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Wednesday 24 January 2024

Gab Social Media Stands Up to Censorship Requests from Europol

 We want to bring your attention to a recent development that highlights the importance of our ongoing commitment to free speech and our dedication to protecting your rights on Gab

This morning, Europol, a European Union law enforcement agency, reached out to Gab, demanding that Gab censor links to a documentary called Europa The Last Battle. Europol claims that the documentary violates their laws and should be removed from our platform.

For those unfamiliar, Europol is a European Union agency responsible for coordinating the sharing of information and intelligence between law enforcement agencies across 27 EU member states. While Europol may have a significant role in maintaining law and order within the European Union,Gab states. 

We must remain vigilant in ensuring that their requests do not infringe upon our users' rights to free speech and expression.

As a platform that values and upholds the principles of free speech, we will not be removing the documentary from Gab. We believe that the First Amendment protects the rights of our users to share and access information, even if it may be considered controversial by some.

We have chosen to stand up to Europol's censorship request. These decisions to stand up to foreign government requests incur a significant amount of legal costs to handle these situations. However, we believe that this is a worthy investment to ensure that free speech is protected from censorship by foreign governments.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our users who have supported us in our mission to provide a platform that respects and protects free speech. We encourage you to continue standing with us as we navigate these challenges together.

If you believe in our cause and would like to support our efforts to maintain a free and open platform, please consider upgrading to GabPRO, making a one-time donation or purchase from our shop, or running ads for your business or brand on Gab.