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Wednesday 17 January 2024

There are good reasons that even in a civilized society good men carry a gun A mesage from America

By Bob

 There are good reasons that even in a civilized society good men carry a gun, that reason being that not every member of that society is civilized, and violence can only be stopped with violence, or the threat of it.

The same thing applies to politics. There is a difference between politics and political war, and the liberal cult is very far onto the political war side of any realistic distinction between the two, so normal political means will not stop those traitors from destroying the Republic and installing a communist dictatorship in its place, any more than talking nice to a criminal predator will stop his aggression.

The necessary means to defend The Nation from this enemy are in our hands, because America's founding fathers knew enough about the nature of government to include our right to have those means in the body of law they wrote that created the American Republic.

Just as every one of us has the right to have the means to defend himself from criminal aggression, we as a people have the right to defend ourselves from a criminal gang that imposed itself on us as an illegal government. Our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, even gives the use of those means as both a right and a duty.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government
from the Declaration of Independence

But we have been effectively disarmed by being demoralized, and made too afraid to use the power we have to remove the criminal gang from power and restore the Republic.

So remember: just as the good citizen only endangers himself and his family by being too afraid to use his weapon to defend himself, we as a people are endangering ourselves and our children by surrendering to this enemy.