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Monday 25 May 2015

The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff: Deadliest Sea Disaster (44 minutes)

Dr. David Duke on the Alan Colmes Show - March 11, 2015

World War 2, Main Causes and Adolf Hitler, Lies being taught;

World War 2, Main Causes and Adolf Hitler, Lies being taught;
Hitler’s desire for world domination.
Policy of appeasement by England and France.
Hitler attacked and conquered various nations.
Now the truth; 
The Treaty for War;
The War Treaty of Versailles, signed on 28th June 1919 was the work of International Bankers. They took all the measures necessary to ensure the next World War. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote: 'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.
 The American President, Woodrow Wilson, was "advised" at Versailles by Bernard Baruch, The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, was "advised" by Alfred Milner, Rothschild employee, and Sir Phillip Sassoon, a direct descendent of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, The French leader, Georges Clemenceau, was "advised" by his Minister for the Interior, Georges Mandel, whose real name was Jeroboam Rothschild. (Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati Bloodlines).  The interpreter was Mantoux; and the Military Adviser was Mr. Kish. Interestingly all the advisers were Jews most of them representing International Bankers. The "leaders were hazy about geography. However, their Jewish secretaries, were very much on the spot on such matters. These Jews met at 6 p.m. in the evenings to plan next World War; and accordingly, mapped out the decisions for the following day's conference of the "Big Four" .
Under the War Treaty of Versailles, Poland was given a "corridor" to the Baltic Sea, along with large areas of West Prussia that were populated by Germans. This "corridor" completely separated East Prussia from the Reich, making trade and communication difficult or impossible. During Allied discussions on the peace treaty, Lloyd George, the then British Prime Minister, tapped this spot on the map and probably echoed the words of his secretary said an evening before; "This is where (we have planned) the next world war will begin!" Unknown to Hitler this was how International Bankers had planned 2nd World War to begin 20 years earlier on 28th June 1919.
Under the War Treaty of Versailles, Jewish International Bankers cut Germany in several pieces and gifted it to other European Countries. A piece of Germany - Alsace-Lorraine was gifted to France, A piece of Germany Saar Region of Coal mines was forcibly brought under French Protectorate, A piece of Germany – Eupen, Malmedy, Moresńet, and St. Vith was gifted to Belgium, A piece of Germany - Northern Schleswig was gifted to Denmark, several pieces of Germany - Hultschin and Opava was gifted to Czechoslovakia, several pieces of Germany - West Prussia, Danzig, Posen and Upper Silesia were gifted to Poland, several pieces of Germany – Rhineland and Memel were brought under the League of Nations and people of these regions were to vote in future, to decide whether they want to remain in Germany or not. League of Nations also took control of land won by Germany under treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Some of this land was gifted to Poland and some made into new states of Estonia, Lithuania and Latavia.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Cameron, Who are the Extremists ?

 Last party conference season our political class looks very unconvincing.

The attack and erosion of the Christian framework in the life of our nation in recent years has created value disintegration.

Since Blair's era, successive governments have tried to fill the void
created with more and more legislation. As a lawyer I see the
devastating impact of this and the unintended consequences.

order to outlaw 'extremism' you have to be able to define the moral
framework by which you live; our modern day politicians are unable to do
this. They are the products of a relativist, secular, individualistic
regime that has forgotten the Christian roots that once undergirded our

It is impossible to have any set of values in a vacuum.

Theresa May proposes banning orders and extremist disruption orders for
activities that clear a very low legal threshold. In the world of
Boris, Theresa and David we have to ask what would constitute an
'extremist' group? Is it the nurses who want to be free to offer prayer
or wear a cross at work? (This government submitted legal argument
against such nurses at the Strasbourg Court in 2012). Or is it
Counsellors such as Mike Davidson who believes that you can reduce
unwanted same-sex attraction? Boris lied and covered his back in order
to shut down Mike's viewpoint on the London transport system.

Theresa May, like all politicos since 2001, wants to stop the Islamic hard line agenda but fails to understand it.

She lists activities that would justify being labelled an extremist:
“spreading, inciting, promoting or justifying hatred on the grounds of
disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and/or
transgender identity, proposing to overthrow democracy, members of the
public, or a section of it, will be harmed”.

This is already
with us but it isn't Muslims who are labelled extremist, being
prosecuted or disciplined at work. Ways are usually found to accommodate
them.  It is the Christians.

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Thursday 14 May 2015

The Entire Economic System Is Coming Down, Millions Upon Millions of People Are Going to Die on a World-Wide Scale When the Debt Bubble Bursts”

It can be difficult to understand the repercussions that would follow
a collapse of the global economy, stocks and debt markets. While we
know a serious financial event is coming, determining how it will impact
our lives and preparing an appropriate strategic plan to mitigate the
fallout can be a confusing and stressful undertaking.

The questions being asked by concerned Americans are plenty, but the
answers are not so easy to come by. Should I keep money in my retirement
accounts? What publicly traded companies are recession-proof? Will gold
and silver really be of value if the whole system comes crashing down?
Should I have some cash? How much food should I stockpile if the regular
flow of commerce is affected? Will there be riots in my city?

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CRITICAL ALERT: A Worldwide BIBLICAL Financial Event Is Near. By Gregory...