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Monday 3 May 2010

English Defence League Dudley Rooftop Protest Latest

11:40pm Sunday 2nd May 2010

REPORTS are coming in that the English Defence League has occupied the rooftop of a derelict building in Dudley earmarked for a mammoth new mosque in Dudley Birmingham.
The group staged a daytime protest in the town on Easter Saturday to show their objection to the planned new place of worship - and almost immediately afterwards supporters said a return visit was already being planned.
Around 20 EDL members, with their faces covered, are reportedly involved in the protest, which has been advertised on the group's page on social networking site Facebook.
An eyewitness said: "They're waving England flags and blaring out Islamic music from a loud speaker."
The EDL's website says the protestors "have food and water to last them weeks, and a pa system to give speeches".
It adds: "I believe they even have a Playstation. They will be playing the call to prayer to let those who are not bothered by this mosque know what to look forward to."
footnote by Hrwich Nationalist
The EDL and British National party are two seperate groups with no links what so ever,  that is one media UAF lie that has to be cleared up

BNP only Genuine Alternative to Old-Gang Parties

 May 2, 2010 - By BNP News
The British National Party is the only genuine alternative to the old-gang parties, Watford parliamentary candidate Dr Andrew Emerson told a 200-strong crowd at a hustings held at Queens’ School, in Aldenham Road, Bushey.
“The electorate is thoroughly disillusioned,” Dr Emerson said. “It’s not just Labour that’s got us in this mess.
“On many issues the Conservatives and Labour are in total agreement. The Liberal Democrats are [also] guilty.
“All three of the established parties want to continue the tidal wave of immigration. All three want to remain part of the European Union. All three are united on other important questions.
“[The BNP] would end the Afghanistan war, withdraw from the EU and stop further immigration,” he continued to warm applause.
“We would stop fraudulent asylum seeking, repeal the Climate Change Act and cancel the overseas’ aid budget.”
As the meeting closed, among the crowd pressing forward to warmly congratulate Dr Emerson on his performance were several members of the public who not only stated their intention to vote BNP at the general election, but also their firm intention to join the party.

BNP only Genuine Alternative to Old-Gang Parties

Father of British soldier abused in Manchester by immigrants and traitors

Father of British soldier abused in Manchester by immigrants and traitors Up up off your knees True Brits and join the British National Party in the final Battle for Britain because if they do not prevail then there is no future for your children or grand children.  Fight now so they do not have to.

Author: Green Arrow



Sunday 2 May 2010

Global Warming The Biggest Scam of All Time

April 19, 2010 - By mercia
The purveyors of the “man-made” global warming scam have been dealt another severe blow by the news that Britain and continental Europe could experience even more cold winters in the future — not because of the industrial activities of mankind, but due to low solar activity.
Researchers claim to have identified a link between fewer sunspots and atmospheric conditions that are responsible for the colder than usual conditions in Europe during the winter months.
The same researchers go on to claim that the phenomenon effects Europe in particular and that it would not “alter the overall global warming trend”; however, seeing as they are based at the government-funded University of Reading, then perhaps the addition of the almost obligatory “global warming” caveat is not surprising.
The researchers, led by Professor Lockwood, compared solar activity records with reliable temperature records for central England, which date back to the mid-seventeenth century.
The records show a high degree of correlation between periods of low solar activity (indicated by a lack of sunspots on the solar surface) and low temperatures across central England.
Conversely, periods of high solar activity (with many sunspots visible on the sun’s surface), corresponded to higher temperatures recorded across the region.
With respect to Britain and continental Europe, the team believes that solar activity could influence the jet streams, the high speed winds that circulate at very high altitudes above the earth, causing them to “block” warmer air currents from reaching Europe during periods of low solar activity.
Research indicates that Europe is particularly susceptible because it lies directly beneath the northern hemisphere’s main jet stream.
This winter, for instance, it is suggested that a prolonged “blocking” occurred which prevented warmer air from reaching Britain and Europe; the phenomena being directly responsible for the long spell of freezing weather experienced.
The solar activity factor thought most likely to impact on weather conditions on earth is Ultra Violet (UV) radiation output.
When solar activity is high, the amount of UV released by the sun increases, which, in turn, reduces the “blocking” effect of terrestrial jet streams, allowing warmer air to circulate into more northerly climes.
When solar activity is low, so is the amount of UV released and the impact on the jet streams reduced accordingly; allowing an intensification of the cold-inducing “blocking” process in our atmosphere.
The rather obvious implication of this research is that “man-made” global warming plays little or no part in determining global temperatures, the activity of the sun being the overwhelmingly determinant factor.
Although there has been no response from the Government to this latest piece of damning research, it can be confidently predicted that it will be ignored.
This is because the “man-made” global warming myth has little to do with scientific fact and everything to do with imposing phoney “green taxes” to fund the United Nation’s covert programme leading to what it describes as its “New Green World Order” and “global governance”, by 2050.
This programme will cost $54 trillion dollars, a colossal sum to be raised  through “green taxation” ofy the industrialised world over the next 40 years.
The “man-made” global warming scam is not just another fraud; it is potentially the biggest heist in history.
The British National Party is alone in British politics in both exposing this globalist project and the phony science that underpins it.

Horwich Nationalists BNP Supporters Group: Islamic Punishment for Women Do You want This For Your Daughters

Horwich Nationalists BNP Supporters Group: Islamic Punishment for Women Do You want This For Your Daughters

Browns Bigotgate Scandal Contempt for the White Working Class by the Liberal Political Classes

This week's events involving Prime Minister Gordon Brown's encounter with Rochdale pensioner and life long Labour voter Gilian Duffy, when he at first spoke to her ion a friendly, and, for him, affable manner, but was recorded calling her a “bigoted woman” as he drove away, were revealing in a number of ways.

Firstly they revealed a lot about the man himself. Insincerity is nothing new in politicians, but seldom has it been revealed quite so blatantly, and even the most passionate of Labour supporters must have cringed at the contrast between the flattering and friendly lies he told to the woman's face and what he said about her, and her views, behind her back when he thought he was no longer being recorded. However, there was more than just hypocrisy revealed immediately the car door closed

The fake, "stuck in a wind tunnel", grin dropped from his face and the real Gordon Brown raised his ugly head.
His first act was to blame someone else (his adviser, Sue Nye, a woman who will surly double lock her doors and windows and jump at the slightest creaking floorboard for many years to come) for 'letting' him meet 'someone like that'

he then accused the elderly voter of being a bigot merely because she dared, ever so mildly, to express some concern about migration. This was despite the fact that the poor old duck had even obeyed the BBC approved immigration debate requirement by specifically referring to “Eastern European” immigrants rather than the large numbers of Asians who have moved into Rochdale in recent decades.

In response Brown had disingenuously attempted to dismiss her concerns by claiming that the “million” foreigners were 'just replacing' a million Brits who were deserting the place. This was in fact a lie, as there are actually considerably more Europeans in Britain than there are Britons in Europe (let alone the millions upon millions of non-Europeans in Britain).

Furthermore, most of the Britons in Europe are spending their British earned, and British paid, pensions in places like France, Spain and Greece, not competing with Europeans for jobs and forcing down European wages.

When confronted with a tape of what he had said he put his head in his hands (forgetting there was TV in the studio). When the head came up the tried to say HE was misunderstood. Of course he was not 'misunderstood', he was just 'caught'. He wined that he had not been able to respond to the question about immigration because of the media – he had obviously forgotten the fib about all those Brits in Europe

He then blamed some other minders for forgetting to take his microphone off. It was all somebody else (perhaps several somebody else's) fault, to Brown the fault lay with the recording, not with what was recorded. None of the blame was his.

As the panic began to set in he dropping everything else and rushed back to Rochdale in search of the deeply hurt but still feisty pensioner's home and disappeared indoors for 45 minute, emerging to say that in fact HE had misunderstood her, he had apologised (now) and she had accepted his apology, and that he was a repentant sinner, all delivered with a nervous smirk/grin throughout. See my reference to sincerity and politicians above.

Throughout we never saw the woman, she stayed indoors. I didn't count how many bodyguards went in with him or how may came out, but when he stressed she had accepted his apology (the same woman who was giving him a Northern tongue-lashing a few hours earlier when the TV people relayed his remarks about her) I was left with the feeling the reason she wasn't by his side (it was on her doorstep after all) was because two of them had her in the kitchen holding her down until Gordon was out of range of domestic missiles.

By Friday in his interview with over employed Jeremy Paxman he had come up with a new excuse for calling a voter a bigot, apparently they were having one conversation and he was hearing a completely different one

However, it revealed a lot more than just the psychological and moral flaws of our sociopath of a Prime minister.
Had the so called “gaffe” related to any other subject the Cameron and Clegg double act would have been screaming it from the roof tops and probably used it as their mobile phone ring tones. However, in this instance their silence was almost eerie. Certainly they commented, and were suitably critical of Brown's slur on Mrs. Duffy however, in both cases their comments were made with the frowning and serious faced reserve of one listening to the words “there but fir the grace of God” echoing at the backs of their heads.

Let us be in no doubt that, although both Cameron and Clegg are both sufficiently media savvy to remember to take off their microphones before making private comments, both of them would have taken exactly the same view as Brown did of Mrs. Duffy and her views.

To our political leaders and other residents of the Westminster bubble, common people who say things like “You can't say anything about the immigrants, other wise you're a r.........” or “And what about all these Eastern Europeans, where are they all flocking from?” as Mrs. Duffy did, are bigots. In fact, at any time other than during an election, when they are required to pretend to empathise with the plebs, many of our politicians would view such statements as proof that the speaker was a hate fuelled, jack booted, Nazis.

Young journalists and junior political party apparatchiks must have been rather confused, after years of being taught to accuse people who expressed the views Mrs. Duffy did of racism and assorted hate crimes, they were suddenly being required to treat her as an “ordinary person” who was merely expressing “concerns shared by many ordinary people”, an approach which would never be permitted at any other time.

However, there is an election on, and the establishment has been forced to accept that the previously unmentionable topic of immigration is an issue of serious concern to many of those common white proles who, for the time being, still have votes. Therefore, they have to spend a month pretending that understand ordinary people and care about ordinary people's concerns, otherwise ordinary people might go off and vote for the BNP.

Once the election is over, everything will go back to normal, the politicians will forget any promises they made about resolving immigration, and it will once again be okay to call Mrs. Duffy a bigot.

That is, of course, unless enough people vote BNP to ensure our rulers stay as scared as they are right now

Islamic Punishment for Women Do You want This For Your Daughters

Wonder why women should be afraid of a Islamic take over of our Nation then just watch this, It staggers belief how the Liberal femanista Marxist elite defend the Islamic cult when it proscribes treatment of women to that of less than a beast.
If you are woman and considering voting for one of the Labour Tory or Liberal Parties then you may a well put a   X on your own DEATH WARRANT!

Operation White Vote Battle of Britain 2 Against Racist Anti White Labour & Tory Parties

Operation White Vote

'Operation Black Vote'
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Cameron has a problem if he considers becoming an MP is 'getting to the top' in this country. MP's currently are the vilest and most hated people on earth next to journalists.
His pathetic 'black vote' policy is a clear discrimination against non-blacks. Further, saying as he knows so much about 'black people facing discrimination in Britain', it might be good if he told the people where and how this is happening rather than expecting people to believe a proven liar and especially since the media is bound by govt policy under IMRAX to 'not' relate to a persons colour when reporting
The 'Black Persons Rally'
As for Clegg, you might want to see what his policy is too as he addresses the "Black Persons Rally'.
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Again, both these hypocrites make a lot of claims of racial hatred and discrimination but neither of them actually say where this is occurring. They both aim their views and politics openly at two groups which are specifically set up for 'Black People', yet shout racist to any group which simply offers to support the indigenous people of Britain. If you don't know why open discrimination is occurring against YOU, then watch the video's to find out why.
Certainly, white people are being eradicated by the political decisions of these two and by Labour.
A Vote for the LibLabCon is a vote for your own continued discrimination and there is little wonder why it has never been more urgent why we now need an 'Operation White Vote', before they start building gas chambers for us because we happen to be an unnecessary burden upon the system and a waste of space in Britain.
Operation White Vote starts here
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The Liberal Conspiracy 

Labour & Tories Lied over Imigration Figures

May 2, 2010 - By BNP News
The UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) has announced that it will be holding an official inquiry into whether Gordon Brown misrepresented official statistics to claim that the “points-based-system” — endorsed by both Labour and Conservative parties — had caused a fall in immigration.
Mr Brown’s comments stated that the points-based system had reduced the number of skilled IT workers and engineers entering Britain “by almost 20,000.”
However, Mr Brown simply ignored the other statistics which showed that the number of students admitted over the same period rose by 65,000.
According to reports, UKSA chairman Sir Michael Scholar wrote a formal warning letter last week to the Home Office, which had apparently provided Mr Brown with the unpublished figures.
The letter told the Home Office that it was not permissible to allow ministers to exploit unpublished statistics.
MigrationwatchUK chairman Sir Andrew Green made the initial complaint to the UKSA.
“It seems very probable that the Home Office are unable to substantiate the prime minister’s claims for the success of his points-based system. Indeed, I suspect that the problem is that it has actually increased immigration,” Sir Andrew was quoted as saying.
“The central question is whether the prime minister’s key speech on immigration at the beginning of the election campaign gave a truthful and accurate account of the impact of the government’s flagship policy — its points-based system.
“This saga has all the hallmarks of another Home Office cover-up. No wonder public confidence in the government’s statements on immigration is at rock bottom.”
Sir Michael has already reprimanded Mr Brown once for issuing misleading statements purporting to show a fall in immigration.
Sir Michael said it was “not comparable” to argue there had been a big fall in net inward migration after Mr Brown had made that claim as well.

The British National Party is proud to announce the launch of its very own internet radio station, Radio Red, White and Blue.

May 2, 2010 - By BNP News
The British National Party is proud to announce the launch of its very own internet radio station, Radio Red, White and Blue.
After much preparatory work by a dedicated team under John Walker, the podcast-based radio station already contains a series of shows which include nationalist music, comment, interviews, special reports from activity hotspots and the first “Euro File” report from the European Parliament in Brussels.
The first two hosts on the radio station are Mr Walker and Great White Records DJ Joey Smith, both of whom host their own refreshing folk/nationalist radio show.
Now that the background technical work has been completed, the radio station will be regularly updated.
“Readers are advised to bookmark the Radio Red, White and Blue webpage and keep checking back for updates and news, as the ability to present audio feedback will become an important means of promoting the BNP,” Mr Walker said.