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Monday 24 April 2023

Were We Stand In Britain

By William Strasse 

When a person sees us walking through a minefield and warns us of the danger, pointing out the landmine placements to us and so on, that person isn't a fearmongerer, rather, they're a concerned citizen warning us of the immediate danger we're in.

That's the point of this post I'm making here. The danger we face today is very real and very close. We can't vote our way out of this situation, no political 'knight in shining armour' is marching over the hill in order to lead us to victory.

For the past 3 years the politicians in this country, (from all parties), have aided and abetted in:

1] The mass murder of our elderly in hospitals and nursing homes.

2] The injecting of 'mRNA' chemical poison into the arms of approximately 65% of our population, (including our children)

3] The support of every aspect of the 'LGBTQi' agenda, to the extent that we now regularly see homosexual males dressed as women reading to and 'performing' in front of our children in the classroom.

4] The deliberate and systematic destruction of our entire financial system.

5] The unabated and never-ending mass immigration into Britain.

We can now add to this, the creation of communist 'smart' cities in Britain. Everything I've mentioned is undeniable fact and yet, at the very next build-up to the next election, just sit back and watch the television-programmed, these television-addicted robots, start to discuss which of these self-serving criminals they'll vote for.

These people are danger to themselves and to all those whom they profess to love and care about.

What About These 'Landmines'?

1] The 'Online Safety' Bill:

2] Carbon Zero:

3] The 'Deagel' depopulation forcasts for 2025:

4] 'Smart' cities announced:

5] UK mega-prisons:

6] United Nations Agenda 21:

For the sake of yourselves and your loved ones, start making preparations in order to protect yourselves from this tyranny. Also, please share this information with others and help them to make these very neccessary plans for their loved ones too.

World War 3 has already started and most folk still don't realise it, or can't accept it. The globalist central bankers and their controlled and currupt governments around the world now have their enemy firmly in their sights and they've deemed that enemy to be Joe and Josephine Public.

We all better be getting ready to fight back. We have no other option now, it's called commonsense self-defence.