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Monday 15 November 2021

Desperate Plea from the Washington DC Gulag


Desperate Plea from the DC Gulag

Patriotic Americans are being tortured by Biden’s prisons, and the worst is just a few miles from the White house. Call it the DC Gitmo or the American Gulag, but be under no illusions, the Democrat regime is in the business of running brutal prisons for political opponents.

The shocking truth was covered at length on the November 9th edition of our daily Templar Report. This featured at length extracts from a letter sent by independent online journalist Nathan DeGrave, who has spent nine months as a political prisoner since being arrested for his completely peaceful presence at the January 6th Capitol Hill protest against electoral fraud.

Nathan reveals in shocking detail the abuse, semi-starvation, physical violence, psychological torture and human rights abuses to which the patriot prisoners are subjected. This ranges from cells flooded with raw sewage through to interference with proper legal process. One of the prisoners was nearly beaten to death for organising Bible study in place of a completely unconstitutional ban on religious services, and the rest live in daily fear of abuse or assault by anti-American prison guards.

You will find the full letter on our website:

You can send a letter of support to: Nathan DeGrave Inmate #376789 Correctional Treatment Facility-DC CTF 1901 D Street, SE Washington, DC 20003, USA

You can support Nathan here: