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Thursday 27 January 2022

They ARE coming for our Little Ones to Clot shot them


Jayda Fransen
They ARE coming for our Little Ones 

The UK Government are going to start vaccinating 5-11 year old children next Monday.

Children aged 12-15 can ALREADY be vaccinated without the consent or prior knowledge of their parents!

comprehensive analysis of Covid infection data published in July 2021 has confirmed the overall risk of children becoming severely ill or dying from Covid is 'EXTREMELY LOW' and 'INCREDIBLY RARE'...

So why would they risk giving them an experimental vaccine?

Don't let them use YOUR child as a Guinea Pig

We must protect the children from this WICKED agenda.

We say: Hands off our kids!

SIGN and SHARE this petition as far and wide as you can: No Covid Vaccine for our Children

Please make sure you share this petition with all of your contacts ...

This might just be the most important petition you will ever sign.

Yours sincerely,

Jayda Fransen

Templar Report Live - January 27 2021


Triple Book Offer:
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BFP SECOND Southend West By-Election Leaflet printed!


Jayda Fransen

We did it !

Despite the backlash and controversy, we got our SECOND Southend West By-Election Leaflet printed!

Here it is...

As #PartyGate unravels, the Tories are DESPERATELY trying to claw back support.

Do they think we have forgotten what they have done to us over the past 2 years ?

Jayda Fransen is standing up to the Tyrants in Government.

They DO NOT CARE about any of us, they ONLY PRETEND TO CARE when they want our votes!

Help us deliver our NEW, HARD-HITTING leaflet through the doors of Southed West


Yours sincerely,

British Freedom Party HQ

Covid Was Just the Beginning


Covid Was Just the Beginning

Just because Omicrom is now accepted as a waning 'threat', don't think that the global elite will back off from their campaign to loot and control the whole planet. In Britain at least, the whole lockdown agenda seems to be in full retreat. Even Scotland's Covid-obsessed Nicola Sturgeon has announced that the main restrictions are to be lifted.

But you only have to look at the openly stated aims of Klaus Schwab and his fellow WEF conspirators to see that we're still only at the beginning. They are determined to tag the whole 'human herd', and to carry out their Malthusian population reduction drive. If Covid-19 has outlived its usefulness as an excuse, they will simply find another.

Bill Gates and others are already warning of the threat from a future virus to help keep money pouring into Big Pharma research. Rest assured that we've not seen the last of hyped 'pandemics' as the driver for massive financial fraud and elite control power grabs. But while they wait for (or create) another suitable bug, it is clear that Schwab - and Johnson, Biden and all his other political allies - are switching their focus back to the equally fraudulent, and profitable, man-made climate change hoax.

If the current lifting of Covid restrictions and threats continues, we will surely see a rapid tailing off of the huge demonstrations which - though blanked by the controlled media - have filled our cities and helped unnerve the elite into backing off with their scamdemic agenda. It's a natural phenomenon, but a dangerous one.

Because the broad mass movement built around resistance to the Covid scamdemic is going to be needed to resist the wave of taxes and totalitarian control which is going to start hitting ordinary citizens in a series of sledgehammer blows from this April. Actually, the pain from this is already starting, but the soaring energy prices already seen are only a foretaste of what's to come as the global elite move to ensure that financial independence, car driving, affordable flights, warm houses and meat and dairy products become luxuries which only they, and their enforcers and bureaucrat collaborators, get to enjoy on a regular basis.

So while the lifting of Covid restrictions may lead to some protesters calling it a day and trying to go back to 'normality', we 21st century fighting Templars will keep working away to inform, organise and inspire the long-term resistance. The global elite will not stop, and their insane game of Jenga with the world's energy systems and supply chains is going to end in catastrophe. There is no avoiding this basic truth: The world is not going back to normal, it's going to Hell in a handcart. If you thought the Covid scamdemic was bad, wait til you see what they do next.

Or rather, don't wait. Prepare! Prepare to fight. Prepare to suffer. Prepare to survive. And prepare - in the end - to be part of the good Lord's final victory and vengeance against the Satanic-inspired monsters of the global elite!


The role of the Covid scam as a test-run for Climate Lockdown is just one of the subjects explored in detail in our ground-breaking book, Deus Vult - The Great Reset Resistance. Buy your copy today, and find out more.

Join Today

Wednesday 26 January 2022

No War for Neo-Nazi Ukraine!


No War for Neo-Nazi Ukraine!

The world is closer to war between Nato and Russia (and her allies) than at any time since 1962. The 'mainstream right' in America are screaming that the now clearly senile fake president Biden should be tougher on Russia, while in the UK the one thing that the broken ruling Tory party agrees on is sending British weapons and troops to prop up the failed state Ukraine.

In the name of God, stop this madness! Let's get the basic facts clear:

1. Ukraine is a very long way away and there are no vital American or British interests there, whatever happens.

2. The current Ukrainian regime is even more illegitimate than Biden's presidency. At least Biden was theoretically elected, the gang of crooks and psychopaths in Kiev came to power through a violent coup d'etat against an elected government.

3. The first action of the Western-backed coup leaders was to unleash neo-Nazi death squads against pro-Russian activists and Russian-speaking communities in Eastern and southern Ukraine. It was this that led to the creation of the Russian-speaking republics of Donbass and to the overwhelming democrat referendum vote of the residents of Crimea to seek admission into Russia.

3. When pushing for the reunion of Germany, Nato gave Russia a solemn pledge that, in return for the peaceful withdrawal of Soviet troops from East Germany and Poland, the Western alliance would never expand eastwards. And that Nato troops and missiles would not be moved closer to Russia's borders. That pledge has been repeatedly broken, with the proposal to let the ferociously anti-Russian regime in Ukraine join Nato being the latest and most dangerous display of bad faith and aggression.

5. The Ukrainian coup was carried out by thousands of actual neo-Nazis, backed by the organisational skills of George Soros and the CIA, and funded by Zionist oligarchs. This unholy alliance is in turn now being used as a weapon against Christian and traditionalist Russia by the LGBTQ+ obsessed liberal elite. 

6.  Nato has first-strike doctrine on the use of nuclear weapons. This is openly known, and this fact makes it absolutely unthinkable for Russia to allow Nato to expand right up to the eastern border of Ukraine, since missiles based there would only have a few minutes' flight time to St. Petersburg and Moscow.

7. Vladimir Putin and other key Russian officials have made it crystal clear that they believe that it would be better to fight a war before Nato missiles are moved into Ukraine. They have set out plainly, calmly and resolutely the fact that the expansion of Nato into Ukraine is a red line which, if crossed, means war. This is not aggression, but a natural self-defence mechanism from a country with very long and bitter experience of genocidal invasions from Western powers.

So we shouldn't be criticising Biden for 'giving Putin the green light'. The real problem with the senile American 'president' is that he is surrounded by warmongers, military-industrial complex shills and neo-con Russiaphobes, and is incapable of stopping them - and the insanely anti-Russian British Foreign Office and intelligence services - from pushing for confrontation with Russia in her own backyard.

We in the Templars have constantly pointed out that the Russians do not want war. They know from bitter experience just how terrible war can be. We still maintain that Russia has no interest in occupying the whole of Ukraine; the place is a basket case and half its population are Catholic or atheist and bitterly anti-Russian. But this doesn't mean that Russia won't be forced to war, with her most likely war aim being to liberate the eastern half of Ukraine, most of whose inhabitants speak Russian and are Orthodox Christians.

This would create a buffer zone which would keep Nato missiles hundreds of miles further West, and by splitting Ukraine into its two natural parts give as many people as possible the right of self-determination and the security of being ruled by their own kind of people. It's the sensible outcome, although of course it would be far better if it happened by negotiation rather than by war. But since the elite rules (and abusers) of the West are incapable of common sense, good faith negotiation or abiding by agreements, it seems that war is the only way left.

We can only pray that it stays restricted to Ukraine and is over quickly. And raise our voices to demand that, whatever happens, no British, American or other Western blood is shed on behalf of the neo-Nazi Zionist scum in Kiev. Keep out of wars that have nothing to do with us!

Nick Griffin Special Templar Report Live - January 26 2021


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Issue 1 of FREEDOM Newspaper is almost Sold Out!


Jayda Fransen

 Issue 1 of FREEDOM is almost Sold Out!

Issue 1 of our brand new FREEDOM newspaper has been flying out the door of BFP HQ!

We are running VERY LOW on papers now!


This newspaper is a POWERFUL TOOL that can be used by EVERYONE in our common fight to take back our Freedom!

There really is NO OTHER newspaper like this in the UK.

If you don't want to miss out the first print run - order your copies now !

Yours sincerely,

British Freedom Party HQ

The Wokies have slapped a 'Trigger Warning' on the Novel 1984!


Jayda Fransen

The Wokies have slapped a 'Trigger Warning' on the Novel 1984!

Written more than 70 years ago, 1984 was George Orwell's chilling prophecy about the future.

1984 is a dystopian study of political tyranny, mind control, paranoia and secret mass surveillance...

Sound familiar ?



While 1984 has come and gone, Orwell's dystopian vision of a government that will do anything to control the narrative is timelier than ever.


Yours sincerely,

British Freedom Party HQ

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Jayda Fransen - FREEDOM Newspaper Distributors Worldwide!


Templar Report Live - January 25 2021


Triple Book Offer:
COVID 19/84 Leaflet Fundraiser:
Templar Store:
New Weapon - Scottish Dirk:

PILGRIMS OF THE SWORD: Templar History Book:
Knights Templar Brochure:
Gurkha Regimental Kukri:
Templar Seal Sword & Dagger Package:
Twin Book Offer:
Donate to the St Donard Templar Priory Project:
Don't miss out! KTI Crypto:

Secure your place in Magdalene Chapel:

You can now donate via bitcoin: 15K7WVhpGBWJqqv6q6vaLcNvePuygdhcSk

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Vax Die-off for Next Three Years ? – Clif High


By Greg Hunter’s 

Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who uses “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events. Some of his most disturbing trends he has spotted in his data analysis surround the CV19 vax. High is seeing the vax narrative breaking down. It may only be a matter of weeks before the restrictions and coerced injections are over, but that does not mean it’s clear sailing. According to High, the worst by far is yet to come. High explains, “So, it’s breaking down. The real horror is yet awaiting us, and that’s when all of the people who have been harmed by these injections wake up and realize they have been harmed and will have the natural emotions that accompany that.”

The CDC is now reporting a 40% increase in death totals for 2021. The reports are saying the huge increase is “unexplained.” High and many others say the CV19 injections explain it all, and it’s only going to get much harder to explain. High’s analysis says, “I think we are looking at three years here before it peaks: 2022, 2023 and 2024. There is a lot of stuff in the data that says 2024 will be the tail-off of it. So, we have a number of very rough years ahead of us. Each year in succession will have more people dying than the year before. There is also going to be more infirmities, more illness and more of a drain on the system. In this three years, we will take the globalists to task and hold them accountable for their crimes. We are going to have a ‘red pill’ moment that’s coming soon. It’s not going to take months. It’s not going to take weeks. It’s going to take a short period of time, and many of them are going to go ballistic. So, I expect frequent, irregular, episodic, periods of chaos. They won’t be lashing out at society at large. They will be lashing out at their abusers. . . . You will need to stand back. People will need to understand that there will be a section of the social order that is going to go crazy in anger, grief and all of this. These will be very violent reactions to having been poisoned, and some of them will be spectacularly so in terms of the violence of it. It’s not going to be wise to hang out around these elite guys.”

High’s analysis now says at least “30 million people will die from the CV19 injections” one way or another in the next few years, and that could be a very low estimate.

Clif High talks about many subjects including the so-called “financial reset,” China, Bitcoin, gold, silver (which High predicts will be more expensive that gold one day), the 2022 Election and why 28 Democrat Congressmen are not running for re-election, the crash of the financial system as we know it in 2022, the Petro dollar, inflation, why you need cash, and the Fed that High says is dying and the Fed knows it. That and a lot more in this one hour and ten-minute in-depth interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with data mining expert Clif High. (1.22.22)

(To Donate to Click Here)

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with data mining expert Clif High in this one hour and ten-minute in-depth interview. (Jan 2022)

To Donate to Click Here:

Monday 24 January 2022

Special Guest Simon Roche - Templar Report Live - January 24 2021


Triple Book Offer:
COVID 19/84 Leaflet Fundraiser:
Templar Store:

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Knights Templar Brochure:
Templar Horseman Helmet:
Gurkha Regimental Kukri:
Templar Seal Sword & Dagger Package:
Twin Book Offer:
Donate to the St Donard Templar Priory Project:
Don't miss out! KTI Crypto:

Secure your place in Magdalene Chapel:

You can now donate via bitcoin: 15K7WVhpGBWJqqv6q6vaLcNvePuygdhcSk

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Anti-Reset papers get great response from the Public


Anti-Reset papers get great response

We get things done in the real world! Templar observers at big anti-lockdown events in the UK and Eire kept on telling us the same thing: A large number of the people on the march are Christians, or at least open to Christian ideas and symbolism, but the papers and leaflets being handed to them have been full of ‘New Age’ nonsense.

So we contacted our political friends and got to work. And ‘Freedom’ is the direct result! Freedom is a 16-page tabloid newspaper, aimed specifically at people joining demonstrations against lockdown measures and forced vaccinations.

Two different versions have been printed, one for use in Ireland and one for the United Kingdom. Both expose and hammer the sinister elite agenda, particularly their exploitation of Covid to grab wealth and power. The longer-term aims of population reduction and blasphemous and totalitarian transhumanism are also addressed.

The Christian part of our message is promoted in a gentle and deliberately under-stated way. The aim is both to reassure Christian newcomers to the protests that they are in the right place, and to introduce secular protesters to Christian ideals and values. This is vital to successful long-term resistance to the liberal masonic elite’s global coup d’état.

Tens of thousands of each of these very professional papers have been printed and got into the hands of a fast-growing network of volunteer distributors. The response to them being given out at the first couple of protests has already been phenomenal, with people literally queuing up to get copies for themselves and to give out.

As always, our thanks are due to our brethren and supporters, whose membership payments, purchases and donations provide us with the human, organisational and financial resources to help make good things like this happen. From now on, the global elite and the ‘New Age’ cranks alike have serious and effective Christian opposition in the popular movement to resist the Great Reset. Deus Vult!

FREE Resist The Reset Leaflets

We have printed 500,000 TRUTH BOMB leaflets available immediately so that the sheeple can be informed and equipped with the TRUTH in these days of massive deception, falsehoods and media/Gov propaganda!


Will you let the big pharma destroy our children and enslave the whole of humanity?  I pray you rally to the battle trumpet and throw your support into getting these leaflets onto the streets.

These are free! All you pay is the postage!


Templar Economic Review

There’s a perfect economic storm brewing. Inflation is on the rampage, as the vast amounts of ‘helicopter money’ dropped into the economy during the artificial Covid ‘crisis’ surge in to property and other assets, and the global elite’s insane ‘war on carbon’ strangles supplies of coal, oil and gas.

On top of that, the burden of unrepayable debt which crushed the economy in 2008 is now much heavier still, and the demographic winter now beginning to engulf the industrial world is further freezing up the future. It all points to a lurch into the most feared economic shambles of all: A lethal combination of inflation and stagnation – stagflation.

The soaring price of oil is adding to the squeeze on so many households and businesses.

Brent crude, the international benchmark is at its highest price since 2014. It is only seven weeks since President Joe Biden announced a release of 50 million barrels of oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve, nearly eight percent of the total reserve and twice as much as had ever been released earlier.  This caused a temporary dip in prices, but now all that extra oil has been used, prices are soaring again.

In Europe, the energy crunch is made even worse by the efforts of the US and EU elites to block the flow of gas from Russia. If all the sabre-rattling over NATO’s agreement-busting move into Ukraine leads to a serious escalation of the conflict in the Donbass region, then European natural gas prices could double or triple overnight.

With soaring prices for everything from steel and lumber to international shipping, it is clear that the inflation surge is only going to get very much worse. This means that your cash – whether it’s in a bank or under the mattress – is going to rot away.

What to do? Past experience is a valuable guide: Over every past time of galloping inflation, real estate, well-chosen stocks, gold, silver and rare industrial metals have beaten depreciating dollars and pounds hands down. More and more professional investors are also moving into Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies.

Others see the gathering economic storm and energy slump as deliberate destruction by the global elite, rather than the result of incompetence. These pessimists (realists?) believe that things are set to get so bad that tinned food, power generators and ammunition are survival aids as well as sound stores of value.

None of the hedges is perfect or without risk, but any combination of them is better than leaving your wealth in inflation-ravaged fiat currencies. Our advice in a nutshell: Get out of cash!

Knights Templar Order - PO BOX 2431, Sandy, UT, 84091, USA