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Monday 27 December 2010

Sarah Maid of Albion: Multiculturalism

Sarah Maid of Albion: Multiculturalism: "-
A Poem by Mike Wilson

Come on down you coloured folk –
We’re here to lend a hand.
We’re here to help you get a start,
In this, our own free land.

Just leave behind your petty wars
And a Muslim way of life –
Yes come on down and join the fun,
You can even bring your wife.

We’ll give you houses, jobs and cash,
We’ll give you peace of mind
And we won’t mind if you object
To how we live our lives.

Your women can be covered up
From head to foot, it’s true.
We understand that you must live
As all good Sharia’s do.

We don’t care that you hate us folk,
No we don’t care that it’s true –
We only want to show you love
As all good Christians do!

Our Christian culture is our own
But you must have one too
So we will stop our Christmasses
So you can feel ‘True Blue’.

As Christians all we understand
That we must love all men.
So come on down and bring your creed
And religious intolerance too.

Bishop of Winchester: legal system discriminates against Christians - Telegraph

Bishop of Winchester: legal system discriminates against Christians - Telegraph: "

The Human Rights Act is protecting the rights of minority groups while encouraging judges and politicians to discriminate against Christians, a senior bishop said yesterday.

Sunday 26 December 2010

What's the value of immigration? -

What's the value of immigration? - "-Washington (CNN) -- Senators are a lot like college students. For months on end, they seem to do no work at all. And then everything gets crammed into the last weekend of the term.

Christmas: A Holiday to Love and Preserve in Horwich

Christmas: A Holiday to Love and Preserve

Dear friend and fellow patriot,

Once upon a time, not all that long ago, the word “Christmas” was all around us during the month of December. Everywhere you looked — in shops, town centres, cities, offices and of course in every home — there were Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, Christmas cards, Christmas presents and the great Christmas spirit which characterised our nation.

Always Winter, Never Christmas

In the popular children’s story, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, an evil witch cast an enchantment over Narnia so that it was always winter but never Christmas. Similarly, today, Christmas has become a dirty word and has been replaced by “holiday” or “Winterval.” Unlike in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, however, there is no evil witch cancelling Christmas. Instead, evil establishment politicians are now doing this job, and we even find schools cancelling Christmas Nativity plays for fear of offending non-Christians.

The War on Christmas has Begun

Christmas is under threat, in just the same way as our nation, our beliefs and our traditions are under threat. As we come under these increasing attacks, we must make the extra effort to preserve our heritage and our way of life. After all, if we do not, who will?

Pope Benedict XVI highlighted the politically correct madness of it all during his recent visit to Britain when he said:

"There are those who argue that the public celebration of festivals such as Christmas should be discouraged, in the questionable belief that it might somehow offend those of other religions or none."

I am ready for the fight… ARE YOU WITH ME?

The time to make our stand has come. It is time we challenged the enemies of our country and our traditions head on. I need your help to do this!

So let’s fight back against the war on Christmas. A gift of £20, £50, £100 or even £500 will help our campaign against the Islamification of Britain and for the preservation of our culture and beliefs.

Merry Christmas.

Nick Griffin MEP

Chairman, British National Party

P.S. The best Christmas present that we can give the British people is a strong, united British National Party fighting for their interests. I need your most generous support today.
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A Lesson from Bethlehem | British National Party

A Lesson from Bethlehem | British National Party: "

By using trade and commerce and 'natural migration' as an excuse, these Islamic invaders plead for tolerance and their rights when they are a minority in a Christian country.

Through an increase in their numbers, facilitated by high birthrates and increasing immigration, they quite quickly become sizeable enough in numbers to start demanding changes to the countries that they have invaded.

If those changes — and the Islamic society that they demand — are not acquired quickly enough, the Islamic terrorist element begins to force those changes.

The True Messiah A message they Want us to Forget

The True Messiah A Message they Want us to Forget

I have now consider the British National Party the only Political party that is willing to defend the Christian Heritage of this these Islands from the onslaught of the Dark Powers of the Globalists UN agenda , whom under the direction of their shadowy and secret masters are attempting to destroy the identities of our and the worlds peoples and are especially making a concerted attempt to destroy the Christian faith and it's influence on the morality of Western Civilisation.

In this video, Biblical evidence that Jesus is the Messiah is presented in multimedia format. The ancient prophecies are unravelled, particularly the prophecy in Daniel 9 on the seventy weeks which pinpoints the exact time of the Messiah's arrival on Earth. The study of this prophecy has even been cursed by some theologians who do not wish to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. Study the evidence revealed in this video and as always we like you make your own conclusions.
if you have enjoyed the evidence in this video at the bottom of the page please visit for more material .

Friday 24 December 2010

Melanie Phillips’s Articles » Harriet Harman’s bizarre proposal

Melanie Phillips’s Articles » Harriet Harman’s bizarre proposal: "Anyone who needs to know not only why the Labour Party is currently out of power but should remain so for the foreseeable future would be ­advised to study ­recent comments by its Deputy Leader, Harriet Harman.

British National Party Television » Blog Archive » Chairman’s Christmas Message 2010

British National Party Television » Blog Archive » Chairman’s Christmas Message 2010: "-

Chairman’s Christmas Message 2010

Party Chairman Nick Griffin speaks about the key points of 2010, and also asks for us to keep an eye out for our elderly neighbours during this, the hardest winter season for decades.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Christian mental health worker may lose job over abortion advice | Christian News on Christian Today

Christian mental health worker may lose job over abortion advice | Christian News on Christian Today:
A Christian mental health worker has been suspended from her job as a psychological wellbeing practitioner after passing on a booklet to colleagues containing information about the risks associated with abortion.

Chairman Nick Griffin MEP NW England Records his Christmas Address

Chairman Nick Griffin MEP Records his Christmas Address

Britain is facing the hardest winter season for decades. Nick Griffin asks you to help a pensioner have a safe and enjoyable Christmas.


“Somewhere near you, right now, a pensioner from the war generation could be slipping away from life. The combination of bitter cold and fuel poverty are bringing misery and even premature death to scores of thousands of the elderly of Britain.

“But while it’s easy – and justified – to blame the Government for letting this happen while bailing out corrupt banks and £billions on foreign aid and the global warming scam, we also have to accept personal responsibility.

If a pensioner dies of cold in your street, it is David Cameron’s fault, but it's also yours, because all it could take to save their life is for you to call around and say hello, fix them a warm drink or a hot meal, and check that they have the fire on.”

This is a central point of the Christmas message to British National Party supporters in a recording made by Nick Griffin and Derek Dawson from BNPTV. Nick tells us a bit more about the making of the message:

“Burnley organiser Chris Vanns drove Derek and all his kit up ice and snowbound lanes to my home (the last few miles are only passable with a big 4X4 like Chris has). We picked a sitting room fireside shot and had to do two takes to get it right, because the first was interrupted by a cat jumping on my lap, so there was a grey tail waving around in front of my face.

“The second take went fine though and Derek will be editing it today for release on this website very shortly. I spoke about the key points of 2010, including explaining how the Equality Commissions handling of their botched attack on us led to them having to acknowledge the existence of the indigenous British as an ethnic group within the law and thus entitled to protection under the law.

“The most important part of the message, though, is how we nationalists recognise that the nation is one great extended family. This means that we all share the duty to look after members of our family who, through no fault of their own, are vulnerable and in need. During a winter like this, that in particular means the elderly.

“So I do hope that people will not only watch the message, but also heed the call to keep an eye out for neighbouring pensioners who may be in need of help, and who are certainly likely at least to appreciate a bit of company and a bit of time from a good British National Party neighbour this Christmas.” 
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