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Friday 6 September 2024

It's important to make something extremely clear right now. Russia is the bastion of tradition and sanity

It's important to make something extremely clear right now. Russia is

the last bastion of tradition and sanity left. We in western countries need to be honest in order to recognize my statement is true. We all see the trend, we see the path we are headed. We all saw the Paris Olympics opening, the degenercy, we all see the Satanic celebrities of America, the pride parades in any western town. We know the ideals that are pushed and taught to our children in schools and in media and entertainment. It's important to understand that Russia rejects these things, they protect their people and children. They are a religious people, a people of tradition, family and morals. Think of it, think deeply and truly, be honest with yourself and you will know this is the truth. Think of America, think of all our American allies, think of Canada, think or Australia, Britain, France, Germany, Sweden and so on and so on. Look at me with a straight face and tell me we do not all share the values of degeneracy, of lgbtq, of gender and sex change, of Satanic ideology and globalism. Of course we do, and we are told to hate and make war with the people that share the values we WISH to have? That we USED to have? Do you understand, that if Russia falls, IF Russia is defeated then the entire world becomes as the west, adopts their ways and ideals. It means there will be NOWHERE left to run, nowhere left to go. This can never be allowed, Russia and allies hold the hordes of the Satanic and degeneracy western globalists at bay and its time we recognize that Russia does not just fight for themselves but also sanity, tradition, family and innocence the world over. So many people in America and the west are taught to hate Russia while never knowing or realizing that Russians hold the ideals you hold dear. And what would our government replace Russia with? The very degeneracy and insanity you claim to hate and stand against...