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Sunday 23 October 2022

The Fall Of Empires Putting All The Pieces Together


Putting All The Pieces Together

OCT 2022 - 

Authored by Simon Black via,

We start our podcast today more than 2,500 years ago at a time when the dominant superpower in the western world was the Achaemenid Empire of Persia.

Their civilization had reached an unfathomable level of wealth and sophistication; historical records show that, at peak, the Persian treasury had more than $300 BILLION in savings (in today’s money).

They had an intricate road network, a highly-functioning postal system, impressive engineering works, and had even invented a crude form of refrigeration and air conditioning.

Most of all they had a fearsome military. It was huge. And it was terrifying. Simply put, an invading Persian Army had never been defeated.

And yet, early in the 5th century BC, when they went to war against a rapidly rising power in Greece, the Persians suffered a humiliating defeat. Then again. And again. And again.

The losses changed the perception of their Empire forever.

Practically overnight their reputation sank, and they were no longer viewed as a terrifying superpower able to dominate the world.

We’ve seen this story over and over again throughout history, from Ancient Rome to the Mongols to Imperial Portugal in the early 1800s.

Simply put, dominant superpowers almost invariably have an equally dominant, fearsome military that inspires awe and intimidation in the rest of the world… and especially in the superpower’s adversaries.

But superpowers have a life cycle. They rise, peak, and decline. And at some point during the decline, the military begins to show signs of weakness.

Often times there’s some specific event– something happens that’s so humiliating to the superpower that it shocks the world.

This is what happened to the Persians in 490 BC. And it’s what happened to the United States in 2021.

As a West Point graduate and US Army veteran, I still hold in my heart that the US military is the finest fighting force on the planet.

But facts are facts, and the US military is showing clear signs of decline. Most of it is due to incomprehensible failures of leadership.

Today we discuss that decline; I reference a brand new report by the Heritage Foundation, its 2023 Index of US Military Strength, which provides an extremely honest (and distressing) analysis of the US military’s capabilities, capacity, and readiness.

The report spells out in nearly 600 pages of painstaking detail how the US military is rapidly losing (or has already lost) its technological advantages. It shows how there are not enough forces to defend American interests against a major adversary like China. And most importantly, the report concludes that the military is simply not ready.

These conclusions have far-reaching implications.

History has shown over and over again that once a superpower’s veneer of invincibility is pierced, it rapidly loses its status. And that’s even more true when another competing power is on the rise.

Loss of status as the world’s sole superpower goes far beyond reputation and military conflict.

The economic consequences are devastating.

That’s because dominant superpowers also tend to own the world’s primary reserve currency– in this case, the US dollar.

Being the world’s reserve currency means that commercial and financial transactions around the world are conducted primarily in US dollars.

So for example, a Brazilian merchant and its supplier in India do business with each other in US dollars. Futures contracts for gold, copper, crude oil, etc. that are traded in foreign commodities exchanges (like the Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange) are denominated in US dollars.

The dollar is so dominant that when Airbus (a European aircraft manufacturer) sells its jets to European airlines, they typically close those deals using US dollars instead of euros. And giant European companies (like Nestle, BP, and Volkswagen Group) issue corporate bonds in US dollars.

You get the idea.

All of these USD financial and business transactions around the world mean that foreign investors, corporations, governments, and banks HAVE to stockpile US dollars, simply because the dollar is the global reserve currency.

And foreign institutions tend to hold the majority of their dollar assets in US government bonds (which is the largest and most liquid USD asset class in the world).

In total, foreigners collectively own $7.5 trillion worth of US government bonds, equivalent to 25% of the national debt… because they HAVE to own the world’s reserve currency.

This allows the US government to get away with the financial equivalent of murder.

The US government can run outrageous budget deficits, fund endless wars, and pay people to NOT work… and foreigners will still hold US dollars and buy US government bonds.

But this unparalleled privilege would dry up very quickly if the US dollar loses its status as the world’s dominant reserve currency.

I wrote about this briefly earlier in the week. But in today’s podcast, we put all the pieces together.

Specifically, I show you how US military dominance is linked to US superpower status… and the US dollar’s position as the world’s reserve currency.

We look at the lessons from history to examine the trajectory of a superpower in decline. And we try to connect the dots to see where our currency trajectory will lead us.

This fate is not necessarily imminent; strong leadership and better performance from government could arrest the decline.

Unfortunately, the US government seems completely incapable of solving problems.

Their entire approach to problems, in fact, is very cyclical. It goes something like this:

1) The government does something stupid that creates a problem.

2) They ignore the problem they just created and let it fester.

3) When the problem becomes obvious, they offer a symbolic gesture– ‘thoughts and prayers’

4) When the problem becomes so extreme, they panic and do “whatever it takes”

5) “Whatever it takes” is reckless, expensive, and usually destructive, causing the cycle to start over again.

We cover all of this, and more, in today’s episode, which you can download here, or access in iTunes and Spotify...

Ancient Artifacts Prove Human Genetic Destruction by Satan


Ancient Artifacts Prove Human Genetic Destruction by Satan – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s  (Saturday Post)

 Renowned radio host, filmmaker and book author Steve Quayle says evil satanic globalists want you to believe there is no God the Father and no Jesus the Son.  Instead, they want you to believe that aliens made humankind.  Quayle, who is privately funding expeditions to dig up artifacts thousands of years old, says the narrative that aliens created humans is a huge lie.  Quayle and his team have recently dug up ancient Egyptian artifacts from Mexico and Central America to prove his point.  Quayle says, “I want to share this.  There are 27 forms of incredibly ugly creatures.  We have panels and photographs that others have excavated in the late 1950’s that show the aliens sexually encountering human females and giving birth to some ‘its.’  In no place is there any indication that the aliens created humans, but there is every indication they messed with the DNA. . . . We have found in the language that they have translated (from the ancient artifacts the Quayle team has found) . . . and the overwhelming concern the amount of genetic tampering from creatures we found polluting the human genome.  This is interesting because if   you flash forward to where we are at now with the Messenger RNA vaccines and the transformation of the human genome, when do you have so much tampering that you are no longer human? . . . The Biblical Luciferian takeover of the Earth translates into the Tribulation period, and during that Tribulation period, the number one goal of the fallen angels and their controller, which would be Lucifer, is to basically destroy all humanity.  That’s why Jesus said if God did not shorten the days for the elect sake, the righteous, those who believe in Jesus, there would be no flesh left alive.  That’s where the whole transhumanism argument comes in.”

Quayle also says, “When you look at the artifacts that are coming out of Mexico and Central America, we can look at the absolute evidence of the genetic tampering by aliens. . . . It is my contention that the fallen angels are the ones that tried to generate species apart from God that we see in the myths and legends of the world. . . . Jesus said the gates of hell are going to open. . . . When God created us, he created us with his miraculous genius, and the devil hates the image of man more than anything.  I’ll tell you why, human beings can be redeemed.”

In closing, Quayle says, “We are at this point in history where the cover up and cover over people are keeping the ‘aliens made us narrative’ under wraps until the day comes where they hoist this on the world and say forget this Christian and God stuff.  This is who created us . . .and that’s a lie.”

There is much more in the 55-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he talks to radio host, filmmaker and top selling author Steve Quayle as he talks about his upcoming conference “The Egyptian & Alien Connections in the Americas” for 10/22/22.

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After the Interview:

There is free information on

To see the free “The Egyptian & Alien Connections in the Americas” trailer, click here.

To sign up for the late November conference called “The Egyptian & Alien Connections in the Americas,” click here.  It will include a 4-hour documentary on the artifact digs in Mexico and Central America.

To find out more about the “ISatPhone2” satellite phone or the Bivy Stick from Satellite Phone Store, click here.

Neil Oliver reacts to how the UK Government is dealing with soaring energy costs

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Defending Family Values - Theocracy in Russia?


Defending Family Values - Theocracy in Russia?

We Templars believe that the experimental and artificial (thanks to masonic revolutions) division between Church and State has FAILED. Bible-true Christianity needs a MUCH stronger role in the government of the new communities and revived nations which will emerge from the coming collapse of liberalism and industrial society. So it is interesting to see just how much the Orthodox church is now influencing the governance of Russia.

Few in the West realize that the official Russian Orthodox Church has a significant administrative and policy-making bureaucracy which resembles a kind of ecclesiastical mini shadow government. The only thing resembling it in the West is the bureaucracy at the Vatican. There are departments (committees) for foreign affairs, book publishing, seminaries, charity, family, children's welfare, anti-abortion, media relations, culture, monasteries, youth, manufacturing of church supplies, and several more. The chairmen of these committees are appointed by the Patriarch and sometimes become quite prominent, often interacting at a high level with their corresponding government equivalents.

This article is a presentation given at a recent conference by the chairman of the committee for family, maternity, and childhood, which encompasses in it pro-life activism and lobbying of the government. This committee is on the more influential ones in the public eye, and his headed by a relatively young priest. It gives an interesting insight into how Russian policy makers think about upholding traditional family values.

This article is machine-translated so there may be some inaccuracies.

Truly, the family has become so vulnerable in today's world that concern for it belongs to the issues of national security.

Who will protect Russia, if the mortality curve is steadily moving upward, there is a mass aging of the population, and an entirely unjustified reliance on migration is being made? And most importantly, will there be anyone left to be protected by our state?

The Russian Orthodox Church has always paid special attention to supporting the family and moral values in our society. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill tirelessly reminds our statesmen of the critical importance of supporting the family for our future. And it is encouraging that the voice of the Church is heard today in the corridors of power and is seriously listened to when important documents and decisions are adopted.

The Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025 and the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, approved by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, state that the goals of state policy in the sphere of preservation of the Russian people and development of human potential are achieved, among other things, by solving the problem of increasing the birth rate and forming motivation for having many children. A strong, large and multi-generational family is the national ideal, which is how President Putin expressed it.

Speaking about priority measures, which, in the opinion of the Commission's experts, should be taken to support Russian families, I believe that in everything having to do with increasing families and fertility is of utmost importance. Today it is a matter of survival of our state and that is why every measure aimed at supporting family and stimulating birth rate must be made a priority.

So far, our stated goals have not been achieved.

Today, in order to make up for the demographic losses, each family should have three or more children. So far 70% of parents who have one child are not ready to have a second one because of low income. According to a VCIOM poll, 49% of respondents would have a child if the state would provide material support, 40% of our citizens consider it ideal to have two children, and only 28% - three.

The results of the survey of parents with many children residing in several provinces of the Russian Federation indicate that the existing measures of state support for large families  are insufficient. In order to create favorable conditions that stimulate the birth rate, in the opinion of parents it is necessary:

 - to increase the amount of monthly payments per child;

 - to increase the amount of compensation for the cost of utilities;

 - to subsidize 50% or more of the rent for housing;

 - to provide free ownership of housing to families with five or more children;

 - to reduce the interest on a mortgage loan for the purchase of housing and land.

If a family is unable to pay, its property is taken away and sold, and people are left without anything. The bank gets both the interest and the housing. Psychologically, this is a devastated, depressed family. And judging by the fact that the state created the Agency for restructuring housing mortgage debt, this problem has become a massive problem in Russia.

So, the maternity capital (a lump sum given to women for the birth of each child which must be spent on either housing or education), designed to stimulate child-bearing, in its current form, by contrast, has become a deterrent to the birth of the third child.

Meanwhile, only the transition of one- and two-child families to the status of large families will begin to seriously change the situation of reproduction and progressive growth of the population in our states. There is no other solution.

In order to implement this trend and overcome our demographic crisis it is necessary to urgently adopt legislation subsidizing large families and all families with children.

The legislation would be an investment in our country's most valuable asset and resource - our families and people!

Providing families with financial and psychological protection will help them overcome crises in family life, save them from destruction and give an opportunity of spiritual development to its members.

Thus, in the words of St. Theophan the Recluse, "Whoever lives in a family approaches salvation by good deeds done to their loved ones. The family is a little Church, (i.e. The father is the priest, the mother the deacon, who helps the priest, and the children are like the congregation), and it is strong, large families which form healthy citizens of both our earthly and heavenly Fatherland."

And this, in turn, is the surest guarantee of the national security of the country.


Saturday 22 October 2022

Frisking for Soup - Irreverend Faith and Current Affairs Episode 98

Join Church of England vicars Daniel French, Thomas Pelham and Jamie Franklin as we discuss the big question of the day. Should the governments of the West not be trying to prevent nuclear war? As the Prime Minister fires her closest ally and hires a CCP-inspired man with a mad stare, what are to we make of the absolute mess that the government has got itself into? In Twits on Twitter, we analyse a video of two young thinkers whose creative use of tomato soup has caused one heck of a stir. And in Question the Rev, we touch on everything from the Rapture to Cathedrals for entry. All that and much much more in this week's episode of Irreverend: Faith and Current Affairs! To support the show - Please see: and Find these details and more at Links: Sherelle Jacobs: Diehard Proponents of Project Fear are Failing to Grasp the Real Crisis - Notices: Find links to our episodes, social media accounts and ways to support us at! Thursday Circles: Jamie's Good Things Substack: Irreverend Sermon Audio: https://irreverendsermonaudio.buzzspr...

More Truths From Kanye West


More Truths From Kanye West

Pro-life rapper Kanye West, is doubling down on the non-PC comments which have placed him in the firing line of some very powerful enemies. He has now called Planned Parenthood a “Holocaust museum” in a turbulent interview that aired Saturday.

The prominent celebrity, who has often pointed out that a disproportionate number of black babies are killed through abortion in the United States, made the remarks during an interview with Revolt TV’s Drink Champs hosted by N.O.R.E. and DJ EFN and released last weekend.

During the interview, West said he told Los Angeles Apparel founder Dov Charney: “I want you to visit Planned Parenthood. That’s our Holocaust museum.”

West has frequently spoken out against Planned Parenthood and accused the abortion giant of “black genocide,” kindling the ire of pro-abortion advocates in the media.

Earlier this month in an interview with Tucker Carlson, West decried the fact that more black babies are aborted than born in New York City, and that black women and their babies are disproportionately represented in U.S. abortion rates.

The celebrity has also drawn attention to the anti-black eugenicist sentiments of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, who admitted she wanted to “exterminate” the black population through abortion and birth control.

West’s Drink Champs interview didn’t exclusively focus on abortion, however.

The conversation covered a range of other controversial topics, including the death of George Floyd and West’s recent appearance with Daily Wire podcast host Candace Owens at a fashion show where the two wore “White Lives Matter” shirts. This piece of genuine anti-racism has provoked howls of protests from BLM Marxists and various anti-white racist bodies including the so-called Anti Defamation League.

According to the rapper, Dov Charney had pushed back against him over his call for justice for the white victims of racism, suggesting that the rapper should visit the Holocaust Museum. In response, West told Charney he should visit Planned Parenthood, “our Holocaust museum.”

West has also faced heavy criticism from the 'anti-semitism' industry for his critical comments about “Jewish media,” “Zionists,” and “Jewish business secrets,” accusing Jewish executives in the entertainment industry of undercutting his career and promoting immoral lifestyles.

Weeks Away from Whole Economic Shithouse Coming Down


By Greg Hunter’s

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter said in June it was “game over, they’re pulling the plug.”  The Fed went on an aggressive interest rate raising policy and is still raising rates.  Now, the economy is staggering.   Holter explains, “For sure, we are already in a recession.  We are now in the third quarter of negative growth.  I think it is laughable that people  put odds on whether or not we are going to go into a recession because it is obvious–we are already in a recession.  Rates rising have absolutely frozen the real estate market.  If you own a property, who is going to buy it?  Rates have gone from 3.25% to more than 7%.  I am on the record that once we saw a 3% yield on the 10-Year Treasury, you would start to see a tightness in credit.  Now, we are over 4%.  What few people are talking about is what has this already done to the derivatives market? . . . Think about how big the derivatives market is.  Total credit worldwide is $350 trillion, but you have derivatives pushing $2 quadrillion.  I have said this all along, derivatives will blow up.  Warren Buffett has called them financial weapons of mass destruction.  They are far bigger than central banks can fix.”

Holter goes on to say, “The real economy runs on credit.  Everything you look at, everything you touch and everything you do every day has many uses of credit to get to the final product or situation.  So, once credit freezes up, it’s completely game over.  In a past interview, I said they are pulling the plug.  They have to pull the plug because, mathematically, the debt cannot be paid.  The derivatives cannot perform.  So, they have to pull the plug.  They also have to do one other thing, and that is they have to kick the table over.  What will the false flag event be?  I have no idea. . . . They have to kick the table over so they can say our policies were working, but whatever this event will be stopped them.”

Holter thinks the odds of having the midterm election is “less than even.”  The Democrats are so far behind because of their disastrous economy.

Holter says, “If you think the inflation over the last two years is bad, just wait.  Along with that, you are going to have a huge wave that will last many years, but the initial destruction will probably happen in a three-day period of time. . . .You are going to see massive deflation, deflation of asset prices. . . . It will be inflation of the things you need and deflation of the things you have.”

Holter says, “From a math standpoint, the situation is so bad, liquidity is so tight . . . the whole shithouse is about to come down, and when it does, you will count your wealth in ounces and not dollars, yen or euros. . . . When all is said and done, it’s about how many ounces do you own.”

In closing, Holter warns, “The action you are seeing now is exactly what you saw in 1987, and this is what you saw in August and September of 1929.  This is what happens prior to crashes.  It’s massive volatility both ways . . . people are losing both ways.  The longs get stopped out on the downside, and the shorts get stopped out on the upside.  Then, the whole floor gives way, and that’s where we are.  We are right on the doorstep of a crash that will make 1987 and 1929 blush. . . . Many people are going to lose everything overnight.”

There is a lot more in the 39-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter for 10.18.22.

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After the Interview:

We will let you know if or when Bill Holter starts his own website.  If he does, it will probably be as he already owns this URL.  Let’s hope he does because we need him in the game.

Friday 21 October 2022

Stop Killing Christians


 Last year on November 15th, 2021 the Biden approved the removal of Nigeria from the Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) list. The CPC list was established under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 and Frank R Wolf International Religious Freedom Act of 2016. The criteria for the CPC list includes (1) Torture, (2) Prolonged detention without charge, (3) Forced disappearance, or (4) Flagrant denial of life, liberty, or security of purpose. Nigeria meets ALL of these criteria for their brutal treatment of Christians.

Nigeria is the most dangerous country in the world to be a Christian. Last year 4,650 Christians were martyred by Islamic terrorist groups and over 3,000 were kidnapped. 13,000 churches have been forced to close or have been destroyed and burned to the ground. Radical Muslim clerics have called for the immediately killing of any Christians who blasphemes, without exception, even if that person repents, stating that they should “kill now” and let “Allah sort it out.”

Christians that are kidnapped are often beaten, raped, sold as slaves and girls, typically young teenagers, have been forced to marry older Islamic men. Christians are often arrested on false charges of blasphemy while the Muslim persecutors of Christians are almost never charged.

No explanation was ever given as to why Nigeria was removed from the CPC by the Biden administration even though many have demanded to know why. All of this information was shocking to me. We must speak boldly and loudly about this atrocity and demand that Nigeria be placed back on the CPC list. Together we can and will make a difference in the lives of Christians who are being murdered for their faith.

When our friends at Revelation Media approached me about partnering up to create awareness of this issue and to help put pressure on the Biden administration to put Nigeria back on the CPC list it was a no-brainer for me. Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world and our brothers and sisters in Nigeria are literally being martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ. They need us to take a stand. We cannot, like President Biden, turn a blind eye to these atrocities. We must do everything we can to stop the killing.

We are calling this campaign “Stop Killing Christians.”

We have two goals. First, we are aiming to collect 100,000+ signatures to petition the Biden administration to place Nigeria back on the CPC list. Next, we are looking to secure 1,000 donations of any amount to help support the legal fight and to create awareness of what is happening.

Please prayerfully consider adding your name to the petition and making a generous donation to help this important campaign. We want to send a loud message to Washington and the Biden administration in particular that we will not sit by and ignore what is happening to Christians in Nigeria.

Andrew Torba
Jesus Christ is King of kings

Click Here To Learn More And Add Your Name To The Petition

Neil Oliver - '...something bad’s coming & it might be coming for you’

when the sovereignty & the sanctity of any individual is sacrificed there is something wrong’ To see this episode & more sign up to 'Neil Oliver' on New Videos Every Week Audio Podcasts, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Available on all the usual providers Check out the Series Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter #neiloliver #greatergood #inca #covid #sacrifice #freedom #neiloliverGBNews #culture #travel #explore #history