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Sunday 21 April 2024

Half of Americans now think the USA is headed for civil war. Says Dmitry Medvedev

 Half of Americans now think the USA is headed for civil war. So does Russian No. 2, Dmitry Medvedev. Take look at what he says and tell me, do you think he may have a point?

'No one doubted that American legislators would approve “help” to a gang of neo-Nazis. 'It was a vote of joyful US bas**rds: a) for the continuation of the civil war of the divided people of our previously united country; b) for maximizing the number of victims of this war. We, of course, will win, despite the 61 billion bloody dollars that will mainly go down the throat of their insatiable military-industrial complex. Strength and Truth are behind us. But taking into account the Russophobic decision that took place, I cannot with all sincerity not wish the United States to plunge into a new civil war as quickly as possible. Which, I hope, will be radically different from the war between North and South in the 19th century and will be waged using aircraft, tanks, artillery, MLRS, all types of missiles and other weapons. And which will finally lead to the inglorious collapse of the vile evil empire of the 21st century - the United States of America.'


Saturday 20 April 2024

Do British Veterans Regret Fighting World War 2?

The idea that fighting World War 2 was a good thing is immediately taken for granted and if you dare oppose that narrative then you are viewed as some kind of evil extremist. This applies to generation after generation. The veterans themselves, however, are seemingly never asked. What does that brave generation of the war years really think? They blindly sacrificed everything for Britain in what they at the time believed to be a just cause. Do they still believe this? Do they regret it? Let's cut through the post-war propaganda and hear the views of the men themselves. Their generation, at the very least, tells it how they see it.

Insanity Ramping Up Nick Griffin Presents the Templar Report


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Thursday 18 April 2024


Farage and a Very Strange Friend

The British media are all covering the controversial NatCon meeting in Brussels yesterday, where Nigel Farage headlined various supposedly 'National Conservative' speakers - thanks to a last minute legal challenge to the attempt by the Socialist mayor to ban the event.

But anyone who takes this at face value is being very naive. These people pose as the grassroots challengers to the liberal elite, but this simply isn't true, they're bought-and-paid-for too. Classic controlled opposition.

Take Farage's GB News platform. Despite its growing popularity, it still lost £42 million last year alone. It's kept afloat by its owner Sir Paul Marshall, a hedge fund manager whose business was launched thanks to a £50 million loan from none other than George Soros.

And look at who spoke side-by-side with Nigel yesterday: Frank Furedi (pictured). Nowadays, Furedi poses as a libertarian conservative, but his Spiked Online operation was originally known as Living Marxism. This was set up by the Revolutionary Community Party, which was founded by Furedi in the 1970s and a time when the Trotskyite movement was dominated by Jewish radicals such as him and SWP founder Tony Cliff, real name Ygael Gluckstein.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the RCP concluded that - thanks to 'reformist' institutions such as the welfare state - the working class in the West were too much involved with the system to be revolutionary material, so they agreed to change their angle of attack and reinvent themselves as libertarians.

Smashing up the welfare state and privatising the ruins naturally appeals to finance capitalists like Farage and his big money backers. But it also appeals to the 'former' Communist 'libertarians', because they believe that the only thing that can make the masses inclined to revolution again is pain, and plenty of it.

The primary agenda of this entire fake 'right-wing', however, is much more simple: It's part of a drive to create a full spectrum lobbying operation to shill for Israel as the Zionist state sets about its long-planned Final Solution to the problem of the Palestinians, Muslim and Christian alike. All of Furedi's Spiked team have outed themselves as Israeli shills in recent weeks, alongside Farage and GB News. They're all it it!

One final point for people who might think that Farage and Furedi are real traditionalists: Furedi's wife, Anne, has for decades been the UK's leading abortionist. For many years the head of the badly misnamed British Pregnancy Advisory Service, she is probably responsible for the deaths of more baby Britons that anyone except David Steele, who steered the 1967 Abortion Act through Parliament and thus became the instigator of Britain's very own Holocaust.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Neil Oliver: A Madness That’s Growing!!!

medical lies, gender falsehoods & dangers hidden in the shadows….’ To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to
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Tuesday 16 April 2024

Andrew Tate's Dirty Secret Nick Griffin presents the Templar Report


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Col. Douglas Macgregor : Will Israel Go Nuclear?

From Israel's strategic calculus to the regional dynamics of the Middle East,
we analyze the factors that could potentially drive Israel towards nuclear action.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Multiple ballistic missile strikes in Ramon airbase in the Negev last night.

By Nick Griffin 

Video reported to show multiple ballistic missile strikes in Ramon airbase in the Negev last night.

This fits with Iran's devastating attack on a US airbase in North East Syria after the assassination of Gen. Suleimani, where the Patriot system totally failed to prevent pinpoint accuate hits on critical infrastructure. Also, this report sums up the Iranian account of last night, which suggests that the drone attack on Jerusalem was merely a feint, and explains the Iranian statement that they've completed their retaliation; "Seven rockets that were launched from the west of Isfahan towards Israel hit an Israeli airbase in the Negev desert called Hatzerim, which has ammunition and American warplanes and other items worth more than tens They destroyed billions of dollars. The main objective of the Iranian variety of attacks was to prepare the conditions for the destruction of two Israeli air bases, where the most valuable weapons were, including the American F-35, which was targeted and destroyed. The rockets hit the target without fail and with indescribable accuracy. In its responses to America, Iran said that Israel used drones, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and F-35s in last year's attacks, which is why Iran used these weapons and destroyed the base where the F-35s were located. The most important achievement of tonight's attack by the Islamic Republic of Iran was to show the world and the terrified people of Israel that they will raze Israel to the ground whenever they want, and then plow it. This is important as Israel directly benefits from the aid of America, England and France, but they are unable to defend themselves. Link to video Source:

The Old Temple Versus The New Temple


Published at sign up today

Can you think of the boldest stand you have ever taken in your life? A time when you knew you were right, where you stood publicly for something true and just and everyone else around you opposed you? Do you remember what that felt like? That is the kind of boldness that went with the apostles everywhere they went, particularly in Jerusalem and Judea. So far, since Pentecost, we have seen miraculous signs by the Holy Spirit, and nearly everyone encountering Him has repented. But now, the gospel faces opposition. Now there are enemies with teeth like knives and a serpent’s sting ready to pounce. Now we see the war in the heavenly places manifest itself on earth. And still, Christ’s church, filled with the Holy Spirit, remains bold. Let's examine Acts 4:1-31 for a great example of this. 

Peter and John Arrested (v. 1-4)

As Peter and John preached in the temple, the priests, the captain of the temple guard, and the party of the Sadducees swarmed them. These men are all very upset that they are teaching the people and telling them about the resurrection of Jesus. You cannot do this here. And so they arrest them and throw them in a cell until the next day when the council can be convened and they can figure out what to do with them. It was evening, and the council by law was not allowed to meet at night. So they would have to wait until the next day. Since they got there at the ninth hour, this means Peter preached for something like three hours. 

If you are tracking how this story parallels Jesus’s story, you already notice the continuities and the discontinuities here. They couldn’t arrest Jesus in the temple because they feared the people, but they arrested Peter and John there. But when they did arrest Jesus, they violated their own law and held his trial in the middle of the night. For the Apostles, they wait until the next day.

But even in the midst of this opposition, what do we see happen? The preaching bears fruit. Five thousand men believe. If you include the women and the children, you are looking at fifteen or twenty thousand people added to the church, just from one day in the temple.

Peter and John before the Sanhedrin (v. 5-22)

The High Priests and all the rulers and elders gathered together the next day. These are all the same men who had conspired and condemned Jesus to death less than two months before. And they have one question for them. “By what name or what power have you done this?”

Already you see another discontinuity with Jesus. When Jesus was before these exact same men, He did not say a word to them. But Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit speaks: If we are being put on trial for a good deed done to a helpless man, I am gonna tell you all exactly in whose name we did this. By the name of Jesus of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here whole. Peter then quotes Psalm 118 and tells them that Christ is the stone which the builders have rejected but has become the chief cornerstone.

Remember, they are standing in the temple, the beating heart and dead center of the Old Covenant, the place that fills the Jews with great zeal, a place and a thing they believe is almost a magical talisman protecting them. How do we know the God who made heaven and earth is on our side? Because we have the temple. How do we know that God is going to give the entire planet to us, the Jews, to rule? Because we have His throne on earth. Well, what does this Psalm tell us? The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. The new temple is not one made with human hands. It is far more glorious and far greater, it is a temple made on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, Paul tells us in Ephesians, and Christ is its chief cornerstone. It is a temple made out of the living stones of the people of God. And in preaching at the temple, Peter has just added thousands of more stones to this glorious building. It is a temple that stands in direct opposition to the current temple, a building that is doomed to be destroyed by Jesus. That is the meaning of what Peter is saying to them.

He tells them that only by the name of Jesus is their salvation. Your temple is not going to save you. Your oral tradition is not going to save you. Those things are going to doom you.

Now the Sanhedrin was amazed. These are just commercial fishermen. Rough men. I always tell people that when they think of Peter, James, and John, and the disciples from Galilee, they should think of the TV series The Deadliest Catch. If it were today, these are guys with dirty, grease-stained Carhartt overalls, calloused hands, and a cigarette perpetually hanging out of their lips. And this is like them going in front of the U.S. Senate and Supreme Court and passionately and articulately telling them to go pound sand. The result is the same as that. They marvel at these men. How can this be? They don’t have the education and decades of specialized training we do, yet they speak with such clarity and boldness.

What do they realize? They had been with Jesus. And they see the man whom they healed. These men were around the temple all the time. They had seen him regularly lying there at the gate. They surely had given him alms, but probably only when there was a crowd around to see them give alms. They knew there was nothing that could be done. This was a genuine miracle and thousands of people saw it. They know that if they execute Peter and John, the entire city will be in an uproar over it because everyone saw it. So all they can do is threaten them to not do this kind of thing anymore. They are in a similar position that they were in with John the Baptist. The people knew he was a prophet and his popularity prevented them from touching him until Herod was tricked into killing him.

So after convening in private they brought Peter and John back and told them you cannot do this anymore. It could have stopped there, Peter and John could have just left well enough alone at that point, but they would not. Peter and John tell them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge, for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” We are going to obey God and not you. Peter and John tell them this to their faces. And the council is powerless to do anything more. All they can do at this point is threaten them because the people are on the apostles’ side.

The Apostles’ Prayer (v. 23-31)

Peter and John returned to the rest of the apostles and told them everything that had happened. They all prayed together, and in their prayer, they quoted Psalm 2. The entire Psalm is about the rulers of the nations conspiring against the Lord and His Christ, but Christ ruling over them with a rod of iron and smashing them to bits. The Sanhedrin that murdered Christ, along with the Edomite Herod and the Roman Pilate conspired together against Jesus. But now He rules over them all from heaven with a rod of iron. And so they ask Him to look upon the threats they have made and to continue to give them boldness to speak His word and to continue to work the signs and wonders to establish the authority of His word.

And they receive an answer to this prayer. Confirmation from heaven. The place where they were was shaken like an earthquake. They were further filled with the Holy Spirit and even more boldness. The conquest of the church would continue to move forward.


The apostles have gone through the same trial as Jesus, but the outcome is different. They meet the exact same opposition as Jesus but have overcome it. The Spirit is in them and moves them with great power and boldness and the church grows massively.

You see the conflict in this passage revealed. This is a spiritual war. The sons of the devil are at war with the sons of God. This is a conflict that continues to this day. But for a number of reasons the church today, the very same church that has carried forward the faith once delivered to the saints, does not view our existence as one of war. We are not in a war against Satan and all his works, we are not in a war to conquer the kingdoms of this world until they become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ. The church, at least implicitly, believes that conflict and boldness against great evil is a bad thing. If you speak with boldness against things that God hates, well that is offensive and you are turning people off from hearing the gospel. Within that mindset, the mission of the church is reduced to a marketing operation. We have this product to sell, and we need people to have nice, warm, happy thoughts when they think about the product we sell. We don’t want people to either intensely love it or hate it. That’s bad for sales.

As a result, boldness goes right out the window. You might have seen the influential evangelical megachurch pastor, Andy Stanley, recently had a big conference about making the church a safe place for LGBTQWXYZ people. What is that about? Well, it is the same mindset. They have identified a demographic that has a high unfavorability rating of evangelical Christianity and want to make that demographic favorable in order to increase sales. It’s an untapped market and shrewd CEOs like Stanley want to corner that market.

You might think this all sounds so cynical but it is the reality in the church today. We have replaced boldness with shameless salesmanship. Is this how the apostles behaved? The Sanhedrin was also an untapped market for the gospel. Peter and John could have instantly won those guys over if they just would have said “actually Jesus never rose from the dead.” But they were compelled by the truth. They were compelled by the Holy Spirit. They were in war. The thought of compromise is something that did not even enter their minds

That same spirit, that same Spirit, is one that must reside in us today. The enemy wants us to compromise. It would be so easy. If you just bow down to me, all these kingdoms and their glory will be yours. Why suffer being despised by those around you, why be hated by people when you can be loved? We must reject all such notions. It is better to be hated by the entire world and loved by God than the other way around. It is better to be filled with the boldness of the Holy Spirit than the mealy-mouthed slipperiness of the religious merchant.

So the charge to you is this, to remember that just like the Apostles you are in a war. You must have the same boldness, the same resolute certainty to do the will of God everywhere in your life. The Christian life is not for the faint of heart, it is a life of struggle, a life of conflict, a life constantly filled with the temptation to give up and give in. But it is a life where the reward for faithful battle and for victory is so far above what our feeble, finite minds can even imagine. Strive forward in boldness and trust in the victory of Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Saturday 13 April 2024

The Israelites of today are not the Biblical Jews


Daniel F. Prinsloo 

The Israelites named in the Bible are NOT Israel of today.
There are a lot of Christian Zionists still defending Israel as God’s “chosen people” and say the Bible proves and states all Israel will be saved. “We stand with Israel” they say, and if not then they will be cursed. What Israel are they even talking about? Definitely not the modern day State of Israel. They wrongly identify the Jewish nation as all of Israel. Rev. Munther Isaac also touched on this in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson. When modern day Christians say that they stand with Israel they actually stand with the grotesque ideology of Zionism and follow a lie conjured up by conmen including the Scofield Bible which started promoting this lie in the early 20th century. First off, very few of Jews today can prove that they are from the Tribe of Judah. That is where the term Jew comes from. Jews only represent 2 of Israel’s ancient 12 Tribes, Judah, and Benjamin. None of the other 10 Tribes were ever referred to as Jews. Israel as a single Kingdom was only ever unified during the rules of two kings, David and his son, Solomon. This was from 1003 B.C. to 930 B.C. After this the nation was separated in two, The Northern Kingdom, and Judea, The Southern Kingdom as depicted in the attached map. The 10 Tribes, Israel were captured by the vast Assyrian Empire in 722 B.C. and dispersed among the nations throughout the world. They were never and will never be Jews. They have different identities and nationalities now as Gentiles. Before the 10 Tribes were conquered by Assyria in 722 B.C. they were known as the Northern Kingdom, Israel, Ephraim, and Samaria. The Northern Kingdom of Israel, the Ten, and The Southern Kingdom, the Two were in constant unrest and even civil war. The Southern Kingdom was known as Judea and Jerusalem. That is where the term Jew was established. After they were taken captive by Babylon in 597 B.C. Judea returned to Jerusalem as a small nation in 536 B.C. after Cyrus’s edict in 538 B.C. The Jews/Judeans rejected Jesus Christ as Messiah. They had Him crucified. The Bible foretold this would happen through the Prophets. Christianity spread throughout gentile nations and up until today Christ is still rejected by the Jews and in extreme cases they blaspheme Him in their religious writings. People, please if you want to make the argument that the Jews alone are God’s “chosen people” please go and read your Bibles. Also, God’s promises to Abraham were to all of his descendants, that includes his firstborn son Ishmael, who is the forefather of the Arab nations. They have just as much, if not more validity to live on the lands God promised to Abraham, because they can prove that they are Semites, and also Hebrews. The modern-day Jews who are Ashkenazi and Khazars, have trouble showing their lineage. They are imposters. Does anyone ask what happened to Esau’s descendants, the Edomites? Jacob pretended to be Esau, his brother, to receive the firstborn birthright from their father Isaac. Maybe Esau’s descendants are now trying to pretend they are Jacob and claimed the title of Jew. Just a thought to ponder over. My last point is that none of this matters, regardless of what race, ethnic group, etc. you are. We are all equals before God. He shows no favor, and there is no such thing as God’s chosen people. We are all His people, even if there are people who believe in a God or not. Zionist indoctrination over the past 100 years have blinded Christians to excuse the State of Israel of any and all wrongdoings, including this current genocide on Palestinians who were robbed of their homeland. The Scofield Study Bible played a major part by distorting Scripture, and modern-day Pastors with enormous followings like John Hagee serve their Zionist masters, not their congregations. Gaza as can be seen on the map was never part of any Israelite or Judean kingdom. Biblical Israel and the State of Israel are not the same. You can take the position that all I just mentioned is fiction. The reason I share this though is just to prove that the current validation by some for the State of Israel's abhorrent behavior has no basis. Not in ancient writings or anywhere else. There are some extremists who believe that the rightful heir to the throne of David is the British King, king Charles, who believes they are the direct lineage of David's offspring. Look up the Stone of Scone to see that myth. People around the world will make ridiculous claims for the sake of power. If you lie, lie big. Modern day Israel has as much claim to the land as Micronesians have. In the times we are living in this rhetoric of “God’s chosen people” sounds similar to “The Master Race” and we all know how that turned out. Thank you for reading and please research my work and hold it up to scrutiny. I also ask kindly if you would share my work which will help get the truth out during these times. My gratitude to all my readers.

Labour MPs refuse to use 'racist' union flag on campaign leaflets

From the English Democrats
 A group of MPs have called on Keir Starmer to reject union flag election flyers amid concerns it may alienate ethnic minority voters.

The Labour leader is facing discontent from some of his MPs over the dominant use of the flag in election campaign material as some associate it with far right.

Some activists have expressed their reluctance to handle the material, while concerns were raised at recent meetings of the party’s black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) group at Westminster and at a meeting of London MPs that was attended by Labour’s director of campaigns Morgan McSweeney and deputy national campaign coordinator Ellie Reeves.

The Guardian reports that some Labour MPs have suggested that the prominence of red, white and blue still has negative connotations among ethnic minority communities targeted by the far right.

One MP said: "We are all really proud of our country but this can be a complex issue for some communities and we have to navigate that more carefully.

"For a lot of communities we are talking about colours that are associated with the National Front or another far-right group.

"Using the flag might be great for trying to reach those 'hero voters' but why can’t we have segmented branding.

Another MP added: "I can see how it would work in some places but it’s definitely detrimental in university towns, and in heavily BAME seats. They just look like union jacks really, with a bit of red on the side. There’s not even a Labour rose. You don’t need to prove your patriotism by wrapping yourself in the union jack."

One Labour councillor on the south coast said: "I’ve seen boxes of the leaflets being piled up because activists don’t want to give them out. We’re also finding that in some cases people on the doorsteps have mistaken them for leaflets put out by the Conservative."

A spokesperson for campaign group Momentum said: “Members are the lifeblood of our party, the activists who put the hard graft in on the doors.

"They must be listened to and the message is clear: Labour’s campaign materials should reflect the concerns of the communities they serve. A one-size-fits all model is not just ineffective, but has the potential to repel parts of Labour’s core voter base."

HORRIFYING: 16 Times More Deaths Among COVID Vaccinated Population

 HORRIFYING: 16 Times More Deaths Among COVID Vaccinated Population - Official ONS Data (Office of National Statistics)

Official UK government data has highlighted the shocking disparity of deaths among people vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots when compared to the unvaxxed population.
by Frank Bergman (post by Lioness of Judah Ministry) • April 10 2024

"The data shows that, during a 23-month period after the Covid shots were rolled out to the public, almost one million vaccinated people died.

However, during the same period, just 61,000 unvaccinated people died.

That equates to 16.39 times as many deaths of vaccinated people."

[...] "However, the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for 95 percent of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023.

The unvaccinated population, meanwhile, accounted for just five percent.

However, it’s the fact that these deaths aren’t among the one-dose and two-dose vaccinated population that is truly alarming.

The vast majority are among those vaccinated four times.

The quad-vaxxed population accounts for 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83 percent of all COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated."

read more 

Friday 12 April 2024


 Oh no, it's all our fault! Perhaps it's even my fault personally. How will I sleep tonight?

By Nick Griffin WHITES BLAMED FOR HIGHER BLACK ALZHEIMER RATES In yet another open display of anti-white hatred, a Professor of Sociology at the University of Georgia, Athens, US, has led a new published paper blaming higher rates of Alzheimer’s in blacks on “white racism.” In a paper titled “Racial discrimination during middle age predicts higher serum phosphorylated tau and neurofilament light chain levels a decade later: A study of aging black Americans,” (Alzheimer's & Dementia, the Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, 2024; 1-10) Ronald Simons and his colleagues concluded that *“exposure to the stress of racism may increase the risk of dementia for Black Americans.”* “......exposure to various forms of racial discrimination during a person's 40s and early 50s predicts an 11-year increase in both serum p-tau181 (: serum phosphorylated tau181) and NfL” (neurofilament light). This is, says Simons - who clearly shares the anti-white obsession of so many in his pseudoscience - because “Black Americans are members of a racialized group. Based on skin color, hair texture, and facial features, they are subject to negative stereotypes, patronization, exclusion, harassment, and other forms of racial mistreatment.” In other words, “white racism” is to blame for higher levels of Alzheimer’s in blacks. This vicious anti-white blood libel hatred flies, of course, in the face of all scientific facts. The Alzheimer’s Association, which published the article, specifically lists the causes of Alzheimer’s as the following: • Age: “The greatest known risk factor for Alzheimer’s and other dementias is increasing age.” • Family history: “Another strong risk factor is family history. Those who have a parent, brother or sister with Alzheimer’s are more likely to develop the disease. The risk increases if more than one family member has the illness.” • Genetics (heredity): “Scientists know genes are involved in Alzheimer’s. Two categories of genes influence whether a person develops a disease: risk genes and deterministic genes. Alzheimer's genes have been found in both categories.” • Other risk factors: “Head injury,” “Heart-head connection,” and “Overall healthy aging.” The Alzheimer’s Association adds, under its “other risk factors”, the following note: “Research shows that older Latinos are about one-and-a-half times as likely as older whites to have Alzheimer’s and other dementias, while older African-Americans are about twice as likely to have the disease as older whites. The reason for these differences is not well understood, but researchers believe that higher rates of vascular disease in these groups may also put them at greater risk for developing Alzheimer’s.” If you remember my opening question: Like a log! Every Single Time.