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Saturday 13 April 2024

HORRIFYING: 16 Times More Deaths Among COVID Vaccinated Population

 HORRIFYING: 16 Times More Deaths Among COVID Vaccinated Population - Official ONS Data (Office of National Statistics)

Official UK government data has highlighted the shocking disparity of deaths among people vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots when compared to the unvaxxed population.
by Frank Bergman (post by Lioness of Judah Ministry) • April 10 2024

"The data shows that, during a 23-month period after the Covid shots were rolled out to the public, almost one million vaccinated people died.

However, during the same period, just 61,000 unvaccinated people died.

That equates to 16.39 times as many deaths of vaccinated people."

[...] "However, the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for 95 percent of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023.

The unvaccinated population, meanwhile, accounted for just five percent.

However, it’s the fact that these deaths aren’t among the one-dose and two-dose vaccinated population that is truly alarming.

The vast majority are among those vaccinated four times.

The quad-vaxxed population accounts for 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83 percent of all COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated."

read more 

Friday 12 April 2024


 Oh no, it's all our fault! Perhaps it's even my fault personally. How will I sleep tonight?

By Nick Griffin WHITES BLAMED FOR HIGHER BLACK ALZHEIMER RATES In yet another open display of anti-white hatred, a Professor of Sociology at the University of Georgia, Athens, US, has led a new published paper blaming higher rates of Alzheimer’s in blacks on “white racism.” In a paper titled “Racial discrimination during middle age predicts higher serum phosphorylated tau and neurofilament light chain levels a decade later: A study of aging black Americans,” (Alzheimer's & Dementia, the Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, 2024; 1-10) Ronald Simons and his colleagues concluded that *“exposure to the stress of racism may increase the risk of dementia for Black Americans.”* “......exposure to various forms of racial discrimination during a person's 40s and early 50s predicts an 11-year increase in both serum p-tau181 (: serum phosphorylated tau181) and NfL” (neurofilament light). This is, says Simons - who clearly shares the anti-white obsession of so many in his pseudoscience - because “Black Americans are members of a racialized group. Based on skin color, hair texture, and facial features, they are subject to negative stereotypes, patronization, exclusion, harassment, and other forms of racial mistreatment.” In other words, “white racism” is to blame for higher levels of Alzheimer’s in blacks. This vicious anti-white blood libel hatred flies, of course, in the face of all scientific facts. The Alzheimer’s Association, which published the article, specifically lists the causes of Alzheimer’s as the following: • Age: “The greatest known risk factor for Alzheimer’s and other dementias is increasing age.” • Family history: “Another strong risk factor is family history. Those who have a parent, brother or sister with Alzheimer’s are more likely to develop the disease. The risk increases if more than one family member has the illness.” • Genetics (heredity): “Scientists know genes are involved in Alzheimer’s. Two categories of genes influence whether a person develops a disease: risk genes and deterministic genes. Alzheimer's genes have been found in both categories.” • Other risk factors: “Head injury,” “Heart-head connection,” and “Overall healthy aging.” The Alzheimer’s Association adds, under its “other risk factors”, the following note: “Research shows that older Latinos are about one-and-a-half times as likely as older whites to have Alzheimer’s and other dementias, while older African-Americans are about twice as likely to have the disease as older whites. The reason for these differences is not well understood, but researchers believe that higher rates of vascular disease in these groups may also put them at greater risk for developing Alzheimer’s.” If you remember my opening question: Like a log! Every Single Time.

Pastor Steve Wohlberg DEBUNKS Israel First Eschatology: Israel’s Red Heifer Sacrifice ABOMINATION


The speed and depth of the Noticing is staggering! This is the dawning of the Great Awakening.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Christian Zionism: The Antichrists' Rewrite of History- The Scofield Bib...

Message To Christian-Zionists


Many prominent and ordinary British and American Christians have believed for over 2 centuries that certain prophecies had to be fulfilled before Jesus could come again. For them, one of the most important was the prophecy in Ezekiel 37 that Israel would be restored like dry bones coming together. 

Without further searching the scriptures, and based solely on a misinterpretation of this prophecy, many Christian leaders decided that if the nation of Israel were rebuilt, then that would clear the way for the Second Coming of Christ.

We had shown previously that this interpretation of Ezekiel was full of holes, that the prophet’s resurrected Israel was to have David as its king and was to obey God’s decrees (Ezekiel 37:22-24). Therefore, it could not be a secular state. Yet today’s Israel is precisely a secular state where over 50% describe themselves as “irreligious.” Something is terribly wrong with Christian Zionism.

Look, if you are a Christian and you want God’s prophecies to be fulfilled so as to hasten the Second Coming, then you need to look at a prophecy made by Jesus Himself about his Second Coming as he stood in Jerusalem (recorded in Matthew 37).

37. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered they children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

The following is the prophecy, spoken by Jesus Himself, that Christian Zionists have ignored for centuries, to their peril:

38. For I say unto you, ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Quite plainly, Jesus is saying that Jerusalem (and by extension the rest of us) will not see Him again until its people – the Jews – say “blessed is He – Jesus – that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Christian Zionists are obsessed with restoring a secular nation, yet they ignore the spiritual and the divine. That is why America shares in the terrible consequences of the rejection of Jesus.

Jesus wept over this city because it rejected Him. He even hinted that Jerusalem would kill him. Do you really think He was concerned whether Jerusalem would become the capital city of the nation that rejected him and “stoned the prophets.” Really?

Look what He said after that as he stood at the temple.

Verily I say unto you, there shall not be one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

Was Jesus blessing or condemning Jerusalem? Clearly it was God’s will that Jerusalem should be destroyed, and Jesus’ prophecy came true in 70 AD when Emperor Titus razed the city and destroyed the temple.

Would Jesus have commanded his followers to fight to make the city that stoned the prophets the capital of a country that rejected him?

Need I ask?

Christian Zionism is a false Satanic cult that has cost America the lives of its precious sons and trillions in treasure. According to the Bible, a Jew is a person who accepts the Jewish scriptures. Those calling themselves Jews who do not accept the scriptures are described quite plainly in Revelation 3:9, as follows:

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

As we showed in our series “Making Saudi Arabia great again,” US wars were fought to prop up the withering dollar, but also, by extension, to please the modern secular state of Israel. Israel was the excuse, Saudi was the underlying motive. Both nations were always so much in agreement that eventually, they came up with the idea of creating an official military alliance.

Would believing Jews ally themselves with a bloody, cruel Muslim dictatorship (which is, at the time of this writing, committing genocide against the Houthis in Yemen, with “Christian” America’s blessing)? Ezekiel prophesied of believers. Ezekiel’s Israel was a consecrated people, not the modern secular state calling itself by that name. Ezekiel spoke of spiritual things that we do not yet fully comprehend.

Every nation that the US has attacked militarily was a perceived enemy of both Saudi Arabia and Israel. Saddam Hussein was a threat because he refused to go along with the absurd US doctrine that the Palestinians had no right to their own land because supposedly God wanted to rebuild Israel as a secular state that heartlessly dispossesses others.

Syria was a threat because it was, and is, the rightful owner of the Israel-occupied and stolen Golan Heights. The Israeli goal in the Syrian Spring was to use the US military and influence to break up Syria so that it could no longer claim its own land. Shamefully, the US tried to enable this goal. Iran is a vociferous defender of Palestine, the rightful owner of the land it had occupied for centuries. Israel’s secular leaders all claim God has given them this land and it has the right to defend it.

But they are in denial. God had evicted them from the land for disobedience. Christian Zionists also deny this, though it is plainly enunciated in their own scriptures. Neither party has any excuse for their wilful ignorance. (Faithful Jews uphold the scriptural truth, as we have shown here).

The United States has thrown away the lives of its children and its hard-earned treasure in God’s name but not with God’s blessing, and that is why the country is $20 trillion in debt and counting. America, along with Israel, has disobeyed and is paying the price.

So what can Christians do to turn their behaviour around? They can start saying:

I stand with Jesus, and only Jesus. And, through faith, they can start acting that way and teaching the truth. A truth that may well bring about a true and faithful fulfilment of Ezekiel’s prophecy.

It can only be done Christ’s way, in love and without war.

Visit the Knights Templars 

Weapons and War Nick Griffin Presents the Templar Report


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Wednesday 10 April 2024

Neil Oliver: Lies, Bollox & Control!!!

….I know that when it comes to it, I am not alone!!!’ To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to Neil Oliver on Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers

Sunday 7 April 2024

Tobias Ellwood MP comes out and says conscription is MONEY WELL SPENT! Well F Him


Tobias Ellwood MP comes out and says conscription is MONEY WELL SPENT!

'I do believe everybody should participate somehow in supporting our nation as a whole.' If threats to the UK are 'real' and 'genuine', then introducing conscription would be 'money well spent'. What he really means is all the dead bodies in a ridiculous war no one wants would be worth it. TOBIAS ELLWOOD and his ilk is the REAL enemy! All these are MP,s are nothing but bought and paid for Globalist Bankers and ZOG puppets. Why should any of the indigenous population of Britain wish to fight for the globalist traitors. Who since the last Bankers wars of WW1 and WW2 have systematicly betrayed the British people whilst lining their own pockets Serving their Banker Zog masters .
Follow the Link

CAMPAIGN: No Conscription - Keep Our Boys and girls OUT of Foreign Wars! 
to sign up in a campaign to oppose conscription .

If they want a war they can send all their immigrants and homo,s they seem to care about . So Ellwood one brief message to you . F You! We aint going!

Saturday 6 April 2024

Huge Fiddling of Climate Stats Exposed


Huge Fiddling of Climate Stats Exposed


The 'climate' alarmists have been caught out making massive 'adjustments' to the historic data on global temperatures. In plain English: The civilisation-wrecking 'Net Zero' drive is being imposed on us all on the back of statistical LIES!

Massive retrospective alterations have been made to surface air temperatures by GISS, one of the main global databases run by the U.S. space agency NASA. Professor Ole Humlum has discovered that in the period January 1915 to January 2000, GISS changed past warming from 0.45°C  to 0.67°C. This was a massive increase of 49%, which meant that almost half of the apparent warming in most of the 20th century was due to administrative changes made years after the initial measurements. On such evidence is the need for a global Net Zero collectivisation being promoted.

In his recently published 2023 climate report, Humlum notes that clearly such adjustments are important when evaluating the overall quality of the various temperature records. But such ‘evaluation’ is entirely missing from most mainstream media and science. It would seem they are afraid to question organisations such as the U.K. Met Office which collect corrupted data from unsuitable monitoring sites and regularly adjust the records on a retrospective basis. The lack of investigative inquiry points to the central role that temperatures play in terrifying populations to accept the appalling lifestyle changes needed to achieve Net Zero in less than 30 years.

If the adjustments showed rises and falls spread evenly throughout the record, suspicions about the practice would be considerably less. But almost invariably the changes cool a past period and warm the subsequent record to the present day.

The massive adjustments made can be clearly seen with overall changes between –0.2°C to +0.2°C. Massive cooling has been forced into the record from around 1900 up to the 1970s and substantial heating added over the last 50 years. GISS is not alone in adjusting its database in this fashion. ‘Hockey sticks’ tend to rule in the world of climate science activism. The Met Office runs a similar global collection called HadCRUT, and in the last decade it has made two substantial revisions adding around 30% extra warming to the recent record. In doing so it removed an inconvenient temperature pause from around 2000 to 2012, a pause still visible in the satellite record.

Emeritus Professor Ole Humlum is a distinguished physical geographer and his annual climate report is a welcome antidote to the politicised and biased narrative found in the mainstream. He notes that the complex climate has remained in a quasi-stable condition within certain limits for millions of years. “Modern observations show that this normal behaviour is also characterising recent years, including 2023, and there is no observational evidence for any global climate crisis.” Believing that one minor constituent of the atmosphere, carbon dioxide, controls nearly all aspects of climate is “naïve and entirely unrealistic”, he adds.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Neil Oliver: Evil is now here in Scotland, but it’s coming your way SOON!

Scotland, my home country, is leading the way into a new darkness with it Hate Crime Bill that
just became law. To help support this podcast & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to Neil Oliver
on Website: Shop - check out my t-shirts, mugs & other channel merchandise: Instagram - NeilOliverLoveLetter: Podcasts: Season 1: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Season 2: Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World Available on all the usual providers

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Freedom Trampled in Scotland


Freedom Trampled in Scotland

Freedom is on its last legs in Scotland! The SNP's viciously anti-white First Minister has handed horrifying extra powers to Politically Correct police officers and lawyers.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act came into force on Monday 1 April and gives the green light to far-left and militant LGBTQ activists to make malicious complaints against political opponents, pro-life campaigners and traditionalists.

The badly drafted and repressive law introduces new offences for threatening or abusive behaviour which is intended to stir up hatred based on prejudice towards characteristics such as age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and transgender identity. Under the law, telling the truth is no defence.

In a letter to Holyrood's criminal justice committee published last week, the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (ASPS) warned the law could be "weaponised" by an "activist fringe" across the political spectrum.

Harry Potter author JK Rowling has also highlighted the danger of empowering the militant trans lobby to persecute those who speak out for the uniqueness and rights of real, biological women:

"The new legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women’s and girls’ single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women’s jobs, honours and opportunities being taken by trans-identified men, and the reality and immutability of biological sex.”

Even many Bible passages are liable to fall foul of this disgraceful 'law'. This issue is only going to grow!

Mad as a Box of Frogs Nick Griffin Presents The Templar Report


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Monday 1 April 2024

LR807 Colonel MacGregor 45 minute

Brian Rose: London Real 🍿Watch Full Episode: 💰The Investment Club: 💰Crypto & DeFi Academy: U.S. Army Colonel Retired Combat Veteran Colonel Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, retired US Army Colonel, author and foreign policy expert who is widely recognised for his leadership in the Battle of 73 Easting during the Gulf War – the US Army’s largest tank battle since World War II. His distinguished career began in 1976 when he was commissioned into the Regular Army after completing his studies at the Virginia Military Institute and West Point. During his 28 years of service, he held numerous leadership positions, while his innovative thinking on military transformation and force design have had a profound impact on the global stage, influencing policies in Israel, Russia, and China. As an author, his groundbreaking ideas have resulted in five books, including Breaking The Phalanx and Transformation Under Fire, and seen him feature as a regular commentator on defence and foreign policy issues on various media platforms including CNN, the BBC, Sky and Fox News, most notably as the go-to guy on Tucker Carlson’s now-defunct show. In late 2020, Colonel Macgregor was appointed Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defence by then-President Donald Trump, a position he held until the end of the Trump administration, while he has also served as an expert witness before the Senate and House Armed Services Committees. Colonel Macgregor believes that the biggest threat to the US actually comes from those inside Washington DC as national sovereign debt approaches the threshold of default, and the progressive collapse of societal cohesion amplified by the open border policy is taking America to the brink of collapse. Colonel Macgregor believes that the situation in Ukraine is a complete catastrophe with hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians already having been killed, while support for Israel will suffer due to the mounting death toll in Gaza. He explains that the US does not have the forces or the means to solve these issues, not least in the face of mounting domestic issues that need addressing.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Resurrection Sunday Mocked By The Antichrists Running The Biden White House

 Resurrection Sunday Mocked By The Antichrists Running The Biden White House

The Biden White House just announced a proclamation declaring this Sunday, Resurrection Sunday, as the “Transgender Day of Visibility.” This follows almost one year after a member of the trans community unleashed a wave of devastation upon Christians in Nashville that ended the lives of six of our brothers and sisters in Christ including three young children.

As Christians it is vital for us to defend the truth of God’s Word amidst the world’s descent into chaos. The Bible contains the wisdom we require to navigate our lives. Gender distinctions are explicitly outlined by God, emphasising the distinct roles men and women have in society and in the family.

Genesis 1:27: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Deuteronomy 22:5: “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.”

Matthew 19:4-5: “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?”

Christians acknowledge that every person is a sinner and in need of salvation. No one is flawless, and we all grapple with various sins and imperfections. Nevertheless, we believe that through Jesus Christ, we can obtain forgiveness, healing, and transformation into new beings.

Jesus can guide trans people in discovering their authentic identity and purpose. In John 10:10, Jesus declares, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Trans people frequently experience identity confusion and a sense of disconnection from their “true selves.” However, through a connection with Jesus, they can find their true identity as God’s children and lead a fulfilling life.

We earnestly pray that they do so.

Christians have spent Holy Week arguing about whether or not to say “Christ is King” because it might hurt a Jew’s feelings, meanwhile the Jews in the Biden White House are degrading Resurrection Sunday by declaring it a day of “trans visibility.” It’s time to get serious, Christian man. You need to stand up against this evil by boldly proclaiming the Truth of what is going on. We cannot ignore reality and fail to proclaim the Truth because it hurts someone’s feelings, even our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and especially not those who reject Him. 

Where did Transgender Day of Visibility come from you might ask? Well it was founded by Rachel Crandall-Crocker, a self-described “Jewish transgender lesbian with Tourette’s Syndrome.” These are the people and ideas that the Biden White House is elevating on Resurrection Sunday, the most Holy day of the year for Christians.

This is what “Judeo-Christianity” looks like in practice. This is what happens when you let Zionists (Jewish nationalists) run your country. This is what happens when you tolerate evil. The fundamental battle and choice of our age is simple: are you are Christian or are you a Judeo-Christian? Are you a Christian Nationalist or are you a Zionist? Is your loyalty with Christ or is your loyalty with Christ-denying Jews? Those are the options for us as Christians. Battle lines are being drawn.

You must understand what is going on here. This is a humiliation ritual. The antichrist Jews in the Biden White House are mocking Christians and more importantly mocking God and His Son Jesus Christ on the most Holy Resurrection Sunday.

I’m not going to water down that truth, because you need to hear it.

They want to push us into doing something stupid or violent. I encourage you not to take the bait. We will continue to boldly speak the truth about their wickedness, but we will do so in peace. The solution is not for us to do the foolish things they are trying to provoke us into doing. The solution is to play the long game, be fruitful and multiply, build, remain faithful, and continue to proclaim the Truth of God’s Word boldly.

Make no mistake about it this will separate the wheat and the chaff in our churches. Expect it. I encourage those of you who know the truth to boldly proclaim it, come what may. I pray that the Lord will guide us and grant us the wisdom, courage, and discernment we need. 

Happy Resurrection Sunday.

He is Risen, and nothing they say or do can change that fact.

Andrew Torba

Jesus Christ is King

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Saturday 30 March 2024

Generational Debt Is Institutionalised Slavery

 , IS A Slave Nation. The difference is that we are led to believe that we choose Our Slave Masters, when they are actually chosen for us. Our appointed Slave Masters sit in Parliament and forge the chains that bind us to slavery in the generational debt that is used to enslave us. It's as generational as was the paperwork that called a human being the property of another human being through ownership. The slavery debt being accrued in Parliament is to ensure that your child, and their children thereafter are tied to the chains that Parliament is forming. There is no freedom when we go through life paying off the debt of past generations. Freedom and Liberty are merely words when your life's work is stolen and pilfered through a system that uses Not That Which It Needs, but as much as it can to entangle you into paying for what you have not accrued, but what others have accrued as debt before you, and as you allow Parliament to continue to accrue for those that follow.

Generational Debt Is Institutionalised Slavery.

UK talks big on nuclear industry but 'lacks capacity' The Nick Griffin Sputnick Interview

 UK talks big on nuclear industry but 'lacks capacity'

Policy decisions of successive Conservative governments have been “promoting deindustrialization” of Britain, with “a Gadarene rush to globalization,” Nick Griffin, British political analyst and former MEP, told Sputnik. No wonder the UK “lacks the economic capacity to fight its way out of a paper bag, let alone confront foreign powers whose governments have worked to maintain and strengthen their industrial bases,” said the pundit. Griffin was commenting on the £200-mln ($252m) package of investment into the future of the UK’s defense and civil nuclear industry announced by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on March 25. Skeptical of the program’s prospects Griffin stated that “they should have thought of all this before flogging off Britain's once cutting edge nuclear industry to France.” “What we see now is just another example of the Conservatives talking the talk, when they have neither the intention nor the ability to walk the walk,” he said. According to the analyst, it was only “belatedly” dawning on Westminster that “selling off key technologies and shopping strategic industries abroad has left the UK extraordinarily vulnerable at times of international crisis.” As Sunak unveiled the new public and private investment, he also stated that “nuclear delivers cheaper, cleaner home-grown energy for consumers.” Promotion of nuclear energy as ‘clean’ by politicians like Sunak “only makes sense if you see that the reliance on nuclear energy is a gateway for development of nuclear arms,” argued a group of experts from the Global Humanitarian Crisis Prevention and Response Unit. Noting that Britain has not invested enough in the defense industry, the group added that if Downing Street wants to change that, it “will need to significantly raise the agenda as to why the UK needs to increase military spending.” “A crucial part of it would be convincing people. As matters stand, the British people do not want to be involved in war," said the group.
Link to the Article at sputnik

Friday 29 March 2024

Today is the day that Jesus did what no one could possibly do


44 And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.

45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.

46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

Today is the day that Jesus did what no one could possibly do, die for our sins! It was religious leaders that sent Him to the cross. That should open our eyes to the fact that following Jesus isn't a religion, but a relationship with our Lord and Savior. Just remember, He died so that we may have life!