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Someone today, commented by saying the news channels driven by the Establishment Elite
were starting ringing the death knell reverberating towards UKIP in
reminding us of what is the point of UKIP now.
For years’ people
pointed out that UKIP is a callously right-wing political party that was
led by a former Tory party activist, bankrolled by ex-Tory millionaire
donors and stuffed full of failed, disgraced and defected Tory
Well let me tell them one thing The working-class
UKIP supporters who have spent many hours fighting on media, such as
this, the many that have stomped the streets handing out leaflets, the
many who’ve spoken to the numerous local people needing to know the real
truth - and then be named and classed with Extreme-right tendencies
because they believe in the party’s policies which are, and have never
been secondary to the main objective of getting the UK out of the
European Union – are no more than honourable patriotic members of the
United Kingdom who are seriously concerned with the direction of their
Now that 17.4 million members of the public have managed
to extricate the UK from out of the European Union, numerous others -
with the lack of cognitive intelligence - are now asking what is the
point of UKIP continuing to exist? And what is the justification for
working class people continuing to support a party that promotes the
centre-right and despises the tory/Labour economic dogma that has ruined
our communities, repressed our wages and trashed our local
infrastructure and services?
UKIP has functioned brilliantly
under Nigel Farage’s leadership and philosophy of us being a working
class peoples party. And over the years we have benignly soaked up the
votes of millions of people from our own communities that have been left
behind as a result of the Con/Lab economic ideology of the last four
Not only does this stratagem divert people away from
supporting parties that actually inadvertently do not offer a genuine
alternative to the toxic Con/Lab consensus of the Westminster
establishment, it also serves to drag the whole political spectrum even
further towards us with people like Mrs May attempting to imitate UKIP,
and the Blairite faction of the Labour Party attempting to imitate the
The message from this is that UKIP members who have
conviction in their beliefs, and who have integrity, are going to be
straight with their voters, and bold in what they say. This inevitably
will gain us some enemies.
The fact that some of the liberal
left and the cultural Marxists (who seem rather ubiquitous) seem to
dislike bold and honest rhetoric is a real problem as they don't seem
able to debate these issues but instead go for the messenger, using
smear tactics and worse. This is the one aspect of deprecatory
propaganda that is not good for democracy at all.
Nigel Farage,
yesterday, actually pointed the way forward for UKIP which is to
supplant Labour as the opposition to the Conservatives. Specifically, to
target the working class voters who would normally vote Labour but find
themselves cut off culturally from the London middle class that runs
Labour today and sneer at the Northern working class.
This is the
main reason why the Labour MPs launched their coup against Corbyn.
Their excuse might be the Brexit vote but the real reason is that they
are terrified of what happened in Scotland in 2015 repeating itself in
the Midlands & North of England and in Wales.
I'm sure UKIP
will be hoping to hoover up the votes of the Northern (and other) white
indigenous working class Labour supporters, just as the SNP hovered up
Scottish Labour votes. Will it happen? It just might; Jeremy Corbyn
might as well be from Mars when it comes to understanding the concerns
of the good people of this country.