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Friday, 17 August 2012

A New World Order: The Greatest Conspiracy

A New World Order: The Greatest Conspiracy
by Spencer Pearson
Back in 1947, before U2 and SR-71 Blackbird spyplanes, before reconnaissance satellites, some genius in the US Military came up with a brilliant plan to spy on the USSR. The deal was simple enough, simply attach a big camera to a high altitude balloon let it drift with the prevailing winds over Russia clicking away every 30 seconds and collect it once it had emerged into “free” airspace once again. The wheeze was on, transparently codenamed Project Skyhook and within weeks Secret Service goons were happily running around the world with canisters of helium, state of the art cameras and full re-imbursement expense accounts. However on the 8th of July the fun came to a crashing halt when one of the balloons sprang a leak, staggered a couple of miles from its launch site and splattered itself, and its top secret cargo, all over a stretch of nowhere of which no one had ever heard.

In a deep funk the boffins scraped up the remnants of their balloon babbling about weather experiments and insisting the local hicks shut their filthy mouths. This was a mistake. If they had left it where it was, maybe sending a pick-up full of GIs to collect the scrap a couple of days later no-one, least of all the KGB, would have ever heard of Roswell, New Mexico. Instead the denizens of the scruffy fly blown town decided to assess the significance of the incident by the response to it of the US military, which was hysterical. Add a dash of H G Wells and a legend - an entire industry in fact- was born.
Roswell Weather balloon
Birth of an industry - the Roswell spy balloon

We can only imagine that at some point during the inevitable subsequent ass-kicking inquest into the disaster it was noted that however much of a shambles the incident had been somehow the actual nature of Project Skyhook and its intention had escaped everyone. It would seem that the Russians themselves decided the incident was too ridiculous for serious consideration and only became aware of Uncle Sam’s ballooning escapades when, in a foretaste of the Gary Powers episode, they found a camera marked “Property of the US Department of Defence” in a Siberian forest some five years later.
The implications of the Roswell Incident for the US Military was clear, the best way to avoid interest in their nefarious activities was to allow, maybe even gently encourage, the public to disperse its interest in an effort guaranteed to excite contempt from every serious citizen. For the next half a century the reaction of any member of society, who valued their position in it, upon witnessing anything unusual in the sky, like for example a massive fireball hurtling over a major population centre, was to swear they had seen nothing. The study of undoubted cases of suspicious potentially military High Weirdness all over the Western World was contaminated by an infestation of “investigators” with an agenda upon which Zeta Reticuli was frequently prominent. Thus the military was left free to do whatever it liked, safe in the knowledge that if anything went wrong aliens would get the blame and not them.
Might the US, and maybe other, militaries have encouraged this happy state of affairs, might they have buzzed a few vulnerable people, released a few ambiguous documents, crank called some paranoid ufologists? Certainly it would have been a laugh. Equally certainly it would have been perhaps the most cost effective disinformation screen ever erected. Unlike the elaborate and expensive inflatable armies of World War Two, the UFO smoke screen practically generated itself. It was as if the USAF had recruited half a million volunteers to collaborate in a massive deception. Indeed these people absolutely insisted and had the US Military been seized by a sudden and uncharacteristic fit of conscience they couldn’t have dissuaded them anyway.
Political radicalism 'subverted'
The outrageous success of the UFO disinformation and misdirection campaign can not have gone unnoticed by other agencies, state and otherwise, with other agendas. The obvious field for the application of such techniques, and one in which there was a pressing need to apply something, was that of political radicalism.
The appeal of misdirecting and subverting radical movements to elites is obvious. State involvement is taken as a given by all observers of radicalism from all perspectives, indeed is acknowledged by several states. In the post-war West in particular the vast power of the critiques of establishment power and the naked parody of democracy demanded that, as a matter of survival, the elites attempt to disrupt radical political movements. 

The US state in particular faced a serious problem in that its own ludicrous anti-Soviet propaganda might as well have been designed to promote right wing radicalism. That it should take some sort of action to mitigate this is only common sense. As it is the increasingly crazed theocratic Republicans are probably largely the product of fifty years of anti-socialist state propaganda. Had steps not been taken to prevent even more severe radicalisation the Tea Party movement might now be considered as holding the same position on the American political spectrum as Tony Blair does on the British.
So we can therefore construct a persuasive hypothesis that we should be able to discern evidence of the effects of disinformation and misdirection campaigns on the radical right. This is very much like saying we should have been able to detect evidence of storm damage in New Orleans after the visitation of Hurricane Katrina. Everywhere on the right of the radical spectrum we find people and groups rendered completely ineffective and hopelessly confused as a result of imbibing stories which range from the extremely unlikely to the outright ludicrous. On the wilder fringe, such as the commonly held belief in the continued supremacy of Elizabeth the Second over the Western elites (a la Lyndon LaRouche), we can only conclude that such ideas were deliberately constructed in an attempt to plumb the depth of credibility in some narcotic orgy by an elite team of fiction writers.
Queen Elizabeth
Elizabeth II - "criminal mastermind" of pan European network - apparently!
So complete is this misdirection that individuals who maintain radical right positions from an analysis of sociology, philosophy, history or any other rational intellectual pursuit are almost none existent. Those that do exist have not only to contented with the consequences of the misdirection of the radical right but brave the opprobrium that misdirection has generated in the general public. Therefore right wing intellectuals must have sufficient qualities to both disregard the dismal intellectual condition of the radical right and brave the hatred aimed at it as a result. Needless to say few such individuals have been discovered.
So we have a motive, a method, and a scene of utter devastation to support our hypothesis that the radical right has been the target of a totally successful disinformation and misdirection campaign. But can we find a mechanism by which this could have been effected, a concrete evidence backed narrative of how this was done?
Koch-up or conspiracy?
Fred Koch, born in the USA in 1900, founder of the second largest industrial concern in the USA today, Koch Industries. In 1927 Fred, a brilliant Chemist, invented a new method of converting oil into petrol, and was promptly sued by the established oil companies who filed no less than 44 suits against him. Koch eventually won all but one, and it was later proved that the judge in that case had been bribed. Having been effectively excluded from the American market Koch sold his expertise overseas, in particular to the USSR where he built 15 plants between ‘29 and ‘32, receiving $5 million US dollars from the Soviets for his efforts. Koch spent a substantial period of time in the USSR where he was assigned a personal political instructor, Jerome Livshitz, who schooled him in communist ideology. So here we have a guy with a grudge against the capitalist system which royally screwed him and who was welcomed and enriched by the Soviets, as well as indoctrinated.
So you’d expect this guy to at least have some sympathies with the communists, right? You’d not really expect him to be a massive fan of capitalism, the West and its values, right? You wouldn’t necessarily expect him to, say, start a rabidly right wing anti-communist political organisation backed by hundreds of thousands of Soviet sourced dollars?

Well then you’d be wrong because that is exactly what he did.
From 1958 Koch founded and financed the John Birch Society, named after a US intelligence officer killed whilst hanging around in China in 1945. Koch claimed to have been appalled by what he had seen in Russia and most of the early work of the Society was simple McCarthy style anti-communist stuff. Within a couple of years, having established an audience on the Right, it changed tack and began to propagate the conspiracy theory which now dominates the radical right; the one world communist government objective of the UN referred to, even at this early stage, as the 'New World Order'.
Fred Koch
Fred Koch - industrialist and founder of John Birch Society
Just as is still the case the John Birch Society maintained, in spite of all reason or observational evidence , that the US government itself, all of it, was in on the plot.

The John Birch Society officially rejected anti -Semitism and anti-zionism. (In the radical right sense as opposed to a Jewish conspiracy rather than in the usual understanding of the term, to be in favour of a Jewish homeland in the Levant). It did however make sure that its propaganda reached the anti-Semitic radical right since Dr William Luther Pierce (author of the notorious Turner Diaries and founder of various overtly Nazi organisations) was a founding member. Through this direct link the John Birch Society was able to export its“ideas” into the traditional anti-Semitic right where they were rapidly assimilated into the ancient narrative. The effect of having these ideas associated with despised and discredited anti-Jewish elements ensured that they would never reach a mainstream audience.
For the last fifty years the John Birch Society has poured a steady stream of disinformation and misdirection into the radical right. It “seeded”conspiracy theories into anti-establishment organisations and ideas where they found a ready audience who then developed these ideas into concepts even more fanciful and unpalatable than the original disinformation. This is an exact parallel of the UFO disinformation campaign's “seeding” that movement with ideas which were bound to put it outside the mainstream and render it ridiculous and ineffective.
Once initiated well-targeted disinformation and misdirection campaigns gather their own momentum and become self sustaining. In the case of the disinformation and misdirection campaign aimed at the radical right the process effectively destroyed the entire threat to the establishment from the “right wing” analysis and critique.
Whether Koch really was, as he maintained, opposing communism or whether he was a Soviet asset carrying out a mission to wreck the Western radical right tradition the effect was the same. What is beyond reasonable doubt is that the John Birch Society was a project tasked with spreading disinformation and misdirection into right wing radicalism.
Everything you have just read is based on fact, entirely drawn from a few wiki pages. The conspiracy theory which you have just studied may be true, but the point is that it is a conspiracy theory obeying all the rules and techniques used in their generation. No doubt most of the intended audience will simply reject it because of their prior investment in the traditional conspiracy theories of the radical right. However since there is no more or less evidence for this theory than those traditional ones if they do then they must accept that their belief system is not based on evidence based rational analysis, it’s based on faith.
If the radical right is to be redeemed then it must reject all conspiracy analysis. We know that even if there are elements of truth within those theories we can not hope, much less expect, to be able to disentangle those elements from the huge quantities of disinformation which surround them. The radical right’s objection to the establishment of the West is not that it carried out 9/11, but that its actions are immoral, unjust and likely to have, at the very least, a detrimental effect on the world. The radical right should not oppose a single global state because it is run by Jews, the Masons, Bilderbergers or the Skull and Bones Society but because it is contrary to our values and beliefs surrounding freedom and self determination. The British radical right should critique the Establishment’s political process not as some sort of Frankfurt School puppet show but as a subversion of the nation’s self determination and democracy.
Skull and Bones
Web of conspirators or harmless college club - Yale's Skull and Bones Society
Ultimately we know that the vast Brothers Grimm style book of Conspiracy Fairy Tales which makes up about 95% of the radical right’s arguments is unsalable and presents no threat to the political system it opposes. Meanwhile there are serious critiques and aspirations with huge potential power which are barely understood much less promoted. If the radical right is to be revived as a political and intellectual force it is these ideas which must supplant silly conspiracy theories as its main focus.
Post Script: During the late 90's the environmental group Greenpeace discovered a monumental disinformation campaign being financed to challenge the climate change consensus of mainstream science. The owner of one of America's largest industrial concerns was proved to have funnelled millions of dollars to groups which were united by only one common interest; "climate scepticism". Ever since Greenpeace and other environmental groups have fought a running battle to expose this misinformation campaign which they now claim has had over sixty one million dollars spent on it by one organisation alone. Disinformation is real.
Post Post Script: The name of that organisation? Koch Industries.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Government? Is The Sovereign Debt Crisis an Engineered Excuse for World Government?

Government? Is The Sovereign Debt Crisis an Engineered Excuse for World Government?
 Mark Haynes.
The so-called sovereign debt crisis would seem to be oh so convenient for those Globalist elites who have been working away for decades for a one world government, with a World Central Bank issuing a Global currency. Indeed naming it a sovereign debt crisis is an oxymoron because how can any government be sovereign if they are in debt, and in debt to private banks. The crisis spreading through Europe at the moment effecting the Pigs – Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain has seen mass demonstrations and riots, governments fall, and now unelected governments of technocrats taking power in Greece and Italy as the eurozone crisis continues to worsen. Increasing pressure from various sources including opposition parties, the markets, the European Commission, the ECB, France and Germany, has recently lead to both Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s resignations. Both leaders have been replaced by “governments of national unity”, led respectively by former ECB Vice-President Lucas Papademos, in Greece, and former EU Commissioner Mario Monti, in Italy. One has to ask when looking at the men replacing them is this the shape of things to come, democracy replaced by rule by technocrats? Unlike the new Greek government, Italy’s new cabinet does not include any politicians at all, with several key ministries being assigned to academics. There will be early elections taking place in Greece in February, while in Italy the new government is expected to remain in office until 2013, when the next general elections are scheduled. Meanwhile, with a general election just past in Spain, that nation’s borrowing costs have topped new record levels, while France also experienced a significant increase in the interest rate it has to pay on its bonds. Greece and Italy both hold huge swathes of public debt which they are unable to service unless they get massive European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund support, as a prelude to refinancing by international banks. Greece has replaced its prime minister because he dared to say he would put a further round of harsh austerity measures to a referendum vote……the people can’t be given democracy now can they? When we look at the new Prime Ministers of these two countries we see that they are both insiders working for the Globalist elite, Greece’s new PM is Lucas Papademos, former vice president of the ECB and of Greece’s own Central Bank, and a member of David Rockefeller’s (JPMorgan Chase/Exxon) powerful Trilateral Commission. In the case of Italy, instead of Silvio Berlusconi they got the former European Commissioner Mario Monti, who just happens to be the European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission. It is funny, well maybe not really, that whenever we hear of “sovereign debt crises” – whether they be in Mexico 1997, Brazil 1999, Argentina in 2001/2, or today in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and (soon to come I‘m sure) the UK, France, or the US – what it really means is that governments cannot collect enough tax revenues from their people to pay interest and capital on debt that is mostly in the hands of private banking institutions or cartels. If we cut through the Orwellian Newspeak of the mainstream media, this means that the people of Greece, Italy, and Argentina must pay for the mistakes of bankers and corrupt governments, suffering higher taxes, unemployment, lower wages and pensions, and a deterioration in public services such as public healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Indeed, public services are to be privatised and public assets – the people’s assets sold off for a pittance to the corporate/financial vultures. So, whenever there is a public debt crisis, Austerity measures must be imposed and “we the common people” must pay for it. However, when in September 2008 a private debt crisis exploded due to the derivatives swindle which buried Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, AIG and many other private institutions, the US and other governments came to the rescue of the bankers, providing bailouts for banks who were apparently “too big to fail” — in other words, Newspeak for too powerful to fail more like. Big and powerful financial institutions such as CitiCorp, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase & Goldman Sachs were all saved with taxpayers money through the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), and by having the Federal Reserve (FED) hyperinflate the US dollar known in Newspeak as Quantitative Easing I, II and III, which means passing a huge chunk of the cost of those bailouts on to the Rest of the World using the US dollar as global currency. So again, irrespective of whether debt collapses are public or private, it is always “We the People” who pay because, under the current system of crony Capitalism, all profits are privatized and all losses are socialized. Now let us get back to Messrs Monti and Papademos. Both of the men sit on the Trilateral Commission together with hundreds of other corporate Chairmen, CEOs, politicians & military such as Ana Botin (Bank Banesto/Santander, Spain), Peter Sutherland (Goldman Sachs/BP, UK), Michel David-Weill (Lazard Bank, France), Jurgen Fitschen (Deutsche Bank, Germany), Stephen Green (HSBC, UK), Nigel Higgins (Rothschild Group, UK), Lord Guthrie (N M Rothschild, UK), Klaus-Peter Müller (Commerzbank, Germany), Dieter Rampl (UniCredito, Italy), Otto Ruding (CitiCorp Europe), Lord Simon of Highbury (Morgan Stanley, UK), Emilio Ybarra (BBVA, Spain), Robert Kelly (Bank of NY Mellon) Lord Brittan (UBS, UK), Robert Zoellick (World Bank), Carl Bildt (Swedish Foreign minister), Alfonso Crtina (Rothschild Europe), Guy Elliott (Rio Tinto), Admiral Juhani Kaskeala (Former head of the Finnish defence forces), Lord Mandelson (member of the House of Lords), Lord Patten of Barnes (Chairman of the BBC Trust), Madeleine. K. Albright (Former U.S. Secretary of State), Admiral Dennis B. Blair (Former U.S. Director of National Intelligence), John D. Rockefeller IV (Member D-WV, U.S. Senate), Timothy Geithner (U.S. Treasury Secretary), Henry Kissinger, Condoleeza Rice, Paul Volcker, Dennis Ross and many, many others… In fact, the Trilateral Commission articulates and interlinks with the powerful Council on Foreign Relations (New York), Chatham House (London) and many other think-tanks forming an intricate spider’s web of private global power-brokers bringing together key players in finance, industry, media, government, academia, intelligence and the military, who run today’s global system which focuses on their elite interests, and clearly not on those of “We the People.” No doubt Messrs Papademos and Monti will do everything necessary to ensure Italy and Greece do not default on their debts – but rather that their peoples will embrace austerity, endure all the hardship, undergo all the pain, and make all the sacrifices just so that major bankers sitting on the Trilateral can all get their money back. Those same criminals who should never have made loans to Greece and Italy (and Argentina and Portugal…) the way they did. The crisis is not just a European one though, governments have certainly been in trouble with debt in the past, but what we are experiencing now is the first truly global sovereign debt crisis. Never has there been a time in recorded history when virtually all of the governments of the world were drowning in debt all at the same time. This sovereign debt crisis is never going to end until there is a major global financial collapse. The EU and the IMF making “emergency loans” to nations such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal, is only going to buy those countries a few additional months. How can lending more and more to nations which are already drowning in debt make things better? It can only make things worse and merely put off the inevitable collapse. Meanwhile, dozens more nations all over the globe are rapidly approaching a day of reckoning. All of the bailouts are doing is simply delaying the pain. The reality is that when the “emergency loans” for Greece stop, Greece is going to default. Greece is bankrupt. The game is over for them. One of the big problems for Greece is that because it is part of the Euro it can’t independently print its own money, set its own interest rates or devalue its currency. If Greece cannot raise enough euros internally Greece must turn to outside assistance. Unfortunately, at this point Greece has accumulated such a mammoth debt it is simply unsustainable. By the end of the year, it is projected that the national debt of Greece will soar to around 166% of GDP. The financial collapse of Greece is undoubtedly inevitable. If Greece keeps using the Euro they will collapse, however If they quit using the Euro they will collapse. When the rest of Europe decides that it is tired of propping Greece up the game will be over. At this point very few people are interested in lending Greece more money. Many of the nations around the world are only able to keep going because they are able to borrow huge amounts of money at low interest rates. Well, nobody wants to lend money to Greece at a low rate of interest anymore. Today, the yield on 2 year Greek bonds is back over 28 percent. Greece is just a very, very small part of the global economy, but when interest rates start spiking like that on U.S. debt or Japanese debt the entire world financial system will be thrown into chaos. The following is a portion of what Moody’s had to say when they cut the credit rating of Portugal by four notches…. “Although Portugal’s Ba2 rating indicates a much lower risk of restructuring than Greece’s Caa1 rating, the EU’s evolving approach to providing official support is an important factor for Portugal because it implies a rising risk that private sector participation could become a precondition for additional rounds of official lending to Portugal in the future as well. This development is significant not only because it increases the economic risks facing current investors, but also because it may discourage new private sector lending going forward and reduce the likelihood that Portugal will soon be able to regain market access on sustainable terms.” Basically, Moody’s is saying that the terms of the Greek bailout make Portuguese debt less attractive because Portugal will likely be forced into a similar bailout at some point. If the EU is not going to fully guarantee the debt of the member nations, then that debt becomes less attractive to investors. The downgrade of Portugal is having all kinds of consequences. The cost of insuring Portuguese government debt set a new record high last week and the yields on Portuguese bonds have gone crazy. Moody’s recently warned that it may downgrade Italy’s Aa2 debt rating sometime in the next few months. Spain is also on the verge of major problems and Ireland may need another bailout soon. Things don’t look good do they? When the dominoes start to fall the entire EU is going to go down. Big banks all over Europe are highly exposed to sovereign debt and they are leveraged to the hilt. It is a replay of 2008 in many ways. When Lehman Brothers finally collapsed, it was leveraged 31 to 1. Today, major German banks are leveraged 32 to 1, and major German banks are currently holding a tremendous amount of Greek debt. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that this is all going to end in tears. So how is the European Central Bank responding to this crisis? They are raising interest rates yet again. That certainly is not going to help the PIIGS much. However, Europe is not the only one facing a horrific debt crunch. In Japan, the national debt is now up to about 226 percent of GDP. So far the Japanese government has been able to handle a debt load this massive because the citizens of Japan have been willing to lend the government gigantic mountains of money at interest rates so low that they are hard to believe. When that paradigm changes, and it will, Japan is going to be in a massive amount of trouble. In fact, an article in Forbes has warned that even a very modest increase in interest rates would cause interest payments on Japanese government debt to exceed total government revenue by the year 2019. Of course the biggest pile of debt sitting out there is the national debt of the United States. The U.S. is so enslaved to debt that there is literally no way out under the current system. To say that America is in big trouble would be a massive understatement. In fact, the whole world is headed for trouble. Right now government debt around the globe continues to soar at an exponential pace. At some point a wall is going to be hit. The Wall Street Journal recently quoted Professor Carmen Reinhart as saying the following about what we are facing…. “These processes are not linear,” warns Prof. Reinhart. “You can increase debt for a while and nothing happens. Then you hit the wall, and—bang!—what seem to be minor shocks that the markets would shrug off in other circumstances suddenly become big.” That is the nature of debt bubbles – they keep expanding and expanding until the day comes when they eventually burst. Governments around the world will issue somewhere in the region of 5 trillion dollars more debt this year alone. Debt to GDP ratios all over the globe continue to rise at a truly frightening pace. The world is so interconnected today, the collapse of even one nation will devastate banks all over the planet. If even one domino is toppled there is no telling where things may end. The combination of huge amounts of debt and huge amounts of leverage is incredibly toxic, and that is what we have all over the globe today. Almost every major nation is drowning in debt and almost all of our major financial institutions are leveraged to the hilt. There is only one way that the sovereign debt crisis can end, and that is badly. Perhaps, that is the plan of the Globalist private banking elite enslave nations in debt, engineer a collapse and out of chaos comes order – a New World Order. Maybe I will be viewed as a conspiracy theorist, however, if the facts fit! Nations have allowed themselves to be enslaved in debt by a private banking cartel when they could easily create their own money-supply‘s debt-free without borrowing from a criminal International Banking Cartel. I can see Problem-Reaction-Solution at work here, the banksters create a problem, the sovereign debt crisis, there is then a predictable reaction from the people of panic at the impending economic chaos, and then the same bankers who created the problem step forward with their pre-conceived solution, namely a World economic government, World Bank and Global currency!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Shafarevich & McAtee on the Irrationality of Marxism doctrine

For the very reason that the basic driving force of socialist ideology is subconscious and emotional, reason and rational discussion of the facts have always played only a subordinate role in it. The socialist doctrines are reconciled with contradictions with an ease reminiscent of ‘prelogical’ primitive thinking, which functions outside any framework of consistency, as described by Levy-Bruhl. They are equally unconcerned with the fact that socialist conclusions are radically at odds with experience. Most astonishing of all is that these contradictions do not diminish the impact of the doctrine in the least.
Marxism reflects all these traits to a remarkable degree. Well known thinkers have pointed out numerous fundamental contradictions, each of which would have been sufficient to demonstrate the groundlessness of a theory that lays claim to be scientific. For example, Berdiaev demonstrated that the concept of dialectical materialism is contradictory, since it attributes to matter a logical category — dialectics. Stammler showed that the idea of of historical determinism postulated by Marxism contradicts its own appeal to influence history, since it is equivalent to taking a conscious decision to turn with the earth around the sun. (Sergius Bulgakov paraphrased this as follows: ‘Marxism predicts the onset of socialism just as astronomy predicts the beginning of the lunar eclipse, and to bring about the eclipse it organizes a political party.’) The very heart of Marxist doctrine — the labor theory of value — was demolished by the work of the Austrian school (in particular by Bohm-Bawerk) and has been abandoned by political economy. Yet even without this heart, Marxism proved to be capable of survival.
Igor Shafarevich, from “The Socialist Phenomenon”
In Marxism, we have a philosophy that has been shown to be inherently contradictory in several of its key claims (with its dialectical materialism and labor theory of value) and flat-out wrong about several of its observations (its historical determinism and its idea that capitalism always precedes and yields socialism). Second, we see that Marxism is a theory which is reverse-engineered only after the desired conclusions are embraced. Further, we have the clear death-delivering record of Marxism in the works of men like Robert Conquest, R. J. Rummel, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn; and yet despite all this, the death-loving, self-destructing, man-enslaving, Satan-glorifying doctrine of Marxism lives on and is even at this moment being pursued in this country.
What else can this drive to death be characterized as, except as the social order of hell, inspired by Lucifer himself?
And yet, despite the clear testimony that Marxism is anti-Christ to its core, we have a whole school of thought (R2K) that has arisen and is telling the Church that the Church has no authority to speak to anti-Christ Marxist social theory from the pulpit.

Have Nationalists been deceived by The EDL and about Nick Griffin MEP,

Have Nationalists been deceived by The EDL and about Nick Griffin MEP,

Looking at this video of an excellent and mind opening speech by Nick Griffin MEP, I am beginning to believe that the recent setback of the British National Party could have been engineered by out side forces, please watch and make your mind up. I am beginning to conclude myself that Mr Griffin could have been the victim of a massive smear campaign. 


The Reality of Race


RACE, n. [L. radix and radius having the same original. This word coincides in origin with rod, ray, radiate, &c.]
1. The lineage of a family, or continued series of descendants from a parent who is called the stock. A race is the series of descendants indefinitely … Hence the long race of Alban fathers come.
2. A generation; a family of descendants …
3. A particular breed; as a race of mules; a race of horses; a race of sheep.
Of such a race no matter who is king. ~Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

Strange days are these.  I say they are strange because the current socio-religious climate has degenerated to the point where we now have need of a reassertion and clarification of matters which were, from a Christian vantage, regarded as the most elementary facts of life, even as recently as sixty years ago.  It is this strangeness of the current milieu which now compels me, as a Christian, to render an apologetic for the reality of race.  To start with, it’s rather difficult to discuss the reality of race without examining the conceptual paradigm which has ostensibly outlawed it — the relatively new term of “racism.” As Craig Bodeker has so adroitly shown, “racism” is defined in ways so numerous and mutually contradictory as to render it a useless term.  If it means everything in general, it means nothing in particular.
But in no way tarnishing Mr. Bodeker’s work, I here treat only two major trends of definition: namely, the two diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive perspectives to which White and non-White “anti-racists” have rallied themselves. Racism, according to non-Whites,  is “prejudice plus power,” and in that paradigm they go on to identify power strictly with Whiteness. Since it is acknowledged that everyone has prejudices, this definition implies that a racist is nothing more than your average White person. Liberal Whites, on the other hand, have opted for an entirely different definition of the term: they tend to define it as “the belief that race is real and meaningful.” It is this liberal White point of view, in particular, which this article addresses. But before proving racial realism, let us reflect on precisely what these two mutually exclusive definitions do in conjunction with one another: the non-Whites’ definition of racism — the belief that all Whites are and only Whites can be racists by way of “prejudice plus power” — actually marks themselves as racists in the eyes of liberal Whites! And the liberal Whites’ definition of racism — the belief that race be a meaningful concept — only heaps upon themselves yet more adamant charges of racism from non-Whites, because non-Whites perceive their definition as, first, an absurd and obvious denial of reality, and second, an attempt on the part of Whites to evade any corporate guilt for the storied crimes of the White race. To Blacks and other non-Whites, the liberal Whites’ sudden denial of the existence of the White race is analogous to the devil’s greatest trick — convincing the world that he never really existed in the first place.
Now, the perceptive reader will have guessed the next twist in the saga — even a liberal White cannot forever evade the reality that it is predominantly non-Whites who insist that his a-racial view evidences him as a particularly virulent brand of racist himself, a covert racist. And when he finally comes face-to-face with that reality, he must immediately condemn himself for even perceiving his accusers’ generally non-White makeup! In the balance then, he can do nothing to escape his racism. Either he is a racist for accepting the reality of race or he is a racist for denying it.  It may at first sound overstated, but when you step back and consider the implications of the matter, it really is the existential crisis of our time. The liberal White denial of race is one of the greatest impediments to real peace amongst the races.
The “anti-racist” agenda embarked upon by every Western government in the last sixty years is driven by fuzzy, and even downright self-contradictory, ideological commitments. And as thinking Christians, we are charged by the Almighty Himself to both extol truth and bring low all that is a lie (2 Cor.10:5; Eph.5:11). If we do not, God assures us that He will visit the out-workings of our sin upon our heads and the heads of our posterity (Obad.1:15). Or, as Richard Weaver so succinctly stated it, “Ideas have consequences.” With the charge of these realities in mind, I ask the reader to restrain any trained knee-jerk reaction so as to make room for a little truth. All truth is God’s Truth, after all.
Let’s begin.
Bob Whitaker has famously pointed out the contemporary cognitive dissonance at play in the fact that forensic anthropologists are routinely called upon by the American court system to identify the races of cadavers recovered from crime scenes. For the purpose of conclusive victim-identification, these experts are asked to testify under oath that they can definitively ascertain the race of a corpse from said remains. Then, astoundingly, for the presumed purposes of not engendering prejudice in a given jury, they are directed in a gross contradiction of their previous testimony to swear that modern science has concluded that races do not really exist at all. Though race is universally accepted as a sufficiently tangible reality for the purposes of forensically identifying victims and perpetrators, the courts have mandated blatant perjury on the issue. But, of course, this institutionalized contradiction is merely an attempt at continuity with, and standardization of, the Marxist monkeyshines of an occupied academia.
Even the most committed liberals are unable to wish away the evidentiary avalanche.  At the risk of regurgitating some well-worn facts, I will briefly outline the burgeoning assemblage of crime and IQ statistics which so transparently demonstrates differences beyond physical appearance.  We could pick any two races and find real, demonstrable differences. However, for ease of illustration and familiarity, we will contrast Europeans (Whites) and Africans (Blacks).
Blacks in America have been proven redundantly by every conceived standard of measure to possess an average IQ of 85.  That’s 20 points, or two standard deviations, lower than the Euro-American average of 105.1  When I say “every conceived standard,” I mean just that: liberals constantly tweak the tests to favor Black culture, providing extra programs, tutors, and cash prizes to inspire better performance in Blacks.  In some cases, they even mandate the addition of extra points based upon race — the beneficiaries of which are always Blacks and Mestizos.  But even when the tests are rigged to favor Black and/or Mestizo cultures, the gap still remains.
Now, while 85 is admittedly a better average than the 70-point average found among Blacks in Africa2, it still leaves a broad breadth of Black men unaccountable for their actions by way of the fact that the Western world regards an IQ of 70 to be,  technically speaking, the line of demarcation for mental retardation. In keeping with that resolve, the American justice system officially regards anyone demonstrating a 70-point or lower IQ to be incapable of distinguishing right from wrong or comprehending the ramifications of their actions; this means that the courts will not sentence Blacks in a manner befitting their crimes. This results in an absurd under-representation of Blacks on death row and a continual recirculation of the most vicious monsters back into society.
Think on these realities:
  • 68% of all violent crime arrests are of Blacks.
  • 60% of young adult Black males are armed with a weapon at all times.
  • Blacks commit 8 times as many assaults as Whites.
  • Blacks commit 14 times as many murders as Whites.
  • Blacks commit 19 times as many armed robberies as Whites.3
All categories of violent crime considered, Blacks are found to be 50 times more violent than Whites. Now, in order to understand the enormity of that discrepancy, one need only translate it into a percentage:  Blacks are 5,000% more violent than their White counterparts.  If a neighborhood is only 8% Black, the average White victim of violent crime  in that area will still almost certainly identify his or her assailant as Black — and for that matter, so will the Black, Brown, and Yellow victims.  While Blacks make up roughly 14% of the American populace, half are women, and another margin is made up of the very old and the very young, so the egregiously offending demographic (Black males, age 13-35) make up about 3% of the U.S. population.  Incredibly, that 3% of the population is responsible for more violence than all other people in the country combined.4
To the endless chagrin of liberals, these figures aren’t compiled by any dismissible  right-wing source, as so many might wish. They are compiled by the federal government, various universities, and the seemingly endless armadas of liberal “think tanks” and ‘”action committees” living off of government endowments.  The ideological partisanship is real enough, but it all runs rigidly against the  grudgingly inescapable findings.  The evidence is just too monumental to be effectively suppressed or explained away.  And though the economic materialist construes this disparity as the result of poverty in the Black communities, this Marxist perspective is entirely undone by the reality that America’s rural areas, despite being quite poor by national standards, do not exhibit any sort of parity of criminal behavior with Black communities. The distinguishing factor, of course, is their White population.  No matter where they are — be it America, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, or any of the countries of Europe — and no matter how poor they happen to be, the worst White community is a more moral and safer place than the best Black community. What’s more, this maxim crosses over boundaries of faith by virtue of the fact that the least Christian White neighborhood is still a many times more moral place than the most Christian Black neighborhood.  One may object to these realities, but they remain realities nonetheless. The fact that this sociological law remains to date unnamed is unacceptable. Let the Christian-Newsom Constant be added to the American lexicon.
But propositionalists and egalitarians within the Church will undoubtedly quip: “… but that’s only because the European has been steeped in the Gospel so much longer  than the African!”  But this too is wholly untrue.  St. Philip’s ministry to the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:27-39) marked the first-century inauguration of the Abyssinian church and the  institution of the Ethiopic See.  African Christianity began contemporaneously with European Christianity, but even where the African’s perspectival expressions of the faith have most approached something which we might regard as orthodox, their spirituality has remained in numerous ways so distinct from our own that we have  historically had great difficulty even identifying their expressions of the faith as Christian in the most basic sense.  For instance, we find that the African conception of the Christian family has typically been a matriarch, overseen by her mother (a grand-matriarch, if you will), and a male blood relative (usually the lesser matriarch’s brother), together rearing the offspring of several different men. Generally, the children are considered the property not of one family alone, but of the village communally. Hillary Clinton notoriously tried to sell this African model to Americans with the phrase, “It takes a village.” This phrase quickly became a byword with which to mock liberals, but Blacks took immediate offense at this because they understood American Whites to actually be mocking African-”Christian” values.  The predilection for this type of familial organization has proven so strong in the African that every colonial society of Blacks in the world has quite unconsciously returned to this model as soon as the grip of European paternalism is loosened.  There are admittedly exceptions to this pattern. The Masai tribe is one: the men take multiple wives, and in order to support their tenuous patriarchy, they perform “circumcision” on all their women to better ensure the fidelity of their wives. Meanwhile, the men still remain gratuitous philanderers.  But the exceptions actually prove the rule as well, do they not?
No matter how long Whites have spent trying to imbue them with the idea of the Christian family, Christianized Black societies shed the institution as soon as Whites yield control back to Blacks. Hence, Blacks in America, despite claiming Christianity at a higher ratio than Whites, popularly conclude that “marriage is for White people.”5  Consider also that in the year of our Lord 2011, African Christians still routinely burn their children and their elderly alive for suspicion of being witches.6  But of course, Whites used to do the same, didn’t they?  No, not exactly. European Christians executed witches, to be sure.  But most of the accused were actually guilty of witchcraft.  The only real question of propriety arose regarding the matter of “spectral evidence”, i.e., witches appearing in a person’s dreams or as an apparition.  Such were at the time legitimate questions of jurisprudence in need of definitive interpretation and resolution.  It was the Salem Witch Trials in America which eventually settled these matters, resolving that spectral evidence could not meet the biblical bar for an eyewitness.  That was some 300 years ago. Once American courts arrived at this conclusion, the insight was universally embraced across the entirety of the European-stock Western world.  Albeit, the hate crime (or more aptly termed “thought crime”) laws of the post-civil rights era have actually shoved modern jurisprudence into a far more primitive state than that of the pre-Salem days — but that’s an issue for another article in itself.
What, then, do African Christians today cite as reasons for suspicion of witchcraft?  Typically, they connect bad weather and a child’s profusion (or lack) of talkativeness as indications of witchcraft.  The irony of the matter is that while they burn toddlers and grandmothers for their suspected leagues with spirits, even the average “Reformed” African church service features blood sacrifice of animals, trances, necromancy (speaking with and asking favors of the dead), and various incantations commanding nature to do their bidding — all in Jesus’ name, of course.  Basically, the most devout Christians among them are themselves ostensibly guilty of witchcraft, more so than their mute babies, that’s for certain.789  Add to that the fact that they are yet to make any substantial effort to eradicate their peoples’ grievous and ongoing cultural practices of gang-rape, child-rape, and cannibalism.10
According to the 2008 National Census, 85.5% of the [Liberian] population practice Christianity … Liberia is considered a de facto Christian state. Public schools offer biblical studies, though parents may opt out their children. Commerce is prohibited by law on Sundays and major Christian Holidays.11
Liberia is, on paper at least, one of the most theonomic countries in the world, but it remains a living hell-on-earth nonetheless. The same goes for every other African-Christian land. The question must be asked — why?
Even after two millennia of European missions to and discipleship of the African, White Christians yet find the church environment fostered by Africans difficult to differentiate from the grossest expressions of paganism.12  One such ethno-cultural handicap seems central to the entire discussion of the African’s interaction with the faith: many a White missionary, explorer, and Bible translator blanched to learn that, prior to colonialism, Blacks were found to possess no corollary in any native dialect for the words “promise,” “bond,” “oath,” “dedication,” “contract,” or “covenant.” And it wasn’t just that they lacked the words; no, they lacked the very concepts.13 That conceptual vacancy bespoke a uniquely impaired psychology and spiritual condition back of it.  Since this continuum of ideas was understood as so indispensable to Christian family, vocation, religion, and civilization, Europeans were compelled to coin like terms on behalf of the African by splicing pre-existing words of the native dialects together in hopes of approximating the needed concepts. The result was that, after the Europeans created written forms to parallel the natives’ vocalizations, African Bibles were translated, and the Gospel sown, using terms like “chained-to,” ‘tied-down,” “tethered,” and so on to communicate the covenantal concepts.   Of course, these sorts of ad hoc translations still fell short of the true meaning of our European equivalents, so many thought the African would better understand Christianity if he were only made literate in a European tongue.  But this approach of teaching them in English that they are “contracted to their employer” has fared no better than teaching them in a Congolese dialect that they are “chained-to their master.”  In fact, a strong case can be made that the former strategy has yielded less fruit than the latter. No, more than a strong case — it’s just a fact.
It wasn’t long ago that Christians were honest about these things. Here is the collective attestation of the United Christian Missions to Africa as relayed by their congressional secretary in 1899:
The sterility and unprogressiveness of negro civilizations, negro states, are as much due to the paralyzing death grip of Islam as to nature’s foreclosure of his intellectual powers when she mortgages the growth of his brain after puberty. [p.71] . . . Africa is home to the most man-like apes and the most ape-like men. [p.164] . . . The Negro has an animal-look . . . skin as rancid as a goat’s . . . and inherent mental inferiority. [p.166] . . . The negro is unmoral . . . an overgrown child. [p.167] . . . . His animal spirits are irrepressible and the mothers do all the parenting. [p.168] . . . Anarchy is the dominant chord of the Hamite. [p.169] . . . The lost churches of Abyssinia . . . Africa was a land of death shades . . . Darkness covered the earth and gross darkness her peoples.  [p.178] . . . Ethiopic Christianity shows the utmost amount of superstition that can overwhelm a church without killing it . . . acceptance of this view [that they are truly Christians] strains our view of Christianity and the Church almost to breaking . . . whatever extravagant ritualism . . . and fatal divorce between ethics and religion disfigures oriental Christianity reveals itself most hideously in Abyssinia. [p.192] . . . Negro theology, when eliminated of superstition retains little religion.14
Black Africans, unlike Europeans or Asians, have no ruins of past civilization, no archeological, written, nor even oral history of which to speak. They never created any written languages. Nor did they smelt metals of any kind, invent bricks, or even produce the wheel. As incredible as it may be to contemplate, as a race, they have barely harnessed fire.  Aside from the importation and subsidization of all of these on the part of Europeans or Arabs to a lesser degree, Africans would still today be living in pre-paleolithic conditions. For such reasons, Africa was in more Christian times known at once as “The Lost Continent,” “The Pariah Continent,” and most ubiquitously, “The Dark Continent.”  “Africa stood for mystery and symbolism in religious thought. The very name has by etymology been interpreted as meaning sealed, secret, or separated.”15
Now, I fully sympathize with the likely reaction of a sensitive reader to balk at all of this focus on the African’s pitiable condition as uncouth or even cruel, but I beg the reader’s forbearance here: this author does not intend to needlessly denigrate or insult anyone, only to make plain the contrast between races which are categorically dismissed in the public square today — because this denial of race, and of the racial distinction between Blacks and Whites in particular, has, is, and will yet still lead to catastrophic violence on our own children if not otherwise addressed.  Truth be told, the levels of rape, murder, and mayhem suffered by Whites in close proximity to the Black race are otherwise found nowhere but in theaters of actual war. Plainly put, the cost of denying the reality of race is carnage and death. Truly, in the end, this benefits no one.  And as regards Africans in particular, the Scripture itself demands we reckon with the fact that they are “a nation [lit. ethnicity] scattered and peeled . . . a people [lit. race] terrible from their beginning onward” (Isa.18:2, 7). Again, I know these words may seem shocking to the modern Christian, but the Scripture forthrightly distinguishes between peoples, and oftentimes even makes declarative value judgments of whole ethnic groups.
It is on this basis that St. Paul could say, “‘Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.’ This testimony is true” (Tit.1:12-13). No matter how one slices it, the apostle and the prophet (with God back of them) do distinguish between peoples as peoples.  God even addresses particulars of ethnic taxonomy such as skin color when He  asks rhetorically by the pen of Jeremiah, “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots?” (Jer.13:23)  So, too, do we find numerous flattering references to Israelites as “white and ruddy” (1 Sam.16:12; 17:42; Song of Solomon 5:10; Lam.4:7).  The fact that the context of the passage in Jeremiah is all about “soiled” coverings intimates that the prophet’s invocation of the African’s color is less than complimentary, to say the least. Contrary to what the 501(c)3 preachers say today, God is obviously not colorblind.
Not without reason, then, does contemporary experience follow suit as babies’ reaction to races is proven to be innate.16  Our endemic reactions to racial morphology stem from pre-programmed neuro-chemical reactions in the brain.17  This means that prior to any “racist” programming or “colorblind” indoctrination, children perceive race as real and make certain reflexive value judgments about it as well. The reactions are patterned, consistent, testable, and reproducible. These reactions are endemic to the point of being autonomic, like squinting in the sunlight, or shivering in the cold. They are nothing less than a candid and reflexive apprehension of and reaction to creation.  Though children’s reaction to light and dark complexion is marked, it isn’t a matter of color alone.  There are other morphological-aesthetic matters at issue as well, but babies’ most negative responses are nonetheless connected to the darkest (Hamitic) faces while their most positive responses are reserved for the lightest (Japhethic) faces.
The conservative luminary Edmund Burke, known to our forefathers simply as “the Christian Statesman,” reached the same conclusion long ago in his famous essay on beauty:
It is very hard to imagine, that the effect of any idea so universally terrible in all times and in all countries, as darkness, could possibly have been owing to a set of idle stories, or to any cause of a nature so trivial, and of an operation so precarious . . . blackness and darkness are in some degree painful by their natural operation, independent of any association whatsoever. . . . [There is] the story of a boy, who had been born blind . . . [by an operation] he received his sight . . . and upon accidentally seeing a negro woman, he was struck with great horror at the sight. The horror in this case, can scarcely be supposed to arise from any association. They had . . . their effects from their natural operation.
Christians, having been steeped in the Marxist social theory of the cultural revolution, have recently begun trying to dismiss these innate reactions as resulting from the noetic corruption of our sin nature, but this line of reasoning actually indicts the Holy Spirit Himself by the fact that the Scripture speaks ubiquitously in terms of this very same light/good, dark/bad  paradigm (Job 24:13,17; Dan.2:22; John 3:19-21; 12:46; etc.).  This metaphysic of light and dark are so delineated in Scripture because “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). “And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness” (Gen.1:4). Are we saying then that the Hamitic race is not made in the image of God?  Certainly not.  We are saying, as the Scripture does, that “darkness hides Him” (Psa.18:11).  The usual markers which reveal the image of God in men are distinctly veiled in the African’s constitution, both inwardly and outwardly.
This state of having the image of God veiled by darkness is not exclusive to the African.  All races of men actually share in this condition to a lesser degree as God forms them in the wombs of their mothers: the unborn child cannot reason as we do, or level coherent arguments, or do many other things. Darkness covers him, mind and body. While the secularist deduces from this nascent state that the child lacks personhood, the Christian says, instead, that the child’s humanity is merely veiled or hidden. As with the unborn child then, so too with the African in some respects; it is in no way a denial of the African’s full humanity and right to ethical treatment to be honest about his intellectual and moral capacities.  Many are tempted to dismiss this understanding of the African’s condition as “hateful,” but doing so would likewise undermine the pro-life position regarding the unborn as well. If it is a loving position to acknowledge the full humanity but cognitive deficiencies of babies, how could we call it hateful in regard to Blacks? To accept such a resolve for the former and reject it in regard to the latter is to argue that Blacks are actually of greater ontological value, or that they are more human than babies, or that it is otherwise immoral to say any criticism about them — an untenable position, indeed. It would grant the secularists’ argument in toto.
But again, this isn’t about the reality of the African race in particular so much as the reality of race in general. The mapping of the human genome has provided a scientific “amen” in natural  revelation unto special revelation (i.e., Scripture) by confirming the identifiability of certain gene clusters which accord precisely with the conventionally perceived and biblically delineated ethnic groups. Now, with nothing more than a swabbing from one’s mouth, geneticists can identify not just the race of an individual, but his country of origin; and in many cases they can even identify with extreme precision the very towns and mountain ranges through which a person’s family line advanced millennia ago. If race were not a reality, all of this would be completely impossible, but, far from an impossibility, people have it done all the time now.1819  And it dare not be forgotten that professor James Watson, the Nobel Prize winner heralded as the “greatest scientist of our age” for his cracking the DNA code, was publicly flogged in the press for telling the obvious truth about race.2021  Bear that in mind the next time someone tells you that “science has proven that race doesn’t exist”: when the greatest living expert on genetics said otherwise, he was immediately shunned by all of the the government-sponsored think tanks and stripped of his funding. The law of political correctness dictates that science is not allowed to draw such conclusions.
But we don’t really even need to delve into the DNA to accept what is plain to our senses: The ability to identify race at a glance has actually proven more accurate than the ability to identify gender.22  Clearly then, any argument which portrays race as arbitrary due to any rare difficulty in distinguishing one sort from another would all the more undermine the existence of gender.  Again, ideas do indeed have consequences: as goes race, so goes gender.  To whatever extent we deny the existence of the former, we would be compelled to deny the latter even more emphatically.  This a Christian can never do.
Even twins’ studies have proven redundantly that nature accounts for the majority of our behaviors, tastes, and predilections.23  Clearly, the nurture aspect of culture is significant, but not to the extent that it overrides one’s nature.  As one would expect if genetics were indeed significant in the constitution of human societies, ethnic similarity in marriage is found to result in greater fertility.24  Then, there’s the issue of xenotransplantation, i.e. heterogeneous organ, blood, marrow, or tissue transplantation. Even radical leftist Louis Stokes, while decrying what he sees as a thoroughly racist system of selection for organ transplantation, grudgingly admits that “disparity is due to biological matching problems.”25  What Mr. Stokes objects to, then, is not merely some arbitrary or unjust policy of discrimination, but creation itself. His war is with reality, and the God of reality who is behind these things.  As the American Society of Transplantation attests, the transfusion of blood, bone marrow, and organs is possible heterogeneously (cross-race) only through “the development of drugs that suppress the immune system.”  This immunosuppression generally destroys a patient’s immune system for good.26  Yes, legal minds are in a frenzy to somehow undo these natural distinctions; they war against these undeniable and indelible realities because they run contra their egalitarian dreams:
Disparities in access to transplantable organs can be attributed to the strong preference for antigen matching promulgated by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN).  The more similar the donor and the recipient are genetically, the more likely the chances that the antigens will match. Thus kidneys from white donors will most likely be given to white recipients, even where African-Americans, and other individuals with slightly distinct genetic make-up have waited longer on the same recipient list.27
Given the organ transplant issue, the experts can a fortiori say:
Compared to organ transplants, bone marrow donations need to be even more genetically similar to their recipients. . . . the vast majority of successful matches take place between donors and patients of the same ethnic background. Since all the immune system’s cells come from bone marrow, a transplant essentially introduces a new immune system to a person. Without genetic similarity between the donor and the patient, the new white blood cells will attack the host body. In an organ transplant, the body can reject the organ, but with marrow, the new immune system can reject the whole body.28
Plainly then, multiracial societies exacerbate transplantation problems in every way, and no amount of politically correct platitudes or liberal indignation can undo what God hath wrought. The anti-racialism with which liberal Whites are so enamored does not come cheap. It costs many, many lives. Every year. Every day. And in many different ways. Even the unfortunate mixed-race offspring resulting from the forced integration imposed upon us by the social engineers demonstrate markedly elevated levels of antisocial behavior by comparison to their mono-racial counterparts.2930  That’s really saying something when you consider the crime and pathology statistics generated by Blacks and, to a lesser degree, Hispanics (Latin-American-Indians) as well.
While we’re still on the topic of medicine, it should be mentioned that Blacks are uniquely susceptible to rickets, hypertension, kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease, glaucoma, sickle cell anemia, the contraction of HIV, the progression from HIV to AIDS, sociopathy, schizophrenia, psychopathy, and many other anti-social behaviors besides.  Black children are prone to shorter gestation periods (a full week shorter than Caucasians)31, low birth weight, SIDS (crib death), ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, and congenital retardation.  Meanwhile, they are also prone to above-average testosterone, higher ratios of fast-twitch muscle fiber, thicker skulls and tooth enamel, denser bones, longer limbs, high VO max, and resistance to UV (sunlight) exposure — all of which is to say that their peculiar handicaps are somewhat offset by their collective gifts, just as is the case with every other race.
In the case of Whites, for example, we are more prone to skin cancer, lupus, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as many allergies.  (Like Blacks, we Whites too have our own distinguishing gifts, which, for both brevity’s and discretion’s sake, I shall entrust to the reflections of the reader.) Every medical facility and individual health provider is constrained by these facts of biology. As much as they may disdain it, they are forced to gather certain ethnic/racial information in order to provide effective care, because said data bears critically on matters of health. Not all treatments work the same on all races — because race is indeed real.
But this brings us to the crux of the anti-racialist argument — their assertion (in the face of all observation) that difficulty in identifying the ethnicity of any one individual actually invalidates the notion of meaningful categorization in all cases.   In other words, if an African-European hybrid is neither an African nor an European, then both categories are invalid concepts. These blurry, in-between categories disprove the existence of race in toto. So they allege.
But this is a textbook expression of the logical fallacy known as Loki’s Wager.  I think the best analogy fit for the issue is that of the seashore — though we may have difficulty discerning where the land ends and the sea begins, it in no way nullifies the existence of either category. On the contrary, the blurry edges actually serve to define said categories: the exceptions prove the rule. As with sea and shore, so too with the various races of men; the blurry examples solidify our apprehension that there are real racial distinctions. And, ironically enough, even the charge of racism presupposes the existence of race. Otherwise, the anti-racist wouldn’t even be able to recognize the existence of “oppressed” ethnic minorities as minorities, which is to say that the a-racialist/anti-racist is actually just as guilty of racism as the one whom he condemns for racism.  The logical conclusion of the liberal White definition of racism is that racism is an inescapable constant for everyone, the anti-racist included. Worse than useless, their perspective can only precipitate endless litigation, covetousness, guilt, enmity, violence, mayhem, and ultimately death. The dream of equality proves a shallow grave for us all.
Of course, in order to be consistent, the anti-racialist would have to demand that Indian tribal holdings undergo “civil rights reappropriations” (read: legalized theft), just as our own communities have, because Indians, like the White race, are merely a social construct with no basis in reality. When the Indians began evicting all the Whites from their reservations last year on the basis that these Whites could not, by definition, qualify as Indians, nary a word was uttered in protest by anyone. In fact, Whites applauded them for taking a stand to protect and preserve their people from encroachment by Whites. It seemed as if the anti-racial dogma had been laid aside, at least in regard to the Indian. The Indian did in fact exist.  This year, the Cherokee Nation began evicting Blacks from their sovereign tribal lands on the same legal, moral, and logical grounds on which Whites had been evicted the year prior.  But this time, it would not be allowed. Discrimination against Whites as Whites was acceptable, but discrimination against Blacks was — you guessed it — “racist.”  So, once again, we return to absurdity: race is apparently acknowledged as real if it preserves the Indian against White encroachment, but race is declared fictional when the Indians seek to protect themselves against encroachment from Blacks.  Everyone knows it’s absurd, perhaps none more so than the Indian.32 This entails that no one can begin to live according to the anti-racialists’ standard, because it indicts the anti-racialist as much as it does the racialist.  Even if they’re right, they’re wrong.
Moreover, it is the Scripture which gives us one of the most clearly expressed refutations of the a-racial/anti-racial view, in that the text everywhere presupposes the  legitimate, lawful, and ontological reality of races and ethnic groups.  Specific terms are used redundantly throughout, such as Gentiles and nations (Heb. goyim/Grk. ethnos), which mean, just as the Greek hints, “ethnicities.” Similarly, the term peoples (Grk. genos) is the root of “genes,” “genetics,” “genealogy,” etc., and is generally translated by linguists forthrightly as “races.” There are even many words used in Scripture which denote taxonomical, lineal, and legal exclusion from a race: for instance, the term which appears as “other peoples” (Grk. allogenes) is the composite of two Greek words, allos (“other”) and genos (“races”). And the term rendered “illegitimate” or “bastard” (Heb. mamzer/Grk. nothos) in Deuteronomy 23:2 is candidly understood by linguists to mean “mixed-race, mongrel,” as is proven by its translation in Zechariah 9:6, which says “a mongrel race shall dwell in Ashdod.”33  These are not controversial matters to language experts, only to modern theologians who desperately seek to obfuscate the plain meaning of the text in favor of an egalitarian sociology. Wherever the text speaks in these overtly ethnic categories (which is virtually everywhere), moderns are compelled by the spirit of our liberal age, perhaps unwittingly, to spiritualize all said references.  Even the word which is often rendered as “pagan” (Heb. zuwr) in the Old Testament of our English Bibles literally means “alien or foreign.” Any religious connotation assumed when one sees the word “pagan” in those texts is but an anachronistic eisegetical (misinterpretive) imposition made by translators. It is patently a racial or tribal term.
The revelation of Jesus Christ through His holy Word, the Bible, and His atoning work for mankind rests upon His irrefutable status as the pure-blood claimant to the throne of Israel — as the “genealogy of Jesus Christ” (Grk. Christogenea)  referenced in the Gospels literally means “the racial history of the Christ.” If we deny the meaningfulness of lineal descent and race, Christ could not then be royalty of the race of Shem, Abraham, and David; nor then would He be the holy Seed promised to come through them as Saviour to all the tribes of men. Such a view is the immediate denial of the Gospel itself. A Christian can have none of it. By definition, then, the anti-racialism which has so recently come to ascendence in the churches is plainly self-contradictory and can be squared neither with Scripture nor with reason. Albeit a pretty lie, it is an obvious lie nonetheless.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

The Poison of Multiculturalism

The Poison of Multiculturalism

Dr. Michael Hill, League of the South President
Eventually, amnesty for millions of non-white illegal aliens will become reality. Many think this is the beginning of the end of Western Christian civilization in North America. Why have the elites sold us out? Why are they committed to the destruction of the West by the promotion of multiculturalism? And why is multiculturalism the poison that will ultimately prove fatal to Western Christian civilization unless an antidote is quickly administered? Unless we understand exactly what we are dealing with when we bring up the subject of multiculturalism, The League of the South and our allies can never hope to successfully combat the enemies who are sworn to our – white Southerners–destruction as a people.
What exactly is multiculturalism (which, for short, I will simply call MC)? Its advocates cast it in innocuous terms, claiming that it is merely justice and the recognition and celebration within the borders of the West of non-Western peoples and cultures. A proposition based on simple fairness, they say. Moreover, the MC crowd claims the superior moral mantle of anti-racism (which is really only a coded term for “anti-white”). The white, Christian West, they posit, bears much guilt for having built its prosperity and civilization on the backs of the poor, dark-skinned races of the world. It is only just, then, that the West share its wealth – including its land and produce – with its myriad poor brothers and sisters from the Third World. Pity and sympathy have become their most potent weapons turned against a West that has lost its ability to think correctly about the question of its very survival.
In our day, virtually every Western institution – church, government, the academy, the media, big business – mimics the cry of left-wing utopian humanism. From the Civil Rights movement in America to the Universal Rights of Man, the demand is the same: “Western man, give up your ill-gotten Kingdom for the good of all.” We Westerners are browbeaten in the name of MC to take in millions from the Third World in order that we not only might share our wealth and way of life with them but also to prove that we are not “racists.” In short, we are asked to sacrifice all we have at the altar of egalitarianism.
But MC is really not about ushering in equality among all races, religions, and cultures; rather, it is about destroying Western Christian civilization, the world’s premier unmitigated evil. And because the South is the strongest enclave of this civilization, it finds itself square in the crosshairs of the MC crowd. Why do you think the Feds are not willing to lift a hand to stop our dispossession by a floodtide of illegal immigrants? It is the continuation of Reconstruction to the ultimate degree. We are being replaced as a people.
Any attempt by Western man to defend himself and his civilization is called “racism,” and is designed to paralyze him completely (even when no malice is shown toward any other group). This agenda points up the fact that the proponents of MC seek not fairness, justice, or equality but demonization and destruction of the white, Christian West. Only whites, and white Southerners in particular, are not allowed to have a country all their own. Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, but no South for white Southerners!
All indications point to the success of the MC agenda of paralyzing the West through guilt manipulation. Though we never had any sort of debate about whether we wanted to be a MC polity, it has been forced upon us anyway. Anyone who protests is silenced by the usual epithets. Even opposition to illegal immigration is enough to get you called a “racist” or a “xenophobe.” If you don’t believe me, check out the Southern Poverty Law Center’s rants on the subject.
Why do we allow this to happen? I suppose the bigger question is: why are we voluntarily swallowing the poison of MC and committing suicide? Former President Bill Clinton was effusive in his praise for the coming day – around the year 2050–when whites of European descent would become a minority in North America. Well, if getting rid of the white majority is such a good thing, why wait until 2050? Why not just drop all pretence of enforcing immigration law and roll out the red carpet for the Third World? If all men are brothers and America is indeed a Proposition Nation, then what are we waiting for?
If the scenario of the South (and the rest of America) being overrun by hordes of non-white immigrants does not appeal to you, then how is this disaster to be averted? By the people who oppose it rising up against their traitorous elite masters and their misanthropic rule. But to do this we must first rid ourselves of the fear of being called “racists” and the other meaningless epithets they use against us. What is really meant by the MC advocates when they peg us as “racists” is that we adhere to ethnocentrism, which is a natural affection for one’s own kind. This is both healthy and Biblical. I am not ashamed to say that I prefer my own kind and my own culture. Others can have theirs; I have mine. No group can survive for long if its members do not prefer their own over others.
If the South – the most important remaining bastion of Western Christian civilization – is to survive the MC onslaught, then it must fight doggedly against everything that threatens its existence. If we cannot do this, it is proof that we are a dying civilization. To live, we must re-cultivate our common cultural bonds that historically have made us a distinct people, repent of our sins, and pray to God that he will spare us for ever letting things get this bad in the first place.
J. Michael Hill
Killen, Alabama

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Fascist Labour-run Sunderland Council approves new mosque, ignores hundreds of local protestors

Labour-run Sunderland Council approves new mosque, ignores hundreds of local protestors

Sunderland’s Labour Council has approved plans for a new mosque despite huge public opposition to its construction.

The conversion of a transport depot on St Mark’s Road, Millfield, into a mosque attracted 671 letters of objection and a 1,462-signature petition, as well as large street demonstrations.

But that was all ignored by councillors, who gave the proposals the go-ahead at a meeting in the civic centre, eliciting cries of outrage from more than 20 objectors in the public gallery.

The plans involve the demolition of single-storey offices, the erection of parapet walls and two brick-faced domed columns.

Some neighbours, who also spoke at the meeting, objected because they believed the development would result in an increase in noise and traffic.

But Labour Council leader Paul Watson brushed aside residents’ concerns, saying: ‘We need to decide on the facts that are presented to us, not about what may or may not happen or the fears people have.’

The application, which was submitted by the Pakistan Islamic Centre, attracted hundreds of complaints on the Council’s website.

There is already a 345-capacity mosque (Sunderland Masjid) in Millfield, and another 195-capacity mosque (Masjid ibn Taymeeyah) close by on Chester Road.

Thanks to Sunderland’s gullible Labour voters, there will now be one more.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Reds , The Modern Liberal,


It is no longer de rigeur (French for “trendy”) to laughingly dismiss leftists as a bunch of Reds, but the idea lingers with us because like most stereotypes, there is truth to it.
Our modern liberals may not be Communists, but they act like them.
Even if they have mixed capitalism, Christ and strong national defense into their egalitarian class warfare agenda, today’s liberals have the same obsessive ideological mania as communists.
Their doctrinaire dictum: be pure in the ways of our ideology, or you’re the problem with our society, and you must be destroyed.
Not content with tolerance, they demand a norming of all things formerly deviant. When the extremes are OK, all are accepted, so we the normal must adopt the extremes. For ideology!
Beneath these layers of ideographic hocus-pocus however, the leftist like the Communist before him has a very basic psychological demand. If everyone is equal, no one can tell me “no.”
The essence of all leftism is the same. Equality creates a lowest common denominator standard and makes it illegal for others to discriminate against the poor behavior of others. That makes all behavior accepted.
The neurotic, criminal, perverse or underconfident individual likes this. It’s a law that forces social acceptance of all individuals, thus naturally including them. The fear of the individual creates a snowball of fear, and soon people are afraid to not join.
The mob picks up momentum. Inevitably it creates such dysfunction that totalitarianism is called for, to protect the ideology. But the ideology itself replaces all systems of values, so soon the totalitarian impulse replaces all else.
We can see this same Communist-like mania in our modern liberals. Pornographic videos in schools. Speech codes that are bigoted double standards. Hatred, gnashing of teeth and resentful vengeance against all that is normaly, healthy or hopeful.
They get what they wanted. Their ideology neutralizes others by removing their ability to criticize the behavior or abilities of the leftist. This makes a paradise for parasites: competence and goodness are irrelevant, and society owes them a living!
A typical leftist likes this because it allows him to run whatever small scams and evasions he has going without a chance of getting caught. It allows him to be as narcissistic, pompous, self-important and overblown as possible without a chance of public criticism.
It is not the powerful characters who like this. It is the embittered and cornered. Every ghetto has its pimps, every blighted railroad town its corrupt sadistic sheriffs, every trailer park its thuggish loan sharks. These are the ones who feast from liberalism.
No matter what our leaders do, it is a pittance compared to the everyday graft, sabotage and incompetence of such people — average people, including all those whose minds have been replaced by lbieralism — and far less pervasive.
When a society it is healthy, it has regulated its people to keep out the insane. The healthy grow up innocent, brave, honest, curious and proud. Their pride is their identity, their honor, and their reason for wanting to excel.
Communism seeks to smash all those things. Curiously, so does modern liberalism, no matter how “neoconservative” it seems. Are these people Reds? It doesn’t matter; they act enough like them that we avoid them with the same wary paranoia that marked the end of the Soviet Union.