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Sunday 4 August 2024

Starmer the Wolf In Sheeps Clothing and The Tiber foaming with much blood

By Ive Coper
So Britain is in flames at last, something that was forseen by a great man , who saw the Tiber foaming with much blood.A warning that was ignored . Much Like the the warnings given by those who followed in his footsteps like the BNP  and many others who also tried to warn. That a divided society was a easily malleable society. That is easily exploited by those who control the political elite. 
 So as these riots escalate I am becoming to believe even more that these wicked politicians are not clueless. But are playing everyone in Britain on behalf of a foreign power in the middle east. And it,s agenda of world domination. The true masters of western politics.

Last night this foreign power attacked Lebanon and wants to invade that Land . But lacks the manpower and resources to do so. It has lost public support over it's genocidal tactics in Palestine. Plus the mention of conscription for foreign wars for British men and women failed. Then what better than to use the divisions of British society, that they wanted. To create the conditions they can exploit for their benefit.

All I am saying is step back a moment and look and consider. Who benefits in the big picture. And are we the ordinary people both British and Muslims all being played for a political end.

Just look at what has happened a gratuitous vicious knife attack on innocent young children which led to the death of three innocent angels. Were the government involved that can be only speculation for those on the fringe. Or were the government not involved but waiting for any outrage of such a magnitude to exploit ? As the day before a high ranking Solider had been attacked with a machete but fortunately survived. their were swordfights in seaside towns.

So we have to ask why, The identity of the attacker of these children suppressed for such a extended period of time . And that the government completely failed to counter the speculation that the attacker was a muslim . That led to the protests against the unfettered islamic immigration , a concern I share as well all other immigration. But if you know Southport as I do . You will know it is a rather gentile place . With a massive retired population. And a minute Muslim population.. But all of a sudden a violent riot breaks out in which a mosque is targeted . And many locals stating that they did not recognise some of the protesters many who suspiciously were masked. And were inflaming the situation.

Then this is when my suspicion started to arise . Their were peaceful protests about the state of the country in London attended by all races. which were viciously suppressed by the police. Who can forget the 71 yr old Grandmother with a pacemaker being shackled . And yet the following day a Islamic procession shut down the centre of London with no police action taken. Then the real marker for me was the speech given by the PM Starmer ,This Wolf in Sheeps clothing. many commentators have said it was a stupid speech .But believe me , it was not stupid . But a calculated and deliberate speech designed to inflame the situation. Do not forget this man is a master of words being a KC and lawyer . I believe he knew quite well what he was saying. He was advocating a two tier policing system to inflame the situation, and the indigenous population in order to serve their Hegelian objectives. This is in my belief that it is not only to further the war aims of a foreign power. But also to introduce massive draconian legislation that will finally destroy the freedom of all in this land forever. Just look who and what is lurking in the background of this Labour government . Milliband and Blair, two demons in human form in my opinion. And also with Muslims in the UK falling for it in Stoke on Trent by arming and attacking people with hammers and knives.with the police taking no action to disarm them maybe the situation has gone out of hand . I hope not. But also I strongly suspect they are desperate for some lone Muslim to do something stupid. Something that will then allow them to reverse suddenly the two tier policing from against the indigenous to the draconian measures against the Muslims. Thus bringing in their draconian measures of suppression that they have been what they always wanted. Something that will be eagerly embraced by the unthinking majority , who in turn will find out that they are now the victims of this sinister plot as well. As soon as it is brought in it will be as Orwell stated . A boot stamping on the face of mankind , FOREVER!

So finally I would ask all who read this who ever you be . Take a step back and think deeply and discern about what is going on. And treat the events like a chess match . Think many moves ahead. And do not react with emotion. Something that I nearly did. All I can say is turn to Christs example . And ask him to solve this for us . For to be sure you cannot ask the servants of the prince of this world to do so.

Addition to post a week later please watch this it gives some light on the matter