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Tuesday 20 August 2024

What Will the UK Be Like in 50 Years?

Modern Brits are supposed to assume that the future is some sort of utopia, only disbelievers - who are stupid don't you know - would think otherwise. Yet given the recent goings-on, mass immigration and multiculturalism, as well as the general decline in British culture and values, it's worth considering what Britain will actually be like in 50-year's-time. Buy Me a Coffee Rumble Twitter/X

Footnote by Horwich Nationalists
It will be a balkanisied war zone . Run by feudal warlords from different ethnic backgrounds. Their will slavery and violence. A population constantly on the verge of starvation . Unless our Lord Jesus Christ returns. Then those who did this to our once peaceful nation. Would rather be in that fragmented Britain. Than the place Our Lord sends them.