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Saturday 31 August 2024


FSU General Secretary Toby Young joined the hosts of The New Culture Forum’s 'Deprogrammed' podcast, Harrison Pitt and Connor Tomlinson, to discuss Labour's chilling attacks on free speech in its first few weeks in government - and what we can expect in the months and years ahead. The link to listen to New Culture Forum's podcast in full is below.    • Toby Young: Labour's Watching YOU! St...   The Prime Minister’s recent clamp down on free speech is deeply worrying. Since the beginning of August, we’ve witnessed the greatest assault on free speech in this country since Oliver Cromwell passed a law banning all theatrical performances in 1642. In the wake of the civil unrest that spread across the UK following the murder of three children in Southport, Sir Keir Starmer has blamed ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ on social media for whipping up violence and urged the authorities to prosecute people for saying supposedly inflammatory things online. As a result, a man who has been sent to jail for 18 months for sharing something “offensive” that someone else said on Facebook, another man was sent down for three years for posting “anti-Establishment rhetoric” and a third man was jailed for 18 months for chanting “Who the f*** is Allah?”. Stephen Parkinson, the Director of Public Prosecutions, has even warned that people sharing footage of the riots online may be prosecuted. “People might think they’re not doing anything harmful, they are, and the consequences will be visited upon them,” he said. This threatening language is more reminiscent of a tin-pot dictatorship than the birthplace of parliamentary democracy and it has unleashed a wave of terror across the country, with hundreds of thousands of people now worried that they may be sent to prison for posting something un-PC online. This has to stop. We need to remind the Prime Minister, a former human rights lawyer, that free speech is the most important human right of all because without it we wouldn’t be able to defend any of the others. If you’re concerned about the Prime Minister’s assault on free speech, please use our campaigning tool to write to your local MP, using our template letter. Completing the form is a simple, fast process that can have a significant impact. We’ve even provided a template to help, but feel free to personalise it – and make sure you write in your name, address and email address at the foot of the letter (in addition to filling out the boxes requesting the same). Your voice matters and it’s vital that you make it heard.

Is UK Collapse Coming Under Starmer?

Godfrey Bloom joined Jim Ferguson for a political discussion on the UK. *** Enjoy my content? Follow me on my other channels for more: SOCIAL MEDIA & CONTACT: Website: Facebook:   / godfreybloomofficial   Twitter:   / goddersbloom   UNCENSORED Channels: Odysee: Rumble: PHYISCAL GOLD - PROTECT Your Wealth - Become Informed! Website: BOOKS: Magic Of Banking: Billy Nomates: Dinosaurs Guide: Guinea a Minute: Godfrey Bloom is a libertarian author with six books published on both military history & Austrian School Economics. He worked in the City of London where he won an international prize for fund management. He represented Yorkshire & Lincolnshire in the European Parliament. During his term of office he attracted over sixty million views on his chamber speeches exposing State bank & tax malpractice on Facebook & You Tube. Thought to be an all time record. He brought experience if not influence to the mainly lay EU Parliamentary Monetary & Economic Affairs Committee, putting both members & European Central Bank President under unaccustomed pressure. Godfrey Bloom is holder of the Territorial Decoration & bar, Sovereign’s Medal, Armed Forces Parliamentary Medal & European Parliamentary silver medal. He is married to one of Europe’s leading equine physiotherapists.

How much more 'unchecked HYPOCRISY' and 'blatant breaches of trust' can the public take?

‘How many blatant breaches of trust in authority will people accept from freshly minted
PM Keir Starmer’s Labour party before they demand his and their removal from office?’ Neil Oliver believes ‘state hypocrisy runs unchecked’. #hypocrisy #state #starmer #keirstarmer Keep up to date with the latest news at Don’t let them silence us - support GB News here: Twitter:   / gbnews   Facebook:   / gbnewsonline   Download the GB News app! You can watch GB News on all of your favourite devices and keep up
to date with the latest news, analysis, opinion and more.

Friday 30 August 2024

Toby Young: Labour's Watching YOU! Starmer's War on Free Speech + Two-Ti...

On this week's #NCFDeprogrammed, Toby Young, General Secretary of the Free Speech Union, joins hosts Harrison Pitt and Connor Tomlinson to discuss Labour's chilling attacks on free speech in its first few weeks in government - and what we can expect in the months and years ahead. --------------- SUBSCRIBE: If you are enjoying the show, please subscribe to our channel on YouTube (click the Subscribe Button underneath the video and then Click on the Bell icon next to it to make sure you Receive All Notifications) AUDIO: If you prefer Audio you can subscribe on itunes or Soundcloud. Soundcloud:   / user-923838732   itunes: SUPPORT/DONATE: PAYPAL/ CARD PAYMENTS - ONE TIME & MONTHLY: You can donate in a variety of ways via our website: It is set up to accept one time and monthly donations. JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Web: F:   / ncultureforum   Y:    / newcultureforum   T:   / newcultureforum   (@NewCultureForum)

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested: A Blow to Free Speech

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested: A Blow to Free Speech

Over the weekend Pavel Durov the CEO of Telegram, a chat messaging app, was arrested. Durov’s detention at Bourget airport in France on August 24, 2024, marks a significant escalation in the ongoing battle between governments and tech platforms over content moderation and free speech.

His arrest follows just weeks after one million hacked files from the Israeli government were circulating on Telegram. The group behind the released documents, DDoSecrets, was banned on Telegram shortly after their release. These documents revealed that the Israeli government sought legal advice on how to avoid registering under the US Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which requires the disclosure of foreign-backed lobbying campaigns.

The documents also show that Israeli officials proposed creating a new American nonprofit to continue their activities in the US while avoiding scrutiny under the law. Durov is notorious for his defense of user privacy and is known to denying government requests for access to user data. One has to wonder if these two events are connected.

Pavel’s arrest hits close to home for me. I haven’t traveled outside the United States in six years on advice of counsel for this reason. To date Gab has refused to work with a single foreign government when it comes to requests for user data or censorship of “hate speech.” For example I have large fines over my head in Germany for refusing to abide by their censorship and data requests. These requests are always tyrannical and ridiculous. A few months ago we received a data request for a user who called one of their politicians fat.

I’ve spent the last eight years of my life fighting for free speech.

Here is a list of our many battle scars that we were only able to overcome by the grace of God.

-A bogus witch hunt investigation from (the then) PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro

-Bomb threats on my parent’s home (FBI showed up, local elementary school was shut down.)

-Being smeared and lied about relentlessly by the international press. There are hundreds of articles.

-Our Wikipedia page was taken over by Communist Antifa admins who camp on it to this day.

-Banned from half a dozen banks

-Banned from both App Stores

-Banned from dozens of payment processors

-Placed on the MATCH list (payment processor blacklist)

-An extortion attempt by mentally ill trans hackers

-Banned from multiple cryptocurrency exchanges (Coinbase, Gemini, etc)

-My family and children doxxed/threatened endlessly

-Targeted by multi-national activist organizations and foreign operatives (ADL, SPLC, etc)

-Harassed by multiple foreign governments

-Bullied by Congress and the J6 Select Committee.

Gab is not only still standing, but it has 50 million unique visitors a month and has empowered millions of people around the world to speak freely and access information that is censored everywhere else for eight years.

Would I do it all over again? You bet.

My faith in God grew tremendously through all of these trials. My relationship with my wife and children grew stronger. I am the man I am today because of these trials and I wouldn’t change a thing. If we put even a dent in the Regime’s multi-trillion dollar propaganda machine it would be worth it, but we’ve done far more than that.

The shift in the Overton Window over the past few years was unthinkable a decade ago. We saved countless lives during the covid lockdowns and vax mandates. We broke the false narrative about the Trump shooter. So much good has come from Gab existing.

I am humbly grateful for the privilege, duty, and responsibility of being in this battle for free speech.

The arrest of such a prominent figure in the tech world sends a clear message that governments are willing to take drastic measures to control online discourse. I very well could be next. Durov’s arrest is not an isolated incident but part of a larger trend of increased scrutiny on tech platforms. The European Union, in particular, has been ramping up efforts to regulate online content through legislation like the Digital Services Act.

The defense of free speech online must be our paramount concern in the digital age. As we witness the increasing encroachment of government control and corporate censorship on our virtual spaces, it becomes clear that the very essence of discourse is at stake. Free speech is not just a luxury or a noble ideal; it is the bedrock upon which all other freedoms are built.

Without the ability to express ourselves freely online, we risk sliding into a world where ideas are stifled, dissent is silenced, and the powerful can shape narratives unchallenged. The internet has given voice to the voiceless and power to the powerless – we cannot allow this revolutionary tool for human expression to be muzzled by those who fear its potential.

To defend free speech online at all costs means standing firm in the face of pressure from both governments and corporations. It means supporting platforms and technologies that prioritize user privacy and resist censorship. It means educating ourselves and others about the importance of digital rights and the dangers of unchecked authority in cyberspace.

We must be willing to face uncomfortable truths, to hear opinions we disagree with, and to engage in robust debate rather than seeking to silence opposition. The cost of defending free speech may be high – it may involve legal battles, loss of profit, or even personal risk – but the cost of losing it is immeasurably higher. Our digital freedom is not just about what we can say online; it’s about preserving the open exchange of ideas that drives human progress and safeguards our liberty in all spheres of life.

Andrew Torba
Christ is King

Sunday 25 August 2024

“Riot” Sentences - What’s REALLY going on?

Are people being pressured into pleading guilty? Let's chat with Al from ‪@artmedialaw‬ about what's really going on!
Disclaimer: Neither this nor any other video, may be taken as legal advice. I accept no liability whatever for any reliance placed upon it, as there is no contract between us and I am not instructed by you. For formal advice, please contact Description contains affiliate links; I will occasionally earn commissions from qualifying purchases or leads generated.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Immigration or Invasion into the UK Repost


Immigration or Invasion into the UK

Written by Mister Fox  
on  December 2010 

The Mass immigration of aliens since 1948 is justified by deceitful arguments that they bring economic benefits. But only for the elites – the rest are pushed out of employment and their communities, their children disinherited. It is advanced behind utopian ideals and unrealistic plans for a one-world of one people but in practice, Global capitalists are importing cheap labour.
Free trade has been promoted as a pancea since Richard Cobden's speech of 1846 as: “drawing men together, thrusting aside the antagonism of race”, and creed, and language, and uniting us in the bonds of eternal peace”. In practice it is a policy that allows completely open economic borders, whereby cheap foreign goods can flood into the country unchallenged and undercut the wages of our own people and decimate the economic livelihood of the nation.

We get alarm stories of how the government has lost control of its borders but what is happening is what they want to happen. Opponents speak of it as an invasion or colonisation. But which is it?

The replacement of a people is not painless but causes great misery and suffering and people who inflict misery and suffering on innocent people are evil and the distinction between an invasion or immigration, depends three factors: the strength or treason of the ruling elite plus numbers of the incomers and how they behave towards the hosts when they are in. These are present in most of my example.

A precedent from history is the internal conquest of Rome in 376AD by Goths after weak Emporer Valens had allowed them to settle. This is how demography works: if there had not been so many with strength from numbers they would not have rebelled

The Goths had been displaced by Huns and asked the Romans for asylum. The Romans allowed them in and when they were provoked by offensive Roman officials, revolted. Roman historian Ammianus explained the folly: “The affair caused more joy than fear and educated flatterers immoderately praised the good fortune of the Prince, which unexpectedly brought him so many young recruits from the ends of the earth...

Pat Buchanan gives pertinent examples in Death of the West. When Mexico got independence in 1821 when it had got independence and invited Americans to settle in Texas, its northern province. They applied two conditions: the Americans must swear allegiance to Mexico and convert to Catholicism, like our facile citizenship tests. But when the Americans were a sizable majority of ten to one they begun to think about independence as European Muslims are. The catalyst came under tyrant General Santa Anna - the Americans rebelled and took that part of Mexico for America. Now Mexicans are pouring into America and taking it back! (1)

Bishop Ali Nazir has exposed how Muslims take over areas of our country and keep us out. (2)
The same behaviour can be seen in Tamils in Sri Lanka, Tibet where China have invaded, in Hawaii where most of the original people have been displaced as also happened in South America and the West Indies. What happened to Native Americans is well documented as is the displacement of Aborigines and Maoris.
This behaviour of invaders whether invited or not goes back as far as recorded history. Take our own country. Julius Caesar invaded Britain in 53AD with a small Roman force and realised the Britons were not easy so the Romans withdrew to Gaul. They needed more men for full-scale invasion.

Caesar returned the next year bringing 30,000 soldiers. The Britons delayed by not fighting the Romans as they landed which allowed them to establish themselves. Then they fought British tribes one at a time. Caesar neglected Gaul and they rose up so Caesar had to withdraw to put down the rebellion.

The Britons aidded their Celtic kinfolk in Gaul in their fight to defend their territory. Emperor Claudius decreed they should feel the might of Rome.
The Romans invasion of AD 43 was to to take over the island. Emperor Claudius sent an army of 40,000 men. Many tribes realised the power of this army and soon made peace but some took on the might of the Roman army. These clashes lasted for many years in parts of Britain. Rivalry led to war and to the Romans war could only end with the submission or destruction of their foes. In Europe, whole tribes of Gauls, Britons and Germans were killed or enslaved. After the Gauls surrendered Caesar took 50,000 slaves with as many killed. The Gallic warlord Vercingetorix honorably surrendered but was kept in chains for six years before being ritually strangled in the arena. Caesar boasted of killing five million Gauls - an act of genocide.

In Briton the Iceni tribe, an ally of the Romans, was driven to rebellion by the cruelty of the Roman governor. Their tribal lands were seized and people enslaved. Boudicca, their Queen, was publicly whipped and her daughters raped by Roman slaves.

The Celts had coinage no written language, and were divided. The Romans had a developed culture, organisation and great self-belief.They came to conquer and take the people under their authority. It is in this sense that people speak of Liberty: Liberty from foreign yolk and the creative security of living amongst your own folk in your own culture. Compared to the Romans the Celts were disunited. They shared basic race with the Romans but were ethnically different and followed different religions which increases conflict as it does with the rival White and Muslim comminities now.

An ethnicity is a group whose members belong together through a common heritage, usually a common language, a common culture which is a shared religion and sense of common ancestry and awareness of a group's distinctiveness from others. Patrick J.Buchanan describes it as a “blood and soil” nation.(3)

Civilisation broke down after the Roman army left and to defend themselves from Vikings, the inhabitants brought in European mercenaries. These were Angles and Saxons from northern Germany. To begin the Anglo Saxons were allowed to bring their families and got paid with land which they could farm then when they were strong enough the Anglo Saxons took the territory. This is a parallel with how contemporary elites are allowing our territory to be taken and our children dispossessed.

The Anglo Saxon invasion was the most thorough case of ethnic cleansing in this country until 1948. DNA evidence shows that in some parts of the country up to 90% of the inhabitants were displaced. The Anglo Saxons re-named roads and places which shows dominance.

The Viking raids finally became a “Great Army” in 865 AD. It landed in East Anglia and Northumbria and Mercia had fallen by 875 with only Wessex left. The Vikings attack Wessex in 878. By 1016 the Vikings ruled under Cnute. Once again on Cnut's death the country broke down into competing Earldoms under weak king Edward the Confessor. When he died Harold became King.

The Tower of London was built to emphasise the new rulers power and dominance. William had castles. The new landowners built magnificent castles that proclaimed their authority to be obeyed like Warwick and Windsor that survive. Now it is fabulous and dominant mosques and culture centres.

The landed gentry were replaced by Normans who took the best land and any women they wanted: the Anglo Saxon people became their serfs. Only one Anglo-Saxon Bishop was left in office.

We are not supposed to defend ourselves but Muslims are allowed to develop militant and terrorist networks against us. The enemy within, The Equalities and Human Rights Commission have made it illegal for an ethnic or racial nationalist political party to exist in Britain but allow other ethnic groups right of association. (4)

The elites are oppressing us as conquerors do so immigrants replace us. Contemporary Politics is based on racism - the global Establishment pushes relentlessly to displace, dispossess, deracinate the peoples' of Europe THAT is racism. It treats us as not a real people, not worthy of consideration, subhuman.We must be proud of our "racialism" of defending ourselves against dispossession and of being determined to live!

These are the instructions of Bedfordshire Police to officers on anti-terrorist courses:

''UK’s Bedfordshire Police’s rules regarding terrorists and dangerous criminals If they’re non-Muslim.
Consider the most opportune time of day to be able to arrest suspects with minimum resistance. Apply all necessary force to enter the premises and arrest suspects accordingly. If they’re Muslim:
  • Community leaders must be consulted before raids into Muslim houses.
  • Officers must not search occupied bedrooms and bathrooms before dawn.
  • Use of police dogs will be considered serious desecration of the premises.
  • Cameras and camcorders should not be used in case of capturing women inappropriately dressed.
  • If people are praying: home officers should stand aside and not disrupt, They should be allowed the opportunity to finish.
  • Officers should take off their shoes before raiding a Muslim house.
  • The reasons for pre-dawn raids on Muslim houses needs to be clear and transparent.
  • Officers must not touch holy books or religious artefacts without permission.
  • Muslim prisoners should be allowed to take additional clothing to the station.''

Our culture is being changed.

Anjem Choudary has said that under sharia law in Britain people who commit adultery would be stoned to death, adding that “anyone who becomes intoxicated by alcohol would be given 40 lashes in public”. He described an Army homecoming parade a: “vile parade of brutal murderers”.(5)

Meanwhile evil Harriet Harman brings in discriminatory laws and praises immigrants who exploit us by sending money to their own countries.(6)

The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were part of a secret plan by ministers to change the population to "rub the Right's nose in diversity", according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett. It was done behing our backs to "open up the UK to mass migration." They decieved people with false arguments that immigrants are bringing economic benefits.

A Swedish government minister showed in a radio interview that they are allowing Muslims to take over their country. It's betraying the indigenous population especially the women: The utopian fantasy depends on not seeing Muslims as human like us and wanting revenge for historical reasons against their Christian rivals. “We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so towards us.”

Immigrants are consciousness of their strength and knowingly taking our territory and establishing their symbols of conquest like mosques and education centres. These are alien bulkheads in our civilisation and used to develop a new generation of street soldiers with the right mentality.

The important point in assessing the true nature of immigration is how are the immigrants behaving: this is not to be seen as on a par with our people's criminal behaviour because the immigrants treat us as other and also have grudges against us for the way we treated them when we were conquerers. It is not the fault of poor whites but they are the only ones the immigrants can get as the elites are happily rich in safe places.

The other way of assessing whether this is immigration or invasion is to consider their attitude to us. The widespread mass child-rapes of our young girls is guerilla warfare: fighting us by other means.

In Pakistanis in Britain: The Second Generation Allison Shaw studied the Pakistani community in Oxford(1988) The third generation of British Pakistanis is now grown up and claiming our territory and taking young British women as booty. Shaw shows the relative loyalties to one's own kind of the Pakistanis and the English. The Pakistanis are extended families, the English atomised and anomic.

From Alison Shaw, A Pakistani Community in Britain (Blackwell Ltd., Oxford, 1988):
[…] These young men are westernized in that they are fluent in English, interested in western music and Sport, and comfortable in English company, where they move with a sophistication that their parents lack. What does this imply about their attitudes to their family and biradari?

It is striking that young men such as these retain very strong social and financial links with their families; even those who live and work away from Oxford come home whenever they can and hope to get work locally when the opportunity arises. These young men tend to spend their leisure time with each other and their peers within the community rather than with English friends and also participate in family and community social events.
A woman gave this account of the punishments for failing to follow rules:
The Prophet Mohammed was out walking one day when he saw a woman in torture, hanging by her hair, but still alive. A little further on, he saw a woman being hung by her breasts and then he saw a woman being put into a huge fire, screaming. Horrified, he asked Allah, ‘Why are these women being tortured like this? Please let them go free!’ But Allah replied, ‘The first woman used to tantalize men with her hair, the second used to reveal her breasts to strange men and the third slept with a man who was not her husband. That is why I cannot set them free.
At the same time it is considered that women must be protected because they are the dependants of men. .

The corollary of this is that a woman who is ‘outside’, among men, unprotected, is ‘free for anyone to take.’ Western women in particular appear to break all the rules of purdah. They are regarded as sexually promiscuous, moving freely from one man to another, behaving and dressing in order to provoke men. A woman out alone is in effect asking for sexual relations with a man. Rape, young and older men have insisted, is always the woman’s fault, because it is the natural result of a woman dressing provocatively and being out alone. In this view, western women are simultaneously exciting and despised for having no sense of shame and being ‘used by more than one man; like prostitutes’. ’


One young man said:

The point is, English girls don’t mind; there’s no restriction for them. In fact, they chase you and laugh at you if you don’t go with them. It was like that at school: the girls chasing men. I know I shouldn’t have, it’s against our religion, but how could I refuse? It’s natural for a man to feel like that; you can’t really avoid it. I blame the western system.
Almost all of the unmarried men among the young adults surveyed above have had clandestine relationships with English girls, yet do not feel that this contradicts their acceptance of an arranged marriage or the Islamic moral code. It is tacitly accepted by most men and women that men will have girlfriends because ‘men are like that’ and because English girls are easily available ...

I would like to thank the owner of the blog for introducing me to the books of Alison Shaw

(1)Death of the West.Patrick J.Buchanan.


(3) State of Emergency.Patrick J.Buchanan (Thomas Dunne Books)



FSU Director Ben Jones joined Talk TV’s Alex Phillips to discuss news that the Labour Government has been accused by more than 500 academics of giving in to cancel culture after suspending a new law to uphold free speech in universities. Last month, the Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson torpedoed the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act, a carefully crafted piece of legislation designed to address the free speech crisis in English universities. As Ben points out, we caught a glimpse of Labour’s contempt for freedom of speech and academic freedom recently, when an anonymous “government source” described this vital piece of legislation to The Times as “the Tories’ hate speech charter”. Leaving aside the question of whether the government of the day should be indulging in rhetoric that would strike most sixth-form politicians as puerile, the claim is wholly false, since the Act received cross-party support during the last Parliament, with its most important clauses due to be commenced on 1st August. However, because Rishi Sunak called an election before the Act had been fully implemented, the Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson seized her chance to quash it. At the FSU, we intend to fight this wanton act of vandalism with everything we’ve got. If the decision is allowed to stand, it will become virtually impossible for students and academics to challenge radical progressive ideology on campus. That’s why, earlier this month, we sent a pre-action protocol letter to the Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson, threatening a judicial review if she doesn’t reverse her decision to smother the Act. In our letter, we set out why we think Ms Phillipson’s decision not to commence the Act was ultra vires. You can read our letter here. Bridget Phillipson is now subject to a “duty of candour”, which requires that she disclose any documents showing the basis for her decision to torpedo the Act. Judicial review proceedings are notoriously expensive, all the more so when taking on the might of central government with its army of lawyers. If you can, please donate to our legal crowdfunder and help most some of the costs of our impending legal battle by clicking here. You can also write to your MP, urging them to ask the Education Secretary to think again, here.

At Least 3 Murdered at 'Festival of Diversity'

At least 3 people have been murdered and more injured at a festival in Germany
that was celebrating diversity. These sorts of attacks are unfortunately very common now,
yet our leaders seem determined to ignore the issue and promote a toxic empathy that's
destroying Europe. Buy Me a Coffee Rumble Twitter/X

Friday 23 August 2024

Why Did the Southport Stabbings Happen?

It was the funeral of one of the girls murdered in the Southport stabbings today, and it's a tragic reminder that these awful attacks have been overshadowed by the media focus on the riots and protests that followed it. This is a worrying portent for the future. Buy Me a Coffee Rumble Twitter/X

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Neil Oliver: ‘Are you ready for this?!?’

… a world where the truth is nothing more than whatever the powerful say it!’ To help support this channel & get exclusive videos every week sign up to Neil Oliver on   / neiloliver   Rumble site – 'Neil Oliver Official' Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter:   / neiloliverloveletter   Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers