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Saturday 26 November 2022

The LGBTQ+ Agenda: UK Ministry of Justice staff told to not use 35 everyday phrases


The LGBTQ+ Agenda: UK Ministry of Justice staff told to not use 35 everyday phrases

Ministry of Justice staff have been instructed not to use 35 everyday phrases - including ‘gender critical’ and ‘protecting women and girls’ - in order to be trans allies.

Ahead of transgender awareness week, thousands of officials were emailed a glossary titled ‘recognising transphobic coded language’ through the HMP Probation Service (HMPPS) diversity and inclusion team, according to The Sunday Telegraph.

The document claimed that the phrases were ‘turning what would be considered overt discrimination into covert behaviour’, and that it was ‘vital we keep scaremongering and misinformation at bay’.

For example, the term ‘gender critical’, which is used to refer to campaigners who believe biological sex is binary, is claimed to be a ‘term used to make anti-trans discrimination sound palatable or a respectable opinion’ and warns staff to look out for social media accounts that hold this view.

Also listed is ‘protect women’s spaces/protecting women and girls’, which the document says ‘relies on equating trans women with being predatory men, to play on unfounded fears and convince people that supporting trans inclusion threatens their safety’.

The glossary was shared by the HMPPS pride in prisons and probation LGBTI+ staff support network under the watch of a diversity lead who is paid a £37,166 salary.

Civil servants are warned in the introduction: ‘Whilst passing uses of these phrases might not be considered misconduct, the importance of challenging their use cannot be overstated.’

The prison population that identifies as transgender stood at 197 in England and Wales last year, a 21 per cent jump from 163 in 2019.

Friday 25 November 2022

Armbands at Dawn - Irreverend Episode 103

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Sunday 20 November 2022

FTX Implosion Leads to Chaos in the Streets – Bix Weir


FTX Implosion Leads to Chaos in the Streets – Bix Weir

FTX Implosion Leads to Chaos in the Streets – Bix Weir

By Greg Hunter’s

According to precious metals and financial expert Bix Weir, when the FTX cryptocurrency exchange imploded, it took with it billions of dollars of investments.  It now has more than a million creditors both big and small.  Weir says it is the tip of the iceberg in a dying over-indebted system.  Weir contends it is orders of magnitude worse than the Lehman Brothers meltdown that caused the Great Recession in 2008. Weir explains, “Does it really matter if we control the House or the Senate or the Presidency?  The only thing that will matter, the only thing that will change what is going on is when the ATMs shut off and, all of a sudden, people cannot get money out of the bank.  That would change things really fast.  I think it will happen.  All we need is one highly connected derivative bank to go down, and they all go down.  They can bail out a trillion-dollar bank, but they cannot bail out a $2 quadrillion failure, and that is what is coming.  The moment that hits is when everybody will say, okay, nobody is getting paid off. . . .We are going to find out in about a month how many counterparties in the FTX debacle will be translated into the derivatives, which is probably 100 times bigger than what happened on FTX.  Every one of those people on the FTX ledger was placing derivative bets that were hedging their crypto position.  Now, their crypto positions have disappeared.  The actual cryptos are no longer there . . .that is what was hedging this transaction.  There are two sides to a derivative trade.  If one side loses, they double lose.  So, we could see a massive, massive fallout from the derivative mess.”

Weir also points out, “The insanity is we all believe in unbacked fiat money.  That system is dying, and that’s why they are desperate to go to something else. . . . They know the end of this system is going to be painful.  That’s why they keep kicking the can down the road.  Nobody really pretends it’s going to work out.  You don’t hear the government saying we are going to pay off the debt. . . . Nobody talks about that anymore.  They talk more about what will we do next. . . .Let’s invent a new kind of currency.  That’s what they are talking about now because everybody has known since day one that this system will end.”

Well known politicians, sports stars and big-financial institutions were all involved with FTX.   Charges are flying that FTX was a money laundering operation, a fraud and a huge public rip-off.  This is a symptom of what comes at the end of a financial system.  What does the end look like?  Weir says, “It might be we have many currencies being used with the collapse of the system. . . .Our government is completely corrupt.  When they find out all the bad things your politicians have done to your country, to humanity and to children, good night.  There is going to be chaos in the streets.  Then what do you have that will work in a barter type situation until we all figure this out.  I think that is where we are going.  Right now, it’s going to be painful.  December will be really painful, and in January and February, who knows what will be with the change in government–if there is one.”

Weir says gold, and especially silver, are extremely undervalued.  He says physical supplies of both metals are disappearing.  Weir says both metals will be going way up in value in the not-so-distant future.

There is much more in the 34-min. interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Bix Weir of for 11/15/22.

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Against Christian Globalism


Against Christian Globalism

by Pastor Andrew Isker

Dr. Peter Leithart is one of the most brilliant theologians alive, this is not hyperbole or flattery. He is a man whom I consider a friend and mentor. His books, especially Defending Constantine and Against Christianity, are among my greatest influences on how Christians should think about politics, culture, and society. You should read them both.

But today, he sent out a short email that denounced Christian Nationalism. To say I disagree with his take is an understatement. And given the respect I have for him it is absolutely necessary to offer him a rebuttal, breaking his argument down line by line.

The first ten lines are spot on:

Nations should be Christian. 


Every nation should be Christian. 

Totally agree.

The U.S. should be Christian. 


So should Armenia and Angola, Afghanistan and Andorra, Australia and Brazil, and on down through the alphabet.

Right there with you.

God commands kings and judges to bow to King Jesus, and this demand is inherent in the gospel.


Nations should bow to Jesus. 


Nations will bow to Jesus. 

Oh yes.

The kingdoms of the earth have become the kingdoms of the Lord and of His Christ. 

Indeed they have.

God will fulfill His promise to Abraham, to bless every family of the earth.


This doesn’t make Christians “nationalists.” 

None of those truths make Christians anything. The contrast does not make sense here. It does not make Christians nationalists. Nor does it make us globalists. It does not make us classical liberals. Nor tribalists. Nor imperialists. Nor monarchists. No one is arguing those truths necessitate Christians be nationalists.

Nationalism is a political theory or program that makes the nation’s own good its primary aim. Christians must always seek the kingdom first.

I am thankful for a reasonable, accurate definition of nationalism here. But there is serious confusion here. Can I, as a father and head of a household, not seek the good of my family? Did not the Apostle Paul say in 1 Timothy 5:8 that he who does not provide for his own household has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever? 

Does that admonition by the Apostle not place a duty on the Christian to be a familialist, with the family’s own good as its primary aim? 

Even bearing in mind Christ’s command to be willing to hate one’s own family should they be an impediment to discipleship (Mt. 10:37, Luke 15:26), is it not obvious that the context is an environment where there is a positive duty to care for one’s own family? 

Is not the highest good of the family then for the family to be discipled as Christians? 

Broadening out the family to the tribe and then to the nation, does it not follow that it is perfectly valid for a nation to seek out the good of its own people, and chief among those goods is the promotion of the gospel and one, true faith? Why is it that you are seeking to make a dichotomy where there is not one? 

Christians properly love our countries, but seeking the kingdom and its justice may require us to stand against our nation. Seeking the kingdom may make us look like traitors, as it did for Jeremiah.

I totally agree! Look at what self-proclaimed Christian Nationalists are doing. Who else is standing against the mass murder of the unborn, the industrial-scale genital mutilation of the young, the systematic hypersexualization of small children, and other great evils that cry out to heaven for vengeance? Christian Nationalists! Do you not see the people who are literally labelled “violent extremists” and “insurrectionists” are those who call themselves “Christian Nationalists.” If you want to know who looks like Jeremiah preaching against Apostate America, it is the Christian Nationalist.

Christian nations don’t make national interest their chief end. Nations too are baptized into the mission of Jesus. Baptized nations and kings submit their political aims to the aims of their King.

What exactly do you mean by “national interest their chief end.” One of the points of Christian Nationalism is that the promotion of the gospel within the nation is a major part of the national interest. Again, another dichotomy where there need not be one. Would you ever say to a Christian family struggling to make ends meet “Christian family doesn’t make family interest their chief end.” I know you are far too pastoral to do something so foolish. What is this dichotomy even supposed to mean? That submitting to the political aims of King Jesus means the United States should accept tens of millions of immigrants from the Third World every year?

Nations become Christian through the witness, worship, and ministry of the church: when preachers preach the whole Bible; when churches gather at the Lord’s table with Psalms; when the church welcomes strangers, feeds the hungry, and clothes the naked; when members of the church diligently witness and obey in their families, neighborhoods, vocations, and citizenship.

I do not disagree. This is exactly how we Christian Nationalists aim to disciple our nation. 

Nations become Christian when the church and her members seek the kingdom. Thus, and not otherwise, nations become Christian.

Yes. My nation will become Christian not because I am one of 8 billion deracinated, atomized “global citizens,” but because I am an America with the same love for my countrymen that the Apostle Paul possessed for his (Romans 9:1ff). Apostate America will be discipled because Americans who have proven their love and their devotion for their countrymen have preached the gospel and ministered to them. Not because we have bought into some baptized vision of Klaus Schwab’s globalism and have pledged fealty to the Globalist American Empire which exports sodomy and usury to the planet, but because we want the good of our people and the most important good—that they would love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

Nations become Christian precisely when Christians are not nationalists.

This is a terrible misunderstanding of the situation as it is. Our options are not “nationalism” and some ideal political system (which those Christians who decry Christian Nationalism conveniently refuse to offer as an alternative), but between Christian Nationalism and godless Globalism. 

The people destroying our country and who view sincere Christian faith as the enemy want every single human being on the planet stripped of any and all loyalties to family, community, nation, and church. They want totally isolated individuals cut off from both the past (their family and national heritage) and the future (having a family of their own). They want the perfect consumer who only lives in the present. 

The Christian religion and national resurgence are what these people fear most. They do not want you to be proud of your nation’s history and accomplishments. They want you ashamed of your nation and to distance yourself from it. They do not want you to have any loyalty to God or any belief in anything beyond what is here and now.

By denouncing Christian Nationalism, Christians are playing right into the hands of the most evil people on the planet. You will not tear down globohomo by offering some vague Christian globalism, any more than you would free someone from a cult which has estranged them from their family by telling them “yeah, loving your family too much is idolatry.” No, you absolutely must tell your people that loving your country and seeking its good is what God wants you to do.

If we cannot do that, you better start getting used to the taste of fried crickets.

Andrew Isker is the pastor of 4th Street Evangelical Church in Waseca, MN. He is a graduate of Minnesota State University and Greyfriar’s Hall Ministerial Training School, and he has served churches in Missouri, West Virginia, and Minnesota. He is the author (with Andrew Torba) of Christian Nationalism, and the author of the forthcoming book, The Boniface Option. Andrew, his wife Kara, and their five children reside in his hometown of Waseca, MN. He can be found on Gab @BonifaceOption.

Saturday 19 November 2022

UK Hotelier Refuses £1 Million Offer From Home Office To House Asylum Seekers


UK Hotelier Refuses £1 Million Offer From Home Office To House Asylum Seekers


Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News,

A hotelier in the U.K. has rejected an offer in excess of £1 million from an agency acting on behalf of the Home Office to convert his hotel into accommodation for asylum seekers, it has emerged.

Richard Martin, who owns the 3-star Blazing Donkey Country Hotel in Sandwich, Kent, revealed he had been offered £1,080,000 and a guarantee of 100 percent occupancy for at least 12 months at the hotel if he permitted it to be used exclusively to house asylum seekers.

The hotel boss said he turned down the proposal as he “couldn’t think of anything more absurd.” He explained that he would have had to lay off staff at the restaurant and cancel hundreds of weddings booked at the venue.

“We spent 30 years building up the business, but the money doesn’t come into it,” Martin told local media outlet Kent Online.

“We didn’t consider the offer (…) at all, as our reputation would have been shattered overnight.

“Quite honestly, my wife and I felt repulsed and very angry that they would think I would ever consider it,” he added.

Martin said he “could not believe they even approached us, as the agency acting on behalf of the Home Office “must have known” that to convert the accommodation into a facility for asylum seekers would result in the redundancy of some staff and canceling hundreds of weddings.

There are now over 200 hotels across the U.K. who have accepted contracts to house asylum seekers at a cost of £7 million per day to the U.K. taxpayer.

Martin accused the government of “effectively becoming disruptors in the hotel industry” and added that he hopes “no other hotelier in the county worth their salt considers this sly approach.”


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