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Saturday, 12 November 2011

The Euro Creating Penury for UK and Europeans

The Euro Currency: An Incompetent Disaster Creating Penury for Europeans

By Andrew Moffat.

“Euro-realists” have long warned of the dangers that would arise from the single currency. Simply put, different countries have evolved dissimilar economies. Those economies reflect varying economic models, trading patterns and infrastructures. They also function at diverse degrees of efficiency and are, to a significant extent, a product of their peoples.

The advent of the European currency has stripped the governments of the 17 member nations of their rights to determine their monetary affairs. By ‘monetary’ affairs, we mean the ability to set interest rates – usually via their Central Banks – and to determine the value of their currencies, usually via the markets.

The prevailing interest rate and the value of a currency, in general terms, reflect the health of a nation’s economy.

In recent years, the Bank of England has cut interest rates to record lows, currently at 0.5%. Sterling, the UK’s currency, has lost approximately 20% of its value, reflecting the condition of the UK economy and its yawning trade deficits. Had the UK joined the single currency in 2005, say, the UK’s interest rates would have been set by the European Central Bank (ECB) and would now stand at 1.25% – following the ECB’s recent cut. There would, moreover, have been no depreciation to Sterling; the UK economy would be locked into the value of the Euro currency, against which Sterling has devalued in recent years.

One of the principal difficulties afflicting the single currency, amongst the 17 nations who comprise the Eurozone, is differing rate at which the individual economies grow.

In general terms, the northern economies, particularly Germany, are dynamic and efficient. In the south, the reverse is generally the case: these economies are less dynamic and inefficient. As this gulf widens, so do the economic strains between the two blocs.

Up until the advent of the Euro currency and since the 1950s, the German economy has only ever revalued upwards its currency. By contrast, the southern member nations always devalued their currencies.

Such revaluations are no longer options. This means that as the German economy, for example, becomes more efficient, its exports grow more competitive on world markets. Unlike in the past, there is no mechanism by which an equilibrium can be reached, simply because there is no longer any Deutschmark which can be revalued.

In the south, the opposite is true. The Italians and Greeks, for example, whose economies are becoming more inefficient against their northern competitors, cannot devalue their currencies. Nor can they reduce their interest rates, now determined by the ECB.

What can be done? The answer is that to become more efficient are regain their competitive edge under the current system, the southern economies must reduce their costs. This means they must also reduce their wages.

This is easier said than done. If wages are to be decreased instead of increased each year, how do families pay their mortgages, debts or rents?

If wages are reduced, where does the money come to pay the taxes the government requires to maintain its spending? Indeed, where does the money arise to keep the economy in shape and industry healthy?

The answer might be found in this interesting statistic. In all of the past 10 years, the Italian economy has grown by less than 1%.

Wage levels are still enormously out of line and there is a wide divergence in costs with the more dynamic northern economies. A cut of some 25% in Italian wages would be necessary to restore competitiveness, given there is no Italian Lira to devalue and restore competitiveness.

The backdrop is even more ominous because the Italians possess a vast national debt of some Euros 1.9 trillion. Simply put, there is no growth in the economy to pay off this debt and the Italians are instead running structural deficits where the national debt keeps rising.

The Italian dilemma, rather like the bigger Euro-currency dilemma, has not been lost on the markets. The perceived inability of the Italian government to address its deficit has resulted in its government’s bond yields rising from less than 4% in recent months to more than 7% last Thursday.

Some readers may recall that these were levels that precipitated crises in Ireland, Portugal and Greece, causing their bail outs by a combination of the EU, the ECB and the IMF and, in the case of Ireland, by the British taxpayer. The UK, of course, also contributes to the IMF.

The difficulty last Thursday involved merely Euros 4bn of Italian debt. Next year, the Italian Government must refinance Euros 300bn of debt, which it needs to roll over to later maturities. How will this be possible? Certainly, at a coupon of 7%, it will be unaffordable to finance this level of debt.

Who owns the Italian national debt? For the most part, other banks own this debt, especially Italian banks. Should these banks fall into difficulties, the Italian Government will have to bail them out and raise further funds on the bond markets to do so – creating a further downward spiral in the value of its existing bonds, held by the same banks!

Greece is a forerunner of the type of predicament in prospect. Its economy is a fraction of the size of Italy’s and the country has become entirely dependent upon bailouts from the ECB, the EU and the IMF, with its bond market no longer operable and its existing bonds trading at high double digit yields. Greece has therefore had to re-schedule its debts – a form of default.

In order to balance its budget, to pay for its bailouts and its rescheduled debts – largely owed to the banking system – Greece will be placed even more firmly through the EU’s wringer. As one commentator stated recently: “Greece has been subjected to the greatest fiscal squeeze ever attempted in a modern industrial state, without any offsetting monetary stimulus or devaluation.”

The EU is, in effect, repeating the mistakes of the Federal Reserve between 1929 and 1932, during the great depression. Unlike the USA, however, the EU is not a nation.

Monetary stimulus is impossible so long as Greece remains within the Euro currency. In other words, Greece has lost its monetary sovereignty and, as a result, its fiscal sovereignty.

The constraints it has had to endure are prescribed because it is a member of an internationalist political scheme, overseen by unelected EU Kommissioners, which has resulted in its economy contracting by some 15% since its problems began. Its debts ill magnify to over 180% of GDP next year and even after re-scheduling, will stand at 120% of GDP by 2020.

In other words, future generations of Greeks will become wage slaves to serve the ideal of ever ‘closer political union’.

There are several measures the EU may take to facilitate the continuation of monetary union. It could, for example, create a system whereby the wealthier northern nations guarantee or purchase the debts of the poorer nations. It could also encourage a new competence, whereby the EU gains the right to tax the citizens of the ‘Union’ and it could require that the tax revenues of the wealthier countries be used to finance the borrowing or some of the expenditure of the poorer countries. By means of compensation, the EU would tightly regulate the budgetary policies of the poorer nations and oversee the regulation of their economies.

Another possibility is to provide the ECB with more flexibility.

Currently, the ECB has been purchasing the bonds of the afflicted member nations in an attempt to support their prices and maintain or reduce their yields. Invariably, it has suffered colossal losses. The ECB is backed by the subscription capital of the EU member states, including the UK. Ultimately, if the ECB experiences financial difficulties, it will be backed by the taxpayers of the member states.

The ECB could be provided with the right to create new money to buy the bonds of the afflicted member nations. This would be the equivalent of the Bank of England’s programme, known as ‘quantitative easing’ (QE). Like the other possibilities, this proposal is opposed by Germany. The German Government sees no reason why its taxpayers should rescue the economies of the afflicted member states. It also considers ‘QE’ to be akin to a sticking plaster, that fails to address the underlying causes, whilst risking the spectre of inflation – which it experienced in extreme circumstances in the 1920s.

There are, of course, some alternative solutions which will not be countenanced by the EU.

Germany could leave the Euro currency. It would regain its Deutschmark, which would soar on the currency markets. The Euro would fall in value without the German anchor and the southern nations would then become more competitive.

The southern nations could also form a separate currency bloc, which would align their interests more closely. This possibility has already been discussed by Germany but it would create a two-tier system, which is unattractive to the Kommissars of the EU.

Better, Greece could leave the currency union and recreate the Drachma. The Drachma would plunge on the currency markets but the Greeks would again become competitive and would, after a year or two of upheaval, enjoy economic growth. Clearly, Greece would have to re-price Euro debt into Drachma debt, to avoid paying devalued Drachma’s to redeem more expensive Euro debts. Such a scenario would entail a further default on its Euro debts. On the other hand, the Greek Central Bank could again issue its own currency, a right it lost when it joined the Euro – which partly explains why it is now dependent upon EU bailouts to keep its economy afloat.

Whilst the UK remains outside the Eurozone, the UK Government is obliged to produce annual budgets that meet the convergence criteria of the EU, with a view ultimately to joining the single currency bloc. Andrew Brons, MEP, obtained this information in a Question he put to the Commission recently, which can be found here and here.


Thursday, 10 November 2011

Muslim Grooming, So are we going to "deal" with this problem or not?

So are we going to "deal" with this problem or not? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow
November 2011

girl-in-cage_120_x_120Earlier this week on Monday 7th November, Channel 4's Dispatches programme had the courage to tackle a serious problem that our cowardly politicians and police refuse to recognise.

Namely the sexual exploitation of white British female children by the predatory paedophiles from the Pakistani and Bangladeshi colonisers.

Dispatches appears to have been very careful in their choice of investigative journalist chosen for the task and selected Tazeen Ahmad, an attractive and intelligent Pakistani woman who was brought up as a moslem.

Ms Ahmad has a history of fronting programmes that deal with Islams shameful oppression of women and also how inbreeding within the colonising Pakistani forces are producing children ten times more likely to be born with recessive genetic disorders that wind up costing the True British People a fortune to treat in our over burdened hospitals.

Now in all fairness, Ms Ahmad did a good job given the subject, as I suspect, that a white journalist would not have been given the opportunity to ask the questions of the colonisers that she was free to ask. A white interviewer would most likely have been accused of being a "racist" and then run out of their areas of occupation.

But no Ms Ahmad called a spade a spade and said that it was wrong to say that the paedophiles were "Asians" and pointed out that these animals were predominantly of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin and that the problems from these communities needed to be be dealt with most severely.

The Dhimmi white police officer and white politicians interviewed, of course took great care not to point at ANY particular race and trembled with fear in case they be thought of as being "racist".

Now the attitudes of the young Pakistani men interviewed, who explained just how they mind screw the young girls for months before sexually assaulting them prior to pimping them out to old moslem men was a real eye opener into the mindset of the people who are taking over our country and shows what the future for white women is going to be like unless British Men start to grow some balls and fight back.

White girls are there to be exploited and "ask" for it - the smaller they are, the higher the charge, the younger they are, the higher the charge, the tighter they are the higher the charge. Our Children, sold like pieces of meat to perverts who only see these children as sex objects and not as young children or even human.

Now here is where we can learn a lesson from them for once. A male moslem "community" worker was asked why "Asian" girls were not treated in the same way as the young white children and his reply said it all.

He said that because "their" communities were so tight, that should any moslem try such a thing then they would be "dealt" with. It is time white people came together as real communities and "dealt" with this problem at local levels.

Now the programme carries a warning that it contains descriptions of sexual violence that some viewers might find upsetting. Well I do not know about upsetting - it should fuel more than that in any True British Male.

You have 28 days from now, to watch this show and can do so by clicking on this link. I urge you do to so.

A Brave New World?

A Brave New World? first published at the VBR site PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wowbanger
November 2011

Huxley_120_x_120I was provoked to write this riff in response to a discussion held in the British Resistance chat room. In response to my assertion that it was impossible to wrest control of the state from the elite, they themselves being a integral part of it rather than some directing force, my esteemed colleague Mr Anglo-Australian offered the opinion that this was a council of despair. Clearly I have failed to explain the elegant analysis of anarcho-nationalism. So I here offer some thoughts on it.

All serious political thought must consider the likely environment our societies will be in over the next lifetime or so at the very least. For example if Bavarian political thinkers of the first two thirds of the nineteenth century failed to foresee the unification of Germany, then anything else they planned on was irrelevant. Likewise even great plans such as Jefferson’s and Ghandi’s ideas on agrarian democracies were fatally flawed in their inability to account for the consequences of industrialisation. We are therefore obliged to consider what the future might hold if we wish to formulate a course of action which is to stand any chance of success.

Broadly speaking there are two schools of thought on the probable nature of the future of the West at least.

Option One; the triumph of Progressivism.

In this scenario the elites succeed in holding together our societies eventually arriving in the sunlight uplands of the Progressive utopia. That looks a bit like this. Globalisation reaches its logical conclusion. The entire planet is under the direction of a “meritocratic” (or self selecting) “englightened” elite operating the mechanism of a global state. This state might or might not be federated to some extent. However given its scale it is in no way democratic and any individual within it, unless they be one of a tiny few, can't expect to have any meaningful influence on the political, economic or social conditions in which they must live.

The economy is fully globalised with free movement of goods and labour. The consequence of this is that organic communities are entirely destroyed. Every individual is just that and has no other nexus of community than what they have with the state and whoever happens to be living within striking distance of them. Wages are low, but then again so is the price of goods and services. A tolerable life is therefore within the reach of most, however the possibility of generating enough surplus capital to allow freedom from wage slavery is remote. Indeed even the dream of owning your own dwelling is beyond the reach of the vast majority.

Through the apparatus of the state, now augmented by awesome techniques of information gathering and analysis, the elite is able to “persuade” most people to adopt their values. The power of the mass media and the ability of state institutions to indoctrinate through the education system is now irresistible. As a result there is an almost universal consensus in favour of Progressive values in favour of the new status quo. People are materialistic, conformist and bourgeoisie in their moral structures.

How you want to describe this scenario is up you. Some might call it egalitarian, just, virtuous and free. I would be likely to use words like totalitarian, fascist, elitist and stagnant. If it had a historical precedent it would be Aztec civilisation less the more obvious brutality.

Option Two. In this scenario the elite fail to outrun the entropy generated by their own actions and consequently their utopia does not transpire. This might happen as the result of a spectacular system failure resulting in something indistinguishable from an Apocalypse or a more gradual disintegration. Both models of societal collapse have been seen before in the historical record however the later is more common for large scale civilisations.

It’s not hard to distinguish the terrible forces currently bearing down on our civilisation. Mere population growth threatens to overwhelm the resource base of the planet after which nothing good can happen. Alternatively resource depletion such as the early Peak Oil theory offers the thrilling prospect of a freight train coming the other way towards the derailing overpopulation express. Then we have the potential chaos generated by climate change. Perhaps most subtly of all we have the prospect of structural systematic collapse. The technological and economic development of our societies is not in the hands of people planning for the Benthamite principle of “the greatest good for the greatest number”. Rather our system is self organising to be efficient and “profitable” (often erroneously thought to be the same thing), we call this capitalism. It is entirely conceivable that the system could evolve in such a way as to fail to offer our society what it needs to survive. Else evolve itself into a corner from which it cannot escape. It seems highly probably that this has already happened.

And of course whilst each of these four horsemen are themselves a show stopper, there is no reason why two, or all, of them might to materialise simultaneously. This is the idea referred to by James Howard Kunstler in his prescient book The Long Emergency: Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century.

Indeed, it’s not very difficult to imagine in the event of a societal collapse historians would have no problem in tracing the roots of that collapse back at least decades, if not centuries, before the present day. In other words if the elite don’t pull their fantasy society off looking backwards it will appear to future generations not that we are at the start of civilisation level disintegration, but that we are right in the middle of it. Everywhere you look on every front the elite’s dream is crumbling, the level of “civility” of our society is in retreat, our economic power wanes, our armies are broke and defeated and our societies are increasingly polarised on multiple axis’s. Nor is this a recent development.

So on the face of it, either option one or option two or any intermediate position does not look particularly enticing. A Fascist Utopia or a New Dark Age. The difference being that the second option offers at least dynamism rather than a dead future on an inescapable prison planet. Indeed the Old Dark Age is increasingly seen by philosophers and historians to have been rather underestimated. After all the Roman Empire, which saw itself exactly as our Progressive elites see our society, didn’t fall because of its wild popularity or because of the goodwill it generated among its citizens and enemies.

The advent of such a Dark Age would most likely be uncomfortable for most of us in all sorts of ways. It stands an excellent chance of being fatal for significant numbers of us. However it is possible to foresee a world stabilising out of the chaos which is far from unattractive.
The collapse of nation state level powers ensures the re-emergence of localised economies and political structures. These at least have the possibility of being human scaled and the probability of offering a real diversity of modes of life. Direct democracies, citizen states, radical communal and/or cooperative ownership of economic enterprises, self sufficient agricultural communities, city states and tribal confederations; in other words everything which existed before the industrial age.

Sure, Hi Def 3D TV and 50mg broadband might be considerably less available than in the Fascist Utopia of the elite. Maybe a long retirement might be a little less of a realistic possibility than it is now. However there could be compensations in quality of life which might mean than shorter simpler lives are not to be judged inferior to those we currently “enjoy”. Perhaps we would be happier, as social creatures, in fully reintegrated communities even if hot water was a little less easy to come by.
So, where does this prophesying leave us as the radical right? It’s simple enough. In the event of option one, the fascist utopia, there is almost no chance of us or anyone else wresting control of the state from our elite. If option two were to come to pass, well then, it’s a fair bet that we get what we want by default. Since as the radical right we have argued for 200 years that we had better respect our own nature, and that of our planet, when those natures reassert themselves the outcome is very likely to be quite attractive to our sensibility.

The role of the radical right in the 21st century is therefore not to futilely battle the elite for control of doomed state apparatuses but to push against the open door the future which is already upon us. Instead of hopelessly fighting rigged elections for control of the apparent levers of nation state power we should be beginning the work of building the social, political and economic infrastructure of our own communities which they will need to survive and prosper in the future. The elite can have their ball, we’re going home.

And here is the real beauty and elegance of anarcho-nationalism. It argues for a state which is more or less certain to come about. And this is no accident, it is the product of a deep reflection on our nature and that of the world around us, from a fearless assessment of our past and future, it is not the product of hubris and arrogance like progressive ideologies rather it is the justification for what must and will be. It offers a solution which works with nature rather than against it. And here is the real kicker, even if this were not the case and the elite were likely to achieve their demented utopia? Well then the obvious way to resist would be through exactly the kind of secessionist localism anarcho-nationalism promotes. Symmetry like that can not be ignored. Welcome to 21st century nationalism companeroes.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The British People’s Voice - Important

The People’s Voice - Important PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Arrow
November 2011

power120_x_90This is a request from the British Constitution Group to send the letter copied below to your Member of Parliament.

Please read it and if you agree with the contents, please print it out, sign it and then send it on to your MP as soon as possible.

After you have sent the letter could you please email the BCG and let them know you have done so. Here is the letter for you to copy. A word document will made available once I have the link. Game on.

For the attention of David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Edward Milliband, and all Members of Parliament

We have had enough.

This letter is a warning - from the people. It is not a request that requires an answer, but it does require a response - by way of action on your part that demonstrates that you understand its substance and the seriousness of our intent.

The collective political establishment has betrayed the British people by transferring our national sovereignty to a foreign power without our consent. This is in defiance of our constitution and an act of treason.

You do not need to know how many people we represent today, only how many we might represent tomorrow and you should know that our numbers grow daily. This letter thus serves as your window of opportunity to make amends and give remedy for the crimes committed against us. We will show compassion for those who recant and we will be ruthless with those who do not concede to the wishes of the people.

Ignoring this letter is not an option... if you think it is, then this serves only to demonstrate that your intellect is subservient to your arrogance. You may feel that you can ignore it because you are too powerful, but to do so is to underestimate the seething resentment that the people feel for the political establishment in general.

I, the undersigned, did not write this letter, but it expresses what I think about the way that we are being misgoverned. You have acted in contempt of the principles of democracy and shown total disregard for our right to govern ourselves. It does not matter who penned the words of this letter, what matters is what it says.

For the past several decades the British people have been treated with extraordinary and total contempt by the collective political establishment. It has not mattered which political party has been in office or ‘power’ as you insist on calling it, nothing ever changes. We are continually subjected to the same global agenda. We have been used and abused like pawns in your game of supremacy in which a dynastic ruling class see themselves as ordained to rule as masters - with impunity, whilst we the people, as virtual slaves, are supposedly destined to obey – without question. You have persistently and consistently undermined our democracy by agreeing to treaties with foreign political elites who have no business in our affairs.

You have rewarded yourself with the trappings of office - high salaries, luxuries denied most of us, privileges, pensions, prestige and benefits that we can only dream of... whilst burdening us with ever-higher taxes, derisory pensions and declining standards of public services. It is we who pay the price for your malfeasance.

The story of Britain over the past several decades that will be told in the history books of tomorrow is the story of betrayal, greed, corruption, nepotism, treason and modern day fascism – the latter of which manifests itself in the global agenda being imposed upon us against our will.

The European Union - a step process towards global governance is now fully exposed. Built on lies and deceit is being hoisted by its own petard - the edifice is crumbling but still the political elite like demented fools, continue to feed on their own delusions. The docile masses, mesmerised by trivia, propaganda, complacency and ignorance have still somehow managed to grasp some basic elements of the truth, alerted almost certainly by the blatant and arrogant refusal of the political elite to tell the truth even when it stands proud in the rubble of political deceit and betrayal.

The political class are discredited at every level. They rant about the benefits of our subjugation to a foreign enterprise, peace, prosperity and democracy where in reality chaos, dictatorship and corruption reign supreme. European economies are on the brink of collapse because of the corrupt banking cartels, there is visible resistance on the streets and people call for lawful rebellion. But less known, there is clandestine resistance behind closed doors. Whilst the majority advocate a peaceful uprising, the extremes will always be in the mix and when passion and anger are fused and those aggrieved can find no remedy... violent resistance is as understandable as the passion for life itself.

The police and militia that you currently rely on to defend yourselves against the people’s retribution... are made up of our own, they are not your people – and when they learn about your betrayal and your intent.... AND THEY WILL - they will turn against you. Their awakening, which you cannot stop, is your Achilles heel. Your greatest fear must be that we will impose upon you the regimes and repression that you had planned for us.

People are meeting in groups across the country, talking across oceans... they are disparate, disorganised and without an effective plan to repel the global agenda... as yet. BUT a leadership is emerging... organisers are co-ordinating and small groups are linking to form larger groups. The dichotomies of left v right, Christian v Muslim, , black v white, Catholic v Protestant, which have been used to great effect to divide and conquer in the past, will find no favour in this war. The call to arms that will unite us will be ‘the people v the global elite’ – the cry will cascade street to street and find easy passage and universal support – for our common purpose has greater value and strength than yours.

We have a constitution – which you ignore. We have been denied our democratic rights, regardless, we have clearly expressed our wishes, in one opinion poll after another, that we do not want to be governed by a foreign unelected officialdom, but still you disregard us. We are promised a referendum on our future, but then you recant. You speak in support of our views when in opposition, but act to the contrary when we elect you.

You consult with corporate executives, international bankers, non-government organisations, international charities, academia, foreign dignitaries, political elites, think tanks and lobbyist – collectively a tiny minority, who do not represent us. These groups all emanate from the same social strata, with their own agendas to satisfy and all funded by the same cartel. You take note of their every whim, but you care not a jot for what we think or what we want. Your children are given jobs, with big salaries fresh from university and then rapidly climb the corporate ladder as reward by the same corporate bodies who you have favoured with your decisions. Our children must make their own way in an increasingly desperate world. Your corporatism suppresses our freedoms with deliberate and malicious intent.

You accommodate tyrants, dictators, arms dealers and all manner of dubious characters, with whom you are happy to keep company. You turn a blind eye when the smell of money wafts your nostrils... it suppresses the stink of corruption and evil. Your moral compasses are defunct... your values deplorable and motives despicable. Our soldiers die to service your corporate agenda – their blood is on your hands.

You are educated at the same elite schools and members of the same elite clubs and you allow these influences to override the consideration which should be paramount in service of the people. You have adopted the “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” philosophy... because you have learnt from your predecessors that corruption and deception do indeed pay. The European Union is awash with it and you have determined to get your snout in the same trough. You take comfort from the fact that you control those who have the authority to indict you for your criminality... because they too have fallen prey to the corruption. You have sold off our national resources to your friends, divided communities, deprived villages and towns, undermined, destroyed and bulldozed. You have laid waste where once prosperity was enjoyed. But you have not suffered... you have remained aloof, disengaged, uninvolved - removed from the debris and the misery that you have wreaked upon the rest of us.

We have seen our three billion annual fishing industry handed over to foreign control for nil reward. Our farms no longer feed us, crippled by regulations made to favour foreign farmers. Our ship-building has been dismantled and our merchant fleet whittled to nothing. Our armed forces are under strength and we see foreign troops being trained on our own soil on the pretence that they may be needed to protect us... when the reality is they are being trained to subdue us... to protect you from our vengeance. Our children are victims of social engineering in the schools and declining standards of education. They are being sexualised by explicit exposures before they have the emotional maturity to be able to cope. You are destroying their minds and their childhoods.

You have engineered a police state with legislation that empowers you at our expense and you have been blatant in your contempt for our democratic and constitution rights and our common law, which have been known to us for centuries. You deny us our rights and our freedoms and contemptuously imply that you can provide us with a new Bill of Rights. Would we seriously trust a thief with our wallets? You have corrupted our courts by appointing judges who are contemptuous of our common law and you have bowed to the pressure of foreign elites who have inflicted their inferior system of justice upon us... without our consent. You have not defended our interests... you have conspired merely to enhance your own.

You have dissected our nation and sold off our infrastructure. We buy our own water from foreign corporations who grow rich on the back of our suffering. Pensioners die of cold because they are unable to afford their heating bills visited upon them by foreign corporate greed. You are then rewarded by them with lucrative directorships when you slip quietly from office with your bulging pensions. You remain oblivious, unconcerned... disconnected. We will no longer be ignored as you go about you globalist agenda. We will resist your controlling and petty rules and regulations... we will resist your fines and penalty charges and challenge your corrupt and biased judges, we will defy the over-zealous police, and your oppressive and unlawful taxes.

It is our intention to govern ourselves... we do not seek your permission – this is our right. You have had your opportunity and you have failed. We will take control of our own lives in stages, as and when it suits us. Our numbers will grow as we show by example that prosperity is the natural consequence of honest and fair governance. We will expose you for the parasites you are.

This country has a constitution – which you ignore. We have Magna Carta, the declaration and the Bill of Rights... we have trial by jury, habeas corpus, the coronation oath. We have our customs, traditions and common law. We have the right of petition, free speech, and free movement and above all... we have the right to govern ourselves. These are our inalienable rights – they are not privileges granted to us by you or your ilk. They cannot be taken away or extinguished at the whim of political diktat or through corrupt judicial process and certainly not at the behest of foreign undemocratic institutions. You have no authority to dictate... your duty is to serve.

We do not recognise regions imposed upon us by Europeans to affect their control over us - to divide and to conquer us. We are a sovereign nation... a proud people. We have watched our country slowly destroyed... by you - we now see clearly what you have done... your purpose and you betrayal. We will honour our inheritance – the freedoms fought for and secured for us, and we will ensure that we will pass this on to the next generation, to our children and theirs.

You have been sent this letter by a constituent. On sending a copy to you, they have also registered your name with the coordinators. This will remain with us as evidence for your trial... for treason, should it be necessary. It’s your choice.

We are many – you are few... and our leaders are emerging.

You have been warned.




Saturday, 5 November 2011

Stop Horwich Becoming An Urban Sprawl, Sign The Horwich Save The Greenwood Pub E-Petition!

Stop Horwich Becoming An Urban Sprawl, Sign The Horwich Save The Greenwood Pub E-Petition!

Many people are expressing concerns about the way Horwich is losing it's individual character , and the way that the Trotskyist Labour run Bolton metropolitan Council just seems to consider Horwich to be nothing more than a potential building site for new developments. It is a fact that their is less and less open spaces in Horwich nowadays. And that every piece of open land is allowed to be be developed by the suspiciously run planning apparatchiks of the Labour party controlled council.
So here is a chance to make a difference please sign the petition at Greenwood Action Group
In order to help save one of the most popular public houses in Horwich, a centre of the Local Indigenous population for generations. AS we all know the Local Marxist Labour party want nothing more than to deny we the British people the right to socialise together, as that means we can organise a resistance to the wicked traitorous ways!

Friday, 4 November 2011


Fascism PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wowbanger
November 2011

fascism_120_x_142Fascism is a dirty word. In our society to “prove” something is evil or wrong does not require it to be demonstrated that this or that measure is immoral, merely that it can be described as Fascist. In the popular consciousness fascism is identified by its symbology, not its political characteristics. Even at elite level the term has no satisfactory definition.

There is a very good reason for this.

The standard definition of Fascism at an intellectual level derives from a statement by Mussolini, “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

Corporate power in this instance referring to industrial capitalist economic organisations. Clearly this is not a satisfactory definition since it would include regimes like that of Stalin and George Bush, it is therefore not sufficiently able to identify the particular nature of the classic Fascist regimes of the mid twentieth century.

Another popular definition of Fascism is that coined by Mr Roger Griffin (no relation) who saw the defining characteristic of fascism as palingenetic ultranationalism which he described as the “fascist minimum” without which nothing could be identified as Fascist.

Palingentic ultranationalism might be a great linguistic construct, a good name for a rock band, but is woefully inadequate to describe the nature of Fascism. Almost any political program could be described as palingenetic which simply means “desiring the rebirth of the nation”; New Labour, New Britain is a classic palingenetic statement.

Every political movement in its wilder moments talks about a remaking of the nation. As for “ultra nationalism” any number of objections can be made to the conflation of Nationalism and Fascism. For example the imperialist nature of Fascism vs the demand for universal sell determination, the most core principal of all Nationalist thought.

So if the defining characteristic of Fascism is not the merger of corporate and state power or palingenetic ultranationalism. So what is it?

It’s not hard to identify the central characteristic of Fascist thought; it’s just that the implications of doing so are profoundly disturbing for our intellectual elite. The central identifying characteristic of Fascism is the pursuit of state power as a positive good in itself. Fascism, unlike Nationalism, does not confine the extent of the state to that of any nation.

Unlike Socialisms and Communism it does not see the state as a means to another end. For Fascists the state is the embodiment of the collective outside of any constraint and with a duty and right to seek power for its own sake.

The Fascist regimes of the mid twentieth century clearly identified the state, and not the nation, as the rightful and only object of the people’s loyalty. This is clearly symbolised by replacement of national flags with new ones representing not the nation, but the state.

Their programs invariable sought to empower the state at every opportunity, even the eugenic programs were deigned to produce a “superior” population as a resource for the state to use, not as a moral imperative. Every action of the Fascist states was justified by the empowerment of the state. Fascist states were so single minded in this pursuit of state power that they rarely even troubled to promote the ideology of Fascism itself.

Why is this simple and obvious identification of Fascism so strenuously avoided by elite intellectuals? Simple. Because that identification of Fascism as Statism gone mad equally applies to the regimes currently running the West as it does to Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy and far more than it does Franco’s Spain.

The Progressive ideology of the Western elite relies on the state as its tool to remodel society, it sees the state as indispensible and it concedes no other legitimate authority than it. Margret Thatcher’s famous dictum that “there is no such thing as society” is usually seen as a claim for Individualism, in fact it is simply a statement declaring that the state is all there is. Similarly modern establishment politicians routinely deny the existence of nations, for them the state is the only object of loyalty.

We might expect that the establishment would object to their identification as Fascists by claiming Liberalism as their ideology. However it is very difficult to see how the imposition of “liberalism” at gunpoint, whereby the state constrains millions for the minor liberties of favoured victim groups, could be identified as Liberalism. An interventionist state cannot possibly sensibly be considered Liberal. Maybe they might describe themselves as Democrats. However regimes which ignore the demands of the people on every issue from immigration through to Europe through criminal justice, education and economic policy cannot possibly claim to be Democrats with a straight face.

But surely I cannot be serious? This is a semantic trick, defining Fascism as something simply so I can include the current Western regimes in the circle? In fact the Fascism of our elite goes far deeper than a simple commonality of core values with classical Fascsim.

Our elites believe that their ideology should be global in its dominance and they are prepared to use political violence on a massive scale to achieve that ends. Since the end of the Second World War the overwhelming majority of serious conflicts have been driven by this ambition, Korea, Vietnam, the two Iraq Wars and Afghanistan and even the Cold War itself were all principally motivated by an attempt to impose the values of the Western elite on nations that did not share them.

In addition to these terrible battles dozens of smaller engagements have been motivated by the same thing. On top of that litany of ideological imperialism the Western elites have used every technique available to them short of open warfare to advance their agenda of Progressive global domination. Economic warfare, proxy terrorism and the full range of espionage methods including the assassination and/or overthrow of elected heads of state have all been used shamelessly. This is pure Fascism.

The issue of Fascist attitudes towards eugenics it totemic in the popular imagination though in reality it is incidental to Fascist ideology in much the same way Internationalism is incidental to Socialism. Which is to say that a eugenic policy is not essential to the definition of Fascism.

Never the less it is a characteristic of fascist governments, which is probably why our own elites favour eugenic policies. Obviously not eugenics in the sense of breeding an Ayran master race to serve the state rather in the sense of breeding a mixed race master race to serve the state. The elite’s often asserted point that mixed race people are genetically superior is pure eugenic thinking. Their lionisation of people like Barack Obama, Lewis Hamilton, Beyoncé and Tiger Woods as ideals of human genetic perfection is an exact mirror of the type of thought of the classical Fascist regimes.

Moreover just as the Fascists of the mid twentieth century didn’t mind breaking a few eggs to make their master race omelette neither do our current elite. The policy of displacement genocide enacted by our elites against indigenous populations was a standard Fascist technique summed up in the Lebensraum policy, which as a point of fact called for the deportation of Untermenschen rather than their extermination until circumstances demanded the later. Once again we can find no substantial difference between classical Fascism and the attitudes of our own elite in either theory or practice.

In education policy we see the same Fascist attitudes, the idea that education should be designed to develop critical faculties is often asserted by Western elites. In reality their educations systems practice ideological indoctrination and openly aim to produce “good citizens” by which they mean ideological conformity with elite thought.

Any student demonstrating the ability to critique establishment ideology is more likely to end up in a re-education facility for “anti social behaviour” than they are a university.

We could go on, however the simple fact is that in almost every area it is easy to see that there is little or no substantial difference between the ideology of Western elites and classical Fascism.

Indeed even if you want to take Mussolini’s partial definition of the merger of state and corporate power as the essence of Fascism you would be hard pushed to distinguish Fascist Italy from Bailout Britain or any other Western nation in 2011. Even if we apply Griffin’s definition of Fascism as Palingenetic ultranationalism, a definition desperately connived to get our elites off the hook, then in the EU project the elites stand convicted.

Indeed if any further convincing is necessary it is only required to examine the ideas of groups like European Action, self identifying Fascists who claim direct decent from mid 20th century Fascist thinkers, whose main gripe with our elite’s policy is that they lack the style of Benito and Adolf, not the substance.

So why is it that groups like Antifa mistake the Nationalist movement for Fascism and fail to identify the real Fascism of our elites?

Partly it is the fault of Nationalists themselves who in the post war period accepted the elite’s definition of them as Fascists and who happy entertained the tiny fringe of serious Fascist as fellow travellers for decades.

Partly it is because of the elites barefaced, if not sincerely held, insistence that Fascism is the supreme evil and that they represent its diametric opposite.

Partly it is a lack of understanding or thought on what Fascism actually is in favour of a cultural definition. But mostly it because such groups aren’t interested in actually opposing Fascism, they are simply interested in playing out a socially constructed subculture.

Indeed 21st Century Nationalism is rapidly evolving away from the classic Nation-State model in the light of the post war experience. An Intellectual Renaissance is sweeping the radical right bringing with it a swathe of ideas that reject the state in favour of the nation. Nationalism is the only fully developed ideology other than Anarchism actually capable of envisioning a future without the state. So the already vast chasm between Nationalism and Fascism, in which can be found all other political ideologies, is actually getting wider and the rate of widening is accelerating.

As this century begins to unfold we can start to see the ideological battle lines being drawn, and surprise surprise they are almost exactly where they were in the mid 20th century and back at the beginning in 1789.

On one side the ultimate logical expression of Progressive thought; Fascism, on the other Nationalism surrounded by its natural ideological allies Socialism and Anarchism.

In other words the elites Vs the peoples. There has only ever been one winner in these fights, and it’s not the Nazis. Bring it on

World Turned Upside Down

The World Turned Upside Down

By Mark Pritchard. As the eurozone sinks ever deeper into chaos and collapse, Brussels has sent a top eurocrat to China to beg Beijing for a handout. Klaus Regling, Chief Executive of the unfortunately-named European Financial Stability Fund (the Euro Bailout Fund) has been despatched to see if the Chinese can spare the odd $100,000 million to prop up the Euro.

President of the European Central Bank (the Bank of the Euro) Jean-Claude Trichet, explicitly denied that Herr Regling was going “cap in hand” to China, which confirms that is in fact what he is doing.

M. Trichet has now executed a well-timed exit, handing his job in charge of the Euro’s bank over to some hapless Italian at the end of October. Like the Captain of the Titanic managing to jump ship at Cork.

Now the Greeks have actually decided to give their people a say in a referendum and democracy has infected the eurozone, the markets have panicked and the last act in what has become the Greek Tragedy of the EU’s common currency looks to have begun.

Unless Herr Regling can get the Chinese to throw a few coppers – well, actually several tons of coppers – into the cap he officially is not holding out in front of them.

Chinese President Hu Jintao is currently gracing the G20 world economic summit in Vienna with his august presence. Being flush with trillions of dollars and euros in US and sundry EU bonds and head of the World’s biggest creditor nation, he could easily afford to toss some dosh the Euro’s way.

But his Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao is playing hard to get, suggesting that bailing out the Euro is not a Chinese priority. Bailing out the US dollar, a trillion of which Uncle Sam owes Beijing, may be a more tempting exercise of largesse.

Although other leading Chinese officials have hinted that nonetheless they would not be averse to buying up a few European ports, railways and factories if the price was right.

A hundred years ago, Europe and the USA owned the whole World. China was a bankrupt, politically shambolic chaos, chunks of its territory occupied by racial aliens and possessing scarcely a scrap of sovereignty. Now the tables are turned and it’s the other way round.

Because we Europeans and Americans spent the intervening century fighting amongst ourselves and surrendering without a fight vast tracts of land won with generations of blood and sweat to Third World savages and despots, whilst opening our homelands to colonisation by tens of millions of their people. Whilst the Chinese…didn’t.

The results speak for themselves.


Thursday, 3 November 2011

Government E-Petition started Review Political Correctness Legislation and Laws



The Two Faces of Europe! A Modern Janus

The Two Faces of Europe!

By Peter Mills of the Brent Group. The smiling and benign mask of the European Union has slipped. It was the Greeks who famously used two masks in their ancient open-air theatres to permit actors to express the bountiful smile of goodness or the twisted snarl of evil, and today it is the Greeks who have made the ruling dictatorship of Europe reveal the true corrupt snarling evil that lurks in disguise behind their smiling public face!

It was also the Greeks whose ancient language gave the civilizations of the whole world what is, quite possibly, their most valuable and important word – democracy. And now it is the Greeks who may, if allowed, hold a public vote, a referendum which allows the ordinary citizens of their country to decide for themselves whether they wish to accept the horrific punishment the European Union and many within their own parliament propose to inflict upon them now that the EU is stumbling.

The ordinary people of other countries should take note, especially Britain whose wretched sniveling government is of course absolutely terrified of allowing its citizens the democratic right of a referendum on membership of the EU. The Greek prime minister George Papandreou, however, has such a small majority in parliament that he felt quite rightly obliged to seek the backing of voters when the EU – principally Germany and its pet poodle France – sought to impose such heavy penalties upon the ordinary Greek citizen that it may well transform the recent spate of riots into a violent revolution. Indeed, Mr. Papandreou’s majority was further cut to just two yesterday when one of the MPs of his Pasok party resigned over the issue. Six other members of the party have so far called for his resignation.

Sinisterly, Germany and France have ignored any acknowledgement of the word “referendum” in their response to the crisis, issuing today an abrupt joint statement that “…France and Germany are determined to ensure the full implementation, in the quickest time frame, of the decisions adopted at the summit.”

So what are these measures which the European dictatorship is determined to impose on the Greek people, and which it is so determined to stop the threat of applied principles of democracy from derailing? What price does continued membership of the EU threaten to cost the ordinary Greek citizen? Why are the Greek people so upset about it? Can any measures be that bad? Judge for yourself.

The European dictators had agreed a few days ago to loan 100 billion euros (that is, £86 billion) to Greece, plus agree a 50% write-off of the nation’s debts, to enable the country to simply repay the installments on its incredible debt burden. Of course, this is much like you yourself having a mortgage of £50,000 and, because you cannot meet the monthly repayments, the building society says it will force you to borrow a further £50 thousand from which you can make the repayments – but of course, the amount of the repayments will double.

Would you consider yourself fortunate to be required to accept such a deal? The most obvious result would be that you would have to drastically cut your household expenditure. Instead of spending perhaps £60 or £70 a week at the supermarket to feed and clothe your family, you would have to cut the amount to £6 or £7 – and you would have to live like that for thirty or forty years until the mortgage was paid up!

The “deal” being offered to the Greek people is similar in nature, but on a national scale. Let’s have a look at the nitty-gritty details of this “compulsory European membership fee”, and then we can more readily understand why the Greek prime minister feels that he cannot dump it on his people without giving them a vote on the issue. In return for the European deal, the Greek people will face:-

Cutting £12.8 billion (14.32 billion euros) from public spending and raising some £12 billion (14.09 billion euros) over the next 5 years. All wage bargaining will be suspended making it much easier for firms to cut their payroll costs. The income tax starting threshold lowered from 8,000 euros to 5,000 (£6,873 to £4,296)

A further 30,000 public sector workers suspended on 60% pay and then being laid-off completely after 1 year. Pensions over 1,000 euros to be cut by 20% on everything over that threshold. 700,000 government sector workers forced to accept reduced pay and promotion. All public sector wages to be cut by 20%.

A new additional income tax levy of from 1% to 5% of income to be imposed on all households, which will be further increased at least twice in 2012. Higher property taxes. VAT to rise from the present 19% to 23% (lower rated items rising from 11% to 13% and 5.5% to 6.5%). Certain tax exemptions to be abolished. Duty on petrol and pump fuel, tobacco and alcohol to increase unbelievably by 33.33%.

Successful businesses making over a certain amount of profit must pay a special penalizing levy. So must owners of any property over a certain value, and anyone whose income is judged as “high” must also pay a special penalising levy in addition to all income tax. All other property taxes will increase across the board.

Workers for state-owned enterprises will have their wages cut by one-third. 1,976 schools will be closed, their staff fired. The health budget will be cut by 310 million euros by the end of this year alone, and by a further 1.81 billion euros by the end of 2015. Social security payments will be cut by 1.09 billion euros by the end of this year, by a further 1.28 billion euros next year, a further 1.03 billion euros in 2013, 1.01 billion in 2014, and 700 million in 2015. As millions more join the unemployed, benefits will be cut and means-testing greatly increased.

All pensions over 1,000 euros per month will be cut by 20%. Anyone under 55 who has already retired will forfeit almost half (40%) of their pension above a 1000 euro monthly ceiling. Retirement age is to be raised. A requirement of 40 years of work and corresponding pension contributions will be necessary to claim a full pension.

The Greek government will also be obliged to raise a further 50 billion euros by “selling the family silver” – that is, selling its stakes in large businesses including Hellenic Postbank and the Piraues and Thessaloniki commercial ports, 10% of Hellenic Telecom, Athens Water, Hellenic Petroleum, PPC Electricity, ATEbanks and other businesses wholly or partly owned by the state.

(Source of information: Greek Ministry of Finance Economic Policy Programme Newsletter.)

Understanding all this, it is also understandable that the introduction of such severe economic repression on a country’s entire population may even trigger a violent revolution: there have already been strikes and riots caused by lesser measures.

It is perfectly right for a prime minister to give the ordinary people a chance to freely vote on whether or not they wish to accept such a staggeringly oppressive period of hardship and misery as the price for belonging to the European Dictatorship. Naturally, the European dictators will do anything within their (considerable) power to squash this last vestige of democracy in Greece as quickly and ruthlessly as they can.

In Britain, we must consider ourselves warned. Our prime ministers will not even entertain the notion of permitting the population a democratic referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union. This is proven fact.

When we look at the dire position which Greece has been placed into by the threats and today, we should borrow a phrase we used to see on film billboards:- “Coming soon to a country near you!” Perhaps very near you indeed. Perhaps our country. Perhaps we need to increase pressure on our pathetic government to allow us the long-promised referendum on Europe!


Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Confession of a Pathological Liar

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Written by Albion
Monday, 31 October 2011 11:49


What have all these following organisations got in common?

  • UKIP
  • BNP
  • Britain First
  • CIB
  • Countryside Alliance
  • The Freedom Association
  • Libertarian Alliance
  • British Constitution Group
  • National Farmers federation
  • National Front
  • Fishing Industry
  • Bombardier
  • English Democrats
  • Motor Cycle action group
  • The New Party
  • Popular Alliance
  • Plus some which are mildly euro sceptic, The New Party, English Democrats and others.

To varying degrees all of the above are Euro-sceptic or have been adversely affected by edicts from Brussels. The single party system in this country does not give you a choice at the ballot box even assuming the election has not been rigged by brown and black representatives working for cultural or immigrant self interest groups. It is hard to select any foreign or national policy that is not tri-partisan to the system of government in the UK. So the ballot box achieves absolutely nothing.

One could believe we are living in a non-democratic authoritarian collective and you would be right. Very few people understand the far reaching, dreadful, nation destroying injustices being done to the people indigenous to these islands that is plaguing and reshaping our society.

I maintain the two biggest dangers to world peace are the European Union and the United Nations. Both are Globalist in structure but it is the United Nations that masquerades as a world wide arbitrator blessed with the judgement of Solomon.

They are not, they are just an integral part of the world wide New Order. It consists of powerful blocs who protect their spheres of influence zealously. ‘United’ Nations is an anathema. It is a tool of the illuminati.

It is the United Nations that funnels the presently evolving primitive black and brown societies into the nations of the civilized west; it is not the European Union. The United Nations veiled purpose is a vehicle to reshape the world, its politics and its peoples, its grubby fingerprints are all over the events taking place in the Middle East as I write.

It places the primitive third world peoples in a cocktail shaker along with European civilised societies, gives it a good shake and hopes that all hell does not break loose. The 7/11 bombings, Notting hill riots, the London riots and a host of others has proved otherwise with decades of angst still yet to come.

The European Union write our laws and govern our country. It has taken around 60 years for Europe to reach this stage of societal fragmentation. Disassembling it could take as long but it will be one step at a time. Forget democracy, no change real or otherwise will come via the ballot box. I see the ballot box as a magician’s prop, using sleight of hand, smoke and mirrors, tricks and illusions performed to confuse the dulled peasants.

What strikes fear into the heart of any politician is ‘people power’. A huge display of dissatisfaction with the government would have far more impact than a charade of pretend democracy at the ballot box. This is the moment in time when the question of our enslavement by the EU was going be discussed in Westminster, I would say the result had already been decided before the treacherous members had taken a show of hands.

All these groups listed above should be approached to call on their members and supporters to join in their thousands to protest on the streets calling for UK OUT OF THE EU. No political banners should be flown; it is of paramount importance that no one political party or group should be seen to have any involvement in the organisation of the protest. It needs extremely dedicated and motivated people to organize this show of people power to awaken the people of Great Britain and the people of Europe out of their apathy and whose destiny lays with a Marxist cabal in Brussels.

Cameron might say foreign rule is what the people want, NO, it is what he and his masters in Brussels want, that is not democracy. Democracy? Well it means different things to different people, ask our Prime Minister.

Greeks Call for Referendum on Euro Bailout

Greeks Call Referendum on Euro Bailout—But Will It Actually be on the Euro and the EU?

The shock announcement by Greek prime minister Georgios Papandreou that his people will be asked to vote on the euro “rescue plan” before it is accepted, is little more than a referendum on the existence of the euro and even Greece’s further participation in the European Union experiment.

Pro-EU observers and politicians have been horrified at the announcement, and have roundly condemned Mr Papendreou. Some have even suggested that he is “ungrateful” for the aid package on offer. A spokesman for French president Nicolas Sarkozy dismissed the referendum as “irrational and dangerous,” a view echoed by most others involved in the eurozone experiment.

The announcement has put the entire bailout process on hold, said Telegraph columnist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who pointed out that the “markets cannot wait three months to find out the result.”

“Unless the European Central Bank steps in very soon and on a massive scale to shore up Italy, the game is up. We will have a spectacular smash-up,” the Tory blogger added.

Another observer, writing in a German publication, said that Mr Papandreou’s decision “seems like an act of desperation. Regardless how the referendum’s question is eventually worded, the Greeks will be voting on whether their country will remain in the euro zone or leave the single currency.

“How can Papandreou do this? It’s asking the same people who riot against his policies! It is already clear what the outcome will be! Such were the instant reactions to the prime minister’s announcement,” the German observer wrote.

The reality is, however, that even reverting to the drachma or leaving the EU is unlikely to help Greece in the medium term. Its economy has been so damaged by a combination of stresses caused by the common currency and, it must be said, poor domestic management, that the debt mountain will remain a problem for some time to come.

At least, however, the Greeks are actually being given a chance to vote on EU policy, and possibly even membership—a luxury denied to the British people.

Mr Papendreou’s bold move contrasts vividly with the suppression of a vote on EU membership by the Tory-Liberal-Democrat-Labour alliance last week in Westminster, despite all opinion polls showing a majority of the British public being in favour of a chance to vote on the issue.

Europe — A Catastrophe in Progress

Europe — A Catastrophe in Progress

By Peter Mills.

Greece is in trouble, with justified strikes and riots by the ordinary citizens in protest against the eye-watering poverty decreed by the Greek government for generations to come as the nation’s price for joining the European Union.

Despite this attempt to virtually reduce the ordinary people of Greece to the status of slavery, the Eurozone financial Master Plan is not working. Not working? It is not even breathing!

It is extremely likely – indeed, 100% inevitable – that despite all the government-enforced cutbacks on services, pensions etc. etc. Greece will have to default on paying off its international debts and the interest these accrue.

This has caused utter panic amongst the European Leader’s Club, whose united brains have been monumentally unequal to the task of finding any workable solution to the plain and obvious fact that any economic patchwork of separate member states will not rise towards the level of the best-run and most affluent members, but will sink towards the level of the poorest and more badly run countries.

This fact, indeed, is why any country applying to join the Eurozone economy is required to first prove that it meets certain minimum economic conditions and requirements. What a shame that the European leaders failed to factor-in to their calculations the normal human tendency to lie, boast, falsify the account books and juggle figures in order to get a leg-up onto the sumptuous European banqueting table. As a result of this European naivety – or sheer incompetence if one does not wish to be kind – the poorer and more badly-managed countries of Europe have sat down to dine in a restaurant where they are unable to pay their share of the bill.

The result is that other diners at the same European table are obliged to pay more than their share of the bill in order to cover the cost of the banquet, which is turning out to be far less appetising than the beautifully illustrated invitation originally promised. Indeed, some of the diners are beginning to choke as they witness the ominous increases in their own share of the bill with the serving of each course, increases which make their own membership of the European diner’s club an increasingly unappetising proposition.

In October 2011, the European Leaders Club declared a substantial increase in the EFSF, the grandly-named European Financial and Stability Facility, or to give it a less fancy title, the emergency bail-out fund. The best way to understand the EFSF is to think of it as a plate placed on the table onto which diners with more money than those who have falsified their membership accounts are required to throw their loose
change and some IOUs in the hope that the amount raised will cover at least some of the unpaid portion of the bill.

This, of course, also serves to badly embarrass those countries at the banqueting table who might also happen to have “bent the truth” a little regarding the health of their finances, or to have got into difficulties since joining Europe. As the plate is passed round the table and countries like France, Germany and Britain pull out their wallets and drop cash into the collection (yes, although we are not in the Eurozone, we still have to pay money one way or another towards the settlement of the bill), there will be other diners who open their own wallets and nothing pops out except a few well-fed moths.

The best-fed moth at the moment is Silvio Berlusconi, prime minister of Italy. Under the devious and decidedly shady Berlusconi, a bosom buddy of Tony Blair (like attracts like!) Italy, mirroring its most famous modern statesman Benito Mussolini, arrived at the banqueting table with a pompous, overbearing, overstated and gaudily dazzling splendour, eager to play the part of the wealthy gourmet whose presence at the table would automatically raise the quality of the banquet. Unfortunately, when the bill was presented to the diners, the Italian wallet was found to have nothing left in it but cobwebs.

With her amazing insight into science-fiction, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany has stated: “Italy has great economic strength,” adding by way of a reality check; “Italy does also have a very high level of debt…” If this remark by one of the European Union’s leading lights is analysed, it translates into ordinary human terms as; “Italy’s household income is trying to catch up with Italy’s household expenses!”

The total debt of the Italian government is one of the highest in Europe, standing currently at 118% of the country’s gross domestic product. Reduced again to simple human terms, this is equivalent to you earning £100 a week at work, but having to pay train fairs of £118 a week to commute to and from work. This is not what any normally sane person would classify as “…great economic strength”.

It is now looking increasingly likely that, as the plate for the collection is passed around the table and the chink of coin on china fills the air, when it reaches Italy the Italian government, instead of contributing, will need to pour the contents gathered on the plate into its own wallet just to metaphorically live another day! In Eurospeak, or possibly Merkelspeak, this means it is becoming increasingly acknowledged that the major recipient of the unimaginable one trillion extra Euros ordered by the European Leaders Club to be paid into the bailout fund will be fed into Italy like a black hole devouring solar systems. Any residue will go to Greece.

Far from displaying Angela Merkel’s appellation of “great economic strength”, the price Italy must now pay for borrowing has reached record levels, resulting in stock markets at the end of last week failing to rally at the good news that the European Union is adding in a single stroke one trillion Euros to its own aggregate debt. The 6.06% which Italy is now obliged to pay to borrow money over 10 years is the highest rate of any European country since the creation of the ill-fated Euro twelve years ago.

Unsurprisingly, last week the Italian government failed to meet its borrowing target, having hoped to sell up to 8.5 billion Euros worth of international bonds (government IOUs) and only managing to sell 7.9 billion, even at the new record interest rate. This reflects a growing apprehension amongst buyers that the Italian economy will not survive long enough to honour the full amount of its IOUs and will – like Greece – be compelled to default on its debt repayments. Once more reduced to normal human terms, this is equivalent to a house owner whose business is going bust being refused an additional mortgage by a building society that has examined his books, because the house is not worth as much as the money the man seeks to borrow.

In a very real sense, Italy’s financial problem is different from that of Greece, or indeed that of Ireland, Spain, Portugal and other countries. The big difference is that the debts of Italy are not the debts incurred by the Italian people, such as by exorbitant mortgages in ridiculously high housing prices or by extravagant benefits systems. The economic crisis in Italy can be laid squarely at the feet of its politicians, including its current prime minister.

Over the years and continuing today, the Italian government has permitted the rise of vested interests in business, weak investment in internal development, appallingly bad financial regulation and lethargic industrial growth to flourish. The annual economic growth rate of Italy since 1996 has averaged a very meagre 0.75%, a far lower rate than it has to pay on its debts. This means that the debts incurred by the Italian government are inevitably growing faster than their ability to repay them.

This has also meant that the ordinary people of Italy have been “short changed” by their government – the cost of public services and the benefits system is significantly less than the amount of money paid into government coffers by taxation. However, despite internally earning more from taxing the people than it spends in looking after them, because the economy is weak due to government incompetence, bad regulation and corruption, the government has needed to borrow copiously in a vicious spiral of inflation since at least 1992 and must now keep on borrowing even more just to pay the instalments on its debts.

It is obvious to everyone that a financial situation in which a country’s debt is growing like a snowball rolling downhill must, sooner or later, explode. Greece is already in the process of exploding. In Italy, the fuse is spluttering away.

The European Leaders Club is becoming anxious to force Italy to take the same drastic cuts in expenditure which have already sparked off nationwide strikes and riots in Greece. However, even if Europe forces Italy to do this, the experience with Greece is showing the ineptness of this plan. Such radical cuts in government spending are resulting in runaway unemployment in Greece (on September 6th the Greek finance minister announced that 150,000 public sector jobs alone were being cut).

Such explosions of unemployment serve only to increase the borrowing of the government instead of reducing it! In effect, the radical cuts of government spending in Greece show that this European-imposed policy is actually equivalent to pouring on petrol in order to douse a fire. Ireland, Spain and Portugal are next in the growing queue of European countries lining up for a shattering national bankruptcy.

It is unlikely that the European Union can survive its own self-inflicted financial implosion. Some writers (such as Dominic Sandbrook in the Daily Mail of Saturday October 29th) have even suggested that the final triumph of the European Union will be another great European war even worse than those of 1918 and 1939.

In Britain, we are still being told by our ruling politicians that our increasingly costly membership of the European state is highly beneficial and that to resign from Europe would be a national calamity, and that the collapse of country after country in Europe will be halted by the wisdom of the German Chancellor. And we still believe this? So did Neville Chamberlain!


Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Euro-zone Will Have to Accept Reality of Economic Incompatibility

Euro-zone Will Have to Accept Reality of Economic Incompatibility

The planners of the Euro-zone will have to eventually accept and “capitulate” to the reality that a common currency throughout the EU is impossible to implement, Andrew Brons MEP has said.

Speaking after a debate in the European Parliament today on the resumption of a planned European Council meeting, Mr Brons said that in the end, “the whole zone must capitulate to the reality that a common external currency value and a common interest rate cannot suit the very different seventeen economies of the Euro-zone, still less the 27 economies of the EU.

“There is a view that decisions about the Euro-zone have nothing to do with the United Kingdom and still less to do with a British opponent of EU membership,” Mr Brons said.

“However, I am not indifferent to the fate of fellow members of an organisation, of which I do not want Britain to be part.

“Attempts to paper over the cracks in the Euro-zone will surely fail. The value of the Euro is much too high for the Southern and North Western Five.

“What is more, it is too low for some Northern members of the zone,” he said.

“My ideal solution would be the dissolution of the whole Euro-zone. That would safeguard the future of sterling. However, a division between the two groups, with a re-valued Northern Euro and a devalued Southern Euro, would be a step in the right direction.”

Meanwhile, Eurozone leaders have cancelled a meeting of the region’s finance ministers scheduled for tomorrow amid rising tensions as no solution for the sovereign debt crisis has been found.

According to reports, markets across the Continent interpreted the news as meaning that the Eurozone leaders were less likely to reach agreement on the crisis.

Instead, EU leaders will meet tomorrow to “finalise details of a plan to tackle the debt crisis, including proposals for steeper losses for owners of Greek bonds, and a recapitalisation of European banks.”

The latter means that European taxpayers will once again be called upon to bail out the banking system.

Lib-Lab-Con: Education in Bolton Put Behind Foreign Aid, War and EU Payments

Lib-Lab-Con: Education in Britain Put Behind Foreign Aid, War and EU Payments

Government spending on education will fall by more than 13 percent over the next four years, according to respected think tank Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). At the same time, billions extra will be spent on foreign aid, wars, and EU payments.

According to the IFS, the education budget cuts will be the biggest since the 1950s, with school and college building projects facing the brunt of the cutbacks. The IFS said that funding for educational building projects would drop by 50 percent during the next four years.

Higher education would lose about 40 percent of its spending as well but universities “would claw back some money due to the increased tuition fees introduced by the coalition government,” the IFS said.

“In schools, those with students from affluent backgrounds would see drastic funding cuts although schools with more deprived students would have their funding protected due to the introduction of the pupil premium,” the IFS ominously added.

In reality this means that the Third World immigrant-dominated inner city schools (which mysteriously, are always somehow “deprived”) will not have their funding cut, while schools in whiter and therefore “less deprived” areas will.

At the same time, the Coalition government has announced budget increases for International Aid (set to increase to well over £11 billion and payments to the EU of £8 billion.

The defence budget is currently set at £37 billion, but this does not include the costs of the wars in Afghanistan and Libya, which are drawn out of the additional £125 billion “other” fund which the government uses to meet “unexpected” expenses.

At the same time, the annual government deficit increases by around £170 billion more each year.

Last year, the Coalition government announced university budget cuts in England of £449 million, which led to a reduction of 6,000 university places.

At the same time, the government cut teaching budgets by £215 million, froze research funding and reduced the buildings budget by 15 percent.
