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Sunday 26 March 2023

End of Days, Collapse & Calamity – Steve Quayle Interview


End of Days, Collapse & Calamity – Steve Quayle

Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle says the global banking meltdown, tanking economy, CV19 bioweapon/vax deaths and disabilities and war in Ukraine is all part of what the Bible calls “End of Days.”  Brace yourself.  It’s not going to get better anytime soon.  Quayle explains, “Preachers in the pulpit are whores.  They won’t even speak the name of Jesus.  They want to be friends with the world.  They want to be seeker friendly and user friendly.  Jesus said, ‘To be friends with the world is enemies with God.’  So, the battle lines are being drawn. People are going to have to decide which side they are on, and then they are going to have to stand.  They are going to have to call on God for him to be with us because God is the only one that can stand with the fire that is now already manifesting itself in the world before us.”

Quayle goes on to say, “All Hell is breaking loose with the banking system. . . .Let me define ‘All Hell breaking loose’ and what that will mean.  When all Hell breaks loose, there will be no credit cards.  When all Hell breaks loose, there will be no transactions because there will be nothing on the shelves that you can buy with paper money.  We are going into hyperinflation right now.  We are watching the housing market collapse.  We are watching the automobile market collapse.  The word collapse is a great word, and the other word that comes with collapse is calamity.  With the collapse and calamity under way, people think, well, as long as it doesn’t touch me, I’ll be okay or I’ll be dead, and my kids will have to deal with it.  What a selfish way to deal with the Biblical times we live in.  I think we are in big trouble with this banking situation that will really kick into high gear in April.”

Quale also talks about war with Russia.  Is it closer that many believe?  He also talks about the ongoing  CV19 bioweapon/vax genocide that will end up killing millions worldwide along with killing the economy too.  Quayle says people need to get ready ASAP because with all these big problems, things will turn into a calamity faster than anyone thinks.

There is more in the 52-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he talks to radio host, filmmaker and top selling author Steve Quayle as he talks about our world in the Biblical “End of Days.”

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There is free information from Steve Quayle on

If you want to see a free 7:44 second trailer of “Lies of Men and Gods,” click here.

If you want to watch the video on demand (VOD) of “Lies of Men and Gods,” click here.