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Saturday 24 June 2023

Pronouns: Cat/Catself - Irreverend Episode 128

Church of England revs with a difference Daniel French, Jamie Franklin and Thomas Pelham sit down for a bumper episode catching up on a number of important stories from the past couple of weeks: - Greta Thunberg's failed apocalyptic prophecy quietly deleted on Twitter - The somewhat diabolical looking XR climate choir in Bristol Cathedral - Children castigated at a CofE school for saying their classmate couldn't identify as a cat. - Ongoing mass murder of Christians in Nigeria - And a mother who was sent to prison for aborting her 32 week-old child All that and much much more as always. Please Support! Support us on Patreon ( or Buy Me a Coffee ( Subscribe to Jamie's Blog here: For your merchandise needs: Links: Greta failed prediction: Climate choir in Bristol Cathedral: CofE School teacher castigates child for question “cat identity” of schoolmate: Christians seen as aggressive by judiciary: Persecution of Christians in Nigeria: Woman jailed for 32 week abortion: Notices: Join our Irreverend Telegram group: Find links to our episodes, social media accounts and ways to support us at! Thursday Circles: Jamie's Good Things Substack: Irreverend Sermon Audio: https://irreverendsermonaudio.buzzspr...

Friday 23 June 2023




 By David Cammegh  

the reality behind mass immigration

Immigration, race and national identity are currently at the forefront of all of our lives, and emotions are almost explosive.

This is no surprise, considering that definition and structure of all kinds have been under a long sustained attack, for example by the Kalergi Plan .
The aim of this internationalist assault on all that is natural is to break down mankind, rendering men and women and their families and nations weak and easily controllable and ultimately easy to destroy. Consider just one of these internationalist plans - UN Agenda 21 'sustainable development' . It is about delivering us to an anti-God world with a population diminished to up to 98% by the end of this century.
The first recorded internationalist was Cain. For murdering his brother he was to be a 'fugitive and a wanderer on the earth' (Genesis 4:12), and since the 'earth' would 'no longer yield its strength' to him' (Genesis 4:12) he would have no choice but to be a parasite on the world.
Cain was the son of Satan - he was 'out of the Evil One' (1 John 3:12). This is also emphasised by his absence in 1 Chronicles 1, which includes a list of Adam's descendants. This list consists of fathers, which is why Abel is absent, and we know Cain was a father (Genesis 4:17).
Other children of demonic entities include the Nephilim, who were the children of fallen angels (sons of God) and men (Genesis 6:4).
This breeding between man and these entities has continued since the times of the Nephilim - hence '... and after that...' in Genesis 6:4.
All of these offspring are clearly of Satan, or what separates us from God through Christ. That means they are of rebellion, which means they are against God's order and the natural structure of things and against all teachings in the Bible. They are also parasites and, if we consent to their often charming and persuasive influence (vampires can only be invited in), they gain great destructive power in the world.
I believe we have evidence of these offspring amongst the 'internationalist Zionist elite', who jealously protect their bloodlines (see Fritz Springmeier's Bloodlines of the Illuminati ). They also have no true home nation and they strongly encourage through, for example, their media and political outlets, anything from feminism to homosexuality to sexual perversions to usury to borderless nations to deliberately engineered mass immigration (consider the Kalergi Plan and the concocted wars in the Middle East) to the breakdown of true law (delivered for example via Common Law) to multi-culturalism to the aggressive attacks on racial definition (Kalergi Plan) to war to terrorism to the debasement of man and much more that we find associated with the current terrible state of the world. It is their aim, whether they know it or not, first to overwhelm the world and then to destroy it. Hence Satan is the ruler of death.
It is perfectly natural for a man to defend his position when it is attacked or undermined in any way, which includes attacks on his race, or ethnic background, or nation, or sex, or, even, his age group. Please note that I emphasise 'attacked', because this is what is happening via the Kallergi Plan, via the social and genetic engineering, via the mass immigration that is being forced on us all, and such like.
However, one of the many problems with defending ourselves from this multi-pronged sustained attack is that it can provoke a rigid response. For example, people can become intolerant of immigrants and people can become intolerant of other races and dangerous emotions can boil and explode.
It is also important to note that unreasonable and aggressive knee-jerk responses can come from ordinary people, who have absorbed the internationalist programming, when they hear someone quite naturally express wishes to protect their nation or ethnicity or anything else.
If the world were not currently being deliberately massaged into being something it should not be, into something that is against all natural law, and, indeed against God's Law, there would of course be a small natural migration of people from nation to nation from time to time. There would also be a natural amount of racial or ethnic intermingling - remember, Joseph married Asenath, an Egyptian.
So, those from foreign lands and/or with different ethnic backgrounds should be treated just like everyone else, according to the law; and racial intermingling between believers is not against God's Law; as it states in Galatians 3:29, 'And if you are Christ's, then you are a seed of Abraham,' meaning that whatever ethnic background you are, if you believe in Christ, then you are the seed of Abraham, you are of the same 'race'.
The Bible and the Common Law are very clear that all men should be treated in exactly the same way under the law. Hence it states in Numbers 9:14 and 15:15-16 that '…you shall have one statute for both the resident alien and the native.' It also states clearly in Acts 17:26 that 'every nation of men' are 'of one blood'. But it is also clear in that same verse that the definition of nations or the 'boundaries of their residence' is also important. And notice the distinction, which is actually recognised in Common Law, between 'native' and 'alien'.
I believe that our natural responses to protect the status quo and thereby resist having the natural order and God's Law undermined are partly due to our instinctive, and not generally conscious, understanding that if we remove all boundaries, all structure, we shall be even more vulnerable to the attack from what aims to take us over and destroy us. If, within reason, we protect our position then we are less likely to be open to such anti-God interference, and we shall more likely live happily, peacefully and safely.
It is important to note that racial intermingling in the Bible was prohibited in order to protect those who were of God, which is why belief was so important when those of one race mixed with another: it was important not to sully the Israelite blood with that of those who worshipped false gods, not least because those who did that were very possibly infected with demonic blood, or 'genes' from demons and fallen angels, as Cain was, or as the Nephilim were.
A good example of the importance of belief in such instances of racial or national intermingling is when Jesus was asked by the Canaanite to help her daughter (Matthew 15:21-28). He initially refused telling her that he was only for authorized to the 'lost sheep of the house of Israel'. However, he was soon persuaded by her belief, and her daughter was healed. This event demonstrates just part of the great good and unity that comes from, and will increasingly come from, belief in Jesus Christ: a unity of all people of all ethnic and national backgrounds.
But, for all to exist, it must have definition. If definition is removed, then existence is removed, which is why we must be careful to hold firmly to our position and to protect the form of all that is natural and good and lawful.

How To Protect Your Family Against Relentless Tax

Godfrey Bloom speaks with Simon Denton of The Sovereign Group on ways to legally avoid tax, and especially inheritance tax. As a libertarian, Godfrey Bloom believes all tax is theft, he speaks with an expert at protecting your wealth in this aspect. Bloom advocates keeping as much as what you have worked hard for as possible. *** Enjoy my content? Follow me on my other channels for more: SOCIAL MEDIA & CONTACT: Website: Facebook: Twitter: UNCENSORED Channels: Odysee: Rumble: PHYISCAL GOLD - PROTECT Your Wealth - Become Informed! Website: BOOKS: Magic Of Banking: Billy Nomates: Dinosaurs Guide: Guinea a Minute: Godfrey Bloom is a libertarian author with six books published on both military history & Austrian School Economics. He worked in the City of London where he won an international prize for fund management. He represented Yorkshire & Lincolnshire in the European Parliament. During his term of office he attracted over sixty million views on his chamber speeches exposing State bank & tax malpractice on Facebook & You Tube. Thought to be an all time record. He brought experience if not influence to the mainly lay EU Parliamentary Monetary & Economic Affairs Committee, putting both members & European Central Bank President under unaccustomed pressure. Godfrey Bloom is holder of the Territorial Decoration & bar, Sovereign’s Medal, Armed Forces Parliamentary Medal & European Parliamentary silver medal. He is married to one of Europe’s leading equine physiotherapists.

Thursday 22 June 2023

A Modern Pilgrimage: Online Communities as Virtual Nation States

 A Modern Pilgrimage: Online Communities as Virtual Nation States

The existing infrastructure and cultural norms in the West are increasingly hostile or incompatible with Christian values. In response to this reality many of us are turning towards the idea of building our own parallel infrastructure and communities, not unlike the pilgrims who were seeking new land and religious freedom during the early days of America. Unfortunately there is nowhere left to run to. Every country on earth is subjected to the globalist regime in one form or another and so we can’t just physically pack up our things, move to new lands, and form our own nation–at least not yet.

Thankfully with the power of technology we might not have to.

In the age of the internet the concept of community has transcended physical boundaries. Digital sovereignty refers to the idea that an online community, through its collective power and shared values, can establish a self-governing entity in the digital realm. Similar to traditional nation states, digital sovereign communities have their own governance structures, social norms, and economic systems. They strive to maintain autonomy and preserve the rights and interests of their members within the online space they inhabit.

The underlying motivation behind the pursuit of digital sovereignty lies in the desire for self-determination, or the ability to define and govern one’s own virtual environment. Digital sovereign communities develop their own codes of conduct, charters, or constitutions that outline the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of their members. In Gab’s case this is our Terms of Service, which is the only Terms of Service on the internet to offer First Amendment-protected free speech. Digital citizens enjoy certain freedoms within the community, such as freedom of expression, association, and participation in decision-making processes.

The rise of online communities as digital sovereign nation states presents a paradigm shift in how we conceptualize governance and community in the digital age. These virtual entities enable individuals to come together, exercise autonomy, and create alternative spaces that reflect their values and aspirations. As technology continues to evolve the boundaries between physical and digital realms blur, opening up new possibilities for self-governance, collaboration, and the formation of parallel digital societies.

A Digital Pilgrimage

In the early 17th century, England was undergoing religious and political turmoil. Dissatisfied with the Church of England and its practices a group of devout English Separatists, known as the Pilgrims, sought religious freedom and a chance to establish a community based on their beliefs. After fleeing to the Netherlands they yearned for a new home where they could practice their faith without persecution.

In 1620 the Pilgrims embarked on a perilous voyage across the vast Atlantic Ocean aboard the Mayflower. The journey was treacherous, with cramped conditions, seasickness, and harsh weather taking a toll on the passengers. Despite the hardships the Pilgrims found solace in their shared conviction and unwavering determination to create a better future for their families.

The Pilgrims’ story embodies the American spirit of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of freedom. Their quest for religious liberty and their willingness to brave the unknown laid the foundation for the American Dream.

In the digital age this pursuit takes on a different form: the creation of sovereign digital communities and parallel infrastructure. Christians are embracing digital communities and parallel infrastructure as a means of preserving their values, connecting with like-minded individuals, and fostering a sense of belonging in an ever-evolving world of chaos.

The Western world’s infrastructure and culture have undergone significant changes in recent decades. Traditional Christian values, once deeply rooted in society, are often marginalized or opposed. Institutions that were once pillars of faith are now challenged by secular ideologies and this includes many churches. Christians face a dilemma: how can we navigate a culture that no longer aligns with our beliefs while remaining faithful to our convictions?

In this context sovereign digital communities offer a powerful alternative. Just as the pilgrims sought new land to establish their own communities Christians are creating our own digital spaces that uphold and promote Christian values. Digital communities, like Gab, provide a platform for Christians to connect, share ideas, and support one another despite geographical limitations. These communities can transcend borders, time zones, and physical barriers, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual encouragement.

Building Parallel Infrastructure

Building parallel infrastructure is not about retreating from society or isolating oneself from the world. It is an intentional effort to create spaces where Christian values can flourish. Digital platforms allow Christians to establish online fellowship with one another, Bible study groups, prayer networks, commerce, and educational resources that cater specifically to our needs. By leveraging technology, Christians can reclaim the narrative and actively shape our own spaces of influence that are beyond the control of the enemy.

The success of digital communities relies on active participation and nurturing. Christians must foster an environment of fellowship, support, and discipleship within these digital spaces. This includes engaging in meaningful conversations, providing guidance and mentorship, supporting one another’s businesses and promoting unity among diverse perspectives while remaining steadfast in biblical principles.

Just as the pilgrims embarked on a journey in search of religious freedom, Christians who are embracing digital communities embark on a modern pilgrimage. It is a pilgrimage of faith where the pursuit of truth and the cultivation of Christian values take center stage. It is an opportunity to find like-minded individuals, to build networks, and to impact the world with the love and teachings of Jesus Christ.

As the existing infrastructure and cultural landscape in the West continue to dissolve Christians are faced with the challenge of preserving our values and maintaining a sense of community. Embracing digital communities offers a promising solution, allowing Christians to build parallel infrastructure and connect with fellow believers worldwide. Just as the pilgrims sought new land for religious freedom, Christians must now embark on a digital pilgrimage, carving out spaces where our faith can thrive. Through sovereign digital communities and parallel infrastructure, Christians can create meaningful connections, share resources, and impact the world for Christ in the digital age.

To God be the glory,
Andrew Torba
Jesus Christ is King of kings

Wednesday 21 June 2023

‘…excess deaths, government psyops, what we’re watching is a cover-up…’

‘the mainstream media is captured and corrupted…increased excess deaths go unexplained and no one is talking about them, no one is reporting them - it’s a cover-up and it’s happening before our very eyes…’ To help support this channel & get exclusive content every week sign up to ‘Neil Oliver’ on Audio Podcasts, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Available on all the usual providers Check out the Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter

Tuesday 20 June 2023

The Christian Duty To Produce “Cultural Christianity”

 The Christian Duty To Produce “Cultural Christianity”

By: Pastor Andrew Isker

One of the most commonly held ideas within conservative evangelicalism is that “cultural Christianity is bad because it produces nominal Christians.” Nearly everyone has heard this from evangelical pulpits at one time or another. The former head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, now a professional accuser of the brethren at Christianity Today, famously said, “Mayberry leads to hell just as certainly as Gomorrah does.”

There was a time when it seemed to make sense. When the entire world around you was clearly influenced by Christian moral teaching, and everyone knew that everyone else expected you to live more or less in this Christian-influenced way, there were many people who thought they were saved because they considered themselves “good people” because they lived within these moral bounds and not because they trusted in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation. This was a very real problem that pastors had to deal with as they sought to minister to their flocks.

But today we are seeing that bemoaning “cultural Christianity” when the Christian religion had cultural dominance in America is like a trust-fund brat complaining that the Michelin-starred restaurant does not have her favorite kind of caviar. If you only knew just how good you had it. We traded having our biggest pastoral problem be “people living in a society that is so well-ordered they think they are going to heaven because of it” for “children being propagandized 24/7 into anal sex and genital mutilation.” To think that “cultural Christianity” was ever a real problem was to have no historical perspective.

“Cultural Christianity” was never a problem, “cultural Christianity” was the fruit of generations of obedience. Put another way, “cultural Christianity” was a problem like a lifetime of extremely hard work producing massive wealth for your children and grandchildren to inherit is “a problem.” Is it possible that your children will grow up being born on third base thinking they hit a triple? Yes. That is always the danger of success. But to treat the results of faithfulness as something worse than crushing poverty is utter foolishness.

This isn’t some unique or idiosyncratic take on “cultural Christianity.” It is the Bible’s perspective on it. God’s Word gives us an example of what happens when God’s people are faithful:

Deuteronomy 28:1 “Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. 2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God:

3 “Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country.

4 “Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks.

It is true, the situation of Israel as they are about to conquer the land of Canaan is different than ours. The main difference is that instead of a single geographical territory, God has called us to conquer the entire planet. In His resurrection, Jesus won back His world from Satan, and just before His ascension where He sat down to rule at His Father’s right hand, he told His disciples that all authority in heaven and on earth had been given to Him, and they were to go forth and disciple the nations, to conquer them by baptizing them and teaching them what He has commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). Israel’s conquest of Canaan is a type of conquest of the world by the church. The main difference is that this conquest is far more glorious. God brings His people from glory to glory, and rather than conquering by wielding death, His people conquer by wielding new life. 

So these promises to Israel can be applied to nations that are baptized and discipled into Christ’s kingdom. This is the blueprint for what happens when a people together accept God’s way of living. When a people together collectively live the way God has commanded, blessings will follow. Deuteronomy 28 is not about a random assortment of individuals living faithful, but an entire society together. It does not assume that literally every, single person will have a saving relationship with the Lord, but the majority of the people do. What is in view here is corporate faithfulness as a nation, not as individuals. The same is true of, and can be applied to, nations that the gospel has reached.

It is no coincidence that the nation that became the United States of America, which began as colonies filled with courageous, faithful, hardworking Christians, eventually became the most powerful and economically successful nation in human history. This does not mean that America was without sin (any more than ancient Israel was without sin), or that literally every single person who ever lived in America has been sealed in the Lamb’s Book of Life. What it does mean is that faithfulness produces prosperity; and that both faithfulness and prosperity are a blessing from the hand of the Lord?

The application of God’s Old Testament promises to all of His people is true enough, “for all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us”  (2 Co 1:20), but we also see even more direct and explicit New Testament commands to produce the kind of collective faithfulness we see in Deuteronomy 28. In the Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesian Church, he gives instructions to Christians from various walks of life. In particular, he gives the command to Christian fathers to raise up their children in the “paideia of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4) Most English translations render that word as “training” or “discipline” but this Greek word means so much more than that.

In fact, that word, “paideia” is one of the very most important words in all of classical Greek. A teacher of mine was fond of saying that to an ancient Greek, the word “paideia” was so full of meaning he could write volume upon volume about it, like if you asked a modern American to explain what the word “democracy” means. If fact, classical scholar Werner Jaeger indeed devoted three, 400+ page volumes to this solitary word. If you want to understand the classical world that the church conquered, and in which the New Testament was written, you have to understand just how important this word is.

Paideia is the whole of Greek culture, it is everything it meant to be a Greek. Every facet of the Greek mind, body, and soul was shaped by paideia. The paideia of the Hellenistic world was the culture. Every influence that worked upon you to make you into a part of the Greek polis was paideia.

So when Paul borrows this Greek word, he was borrowing the entire concept and used it to serve the ends of Christ’s kingdom. Instead of the paideia of the Hellenistic world, the Christian father was to train his children in the paideia of the Lord. Quite literally, the command to Christian parents was to instill cultural Christianity in their children.

And it does not stop there. The household is not a collection of individuals but a collective group, and the first building block of a nation. If the households of a nation are faithful in instilling the paideia of the Lord, the end result is the entire nation is influenced by the paideia of the Lord. The fruit of this is a culture where the expectation is for everyone to live in a Christian manner and within Christian cultural and social mores.

Some are old enough remember this. Older popular culture, like The Andy Griffith Show, referenced above by the odious Russell Moore, might seem quaint or even moralistic to 21st Century men discipled in the paideia of post-Christian demons, but it was representative of how people generally lived. The standards and way of life in those times were governed by the Word of God, and though some might be deceived into thinking that simply living in such a world would grant them eternal salvation, it made the job of the heralds of the gospel of Jesus Christ so much easier than trying to persuade a they/them that God exists and they should repent and believe in Him.

By standing by and allowing millennia of cultural equity to be burned up in just a few short years, because of a foolish prejudice against “cultural Christianity” we have summoned things that are not so easily un-summoned. We have exchanged a society that imperfectly served Jesus Christ, and asked for a society that perfectly serves Baal and Molech. And we have saddled our children and grandchildren and generations not yet born with the task of exorcising these demons.

But the good news is that Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of God the Father, and He rules over heaven and earth. He built the first Christendom and it is He who will build the second Christendom. And the task at hand for us is to learn how not to spurn precious gifts from His hand and embrace the Christian duty to produce “cultural Christianity.”

Friday 16 June 2023

Embracing Truth and Defying Fear

 Embracing Truth and Defying Fear

By: Andrew Torba

Christians are often confronted with challenges that test their faith and convictions. In the face of today’s moral ambiguity and cultural relativism it is essential for believers to stand firm in their understanding of the Truth and take bold action. Christians need to shed their fears, refuse to tolerate evil, and remember to operate within the moral framework of the Creator God.

Rejecting the Enemy’s Moral Framework

As Christians we are called to operate within the moral framework established by our Creator God. It is crucial to understand that this framework stands in stark contrast to the superficial and shifting standards of the world. While the world may promote a “moral framework” that bends to popular opinion, we are commanded to discern and adhere to God’s unchanging Truth. Embracing this perspective allows us to shed the fear of going against the societal norms and boldly proclaim the Word of God.

At the heart of the Christian moral framework lies the belief in a personal, loving, and just God who created the universe and everything in it. Christians view God as the ultimate source of moral authority whose will is revealed through Scripture and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The Bible serves as a guidebook for moral living, presenting narratives, commandments, and parables that inform ethical decision-making. The Christian moral framework offers a comprehensive guide for people seeking to navigate the complexities of life through the lens of faith. Rooted in love, compassion, and integrity, it serves as a moral compass, guiding believers towards virtuous living and righteous action.

The phrase “fear not” or “do not fear” appears 365 times in the Bible, a reminder for each day of the year. This repetition emphasizes the importance of conquering fear and trusting in God’s guidance. Despite this clear instruction many Christians find themselves hesitant to speak the Truth boldly in a world that often rejects it. By embracing the assurance of God’s presence and promises we can overcome our fear and confidently share His Word.

For example a profound source of inspiration lies within the pages of the book of Acts, where the early Church demonstrated extraordinary courage and conviction in the face of tremendous opposition. Their unwavering commitment to spreading the Gospel and standing up for their beliefs serves as a model for Christians today. It is crucial for us to reflect upon the actions of the early church and ask ourselves if we possess the same level of boldness and dedication.

“Live and let live” is a failed cultural maxim that tolerates evil.

The popular cultural maxim of “live and let live” may seem appealing on the surface, but it fails to acknowledge the destructive power of evil. Tolerating and coexisting with evil only serves to erode the very fabric of society, culture, families, and the nation-state. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the forces that seek to undermine God’s principles. We must instead take a stand and boldly confront evil.

Evil encompasses a wide range of actions, attitudes, and systems that oppose God’s nature and undermine the well-being of individuals and communities. From acts of violence and injustice to deception and oppression, evil manifests itself in various forms. Christians recognize that evil is not merely an abstract concept but a real force that seeks to destroy, divide, and corrupt.

Throughout the Bible Christians are consistently called to resist evil and darkness. The Scriptures remind believers that God hates evil and commands His people to actively oppose it. Psalm 97:10 states, “Let those who love the Lord hate evil.” Christians are encouraged to be light in the midst of darkness, confronting and exposing evil in all its forms.

We can’t do that if we are afraid to boldly speak the Truth.

Christianity places a high value on Truth. Christians believe that God is the source of ultimate Truth, and Jesus identified Himself as “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Tolerating evil often involves turning a blind eye to falsehood, deceit, and injustice. As ambassadors of Truth Christians are called to expose lies, promote honesty, and stand against deception.

We believe in the transformative power of God’s love and grace. By confronting evil, we aim to bring about redemption and restoration. Tolerating evil prevents the possibility of transformation, perpetuating cycles of sin and brokenness. We must seek to bring light and hope into dark places.

Fear of rejection or conflict often hinders believers from proclaiming the Truth boldly. We should be encouraged to trust in God’s strength and guidance, finding courage in His promises. The apostle Paul, who faced countless challenges while speaking the Truth boldly, wrote in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

We must not allow ourselves to be paralyzed by fear or swayed by the ever-changing moral relativism of the world. Embracing the moral framework of our Creator God compels us to speak the Truth boldly and unapologetically. By drawing inspiration from the early Church and recognizing the detrimental consequences of tolerating evil we can encourage one another to take bold action. Let us rise above the fear, firmly grounded in the Truth, and impact the world with unwavering faith, love, and conviction as we have been called to do.

Andrew Torba
CEO, Gab
Jesus Christ is King of kings

Thursday 15 June 2023

Neil Oliver: ‘…there’s a stench coming from them & their dead politics’

‘…if things keep going the way they’re going politically, in the near future there will be no America, no Britain, no France, no Germany, no anywhere….’ To help support this channel & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to ‘Neil Oliver’ on Audio Podcasts, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Available on all the usual providers Check out the Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter

Sunday 11 June 2023

Fox News goes WOKE - Nick Griffin on the Templar Report




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Saturday 10 June 2023

Neil Oliver: Whatever happened to government BY the people OF the people...

Audio Podcasts, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Available on all the usual providers Check out the Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter