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Tuesday 4 June 2024

June is Now Christian Heritage Month


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June is Now Christian Heritage Month

In the ever-polarizing world of politics and culture, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of negativity and animosity. We often find ourselves lamenting the many injustices and the seemingly endless list of reasons to be mad online. One such issue that has caused much consternation among Christians is the prevalence of so-called “Pride Month” that undermines our traditions and beliefs.

I see a lot of outrage posting about this on June 1st every year. Instead of spending our time and energy bemoaning the actions of our enemies–and thus magnifying them more– I propose we take a different approach. It’s time for us to celebrate our own holidays, to embrace the rich tapestry of Christendom, and to forge a path forward that is grounded in Biblical principles and the love of Christ.

Christian Nationalism is a movement that seeks to unite Christians in the pursuit of a society that is rooted in a Biblical worldview. It’s about taking dominion over our lives, our families, and our communities, and it’s about discipling nations in the ways of Christ. As a Christian Nationalist, I believe that it is our duty to reclaim the narrative and to redefine what it means to be a true servant of God in these turbulent times. Instead of focusing on how terrible the enemy’s narrative and culture is, we should be focused on setting our own narrative and culture. We can’t simply point out how bad something is without pointing people to the only alternative that will work: Jesus Christ.

Going forward June will become a month that will hold great significance for Christians around the world as we celebrate Christian Heritage Month. This is a time when we come together to honor the countless victories and accomplishments of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the faithful people who have followed in His footsteps throughout history. As we reflect on the rich history of Christianity, we are reminded of the immense impact that the True Religion has had on every aspect of human society.

It is essential to recognize the countless ways in which the teachings of Christ have shaped the fabric of our society and to highlight the many heroes of the faith from centuries past. From the development of modern science and technology to the establishment of hospitals and universities, the impact of Christianity can be seen in every corner of the world. We must remember, honor, and celebrate these things.

Technology and Science: The foundations of modern science were laid by Christian scholars and thinkers, who believed that the pursuit of knowledge was a sacred calling. Men like Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, and Gregor Mendel all made groundbreaking discoveries that have shaped the course of human history, all while remaining faithful to the teachings of Christ.

Healthcare: Christianity has long been at the forefront of efforts to provide compassionate care for the sick and the suffering. From the early days of the church, when Christians opened their homes to care for the ill, to the establishment of modern hospitals and healthcare systems, the influence of Christianity on the field of medicine cannot be overstated.

Education: The development of education as we know it today is deeply rooted in the teachings of Christ. From the establishment of the first universities in medieval Europe to the proliferation of Christian schools and colleges around the world, the Christian commitment to education has been a driving force in the advancement of human knowledge.

Art and Culture: The beauty and richness of Christian art and culture are a testament to the transformative power of the Gospel. From the breathtaking cathedrals that adorn the skylines of cities across the globe to the timeless works of literature and music that have inspired generations, the artistic legacy of Christianity is a testament to the enduring power of faith.

The Day of Life

As we approach the end of Christian Heritage Month, it is essential to recognize the significance of one particular event that has the potential to reshape the course of history: the overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022. This monumental decision marked a turning point in the battle for life and served as a powerful testament to the enduring influence of Christian values in the public square. As we celebrate Christian Heritage Month, it is only fitting that we culminate this time of reflection with a celebration of The Day of Life, commemorating the historic victory for the pro-life movement and the countless unborn lives that will be saved as a result.

The Day of Life is a celebration of the triumph of life over the forces of darkness that sought to extinguish the most vulnerable among us. It is a day to honor the countless men and women who have fought tirelessly for the cause of life, often in the face of overwhelming opposition and hostility. It is also a day to remember the millions of unborn children whose lives were tragically cut short as a result of the Roe v. Wade decision, and to recommit ourselves to the ongoing battle for the sanctity of life.

The overturning of Roe v. Wade was a watershed moment in the pro-life movement, representing a culmination of decades of prayer, hard work, and dedication. With this decision, the United States Supreme Court returned the authority to regulate abortion to the individual states, effectively dismantling the federal stranglehold on the issue and paving the way for a renewed emphasis on the value of human life. The war is not over, but this victory should be celebrated year after year to inspire us to press onward for more victories that are inevitably on the way.

As we celebrate Christian Heritage Month, let us take this opportunity to honor the countless accomplishments of Christendom and the faithful men and women who have worked tirelessly to advance the cause of the Gospel throughout history. By reflecting on the rich legacy of Christianity, we can be inspired to continue building on the foundation laid by our forebears, working together to create a world that is more just, compassionate, and faithful to the teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

To God be the Glory,

Andrew Torba
Christ is King

Sunday 2 June 2024

Find Your Tribe And Start Building


Find Your Tribe And Start Building

The recent guilty verdict in the rigged political witch hunt trial against President Trump has left many on the right questioning what our next steps should be. It’s clear that the forces aligned against us are relentless, and we must adapt our strategies to ensure the survival and growth of our movement. It was also very clear in 2020 that we aren’t going to simply vote our way out of the total and complete capture of our government by parasites with foreign allegiances who hate us.

So, now what?

As we look ahead, it’s crucial to remember that the path forward will require dedication, hard work, and a willingness to make sacrifices. We must not allow ourselves to be disheartened by the outcome of the trial or even the upcoming election, but rather, use these things as a catalyst for renewed determination and resilience. Even if Donald Trump wins the election that does not mean our work is done and we can sit back on the couch and zone out into the TV.

The challenges we face today are significant and complex, requiring a long-term and multi-generational effort to overcome. Our problems cannot be solved with one politician or one election, as some may suggest. Instead, we must focus on the real work of rebuilding a Christian society and creating a better future for ourselves and our posterity.

There are those who sit online all day, telling us to “vote harder” as if that alone will magically solve our problems. While voting is an important part of our civic duty, it is simply not enough to address the deep-seated issues that plague our society. We must not allow ourselves to be distracted by the political drama of the day and instead focus on the real work that needs to be done.

This work involves a number of key components, including the strengthening of our communities, the protection of our families, and the promotion of traditional values and principles. It requires us to invest in our own institutions and networks, rather than relying on the corrupt and broken systems that have failed us time and time again.

Furthermore, we must be willing to make sacrifices and engage in the hard work necessary to achieve our goals. This means dedicating ourselves to the long-term task of rebuilding society, even when progress is slow and setbacks are inevitable. It means prioritizing the needs of our families and communities over our own personal desires and ambitions.

One of the most important steps we can take is to find our tribe. We must surround ourselves with like-minded individuals who share our values, goals, and vision for the future. This means getting far away from enemy territory and establishing distinct communities where we can support one another and work together towards our common objectives.

Living in enemy territory can be a precarious and dangerous situation, especially when the enemy identifies you as a threat. In such circumstances, it is essential to be aware of the risks and challenges that you may face, including the potential for persecution and destruction by the so-called justice system.

The concept of a “jury of your peers” is meant to ensure a fair trial for those accused of a crime, but in reality, this is often far from the case. When you are living in enemy territory, your “peers” are likely to be people who hate you because of who you are, whether that be due to your race, religion, political beliefs, or any other characteristic that sets you apart from the dominant Regime culture.

As a result, you can expect judicial outcomes that match this reality. This means that you may be subjected to an unfair trial, where the jury is more interested in punishing you for who you are rather than determining your guilt or innocence based on the facts of the case. My advice is to avoid these situations by any means necessary by getting out of enemy territory and moving to where your tribe is.

The United States is witnessing an obvious trend of ideological balkanization, with liberals and conservatives increasingly clustering in distinct geographic regions, creating a stark political divide across the nation. This phenomenon is driven by individuals self-segregating into like-minded communities, with liberals gravitating towards “blue” states and conservatives towards “red” states.

States in the South and Midwest are now predominantly conservative strongholds, while the Northeast and West Coast have become liberal bastions. This geographic polarization is evident across various contentious issues, including abortion, gun control, immigration, and LGBTQ issues. This ideological balkanization poses significant challenges to national unity and governance. As states adopt increasingly divergent policies, the notion of a unified nation becomes impossible to imagine going forward.

Whether people like it or not, this is already happening and will continue to in the coming years. Balkanization and segregation are inevitable in a multi-cultural multi-ethnic society. People do this naturally as we are seeing play out right now with the great migrations into red and blue states. Or you can travel to any city to see this happening organically in different parts of the city around ethnic lines. The liberal utopian ideal of egalitarianism has failed and will continue to do so. We must be prepared for this reality and start building or migrating to places with people who share our values.

In these communities of our own, we must focus on constructing and strengthening foundational infrastructure. This includes everything from local businesses and schools to churches and social organizations. By investing in our own institutions and networks, we can create a strong and self-sufficient base from which to launch our broader efforts.

Another critical aspect of our strategy must be to make a lot of babies. We have a duty to ensure the future of our people by raising strong, patriotic, and God-fearing children who will carry our torch for generations to come. This means embracing traditional family values and rejecting the destructive ideologies that seek to undermine the sanctity of marriage and the family unit.

As we build our communities and raise our families, we must also be diligent in safeguarding our territory, our people, and their minds. This means staying vigilant against the forces that would seek to infiltrate and subvert our efforts, as well as promoting a strong sense of cultural and intellectual self-defense.

Finally, we must remember to play the long game. Many people want to achieve maximal outcomes with minimal effort, but life simply doesn’t work that way. We must be prepared to put in the hard work necessary to build a better future for ourselves and our posterity.

The guilty verdict in the Trump trial serves as a stark reminder of the challenges we face as a movement. However, it also presents us with an opportunity to redouble our efforts and strengthen our resolve. By finding our tribe, building strong communities, making a lot of babies, and playing the long game, we can secure a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.

Let’s get to work.

Andrew Torba
Christ is King

Friday 31 May 2024

The Power Of Appealing To Heaven


The Appeal to Heaven, also known as the Pine Tree Flag, is a historical banner that has long represented the fight for freedom. Recently this iconic flag has come under attack by those who seek to suppress the values it embodies.

The Appeal to Heaven Flag dates back to the early days of the American Revolution, when the colonies were seeking to break free from British rule. The flag features a green pine tree with the phrase “An Appeal to Heaven” emblazoned on a white banner beneath it. This design was inspired by the words of John Locke, a prominent philosopher and political theorist whose ideas greatly influenced the founding principles of the United States.

In his work, “Two Treatises of Government,” Locke wrote that when a government fails to protect the natural rights of its citizens, those citizens have the right to “appeal to heaven” for justice. The pine tree, a symbol of resilience and strength, was chosen to represent the colonies’ determination to fight for their rights and independence.

The flag was flown by American ships during the Revolutionary War and was used by various military units, including the Massachusetts Navy and the Washington Cruisers. Its presence on the battlefield served as a powerful reminder that the colonists’ struggle for freedom was grounded in their faith in God and their belief in the inherent rights of all men.

In recent years, the Appeal to Heaven Flag has been adopted by Christian Nationalists as a symbol of their commitment to upholding the principles of faith, freedom, and self-governance. As a Christian Nationalist myself, I have been flying the flag outside my home for over five years, and its meaning has only grown stronger for me in that time.

The flag serves as a constant reminder of the sacrifices made by our forefathers in the pursuit of liberty and the importance of maintaining a strong connection between our faith and our governance. It is a declaration that we, as Christian Nationalists, will not stand idly by while our rights and values are trampled upon by those who seek to undermine them.

The recent attack on the Appeal to Heaven Flag, which was flown outside the Virginia home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., is a clear indication that our enemies recognize the power and significance of this symbol. However, their attempts to discredit and suppress it will only strengthen our resolve to continue flying it proudly.

The credibility of the democratic process has recently been called into question as allegations of election rigging and voter suppression have become increasingly common. This has left many feeling disillusioned and powerless, as their voices seemingly go unheard and their votes rendered meaningless.

The feeling of hopelessness is further exacerbated by the obvious control exerted by malevolent forces over our society. These forces, which can be described as demonic in nature, are characterized by their hatred for traditional values and their relentless pursuit of power and control.

In such a climate, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. However, the Appeal to Heaven Flag serves as a powerful symbol of hope and resistance.

The concept of appealing to heaven is deeply rooted in the Christian faith and has been a guiding principle for countless believers throughout history. The Appeal to Heaven Flag embodies this principle. By flying the Appeal to Heaven Flag, we acknowledge that our struggle is not merely a political one, but a spiritual one as well. We recognize that the forces we are up against are not merely human, but demonic in nature. This is not to say that we should abandon our efforts to effect change in the political realm. Rather, it is a call to recognize the spiritual dimension of our struggle and to seek divine guidance and protection in our endeavors.

In times of darkness and despair, it is faith that can provide the strength and resilience needed to persevere. The Appeal to Heaven Flag serves as a powerful symbol of this faith, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggle and that our ultimate salvation lies in the hands of God.

By embracing the Appeal to Heaven Flag, we acknowledge the spiritual dimension of our struggle and commit ourselves to seeking divine guidance and protection in our endeavors. We recognize that our ultimate victory will not be achieved through our own strength alone, but through the power of faith and the grace of God.

The Appeal to Heaven Flag has a rich history that is intertwined with the founding principles of the United States and the values of Christian Nationalism. As a Christian Nationalist, I will continue to fly this flag as a symbol of my commitment to the ideals of faith, freedom, and self-governance. I encourage all those who share these values to join me in embracing the Appeal to Heaven Flag as a powerful symbol of our ongoing struggle for a better future.

There is tremendous power in appealing to heaven.

To God Be The Glory,

Andrew Torba
Christ is King

Thursday 30 May 2024

Putin should have known the inevitable destination of the West

from Asifsholapee

 Putin should have known the inevitable destination of the West from the very outset, that the ruling cabal has been ever so focused into conquering the world ever since the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991.

NATO did not dissolve, but the Warsaw Pact did. NATO grew and expanded, and became the cudgel of the West to fight all those engineered wars in the Middle-East far from the North Atlantic. NATO in Afghanistan!? NATO in Kosovo!?

That is the Rules Based International Order, or the Talmudic Order. Putin has his work cut out for himself. Annihilate or be annihilated. The Talmudic gang is hellbent on ruling the world of Amalek with an iron fist with plenty of burnt offerings.

RUSSIA / UKRAINE: If the Russians break the Ukrainian lines in the east, we will send our troops to Ukraine! Poland and the Baltic states made it known at the Tallinn conference! The Lithuanian parliament promised to send troops for training and to protect the northern border of Ukraine! Antony Blinken faced pressure in Congress to explain why the White House does not want to allow Ukraine to fire US missiles at Russia! And the Hungarian foreign minister revealed that a European-wide conscription is being planned in Brussels!

Slowly, it is high time to prepare for emigration from Europe. The effort of the elites of the collective West to start a war is increasing day by day and while 2 years ago it was claimed in the media that the Russian army no longer has missiles, ammunition, food and the Ukrainian army is marching to victory, now the situation is in a state where the politicians of the Western world they are thinking about how to provide western troops to Ukraine, since Kiev's own have already run out. It is no longer about arms and ammunition, even if those are missing, because now it is only a matter of how much territory Ukraine will lose before it realizes that if Ukraine is to save itself and keep its borders, it must capitulate and make peace with Moscow.

And that on the basis of the new definition of the ethnographic borders of Ukraine. After 2014, Ukraine proved to be the biggest destabilizing factor in Europe after World War II. St. cylinders. And since Ukraine is a tool of the collective West and by extension the Pax Americana system against Russia, the complete destruction of Ukraine is likely to happen. The Lithuanian parliament has declared that it is ready to send its soldiers to Ukraine. This was confirmed by Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis in response to a question from Ukrainian MP Oleksei Goncharenko during the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to the Lithuanian Parliament.

Two weeks ago, an important conference was held in Tallinn, Estonia, where incredible things were heard, at least for the ears of ordinary citizens in Europe, who are enjoying the hockey game, but at the same time they should be slowly preparing the mobilization bagel and slowly saying goodbye to their families . Czechs, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and others, they will all soon go to Ukraine, this is already being discussed in Brussels, viz. information at the end of this article, only the public will be told last.

Poland and the Baltic states at a conference in Tallinn said that if the Russians break through the positions of Ukraine, they will send their troops to help the country
The German Spiegel presented behind-the-scenes information from Tallinn, where the Nazis and war hawks kicked off beautifully and their screams leaked into the German section. On the sidelines of the Lennart Meri conference on foreign and security policy held in the Estonian capital Tallinn two weeks ago, Baltic MPs warned government officials from Berlin about the consequences of German policy. Their argument is as follows: if the Russians achieve a strategic breakthrough in eastern Ukraine, because the West is only half helping Kiev, the situation could escalate dramatically.
Blinken was vague in Congress about why the White House does not want to allow Ukraine to fire American missiles at Russia
In essence, this was the answer in Tallinn to what Landsbergis told Gončarenko that Lithuania would send its troops when someone else was in command. And that would be Poland, which, together with the Baltic countries, declared at the conference in Tallinn that if the Russians advance and occupy more than just villages, but also some large city in the east (Kupjansk, Slavjansk, Kramatorsk), it will trigger an invasion by NATO countries ..Source 24 news

Neil Oliver: ‘…it’s going to get ugly!’

…false flags, attacks on the youngest, diversions and distractions, they’re playing all the old tricks…’ To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive videos every week sign up to
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Next 6 Months Completely Insane – Bill Holter

 By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Next 6 Months Completely Insane – Bill Holter

Back in August of 2023, precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter predicted there was a long list of financial trouble coming to America. A short list of problems is the commercial real estate implosion, CV19 vax injuries and deaths, deposits leaving the banking system and war all coming to a head between now and the 2024 Election. Holter starts with the CV19 bioweapon vax, “It turns out it was a kill shot. I guess you can say it adds to the timeline where they have to kick the table over because . . . they are going to have to hide that.  That has to become back burner. Once you get a majority that is awake to that, you are going to have people pissed off all over the world. This is an election year, and I think the next six months are going to be completely insane. The deaths are increasing, and the knowledge that the (CV19) vaccine is the cause is spreading. They are going to have to bring something up to put that on the back burner, and that is probably WWIII.”

Holter goes on to add, “We have an election coming up, and I still believe there is less than a 40% chance that we even have an election. From a financial standpoint, you have commercial real estate that is imploding. You have bank deposits that have fled the banking system. You have the financial system really on the rocks. . . . Somebody had better start cutting rates because just in the past six months, China’s debt growth has turned negative, and so has their money supply. That is a recipe for complete disaster in an over-leveraged system. It’s not just China, it’s the whole world. The whole system is over-levered. Somebody had better cut rates to inflate; otherwise, Richard Russell’s ‘Inflate or Die’ comes into play.”

It seems the Fed is freaking out over interest rates. The Fed is not talking about cutting, it’s talking about raising rates in its last meeting. What’s going on with the Fed? Holter says, “They are fearful of a fiat collapse. They will more than likely cut rates, and then $15 a gallon gasoline and $25 for a cup of coffee is going to become a reality. In the intermediate to long term, interest rates are going to explode. . . . Interest rates need to be much higher to support fiat currency.”

Holter also predicts that gold and silver have already broken out to the upside and will be going much higher in price. Holter is especially bullish on silver after it broke through $30 an ounce, which it has not done for a decade. Holter says, “I think silver is more important than gold because silver is the fuse for gold. Silver is a tiny market compared to gold. The gold market is 10 times bigger. . . .They are losing control of silver . . . . If they want to keep gold under control, they better keep silver under control. The Achillies heel to all fiat currencies is gold. Again, if they want to keep gold under control they damn well better keep silver under control because silver is the fuse to the gold market.”

Holter thinks both gold and silver are going much higher in 2024 and beyond, and this is the breakout year for both.

There is much more in the 44-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter for 5.25.24.

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After the Interview:

Bill Holter’s website is growing by leaps and bounds. It’s called . 

If you need to contact Bill Holter, his email is

Wednesday 29 May 2024

A Golden Opportunity to Rebuild Christendom


The world is witnessing a rapid and unprecedented erosion of institutional trust at every layer of society. From politics to media, from academia to science, and from healthcare to technology, the foundations of our institutions are crumbling. This widespread loss of faith in our established systems is not only a crisis of confidence but also a unique opportunity for Christians to rebuild Christendom.

According to the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer, a majority of the countries surveyed (24 out of 28) are now “distrusters” of societal institutions like government, media, business, and NGOs. This represents a significant increase from just 16 distruster countries in 2022.

Pew Research study found that public trust in the federal government in the U.S. remains near historic lows, with only 16% expressing trust in the government to do the right thing always or most of the time.

Gallup poll revealed that Americans’ trust in the media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly has plummeted to just 32%, down from 68% in 1972.

The postwar secular world order, once hailed as the pinnacle of human progress, is now falling to pieces, revealing itself to be a house of cards built on a foundation of lies. This crumbling edifice, characterized by moral decay, political corruption, and spiritual emptiness, is a stark reminder of the inherent weaknesses of secularism and the need for a return to a society grounded in Biblical principles.

The postwar secular world order emerged in the aftermath of World War II, as the victorious Allied powers sought to create a new international system that would prevent the recurrence of global conflict. This system was characterized by a commitment to secularism, democracy, free markets, and human rights, and was underpinned by a series of international institutions, such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.

The architects of this new world order believed that by removing religion and tradition from the public sphere, they could create a more just and peaceful society. However, this vision was fundamentally flawed, as it ignored the essential role that religion and tradition play in shaping human identity and values.

The postwar secular world order was built on a house of cards, held together by a series of lies that were propagated by its proponents. These lies include:

The lie of moral neutrality: Secularism claims to offer a moral framework that is neutral and universally applicable. However, this framework is ultimately based on a rejection of objective moral truths, leading to moral relativism and the erosion of traditional moral values.

The lie of human autonomy: Secularism elevates the individual above all else, promoting a vision of society in which the individual is free to define their own truth and meaning. However, this vision is ultimately self-destructive, as it leads to social fragmentation, moral decay, and the collapse of community.

The lie of scientism: Secularism elevates science as the ultimate authority on all matters, dismissing religious and philosophical perspectives as irrelevant. However, this scientism is ultimately reductionist and fails to account for the complexities of human experience and the transcendent nature of reality.

The postwar secular world order is now crumbling, as the lies that underpin it are exposed and the weaknesses of secularism become increasingly apparent. This collapse is manifested in a variety of ways, including:

The rise of populism and nationalism: As people become disillusioned with the failures of secularism, they are increasingly turning to alternative political movements that promise to restore traditional values and national identity.

The resurgence of religious orthodoxy and tradition: As secularism fails to provide a compelling moral framework, people are increasingly turning to religious orthodoxy and tradition as a source of meaning and purpose.

The erosion of social cohesion: As secularism promotes individualism and moral relativism, it undermines the shared values and beliefs that are essential for social cohesion, leading to the collapse of community and the rise of social unrest.

The reasons behind this widespread erosion of institutional trust are manifold. On one hand, we have seen a series of scandals and failures that have exposed the corruption and incompetence of our institutions. The bottom line is that the credibility of our institutions has been severely and irreversibly compromised.

Amidst this crisis of institutional trust, Christians have a unique opportunity to rebuild Christendom by offering an alternative vision of society that is grounded in Biblical principles of justice, compassion, and truth. This vision is not one of withdrawal from the world but rather one of engagement and transformation.

The first step in rebuilding Christendom is to recognize that the erosion of institutional trust is not a crisis of institutions per se but rather a crisis of faith. The root cause of this crisis is the abandonment of the Christian worldview that once formed the bedrock of our civilization. As a result, our institutions have become secularized and have lost their moral compass.

To rebuild Christendom, we must rebuild and re-evangelize our institutions to restore the Christian worldview as the foundation of our society. This requires a multi-faceted, multi-generational strategy that includes the following:

Education: We must invest in Christian education that teaches the Biblical worldview and equips the next generation with the knowledge and skills to engage the culture and transform our institutions.

Media: We must build alternative media platforms that are grounded in Christian principles and offer a counter-narrative to the secularist worldview that dominates the mainstream media.

Politics: We must engage in the political process and advocate for policies that reflect the Biblical worldview and promote the common good.

Community: We must build strong Christian communities that serve as models of the alternative society we seek to create and provide a sense of belonging and support for those who are seeking to live out their faith in the public square.

The erosion of institutional trust at every layer of society is a crisis of faith that presents a golden opportunity for rebuilding Christendom. By re-evangelizing and rebuilding our institutions to restore the Christian worldview as the foundation of our society, we can transform our culture and create a more just, compassionate, and truth-oriented society that reflects the glory of God.

Let’s get to work.

Andrew Torba
Christ is King

Sunday 26 May 2024

Stop divisive Progress Pride flag displays Petition

 Christian concern have started a petition ( see below) over the concerns raised by the flying of the Sodomite pride flags  please sign the petition at the following Anti Pride flag link  to see the below information on their site.

petition author imageChristian Concern started this petition to Councillor Adam Hug (Leader of Westminster City Council) - 2024/05/24

Each June, our neighbourhoods are swamped with Pride flags as councils, shops and other businesses signal their support for LGBTQ+ ideology.

It’s time to stop this.

Rainbow flags are bad enough – but 'Progress Pride' flags add transgender stripes – a movement that has done untold damage to gender-questioning children in recent years. They also add brown and black stripes, wrongly conflating racial identity with sexual and gender identities.

These flags are particularly offensive, and ugly to boot.

Christian Concern is objecting to a massive display of Progress Pride flags planned for Regent Street in 2024. These divisive, gaudy displays are completely inappropriate for this historic, iconic street at the centre of London. They make everyone who doesn’t support the whole LGBTQ+ agenda feel unwelcome.

There are many good reasons not to allow these displays:

  • They send the message that Christians, and others with historic beliefs about sexuality and gender are not welcome

  • They even cause division amongst the groups they claim to represent, many of whom are concerned about gender ideology

  • They are particularly ugly and not in keeping with the historic character of central London

It’s not just Westminster that flies these divisive flags.

But by signing this petition you are sending a message to councils around the nation that these garish displays should be stopped.

If you sign the petition and tick the box to receive updates from Christian Concern, we will also be able to send you more information on how to oppose Progress Pride flags being flown from government buildings, businesses and churches near you.

Sign the petition to tell Westminster City Council that these displays of Progress Pride flags should be stopped.


Dear Councillor Adam Hug,

Please stop authorising large scale displays of Pride Progress flags in Westminster, in particular Regent Street.

Pride Progress flags are divisive. They do not promote inclusion – in fact, they exacerbate tensions between people of different characteristics – religions, sexual orientations and gender identity.

Many people experience these flags as an attack on historic, traditional beliefs about sex and gender. They send the message that people holding these views – which are worthy of respect in a democratic society – are not welcome.

Please block these displays in 2024 and in the future so that everyone can feel welcome in Regent Street and the surrounding areas.

This petition is written by Christian Concern (CGPE240522).

Saturday 25 May 2024

Vegetable oil Why Are We Consuming Engine Lubricant?


In today’s world, where lies spread by our enemies are rampant and the mainstream media often fails to provide accurate information, I have found solace in the esoteric health wisdom of the dissident internet. Like many of you the scamdemic has only reinforced my belief that the mainstream medical establishment is largely not to be trusted and I have found that seeking alternative sources of information has led me to make some of the best decisions for my health. One such decision was to remove industrial seed oils from my diet, and the results have been nothing short of transformative. With this simple move I’ve dropped 30 pounds, removed all the inflammation in my body, and feel better and stronger than ever.

To understand why seed oils are bad for you, it is essential to first understand their history. Seed oils, such as soybean, canola, and corn oil, were first introduced in the early 20th century as a response to the growing demand for cheap, mass-produced vegetable oils. These oils were initially used in margarine production as a substitute for animal fats, which were more expensive and harder to produce. However, the process of extracting these oils is far from natural. Seed oils are derived from seeds that are not naturally oily, such as soybeans, corn, and cottonseeds. To extract the oil from these seeds, they must first be treated with harsh chemicals, such as hexane, a neurotoxin that is also used in the production of glue and paint thinner. The seeds are then subjected to high temperatures and pressure, which further degrades the quality of the oil.

The Origins of Canola Oil

Canola oil, one of the most common types of industrial seed oils, has a long and storied history that is often overlooked by those who consume it. Originally developed in Canada during the 1970s, canola oil was derived from the rapeseed plant, which had long been used as a source of oil for various industrial purposes.

One of the most notable uses of rapeseed oil was as a lubricant for diesel engines. The oil was prized for its ability to withstand high temperatures and its low freezing point, making it an ideal lubricant for engines operating in harsh environments.

Despite its origins as an industrial lubricant, canola oil was eventually transformed into a food product through a series of genetic modifications and chemical processes. Through selective breeding, scientists were able to create a new strain of rapeseed with lower levels of erucic acid, a toxic compound that made the oil unsuitable for human consumption. Once the new strain of rapeseed was developed, the oil was subjected to a series of chemical processes, including degumming, bleaching, and deodorizing, in order to remove any remaining impurities and make it more palatable for human consumption. Inspect the packaging of the foods you are consuming and you’ll find that this Frankenstein engine lubricant is in just about everything you eat.

Why Seed Oils Are Bad for You

The consequences of consuming these highly processed, chemically extracted oils are numerous. One of the most significant issues with seed oils is their high concentration of omega-6 fatty acids. While omega-6s are essential for our health, the Western diet is already heavily skewed in favor of these fatty acids, with a ratio of around 20:1 of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. This imbalance can lead to chronic inflammation, which is at the root of many modern health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.

In addition to their high omega-6 content, seed oils are also highly unstable and prone to oxidation. When exposed to heat, light, or air, these oils can break down into toxic compounds, such as free radicals and lipid peroxides, which can damage cells and contribute to the development of cancer and other diseases. Furthermore, seed oils have been linked to a host of other health problems, including obesity, insulin resistance, and impaired brain function. These oils can also interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are crucial for maintaining optimal health.

What to Replace Seed Oils With

If seed oils are so detrimental to our health, what should we be using instead? The answer is simple: natural, unprocessed fats. Fats that have been used by humans for thousands of years, such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and animal fats like butter and lard, are far superior to the industrial seed oils that have become ubiquitous in the modern diet. These traditional fats are rich in nutrients, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, and are less prone to oxidation, making them a much healthier option for cooking and consumption. Additionally, these fats are often rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to counterbalance the excess of omega-6s in the Western diet and promote overall health and well-being.

Removing industrial seed oils from my diet has been hands down the best thing I have ever done for my health. The journey to discovering the truth about these oils has been a long and winding one, but the results have been more than worth it. By seeking out alternative sources of information and trusting in the wisdom of the dissident internet, I have been able to take control of my health and make informed decisions about the foods I consume.

It is no secret that our enemies want us weak, sick, and distracted. They know that a strong, healthy, and mentally sharp population is much harder to control and manipulate. The promotion of seed oils as a “healthy alternative” to traditional fats is just one example of the many ways in which our enemies are actively working to undermine our health and well-being. By filling our diets with these harmful oils, they are able to keep us in a state of chronic inflammation, which weakens our immune systems, impairs our cognitive function, and makes us more susceptible to a wide range of diseases and health issues.

The ultimate goal of our enemies is the destruction of our nations and the replacement of our people with those who are more easily controlled and manipulated. By keeping us sick, weak, and distracted, they are able to accelerate this process and ensure that we are unable to resist their plans.

The promotion of unhealthy foods, such as seed oils, is just one aspect of this larger strategy. By keeping us in a state of poor health, they are able to make it easier for them to bring in millions of foreign migrants who will replace us in our own countries. They know that a sick, weak, and distracted population is less likely to stand up and fight against this invasion, making it easier for them to carry out their plans.

The Importance of Taking Control of Our Health

In order to resist the plans of our enemies and protect our nations, it is essential that we take control of our health and well-being. By removing harmful substances, such as seed oils, from our diets and replacing them with natural, unprocessed fats, we can strengthen our bodies and minds, making it more difficult for our enemies to control and manipulate us.

It is crucial that we become aware of the ways in which our enemies are actively working to undermine our health and well-being and take action to counteract their efforts. By educating ourselves about the dangers of seed oils and other harmful substances, we can make informed decisions about the foods we consume and take control of our health and well-being—and eventually take back our homelands for the glory of God.

Andrew Torba
Christ is King

UK General Election LIES - Jayda Fransen May 2024


Friday 24 May 2024

Neil Oliver: ‘…they’re laughing in our faces!’

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