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Thursday 1 October 2015

Marine Le Pen leaves the EU Islamic appeasers stunned in silence | National News | British National Party

Marine Le Pen leaves the EU Islamic appeasers stunned in silence | National News | British National Party

done to Marine Le Pen who just days ago spoke in the European
Parliament, which only votes on issues the European Commission allows it

This brave
lady and Patriot spoke of the horrors that are starting to be enforced
upon Christian Europe by EU puppet Leaders, such as Angela Merkel.

She spoke
just days before she is due to appear in court for linking the Islamic
flood into France on to of its growing radicalised Islamic population
with the invading Third Reich in WW2 on French society.

Her date in
court is eagerly waited. For the press in France will report its
proceedings. If they fine or jail her, she will win, as the French
public support grows for her each day.

If she is found not guilty, she will win and more French people will flow to her cause.

In many
ways, Britain's future also rests upon Marine Le Pen. A strong French
government would remove the growing thousands of Afro-Islamics that now
infest the North French coastline hell bent on getting into Britain,
unlike the weak Socialist government based in Paris.

At the
moment Le Pen is sitting 4% in front of Nicholas Sarkozy on 29% for the
next French PM. The weak Francois Hollande of the Socialists trials them
both sitting on a dismally on 19%

Quite amazing when you consider just a few year back, she was bubbling around the 14%.

Enjoy this video, it lasts just 2.25 minutes but makes wonderful quality time

Monday 21 September 2015

Seriously pissed off Germans – what you won’t see on TV

Chancellor Angela Merkel tried to give a speech to Germans, but all
the way through, ordinary German folk were booing her and calling her

Despite this protest and the protests in Eastern Europe, the German government said it plans to force Eastern Europe to open its borders to the tsunamigration.

Over the space of a few months, the country has turned into a neo-Communist dictatorship, where common people are being ignored, and having their voices silenced.

Merkel and her friends want illegal non-White, non-European immigrants to “occupy and change” Europe, making it minority White.

If this White genocide agenda was directed at any group other than White people, anti-Whites like her would be going straight to jail.

But as you can see in this video, the Germans have arisen from their
slumber, and are now defending themselves from anti-White dictators and