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Saturday 22 April 2023

Holy Sh*t…The Orwellian Nightmare Has Turned Into REALITY

For well over a century, the political classes of Western countries have been working to impose economic tyranny over citizens.  

Total domination over people’s economic affairs is these control freaks’ ultimate desire.

These people can’t stand the idea of free, productive people building wealth based on merit, as opposed to governmental privilege. Plus, these political parasites hate the idea of competition. They want to maintain a stagnant political economy that’s dominated by legacy actors who benefit from government-imposed regulations.

Contrary to popular belief, governments are corrupt businesses’ best friends. They use governments to extract as many benefits as possible at everyday people’s expense. Plus, they make sure to keep disruptive competitors out. As a result, society becomes impoverished and more corrupt.

This dynamic extends to money as well. With the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the US has been subjected to a monopoly fiat standard much to its middle class’s detriment. Central bank-induced inflation is one of the greatest wealth-destroyers out there.

Inflation is one of the many tools statists use to subjugate populations. Now, with the advent of central bank digital currencies, they’ll have another mechanism to lord over people.

Pro-freedom advocate George Gammon has been one of the loudest voices railing against CBDCs. He views them as instruments of Orwellian economic tyranny that must be stopped in their tracks if we want to have any semblance of economic freedom in the US.

George sounded the alarms on the latest CBDC project that the globalists are pushing in a recent episode on his main channel.

Make sure you listen in to learn how this diabolic scheme will put the West on the fast track to complete economic tyranny.

—Team Rebel Capitalist