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Thursday 23 March 2023

Stop the Economic Collapse!

There is a solution to the potential financial collapse. In 1914 the Bradbury Pound saved
the British Economy from collapse. Rather than Central Bank Digital Currency and communist
state control, a debt-free alternative is already available. I talk to Justin Walker to discuss this important issue. Link to document: ------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE SUPPORT THE CHANNEL My videos are funded by people like you. If you enjoy them, please help me make more: Visit to become a patron. You can support me by making a one off donation My Website:

Wednesday 22 March 2023


…Megan and Harry, Toxic masculinity, failing banks, Iraq war, climate crisis all fuelled by fear!’ To help support this channel & get extra, exclusive content every week sign up to the ‘Neil Oliver’ Patreon site, Audio Podcasts, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The World &, Neil Oliver's Love Letter To The British Isles Available on all the usual providers Check out the Instagram account: Neil Oliver Love Letter

Tuesday 21 March 2023

The USA Regime’s War To Make Memes Illegal

 Written by Pastor Andrew Isker

Click here to listen to the author read this post

The Regime is currently trying to put a man behind bars for ten years for making memes. The most important First Amendment case of our lifetimes is taking place, and many have no idea it is even happening. 

United States v. Douglass Mackey began this week and is a major part of the Left’s war on free speech in America. Two days after Joe Biden took the oath of office, the Department of Justice charged Douglass Mackey with election interference for posting memes in 2016. Mackey is alleged to be the popular Twitter poster Ricky Vaughn, who shared memes instructing Hillary Clinton supporters to text in their vote rather than wait in line at their polling place.

It is easy to forget, after the Regime struck back in 2020 with totalitarian pandemic measures, color revolution riots, and a highly dubious election, that posters like Ricky Vaughn played a major role in the unexpected defeat of the Regime’s chosen candidate. We forget that in 2016, the big social media companies (which all are dutiful parts of the Regime apparatus) had not yet devised methods to restrict, censor, and deboost speech critical of the Regime. And it was not as though they were unable, as the waves of bannings and algorithmic deboosting of those on the online right began in earnest after 2016. The Regime simply underestimated the power of decentralized information and unrestricted social media. Men like Ricky made them look absolutely ridiculous. And this is why when they finally regained the reins of formal power, the very first thing they did was prosecute the man they allege is Ricky Vaughn.

Make no mistake, Mackey’s case is as crucial to whether the First Amendment still exists in America as Kyle Rittenhouse’s case was to the Second Amendment. Vaughn’s memes were the internet posting version of the old joke, “Republicans vote on Tuesday, Democrats vote on Wednesday.” No one mentally competent to vote would recognize either that joke or his meme as anything other than satire. If they can threaten a man with a decade in prison over obvious jokes, what else can they call election interference? Posting online about Hunter Biden’s “illegally obtained” laptop? Posting John Podesta’s “illegally obtained” emails and concluding that the bizarre code therein refers to pedophilia? In the last two elections, the Regime has insisted both of those things are Russian election interference. Would the DOJ pursue similar charges as Mackey faces—or worse—against anyone who amplified them on social media?

It is clear they want to set a legal precedent that will open the door to all manner of restrictions upon speech. They want to be allowed to wield broader powers to crush any and all dissent. The internet has decentralized the flow of information far too much. Even though they have been able to control the largest technology and social media companies, like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter, and use supposedly “private companies” to do their bidding, alternatives that courageously protect free speech at great costs, like Gab and others, have sprung up. The Regime has tried as hard as it can from every attack vector it can think of to shut Gab down, but so far, they have failed. Any source of information they cannot control, they want to destroy.

They won’t stop trying to kill the medium, but in the meantime, they will kill the messenger. That is the point of the persecution of Douglass Mackey, even if justice is done and the judge throws this spurious case out (as he should) or if the jury finds him not guilty (as they should), the injustice of even being brought up on such charges and having the great expense of defending himself from the U.S. Justice Department’s unlimited resources while living for over two years having a decade behind bars hanging over his head already is a great injustice. Like the aforementioned Rittenhouse, just the fact of being charged and the government not being laughed out of court demonstrates just how much we are under lawless despotism. Just as the point of the Rittenhouse trial was to make you think twice about shooting people who are trying to kill you, the point of the Ricky Vaughn Trial is to make you think twice before you share that meme. Will they jail me over this? 

To that end, events like these give us insight into how things truly are. You can believe you live in the land of the free all you want until the government starts throwing men into the gulag over memes. The first thing the Ricky Vaughn Trial reveals is:

1. We live under anarchotyranny.

Anarchotyranny is when the state refuses to wield its power to protect its citizens (allowing societal anarchy) while readily using its power to crush both the innocent and those guilty of petty offenses (tyranny). The very same Department of Justice that refused to investigate widespread malfeasance in the 2020 election, the willful injection of millions of unsolicited and unverifiable ballots is a monumental and egregious interference in the voting rights of tens of millions of Americans.

It is the same DOJ that openly lied about the now-President’s dealing with Ukraine and lied about the damning evidence of his and his son’s crimes in the weeks prior to the election. These very same people are now prosecuting a man over memes, saying this might have impeded some people from voting, even though they have no evidence of anyone not voting because they saw Ricky Vaughn’s meme. Further still, there are tweets from Clinton supporters doing the exact same thing (pictured on right). Don’t hold your breath for United States vs. Wong. 

Of course, the persecution of Ricky Vaughn is in a long string of obvious anarchotyrannical activity. Billions of dollars of property damage were done by organized, well-funded left-wing groups with prominent Democratic politicians, including the now-Vice President, promoting their bail funds, with very few arrests and no serious investigation of who organized or funded these groups, while people who spent a few minutes inside the U.S. Capitol, most of whom did no violence whatsoever to anyone, are spending years in prison for protesting a fraudulent election. Once again, during the Rittenhouse trial, we learned that during the Kenosha riots, the DOJ had aircraft overheard surveilling the scene, not to catch mobs of communist felons and pedophiles rampaging but to make anyone who might oppose them easier to prosecute. The anarchotyrants facilitate the victimization of normal people while coming down with an iron fist against any who even make them look silly—like Ricky Vaughn did.

2. They want to criminalize political speech.

The point of this prosecution is not ultimately about this man, Douglass Mackey, or his alleged internet persona, Ricky Vaughn. The point of this prosecution is to restrict any and all criticism of the regime. Just as Abraham Lincoln was about to shut down newspapers critical of his war and Woodrow Wilson was able to jail Americans who publicly criticized American involvement in World War One, so too does the Regime. A Regime, mind you, that has already perpetrated tyranny worse than all others in American history combined, now seeks to criminalize public criticism.

Their pursuit of this legal strategy revolves around the concept of “stochastic terrorism,” which is now a very fashionable idea among libs. It essentially means that certain kinds of speech, when uttered, spiritually infect the world so as to eventually produce violence and, therefore, must be banned. For example, if you say, “transwomen are just men who have cut off their penis and testes,” just uttering those words will result in violence against transsexuals (the majority of which is done to themselves, as 41% of transsexuals attempt suicide). Stochastic terrorism means that it is deemed “racist speech” that incites violence against black people. Under the Left’s theory of stochastic terrorism, Donald Trump contesting the 2020 election results incited guys in Buffalo horns to be let into the U.S. Capitol by the police, resulting in an unharmed policeman dying of a stroke the next day. “Stochastic terror” is how the Charlottesville organizers were able to be sued for the damage that Antifa goons did to the city. Their speech incited so much anger in the filthy communists they could not be held responsible for their actions. “Stochastic terrorism” is like saying someone yelled “fire” in the crowded screening of The Dark Knight Rises right before James Holmes killed a dozen people; therefore, he’s not guilty.

It might sound spurious to us or any other sane person, but these are the legal wrangling and perversions that the top legal minds come up with in order to justify whatever they want. Never forget, for 50 years, they were able to conjure up a constitutional right to murder one’s child by positing the “umbra” of this Constitutional amendment and “penumbra” of this other one. Power will always find a post hoc legal justification for what they have always wanted to do. So it is with the Mackey case. They cannot be allowed to get away with it without a fight.

3. Internet posting is a far more effective political act than you realize.

If I had a nickel for every time someone has said to me, “Why do you waste your time arguing on the internet? No one ever changes their mind,” I would be able to enjoy a pre-January 2021 standard of living. The fact is, the internet has changed many things. They do not enjoy total control of information like they did throughout the majority of the 20th Century. There are not 3 TV networks with Walter Cronkite alone building out the entire country’s perception of reality. Any dissenting opinion from the mainstream was entirely gatekept from the public. If you wanted to disseminate your ideas, you would have to stand on street corners handing out pamphlets or set up an elaborate and expensive mailing list operation. The internet completely changed all of that.

In the early 2000s, the early adopters of the internet, largely tech nerds, began to have access to forbidden knowledge in obscure internet forums. As more and more of the mainstream public began to adopt internet usage, especially with the rise of social media by the early 2010s, wide swaths of people began to be exposed to ideas and counter-narratives they absolutely never would have otherwise. Despite a lifetime of being catechized with the religious slogan “diversity is our strength” and being told that skepticism of immigration was evil and racist, an open internet with unrestricted social media was able to show that, no, you aren’t the only one with concerns about mass migration of third-world peoples, and here’s this TV man running for president on this very issue!

Social media, and people publicly presenting their opinions for their friends, their neighbors, and the entire world to see was powerful in countering the official narrative. It very much was not a pointless waste of time. Being able to publicly state ideas and arguments that counter the official narrative is dangerous to a Regime built on lies. That is why they a prosecuting Douglass Mackey. Not because he himself is alone a major threat to the Regime. But because all of you collectively are. One man saying the emperor has no clothes can be dismissed as a madman. But even a small faction shouting about the emperor’s nakedness can topple an empire. They want you to be afraid. They want you to fear what he has already suffered and might suffer if he should lose this case. They want you to think, “if I post this funny meme, the FBI might knock on my door.” They would not do that if posting that funny meme was not highly effective. Protecting free speech is absolutely crucial. Douglass Mackey must win.

How you can help:

Above all else, pray. Pray that this case will be dismissed. Pray that the judge would see that the horrid communist insects at the SPLC intimidated a defense witness, and the whole sham would end. Pray that the government lawyers would be embarrassed by this ridiculous spectacle. Pray that Doug Mackey would remain a free man.

And please visit his website: in order to support his cause financially and stay updated on his case.

Western civilisation is crumbling before our very eyes: Neil Oliver

every day.’ Archaeologist and author Neil Oliver joins Alexandra Marshall. Watch ‘Alexandra Marshall’ 8am Saturdays on ADH TV:

Sunday 19 March 2023

An allegation-packed summary of The Case Against Hancock et al by Michael O'Bernicia [recorded 'live' in the Court of Public Record].


An allegation-packed summary of The Case Against Hancock et al by Michael O'Bernicia
[recorded 'live' in the Court of Public Record]. All Rights Reserved under the protection of the Treaty of Universal Community Trust. Subscribe to The Bernician's blog: If you do subscribe to the mailing list, make sure that you confirm your subscription
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Saturday 18 March 2023

Banks, Inflation, Bailout, War & Collapse


By Greg Hunter’s 

This Weekly News Wrap-Up is featuring a double header of expert guests.  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR), former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, and Bill Holter, who is a financial writer and precious metals expert.  First up:  PCR weighs in on possible nuclear war with Russia and the possibility of a total collapse of the financial system.  PCR, who is also an award-winning journalist, says, “Five banks have derivative exposure of $188 trillion.  That is twice the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the entire world.  How can that happen?  Where were the regulators that let this type of situation develop?  It’s mindless, and no one can know what the consequences are.  How are you going to examine these derivatives? . . . . This is just as dangerous, in its own way, as the fact that Putin allows this Ukraine war to drag on and on and on.  It’s mindless.  Both bets are mindless, and in the mindlessness is the danger.  In the Ukrainian danger, it could end in nuclear war, and the financial danger is the entire western world financial system could collapse. . . . Nobody is watching anything.  It’s just one stupidity after another.”

Bill Holter also has dire warnings about the ongoing banking crisis.  They want the public to think all is under control, but that is not the truth.  The idea of control and calm is coming at a very high price.  Holter explains, “The U.S. has on-book debt of $31 trillion . . . it has to borrow $1 trillion a year to keep the doors open. . . . That tells you we have already stepped through the door of banana republic land. . . . Now, they are going to take on a $17 trillion obligation to cover the entire banking system (meaning all U.S. bank deposits).  That is ridiculous.  This is like one drunk trying to hold up another drunk.  They have now put the balance sheet of the U.S. Treasury in the crosshairs . . . of speculators, which will destroy the Treasury’s balance sheet.

This is an ongoing collapse, and I think they believe they still have control. . . .This is like a giant 1993 when George Soros broke the Bank of England.  That’s where this is headed.  It also ends up with the dollar no longer being the world reserve currency.”

There is much more in the 1-hour newscast.

Join Greg Hunter of as he interviews two heavy weights.  You are getting analysis from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Bill Holter in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 3.17.23.

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Friday 17 March 2023

Of Nazis and Narnians - Irreverend Episode 117

Controversy this week as terrorist watchdog puts CS Lewis children's classic on its far right white nationalist blacklist. Also on the blacklist is Suella Braverman, whom popular BBC sports presenter and covert socialist Gary Lineker compared to the Nazis. North of the border, the ostensibly Muslim candidate for leadership in the SNP Humza Yousaf wants to make it legal to terminate babies up until the point of birth. Church of England reverends Tom and Jamie discuss all these stories, give you a brief update on what life as a young vicar is like, do some quickfire Question the Revs and much more. All in this week's episode of Irreverend: Faith and Current Affairs! To join Jamie's Substack and support his writing efforts: Support us on Patreon ( or Buy Me a Coffee ( For your merchandise needs: Links: Prevent Watchdog Blacklist: and Gary owns the inept BBC: SNP Leadership - Humza Yusuf, up to birth sex-selective abortion: Notices: Find links to our episodes, social media accounts and ways to support us at! Thursday Circles: Jamie's Good Things Substack: Irreverend Sermon Audio: https://irreverendsermonaudio.buzzspr...

Thursday 16 March 2023

The Christian Nationalist Counter-Offensive Has Begun

 The Christian Nationalist Counter-Offensive Has Begun

By: Pastor Andrew Isker

You can listen to this post read by the author by clicking here.

The Left is continuing to lose its mind when it comes to Christian Nationalism. American Christians, of which there are tens of millions, continue to grow stronger in their opposition to Leftism and Globalism. Despite the pessimism from many regarding the 2022 election, in many places, self-consciously right-wing and Christian leaders have gone on the offensive. The Left thought it won big, staving off a red wave, but in reality, it has summoned bold leadership from those who finally know the time of day.

As the Leftist cultural offensive reaches new levels of depravity, many states have passed laws aimed at protecting children. Iowa and Mississippi have passed laws to prevent children from being mutilated, either by surgery or hormonal disruption. Tennessee has made drag queens performing before children a crime. Florida has begun dismantling anti-white race hatred in their university and public school systems. The success of recreational marijuana referendums throughout the country was just recently halted by Oklahoma voters. Texas has proposed bills to reward married parents of several children with property tax rebates and even exemptions. The same courageous legislator who sponsored that bill also presented legislation for Texas to pursue secession. And many states have solidified their pro-life abortion laws in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned, and some have even banned prenatal infanticide entirely. 

Detractors on the right might point out that there have been culture war movements on the right that had some success in the 1990s and early 2000s. For example, until Minnesota in 2012, just before Obergefell was imposed on the nation, every state that put forward a referendum to ban homosexual unions passed them, some by very wide margins, and one was passed even in ultra-liberal California in 2008. Those skeptical of a re-energized culture war point out that despite all these states passing gay marriage bans, a single leftist Supreme Court wiped all those wins away. And since then, political and economic power has uniformly enforced this cultural revolution. Every institution in all of public life has been captured by them. What is to stop them from crushing these uppity red states as they did in 2015?

The answer? Cultural warfare that is adapted to the “negative world.” If you are old enough to remember the gay marriage debates of the late 90s/early 00s, you will recall that they were marked by extremely vague appeals to “decency” and “family values.” The reason why was obviously because the entire debate was within the bounds of post-civil rights, liberal democracy. You simply were not allowed to make appeals to thousands of years of Christian tradition, the natural order, or objective reality. If your appeal to “family values” flew too close to the sun of the Christian religion, the secular, liberal, democratic order would instantly melt your wax wings. Accordingly, every punch was pulled by culture warriors. “We cannot appeal to what God said, that, uh, violates separation of church and state or something.” Rather than thundering, “thus saith the Lord!” the first-generation culture warrior sheepishly squeaked out boilerplate about vague moral values.

The new generation of culture warrior is not like this. The previous generation was mortified to even be called a “culture warrior.” To them it was an insult. To the next generation, it is a badge of honor. They are proud to be fighting demon spawn who murder and mutilate and sexualize children. What could be a greater honor? And that is just it, unlike the previous generation, the new culture warriors actually fight. The first iteration of culture warriors were happy just to get milquetoast GOP automatons like the Bushes or Romneys to blithely repeat boilerplate “values” and counted it as a great victory if these men who could not care less about the yearly million murdered babies to say they were “pro-life.”

The GOP of the 90s and 00s was far more concerned with making sure the big line went up for the largest corporations and their biggest donors (especially by keeping wages down) than they were about the Middle American families of those they consider lumpenproles. There was no desire to ever follow through with promises.

2015-16 changed all of that. On the one hand, you had Negative World formally ushered in with the Obergefell ruling, which made a new approach an absolute necessity. On the other, you had a force of nature take over the GOP that, for the first time in decades, was clearly responsive to the desires of the GOP voter over and against the desires of the GOP donor. Though the man himself could not be further from a culture warrior or devout Christian, Donald Trump opened the door for the cultural warfare 2.0 we see today. No longer would GOP votes be as easily sated with boilerplate family values talking points and literally nothing more.

Now, GOP politicians, no matter how greasy and duplicitous, had to give the people what they wanted. You could see this transition take place in real time over the last few years. In 2021, the Arkansas legislature, already adapted to Negative World and Culture War 2.0, passed a bill similar to the stack of Christian Nationalist wins above. This bill would ban doctors from mutilating the breasts and genitals of minors in their state. Sleazebag then-Governor Asa Hutchinson (R-Walmart) vetoed this bill and had the temerity to go on Tucker Carlson’s show to give his rationale — that it wasn’t “Reaganite” and “limited government” to get between the decisions of doctors and parents and children.

The Arkansas Legislature, thanks be to God, overrode the veto of this snake. Hutchinson was playing the same game that GOP pols have for decades. Their attitude has always been, “We cannot do anything about that because of ‘limited government’ and the ‘free market.’” “If I just throw those meaningless buzzwords or name-drop Reagan and William F. Buckley, surely these toothless rubes will call off the dogs, while I do the bidding of Walmart and Tyson Foods.” That might have worked in 1996, but it doesn’t work anymore.

Men like Asa Hutchinson, who apparently is going to be running for President to remind everyone that fake presidential candidacies doomed to fail are a perfectly legal money-laundering scheme, are no longer tolerated on the right. This is, of course, very long overdue, but one must start somewhere. Yes, it would have been better if this dynamic had taken place 30 years ago and Pat Buchanan dominated the GOP as his successor Donald Trump has. But beggars cannot be choosers, and the Lord has finally blessed us with at least a few leaders willing to fight.

And that is the most important takeaway from the Christian Nationalist counter-offensive taking place. We are no longer satisfied with the supposed rightist party setting up tiny speedbumps to retard the leftwing cultural onslaught. We want to take back ground. And the rise of what the Regime’s corporate media labels “Christian Nationalism” is simply those people who have begun to see the lies of globalism, secularism, and liberal democracy. We have all been born into a thoroughly leftist world of individualism, egalitarianism, feminism, sexual anarchy, etc., and many of us only recently have discovered that not only is there another way to live, but that other way is also the way God intended human beings to live.

He wants us to have families, to raise children in security and safety, and to have a heritage we receive from our ancestors and one we will leave to our descendants. And this realization has caused many to reject the untouchable sacred cows of our society. What good is democracy if the people who rule over us just cheat if we vote for what they don’t want? What good is some ethereal principle like “limited government” when there are people who can and will take your sons away and castrate them? The hour is later than you think. Many are becoming desperate for power to finally be exercised against our enemies. And God is finally giving us men who would wield the sword. May their tribe increase.


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Monday 13 March 2023

THOUSANDS Will Be JAILED For This - John MacArthur on Thought Crime

This Is SCARY: UK Just Did What No Country Has EVER Done. This New DEVELOPMENT Should CONCERN Every Christian. Every Christian Should Be ALARMED By This. The UK government banned silent prayer in a public space. Reactions from John MacArthur. Help us spread the biblical TRUTH * Cornerstone Payment Systems (a reputable Christian Company)- * Buy us a coffee - CashApp - $VisionunSEALED - Venmo - @VisionunSEALED Resources: 1. STUDY the ENTIRE Bible in 1 YEAR. 👉 2. John MacArthur - The Second Coming: Signs of Christ's Return and the End of the Age: 3. John MacArthur - Because the Time is Near: John MacArthur Explains the Book of Revelation: 4. Voddie Baucham - Fault Lines: Others: 1. Wall Decor - With God all things are possible: 2. Wall Decor - As for me and house we will serve the Lord: 3. Jerusalem Gift Shop - Videos Referenced Help us spread end time message: SUBSCRIBE HERE -    / @visionunsealed   LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE. Other videos: * See Ecumenism playlist -    • Ecumenism   * See Creationism vs evolution playlist -    • Creationism   * Watch CATHOLICISM PLAYLIST VIDOES here -    • Catholicism   * Don't Believe This LIE | John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Doug Batchelor, Robert Barron, Pope Francis    • Don't Believe Thi...   * SATAN Loves CATHOLICISM for This | John MacArthur, Doug Batchelor, Timothy Dolan, Pope Francis -    • SATAN Loves CATHO...   Follow us on social media: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Twitter: Some of the links we shared here may contain affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of our affiliate links, we will receive a commission AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU. Your support helps us further the gospel of Jesus Christ. We appreciate your support. #Deception #EndTimes #VisionunSEALED