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Friday 31 March 2023

Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement Wins Historic Electoral Victory


Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement Wins Historic Electoral Victory

 MAR 2023 -

by Ben Bartee via The Daily Bell

The Farmer-Citizen Movement, founded in 2019, is a coalition of farmers and working-class Dutch united in opposition to the insane climate-change agenda that would destroy their industry.

They oppose onerous and unethical restrictions of the variety that crashed Sri Lanka’s economy last year, emissions limits, and other top-down pressures on independent farmers exerted by the multinational corporate state.

Sri Lanka today, the West tomorrow?” I asked rhetorically back then.

On paper, being a brand new party and lacking any institutional support from the power structure, one would assume BBB’s electoral prospects would be dim.

Not so fast, black-pilled fatalist doomer!

Skepticism of “democracy” is warranted due to the lack of influence over elite decision-making and elite domination of the political process. But the recent victory of the Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement is evidence that electioneering can still produce positive results.

Via ABC News:

A new powerhouse of Dutch right-wing populism took political center stage Thursday after winning its first provincial elections, a victory that was seen as a resounding rebuke to Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s ruling four-party coalition.

The Farmer-Citizen Movement parties (acronymized as “BBB” in Dutch) won 15 out of 75 seats in the upper house of the parliament, equaling the elected bloc of the climate change agenda-pushing Green and Labor parties.

ABC News, in the third paragraph of its write-up on the historic election, launches immediately into a dishonest framing of the win, claiming that the ascendance of the Farmer-Citizen Movement will “compound problems for Rutte in his attempts to drastically slash pollution from the country’s agriculture, industry and transport sectors to protect vulnerable natural habitats.”

What they mean is that the Farmer-Citizen Movement’s representatives in parliament will theoretically have some leverage to block the disastrous mandated reductions in fertilizer use for the sake of fighting “climate change” – of the same sort that destroyed Sri Lanka’s economy a year ago, which I have previously chronicled elsewhere.

Sri Lanka’s heavily agrarian economy imploded virtually overnight under the weight of draconian fertilizer bans while the president was driven from office and replaced with Ranil Wickremesinghe, a sitting WEF member. QR codes distributed by the government were immediately instituted to purchase fuel.

strikingly similar social control agenda targeting independent farmers has been afoot in the Netherlands for several years now, as it has across the world.

Party leader Caroline van der Plas, in her victory speech, drew the battle lines:

‘We are all normal people and all the people who voted for us are normal citizens,’ Van der Plas said in a victory speech.

‘Normally, if people no longer trust the government, they stay home. Today they showed they don’t want to stay at home — they want their voices to be heard.'”

By no means, for all the optimism it might lend to the anti-WEF movement worldwide, is this single, isolated, modest victory by a populist party in one country a lasting win. While also working outside of electoral politics, these results will need to be duplicated across the globe to truly defeat the coordinated agenda of the technocrats.

What befalls Sri Lanka and the Netherlands has global implications, as the anti-farmer, anti-freedom social control agenda is multinational. The goal is to slowly erode national sovereignty until the concept of the nation-state can be altogether abandoned in favor of a new, multinational corporate state.

Accordingly, hopefully, the Farmer-Citizen Movement can be exported and replicated with unique local flavors until it blooms into a decentralized yet cooperative global brotherhood united in opposition to the World Economic Forum and its various other manifestations in the World Bank, UN, etc.

Cheers to the Farmer-Citizen Movement for at least one step to turning idealism into reality.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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