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Friday 23 July 2021

Special Guest Nick Griffin - Templa News Report - July 22 2021


PILGRIMS OF THE SWORD: Templar History Book:
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Thursday 22 July 2021

Open Notice to Boris Johnson over Vaccine Passports

 Dear Boris Johnson

I am writing to you as I have been informed by yourself that I must now receive the Covid-19 vaccine, or entry to nightlife venues will no longer be permitted from the end of September.
Please allow me to make it very clear to yourself, I am declining all forms of the Covid-19 vaccine under ethical reasons.
There are no statutory provisions that can force individuals to become vaccinated.
The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 specifically states that members of the public should not be compelled to undergo any mandatory medical treatment, including vaccinations.
Banning people from being able to enter a night life venue and enjoy an evening out unless they are vaccinated is in direct violation of the above mentioned law.
Furthermore, with regards to banning artists from performing at a venue unless they play ball……… Forcing, coercing or manipulating an employee to receive a vaccine is in breach of article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which protects people from being interfered with physically or psychologically and includes mandatory vaccinations.
Forced vaccinations in the workplace, is not only a human rights concern, but also has criminal implications. Performance artists may be self employed but to be not considered for a gig unless vaccinated is discrimination.
Forcing anyone to receive a vaccine under duress, under UK law, constitutes an unlawful injury. A vaccination requires an individual’s informed and voluntary consent, which you do not have of mine.
I want to make it very clear, that I am NOT placing any persons at risk by declining this vaccine, but I am protecting my health and my wellbeing. Declining this vaccine does NOT mean that I can not perform my job effectively.
In accordance of the Employment Rights Act 1996 and Section 6 of the 2010 Equality act, I am safeguarded against unlawful discrimination by any employer. When i started in this line of work I did not agree for any testing, vaccine or medical interventions to be forced upon me and i still do not.
In the care home sector where you have recently passed new law and are currently attempting to force people to get the vaccine or lose their means of earning a living (and provide for themselves and their loved ones), you have stated that certain persons will be exempt from the requirement to have two jabs, namely:
• Exemption on specific medical grounds
• Residents of care homes
• Relatives or friends of residents who are visiting only
• Under 18s
• Those required to enter the premises to assist with an emergency or carry out urgent maintenance work
Going into a night life venue or similar setting to perform and earn a living as an artist is no different from at least 2 of the above mentioned exemptions in terms of time duration or interaction with others.
Attempting to stop artists and performers from being able to earn a living in their chosen setting would be in breach of the aforementioned laws and is therefore illegal.
Kind regards
The Free thinker

please copy and paste and email to PM

Templar News Report - July 21 2021


PILGRIMS OF THE SWORD: Templar History Book:
US Templar Conference 2021:
Twin Book Offer:
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KJV Large Print Bible shown on stream:
Templar Winged Axe:
Large Print Templar Bible:

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Wednesday 21 July 2021



BREAKING: Confirmed 45,000 people have died from the COVID Vaccine within 3 days and they have covered it up. Attorney Thom Renz has filed the paperwork and lawsuit and is suing the Federal Government. There are three different reporting systems into the US Gov. one has documented 45,000 deaths. More information to come.
The cure can’t be worse than the disease.

Accelerating the Awakening of Humanity

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Tuesday 20 July 2021

Special Guest Nick Griffin - Templar News Report Live - July 19 2021


PILGRIMS OF THE SWORD: Templar History Book:
US Templar Conference 2021:
Twin Book Offer:
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Templar War Spike:
KJV Large Print Bible shown on stream:
Templar Winged Axe:
Large Print Templar Bible:

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Millions of people globally, including doctors, lawyers and scientists are standing up for our freedom

 Millions of people globally, including doctors, lawyers and scientists are standing up for our freedom against #CrimesAgainstHumanity if you’ve chosen to live under a rock and remain ignorant to what is happening right now on our earth, in our country, in our towns and cities and even in our own homes then you really need to start having a more open mind because very soon you will find yourself in the middle of civil war and marshal law.

This is our children’s future, If you won’t do it for you then do it for them!!!
Laugh about it if you want but the facts are there and they don’t even hide it

Saturday 17 July 2021

White people are NOT the most racist people on earth, guess which Countries are!?

 White people are NOT the most racist people on earth, guess which Countries are!?

In light of recent events, let’s have an honest conversation about racism in the western world--something that I think the mainstream media and modern academia has failed to provide.

Let’s begin by pointing out something that should be obvious but is difficult for the liberal media and academics to swallow. The most racist and bigoted people on earth are not whites. In fact, the most racist and bigoted countries on earth are in the Middle East and South-East Asia.
A metadata analysis of worldwide surveys asked people simple questions like, “Would you be okay living next to someone of a different race and culture?” According to the surveys, the most racist and bigoted country on earth isn’t America or England or Germany. It was India. More so, not a single western european country made the top twenty-five list of most racist and bigoted countries. The only white majority country to make the list was Russia, at #20.
The top ten most racist and bigoted countries, in descending order, are the following: India, Lebanon, Bahrain, Libya, Egypt, Philippines, Kuwait, Palestine, South Africa, and South Korea. You can see the survey by clicking here.
The left needs to understand when they make the argument that white people are somehow more racist than other people, they’re wrong.
White people are the most tolerant and accepting.
That is confirmed again in a picture provided by the Washington Post. It gives a great visual representation of how tolerant and accepting the Western World is compared to the rest of the planet.
It shows the English speaking world, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Nordic countries and Iberian peninsula are the least racist and bigoted people, yet, if you turn on the television, if you crack open a college sociology textbook, they’ll tell you the exact opposite.
They’ll brainwash you into thinking that whites are racist to demonize and race-bait when facts point the other way.
In 1990, Congress passed the Hate Crime Statistics Act, which required the attorney general to collect data “about crimes which manifest evidence of prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.” Ever since the act, the FBI and Criminal Justice Departments have had reliable records on the number of hate crimes and who the offenders are. Reports like THIS show, blacks, on average, disproportionately commit hate crimes.
The liberal media and academia tell us whites are racist--- only whites can commit hate crimes. But when you look at the data, it’s clear that only one group of people have a tendency to commit hate crimes. One group of people are disproportionately, factually, more racist and bigoted in America. Blacks.
I’m not doing this to defend white people. I’m doing this to defend objective reality.
I’m looking at stats, crunching the numbers, and forming an opinion based on the evidence which is clear: Whites and white countries are the least racist and bigoted.
Whites commit less hate crimes, on average. Whites are far more tolerant and accepting than other races, besides maybe Latin Americans.
Therefore, the liberal media and academia should report the facts, honestly, instead of lying to the world by saying whites are somehow more racist than others. They’re not. They are in fact, less racist.
What breeds hatred, genuine hatred, for a people is misconception. A misunderstanding of reality. If you’re black, and all you get is the information from the mainstream media and academia, you’re most likely going to start hating white people.
Don’t be part of the problem. Arm yourself with knowledge, empirical truth, and expose the truth to people who want to push their agenda of needless hatred and bigotry against whites.
Published 9/1/17
Rebel Media.

Templar News Report Live - July 16 2021


US Templar Conference 2021:
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KJV Large Print Bible shown on stream:
Templar Winged Axe:
Large Print Templar Bible:

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Friday 16 July 2021

Southgate is the absolute worst kind of Englishman,

 You could cut the irony with a knife.

Not my pen, no idea who wrote this but concurred...

Gareth Southgate is the absolute worst kind of Englishman, a bleeding heart liberal, he demanded the England squad kneel for BLM throughout the Euro 2020 tournament, he clearly hasn't done any research on the subject as it's a Marxist surrender position, yet he pushed and pushed, trying to emphasize it's to "fight racism".
Moving forward, the England team make it to the final of the tournament, liberal media now on the bandwagon that it's "England's diversity" that got the team there, praising mass immigration while carrying on belittling the white man, it goes all the way to a penalty shootout, England the closest to a trophy in 55 years.
Southgate, led by his liberal bullshit, brings on two black players to take penalties, who hadn't even featured in the tournament, and Saka, a 19yr old black teenager who had played immensely during the tournament, yet had never taken a penalty before, and he uses those players for his "white saviour" liberal fantasy, and they all miss, he's a disgrace.

This whole racial shit is getting on my nerves!

By CM Baska

I AM proud to be white English of Hungarian origin and very much part of the British culture....

And just before you all spit your dummy out, read this all the way through!

This whole racial shit is getting on my nerves!
I have been wondering about why whites are racists, and no other race is?
There are British Africans, British Chinese, British Asian, British Turks, etc, etc, etc.
And then there are just British. You know what I mean, plain ole British people that were born here.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you. So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
You have Muslim only areas.
You have the Muslim Council of Great Britain.
You have Black History Month.
You have swimming pools for Asian women.
You have Islamic banks for Muslims only.
You have year of the dragon day for Chinese people.
If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month, we'd be racists.
If we had any organization for only whites to 'advance' OUR lives, we'd be racists.
A white woman could not be in the Miss Black Britain or Miss Asia, but any colour can be in the Miss UK.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships, you know we'd be racists.
There are over 200 openly proclaimed Muslim only schools in England. Yet if there were 'White christian schools only', that would be racist!
In the Bradford riots and Toxteth riots, you believed that you were standing-up for your race and rights. If we stood-up for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it and that’s fine. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
We fly our flag, we are racists.
You can fly your flag and it’s called diversity. You celebrate your cultures and it’s called multiculturalism.
I am proud.... but you’d call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists??
There is nothing improper about this and I’m not declaring any hatred for any race, I’m just annoyed by the lack of equal representation and selected media coverage.
Let’s see which of you are proud enough to agree.
I sadly don't think many will. That's why we have LOST most of OUR RIGHTS in Britain. We won't stand up for ourselves!
BEING PROUD TO BE WHITE! And British Is not a.
crime, YET... but its getting very close, don't show your Ignorance.
Oh and ALL lives matter.