observed many other holidays including the winter solstice (later transformed into Christmas), spring fertility rites (reborn later as Easter) and May Day as a harvest festival.

Concerning Halloween The Encyclopedia of Religion continues: "On this occasion, it was believed that a gathering of supernatural forces occurred as during no other period of the year. The eve and day of Samhain were characterized as a time when the barriers between the human and supernatural worlds were broken. Otherworldly entities, such as the souls of the dead, were able to visit earthly inhabitants, and humans could take the opportunity to penetrate the domains of the gods and supernatural creatures.

"Fiery tributes and sacrifices of animals, crops, and possibly human beings were made to appease supernatural powers who controlled the fertility of the land ... Samhain acknowledged the entire spectrum of nonhuman forces that roamed the earth during the period" (pp. 176-177).

On this holiday "huge bonfires were set on hilltops to frighten away evil spirits ... The souls of the dead were supposed to revisit their homes on this day, and the autumnal festival acquired sinister significance, with ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black cats, fairies, and demons of all kinds said to be roaming about. It was the time to placate the supernatural powers controlling the processes of nature. In addition, Halloween was thought to be the most favourable time for divinations concerning marriage, luck, health, and death. It was the only day on which the help of the devil was invoked for such purposes" (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, Micropaedia, Vol. 4, p. 862, "Halloween").

Ancient practices continued today

As with Christmas and Easter, church leaders adopted this ancient celebration to serve their own purposes. "Samhain remained a popular festival among the Celtic people throughout the christianization of Great Britain. The British church attempted to divert this interest in pagan customs by adding a Christian celebration to the calendar on the same date as Samhain. The Christian festival, the Feast of All Saints, commemorates the known and unknown saints of the Christian religion just as Samhain had acknowledged and paid tribute to the Celtic deities" (The Encyclopedia of Religion, p. 177, "Halloween").

Several ancient Halloween practices still exist in modern observances. Bobbing for apples was originally a form of divination (fortune telling) to learn of future marriages. The first person to bite an apple was predicted to be the first to marry in the coming year ... The jack-o-lantern ... represent[ed] a watchman on Halloween night or a man caught between earth and the supernatural world" (Jack Santino, All Around the Year: Holidays & Celebrations in American Life, 1994, p. 26).

The Bible condemns the occult

Although some may dismiss the demonic symbolism and divination associated with Halloween as harmless fun, the Bible reveals the existence of evil spirits, led by Satan the devil, whom God holds responsible for great suffering and sorrow inflicted on the human race. Revelation 12:9 speaks of "the great dragon ... that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan ... [who] deceives the whole world ..."

The name given him in the Bible, Satan, means adversary or enemy. The apostle John tells us that "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one" (1 John 5:19). Satan and the other fallen angels (demons) constantly try to keep humanity spiritually blinded, turning them aside from their awesome destiny as part of the family of God.

As a loving Father, God commands us to avoid things that can harm us. Concerning the spirit world, notice what God says to His people: "Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God" (Leviticus 19:31).

In addition to this command to avoid practices that pertain to evil spirits, God warned ancient Israel to avoid any kind of occult practices: "There shall not be found among you anyone who ... practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord " (Deuteronomy 18:10-12).

God has called His people to a different standard. Instead of superstitions and myths, God tells us to look to Him for our blessings, direction and future.

Modern celebrations of Halloween may appear on the surface to be quite harmless, but the spiritual implications of dabbling with the spirit world are extremely serious. Fortune-telling, Ouija boards, astrology, voodoo, clairvoyance, black magic and the like can all be related to occult, satanic forces or the worship of natural phenomena and are forbidden in Scripture.

Jesus Christ tells us that "the first and greatest commandment" is to love our Creator "with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37-38). God alone is the giver of life and all good things. To give recognition to false gods, and to imitate practices that honored them, is unacceptable and idolatrous.



Friday 29 October 2021

Templar Report Live - October 29 2021


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PILGRIMS OF THE SWORD: Templar History Book:
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Templar War Spike:
KJV Large Print Bible shown on stream:
Templar Winged Axe:
Large Print Templar Bible:

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